
A Treaty of Peace and Amity






Concluded this prefent day I-ima artafi, the twenty-firft of the Luna fafer, year of the Hegira 1210, correfponding with Saturday the fifth of September, one thousand feven hundred and ninety-five, between Haffan Bạshaw, Dey of Algiers, his Divan and Subjects, and George Washington, Prefident of the United States of North-America, and the Citizens of the faid United States.



ROM the date of the prefent treaty, there


fhall fubfift a firm and fincere peace and Peace amity between the Prefident and citizens of the United States of North-America, and Haffan Bafhaw, Dey of Algiers, his Divan and subjects; the veffels and fubjects of both nations reciprocally treating each other with ci vility, honor and respect.



All veffels belonging to the citizens of the commerUnited States of North-America, fhall be per- cial intermitted to enter the different ports of the Re- regulated. gency, to trade with our fubjects, or any other perfons refiding within our jurifdiction, on paying the ufual duties at our custom-house that is paid by all nations at peace with this Regency; obferving that all goods difem

Veffels of

to pass unmolcited.

harked and not fold here fhall be permitted to be reimbarked without paying any duty whatever, either for difembarking or embarking. All naval and military ftores, fuch as gunpowder, lead, iron, plank, fulphur, timber for building, tar, pitch, rofin, turpentine, and any other goods denominated naval and military ftores, fhall be permitted to be fold in this Regency, without paying any duties whatever at the custom-house of this Regency.


The veffels of both nations fhall pass each each nation other without any impediment or molestation; and all goods, monies or paffengers, of whatfoever nation, that may be on board of the veffels belonging to either party, shall be confidered as inviolable, and fhall be allowed to pafs unmolested.

ports of

veffels & ships of

war fhall be

and to



All ships of war belonging to this Regency, How paff on meeting with merchant-veffels belonging to citizens of the United States, fhall be allowed to vifit them with two perfons only beexamined, fide the rowers; these two only permitted to whom to be 80 on board faid veffel, without obtaining exprefs leave from the commander of said vessel, who fhall compare the paffport, and immediately permit faid veffel to proceed on her voyage unmolefted. All fhips of war belonging to the United States of North-America, on meeting with an Algerine cruifer, and fhallhave seen her passport and certificate from the Conful of the United States of North America, refident in this Regency, fhall be permitted to proceed on her cruife unmolefted: no paffport to be iffued to any fhips but fuch as are abfolutely the property of citizens of the United States: and eighteen months shall be

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the term allowed for furnishing the fhips of the United States with paffports.


No Alge

any perfon

No commander of any cruifer belonging to shall be allowed to take any per- rine cruiser this regency, fon, of whatever nation or denomination, out may take of any veffel belonging to the United States out of a of North-America, in order to examine them, veffel of the or under pretence of making them confefs any thing defired; neither fhall they inflict any corporal punishment, or any way else molest



U. States.

ftranded to

If any veffel belonging to the United States Vessels of of North-America, fhall be ftranded on the U. States coaft of this Regency, they fhall receive every be relieved. poffible affiftance from the fubjects of this Regency all goods faved from the wreck fhall be permitted to be reimbarked on board of any other veffel, without paying any duties at the custom houfe.


veffels of

The Algerines are not, on any pretence Algerines whatever, to give or fell any veffel of war to not to fell any nation at war with the United States of war to the North-America, or any veffel capable of crui- enemies of fing to the detriment of the commerce of the United States.


U. States.

port is not

Any citizen of the United States of NorthAmerica, having bought any prize condemned When paff by the Algerines, fhall not be again captured neceffary. by the cruisers of the regency then at sea, although they have not a paffport; a certificate from the conful refident being deemed fufficient, until fuch time they can procure fuch paffport.

not to be

fell prizes


Other Bar- If any of the Barbary states at war with the bary ftates United States of North-America, fhall capture allowed to any American veffel and bring her into any of in Algiers. the ports of this Regency, they fhall not b permitted to fell her, but fhall depart the port on procuring the requifite fupplies of provifion.

U. S may

into the


Any veffel belonging to the United States fend prizes of North-America, when at war with any ports of the other nation, fhall be permitted to fend their Regency. prizes into the ports of the Regency, have

How fhips

of war of

leave to difpofe of them, without paying any duties on fale thereof. All veffels wanting provisions or refreshments, shall be permitted to buy them at market price.


All fhips of war belonging to the United U. S. fhall States of North-America, on anchoring in the be treated ports of the Regency, fhall receive the ufual of the prefents of provifions and refreshments, gratis. Regency. Should any of the flaves of this regency make

in the ports

How flaves fhall be

captured perfons fhall be lawful prize.

their efcape on board faid veffels, they fhall be immediately returned: No excufe fhall be made that they have hid themselves amongst the people and cannot be found, or any other equivocation.


No citizen of the United States of Northredeemed, America, fhall be obliged to redeem any flave and when against his will, even fhould he be his brother: neither fhall the owner of a flave be forced to fell him against his will: but all fuch agreements muit be made by confent of parties. Should any American citizen be taken on board an enemy-ship, by the cruisers of this Regency, having a regular paffport, fpecifying they

are citizens of the United States, they shall be immediately fet at liberty. On the contrary, they having no paffport, they and their proberty fhall be confidered lawful prize; as this Regency know their friends by their pafsports.


citizens of

gency, fhall

Should any of the citizens of the United How the States of North-America, die within the li- eftate of mits of this Regency, the Dey and his fubjects U.s dying shall not interfere with the property of the de- in the Receafed; but it fhall be under the immediate be fettled. direction of the conful: unlefs otherwife difpofed of by will. Should there be no conful, the effects fhall be depofited in the hands of fome perfon worthy of truft, ntil the party fhall appear who has a right to demand them; when they fhall render an account of the property. Neither shall the Dey or Divan give hindrance in the execution of any will that may appear.


of U.S. to

chafe goods


No citizen of the United States of North- No citizen America, fhall be obliged to purchase any goods be compellagainst his will; but, on the contrary, fhall be ed to purallowed to purchafe whatever it pleaseth him. or pay The conful of the United States of North-Ame- debts of rica, or any other citizen, shall not be amenable for debts contracted by any one of their own nation; unless previously they have given a written obligation fo to do. Should the Dey want to freight any American veffel that may be in the Regency, or Turkey, faid veffel not being engaged, in confequence of the friendfhip fubfifting between the two nations, he expects to have the preference given him, on his paying the fame freight offered by any other nation.


Any difputes or fuits at law, that may take

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