


fifcated un

thereof, until legal procefs fhall have been had against the prohibited merchandizes, and fentence shall have paffed declaring them liable to confifcation, faving neverthelefs as well the fhips themfelves, as the other merchandizes which fhall have been found therein, ' which by virtue of this prefent treaty are to be efteemed free, and which are not to be detained on pretence of their having been loaded with prohibited merchandize, and much lefs confifcated as lawful prize. And in cafe the contraband merchandize be only a part of the cargo, and the mafter of the veffel agrees, confents and offers to deliver them to the veffel that has difcovered them, in that cafe the latter, after receiving the merchandizes which are good prize, fhall immediately let the veffel go, and fhall not by any means hinder her from pursuing her voyage to the place of her destination. When a veffel is taken and brought into any of the ports of the contracting.parties, if upon examination fhe be found to be loaded only with merchandizes declared to be free, the owner or he who has made the prize, fhall be bound to pay all cofts and damages to the mafter of the veffel unjustly detained.


It is likewife agreed that whatever fhall be found in an found to be laden by the fubjects of either of hip liable the two contracting parties, on a fhip belongto be con- ing to the enemies of the other party, the lefs put on whole effects, although not of the number of board be thofe declared contraband, fhall be confifcated as if they belonged to the enemy, excepting nevertheless fuch goods and merchandizes as months af were put on board before the declaration of war, and even fix months after the declara

fore declaration of

war, or within fix


éner la cargaifon ou quelque partie d'icelle, avant qu'on aura procédé légalement au fujet des marchandifes prohibées et qu'elles auront été declarées confifcables par fentence; à la referve néanmoins, tant des navires même que des autres marchandifes qui y auront été trouvées et qui en vertu du préfent traité doivent être cenfées libres; lesquelles ne peuvent être, retenues fous prétexte qu'elles ont été chargées avec des marchandises défendues, et encore moins être confifquées comme une prise légitime. Et fuppofé que les dites marchandifes de contrabande, ne faifant qu'une partie de la charge, le patron du navire agréât, confentît et offrît de les livrer au vaiffeau qui les aura découvertes; en ce cas, celui-cy, aprés avoir reçu les marchandifes, de bonne prife, fera tenu de laiffer aller auffitôt le bâtiment, et ne l'empêchera en aucune manière de pourfuivre fa route vers le lieu de fa deftination. Tout navire pris et amené dans un des ports des parties contractantes, fous prétexte de contrebande, qui fe trouve par la vifite faite n'être chargé que de marchandifes declarées libres, l'armateur ou celui qui aura fait la prise, fera tenu de payer tous les frais et dommages au patrón du navire retenu injuftement.


On eft également convenu que tout ce qui fe trouvera chargé par les fujets d'une des deux parties dans un vaiffeau appartenant aux ennemis de l'autre partie, fera confifqué en entier, quoique ces effets ne foient pas au nombre de ceux déclarés de conetrbande, comme fi ces effets appartenoient à l'ennemi même ; à l'exception néanmoins des effets et marchandifes qui auront été chargées fur des vaiffeaux ennemis avant la déclaration de guerre, et VOL. II. L 2


Veffels of war & pri


injury toei

on, after which term none fhall be prefumed to be ignorant of it, which merchandizes fhall not in any manner be subject to confiscation, but fhall be faithfully and fpecifically delivered to the owners, who fhall claim or cause them to be claimed before confifcation and fale, as alfo their proceeds, if the claim be made thin eight months, and could not be made fooner after the fale, which is to be public: provided nevertheless, that if the said merchandizes be contraband, it fhall not be in any wife lawful to carry them afterwards to a port belonging to the enemy.


And that more effectual care may be taken for the fecurity of the two contracting parties, fhall do no that they fuffer no prejudice by the men of ther party, war of the other party or by privateers, all if they do, captains and commanders of fhips of his Swe nifhed and difh Majefty and of the United States, and make repa- all their fubjects, fhall be forbidden to do any

to be pu


Every per

fon fitting


fhall before

injury or damage to thofe of the other party, and if they act to the contrary, having been found guilty on examination by their proper judges, they fhall be bound to make fatisfaction for all damages and the intereft thereof, and to make them good under pain and obligation of their persons and goods.


For this caufe, every individual who is de f out a pri- firous of fitting out a privateer, fhall before he receives letters patent, or fpecial commif he receives fion, be obliged to give bond with fufficient commif- fureties, before a competent judge, for a fuffion, give ficient fum, to anfwer all damages and wrongs anfwer all which the owner of the privateer, his officers damages.

bond to

même fix mois après la déclaration, après lequel terme, l'on ne fera pas cenfé d'avoir. pû l'ignorer; les quelles marchandifes ne feront en aucune manière fujettes à confifcation, mais feront rendues en nature fidélement aux propriétaires qui les réclameront ou feront réclamer avant la confifcation et vente; comme auffi leur provenu, fi la réclamation ne pouvoit fe faire que dans l'intervalle de huit mois après la vente, laquelle doit être publique; bien entendu néanmoins, que fi les dites marchandifes font de contrebande, il ne fera nullement permis de les tranfporter enfuite à aucun port appartenant aux ennemis.


Et a fin de pourvoir plus efficacement à a fureté des deux parties contractantes, pour qu'il ne leur foit fait aucun préjudice par les vaiffeaux de guerre de l'autre partie ou par des armateurs particuliers, il fera fait défenfe à tous les capitaines et commandants de vaif, feaux de fa Majefté Suedoife et des Etats Unis, et tous leurs fujets, de faire aucun dommage ou infulte à ceux de l'autre partie; et au cas qu'ils y contreviennent, ayant été trouvés coupables, après l'examen fait par leurs propres juges, ils feront tenus de donner fatisfaction de tout dommage et interêt; et de les bonifier fous peine et obligation de leurs personnes et biens.


Pour cette caufe chaque particulier, voulant armer en courfe fera obligé, avant que de recevoir les patentes ou fes commiffions fpéciales, de donner par devant un juge compétent, caution de perfonnes folvables, chacun folidairement pour une fomme fuffisante, afin de repondre de tous les dommages et torts que


ed veffels

in certain

cafes to be


or others in his employ may commit during the cruise, contrary to the tenor of this treaty, and contrary to the edicts published by either party, whether by the King of Sweden or by the United States, in virtue of this fame treaty, and alfo under the penalty of having the faid letters patent and special commiffion

revoked and made void.


One of the contracting parties, being at war and the other remaining neuter, if it fhould happen that a merchant fhip of the neutral power be taken by the enemy of the other party, and be afterwards retaken by a ship of war or privateer of the power at war, also ships and merchandizes of what nature foever they may be, when recovered from a pirate or fea rover, fhall be brought into a port of one of the two powers, and fhall be committed to the cuftody of the officers of the faid port, that they may be restored entire to the true proprietor as foon as he fhall have produced full proof of the property. Merchants, masters and owners of ships, feamen, people of all forts, fhips and veffels, and in general, all merchanVeffels not dizes and effects of one of the allies or their to be de- fubjects, fhall not be fubject to any embargo, nor detained in any of the countries, territories, iflands, cities, towns, ports, rivers or domains whatever, of the other ally, on account of any military expedition, or any public or private purpose whatever, by feizure, by force, or by any fuch manner; much lefs fhall it be lawful for the fubjects of one of the parties to feize or take any thing by force, from the fubjects of the other party, without the confent of the owner. This however is not to be understood to comprehend feizures, deten


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