
dize, the citizens or fubjects of the other shall immediately enjoy the fame liberty.

Veffels not

ed to un


The merchants, commanders of veffels, or to be forc- other subjects or citizens of either party, fhall load mer- not, within the ports or jurifdiction of the chandize, other, be forced to unload any fort of mer


Goods to

be examin

unless in

cafe of fraud.

chandize into any other veffels, nor to receive them into their own, nor to wait for their being loaded longer than they please.


That the veffels of either party loading withed before in the ports or jurifdiction of the other, may loaded, and not be uselessly haraffed or detaind, it is agreed, not after, that all examinations of goods required by the laws, shall be made before they are laden on board the vessel, and that there fhall be no examination after; nor shall the veffel be searched at any time, unlefs articles fhall have been laden therein clandeftinely and illegally, in which cafe the perfon by whofe order they were carried on board, or who carried them without order, fhall be liable to the laws of the land in which he is; but no other person shall be molefted, nor fhall any other goods, nor the veffel be feized or detained for that cause.

Each party


Each party fhall endeavour, by all the means to protect in their power, to protect and defend all vefand effects fels and other effects belonging to the citizens or fubjects of the other, which fhall be within

the veffels

of the

parties contractantes permet à quelqu'autre nation d'importer ou d'exporter ces mêmes marchandises, les citoyens ou fujets de l'autre partie contractante jouïront tout auffitôt d'une liberté pareille.


Les marchands, commandans de vaiffeaux, et autres fujets ou citoyens de chacune des deux nations, ne feront pas forcés dans les ports ou dans la jurifdiction de l'autre, de décharger aucune forte de marchandifes dans d' autres vaiffeaux, ni de les recevoir à bord de leurs propres navires, ni d'attendre leur chargement plus long-temps qu'il ne leur plaira.


Pour eviter que les vaiffeaux de l'une des deux parties contractantes ne foyent point inutilement moleftés ou detenus dans les ports ou fous la jurifdiction de l'autre, il a été convenu que la vifite des marchandises, ordonnée par les loix, fe fera avant qu'elles ne foyent chargées fur le navire, et qu'enfuite elles ne feront plus affujetties à aucune visite. Et en général il ne fe fera point de recherche à bord du vaiffeau, à moins qu'on n'y ait chargé clandeftinement et illégalement des marchandises prohibées. Dans ce cas, celui par l'ordre duquel elles ont été portées à bord, ou celui qui les y a portées fans ordre, fera foumis aux loix du pays où il fe trouve, fans que le refte de l'équipage foit molefté, ni les autres marchandifes, ou le vaiffeau, faifis ou detenus par cette raifon.


Chacune des deux parties contractantes tâchera, par tous les moyens qui feront en fon pouvoir, de protéger et de défendre tous les vaiffeaux et autres effets appartenans aux ci

other, in

their dominions.


the coaft,

or entering the ports

of either

nation, how


the extent of their jurisdiction, by fea or by land; and shall use all their efforts to recover, and cause to be restored to the right owners, their veffels and effects which fhall be taken from them within the extent of their faid jurifdiction.


The veffels of the fubjects or citizens of coming on either party, coming on any coaft belonging to the other, but not willing to enter into port, or being entered into port, and not willing to unload their cargoes or break bulk, fhall have to be treat- liberty to depart and to purfue their voyage, without moleftation, and without being obliged to render account of their cargo, or to pay any duties, charges or fees whatfoever, except those established for veffels entered into port, and appropriated to the maintenance of the port itself, or of other establishments for the fafety and convenience of navigators, which duties, charges and fees fhall be the fame, and fhall be paid on the fame footing as in the cafe of fubjects or citizens of the country where they are established.

In cafe of

relief fhall

ed, and

goods reitored.


When any veffel of either party shall be hipwrecks wrecked, foundered or otherwife damaged on be afford the coafts, or within the dominion of the other, their respective subjects or citizens fhall receive, as well for themselves as for their veffels and effects, the fame affiftance which would be due to the inhabitants of the country where the damage happens, and fhall pay the fame charges and dues only as the faid inhabitants would be fubject to pay in a like cafe and if the operations of repair fhall require that the whole or any part of their cargo be unladed,

toyens ou fujets de l'autre, et fe trouvant dans l'étendue de fa jurisdiction par mer ou par terre et elle employera tous fes efforts pour recouvrer et faire reftituer aux propriétaires légitimes les vaiffeaux et effets qui leur auront été enlevés dans l'étendue de fa dite jurifdiction. ARTICLE VIII.

Les vaiffeaux des fujets ou citoyens d'une des deux parties contractantes, arrivant fur une côte appartenante à l'autre, mais n'ayant pas deffein d'entrer au port, ou y étant entrés, ne defirant par de decharger leurs cargaifons, ou de rompre leur charge, auront la liberté de repartir et de pourfuivre leur route fans empêchement, et fans être obligés de rendre compte de leur cargaifon, ni de payer aucuns impots, charges et droits quelconques, excepté ceux établis fur les vaiffeaux une fois entrés dans le port, et deftinés à l'entretien du port même, ou à d'autres établissemens, qui ont pour but la fûreté et la commodité des navigateurs, lefquels droits, charges et impôts feront les mêmes et fe payeront fur le même pied qu'ils font acquittés par les fujets ou citoyens de l'état où ils font établis.


Au cas que quelque vaiffeau appartenant á l'une des deux parties contractantes auroit fait naufrage, échoué ou fouffert quelque autre dommage fur les côtes ou fous la domination de l'autre, les fujets ou citoyens refpectifs recevront, tant pour eux que pour leurs vaiffeaux et effets, la même affiftance qui auroit été fournie aux habitans du pays où l'accident arrive; et ils payeront feulement les mêmes charges et droits, auxquels les dits habitants auroient été affujettis en pareil cas. Et fi la réparation du vaiffeau exigeoit que la cargai

The Citi

zens or

each party,

of their perfonal eftate by will or therwise.

they fhall pay no duties, charges or fees on the part which they fhall relade and carry away. The ancient and barbarous right to wrecks of the fea fhall be entirely abolished, with refpect to the fubjects or citizens of the two contracting parties.


The citizens or fubjects of each party fhall have power to difpofe of their perfonal goods Subjects of within the jurifdiction of the other, by teftamaydifpofe ment, donation or otherwife; and their reprefentatives, being fubjects or citizens of the other party, shall fucceed to their faid perfonal goods, whether by teftament or ab inteftato, and may take poffeffion thereof either by themfelves or by others acting for them, and difpose of the fame at their will, paying such dues only as the inhabitants of the country wherein the faid goods are, fhall be subject to pay in like cafes. And in cafe of the absence of the representative, fuch care fhall be taken of the faid goods, and for fo long a time as would be taken of the goods of a native in like cafe, until the lawful owner may take measures for receiving them. And if question fhall arise among feveral claimants to which of them the faid goods belong, the fame fhall be decided finally by the laws and judges of the land wherein the faid goods are. And where, on the death of any person holding real estate within the territories of the one party, fuch real estate would by the laws of the land defcend on a citizen or fubject of the other, were he not difqualified by alienage, fuch fubject shall be allowed a reasonable time to fell the fame, and to withdraw the proceeds without moleftation, and exempt from all rights of detraction on the part of the government of the refpective

Regulations concerning the fame.

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