
ritory ce- treaty of

U.S.toter- reigns of all the territory ceded to them by a made between them and the peace, King of Great-Britain, the fourteenth day of January, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four.

ded by GreatBritain.


To deliver




Indian or Indians of the Shawanoe up crimi- nation, or any other Indian or Indians refiding in their towns, fhall commit murder or robbery on, or do any injury to the citizens of the United States, or any of them, that nation fhall deliver fuch offender or offenders to the officer commanding the nearest poft of the United States, to be punished according to the ordinances of Congrefs; and in like manner, any citizen of the United States, who shall do an injury to any Indian of the Shawanoe nation, or to any other Indian or Indians refiding in their towns, and under their protection, fhall be punished according to the laws of the United States.

To give notice of designs against


The Shawanoe nation having knowledge of the intention of any nation or body of Indians to make war on the citizens of the United U. States. States, or of their counselling together for that purpose, and neglecting to give information thereof to the commanding officer of the neareft poft of the United States, fhall be confidered as parties in fuch war, and be punished accordingly and the United States fhall in like manner inform the Shawanoes of any injury defigned against them.

U, S. give peace to


The United States do grant peace to the

the Shawa Shawanoe nation, and do receive them inte their friendship and protection.

noe Na



tain lands.

The United States do allot to the Shawanoe Allot to nation, lands within their territory to live and them cerhunt upon, beginning at the fouth line of the lands allotted to the Wiandots and Delaware nations, at the place where the main branch. of the Great Miami, which falls into the Ohio, interfects faid line; then down the river Miami, to the fork of that river, next below the old fort which was taken by the French in one thousand feven hundred and fifty-two; thence due west to the river de la Panfe; then down that river to the river Wabash, beyond which lines none of the citizens of the United States fhall fettle, nor disturb the Shawanoes in their fettlement and poffeffions; and the Shawanoes do relinquish to the United States, all title, or pretence of title, they ever had to the lands caft, weft and fouth, of the east, weft and fouth lines before described.


fettle on

If any citizen or citizens of the United No citizen States, fhall presume to fettle upon the lands of U. S. to allotted to the Shawanoes by this treaty, he Indian or they fhall be put out of the protection of the lands. United States.

IN TESTIMONY whereof, the parties
hereunto have affixed their hands and
feals, the day and year firft above-men-

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mark. (L. S.)

Mufquauconocab, his mark. (L. s.)

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United States of America,


His Imperial Majefty



To all Perfons to whom thefe Prefents fhall come or be made known. HEREAS the United States of Ame

W rica, in Congrefs affembled, by their

commiffion bearing date the twelfth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and eightyfour, thought proper to constitute John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, their Minifters Plenipotentiary, giving to them, or a majority of them, full powers to confer, treat and negociate with the Ambaffador, Minifter, or Commiffioner of his Majesty the Emperor of Morocco, concerning a treaty of amity and commerce; to make and receive propofitions for fuch treaty, and to conclude and fign the fame, tranfmitting it to the United States in Congrefs affembled, for their final ratification; and by one other commiffion, bearing date the eleventh day of March, one thoufand seven hundred and eighty-five, did further empower the faid Minifters Plenipotentiary, or a majority of them, by writing under their hands and feals, to appoint fuch agent in the faid business as they might think proper, with authority under the directions and inftructions

of the faid Minifters, to commence and profecute the faid negociations and conferences for the faid treaty, provided that the faid treaty fhould be figned by the faid Minifters: And whereas we, the faid John Adams and Thomas Jefferfon, two of the faid Ministers Plenipotentiary (the faid Benjamin Franklin being abfent) by writing under the hand and feal of the faid John Adams at London, October the fifth, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, and of the faid Thomas Jefferson at Paris, October the eleventh of the fame year, did appoint Thomas Barclay, agent in the business aforefaid, giving him the powers therein, which, by the faid fecond commiffion, we were authorized to give, and the faid Thomas Barclay, in purfuance thereof, hath arranged articles for a treaty of amity and commerce between the United States of America, and his Majesty the Emperor of Morocco, which articles, written in the Arabic language, confirmed by his faid Majefty the Emperor of Morocco, and fealed with his royal feal, being tranflated into the language of the faid United States of America, together with the atteftations thereto annexed, are in the following words, to wit:


In the Name of ALMIGHTY GOD.

THIS is a Treaty of Peace and Friendship established between us and the United States of America, which is confirmed, and which we have ordered to be written in this book,

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