
to be the


Miflifippi from the Spanish colony of Louiffiana, is in the middle of the channel or bed of the river boundary, Miffifippi, from the northern boundary of the and the na- faid ftates to the completion of the thirty-firft thereof fe- degree of latitude north of the equator. And



How each

with Indi


his Catholic Majefty has likewife agreed that the navigation of the faid river, in its whole breadth from its fource to the ocean, fhall be free only to his fubjects and the citizens of the United States, unlefs he fhould extend this privilege to the fubjects of other powers by fpecial convention.


The two high contracting parties fhall, by nation fhall all the means in their power, maintain peace condu& and harmony among the feveral Indian nations ans in their who inhabit the country adjacent to the lines respective and rivers, which, by the preceding articles, form the boundaries of the two Floridas. And the better to obtain this effect, both parties oblige themselves exprefsly to restrain by force all hoftilities on the part of the Indian nations living within their boundary: so that Spain will not fuffer her Indians to attack the citi zens of the United States, nor the Indians inhabiting their territory; nor will the United States permit these last-mentioned Indians to commence hoftilities against the subjects of his Catholic Majefty or his Indians, in any manner whatever.

And whereas feveral treaties of friendship exist between the two contracting parties and the faid nations of Indians, it is hereby agreed that in future no treaty of alliance or other whatever (except treaties of peace) fhall be made by either party with the Indians living within the boundary of the other, but both parties will endeavour to make the advantages

que los fepara de la Colonia Española de la Luisiana eftâ en medio del canal ô madre del Rio Mififipi defde el limite feptentrional de dichos Eftados hafta el complemento de los treinta y un grados de latitud al Norte del Equador; y S. M. Catolica ha convenido igualmente en que la navegacion de dicho Rio en todo fu extenfion defde fu origen hafta el océano, ferá libre folo á fus fubditos y á los ciudadanos de los Eftados Unidos, á menos que par algun tratado particular haga extenfiva efla libertad á fubditos de ftras potencias. ARTICULO V.

Las dos altas partes contratantes procurarán por todos los medios pofibles mantener la paz, y buena armonia entre las diverfus naciones de Indios que habitan los terrenos adyacentes á las lineas y rios que en los articulos anteriores forman los limites de las dos Floridas; y para conseguir mejor efte fin se obligan exprefamente ambas potencias á reprimir con la fuezza todo genero de hoftilidades de parte de las naciones Indias que habitan dentro de la linea de fus refpectivos limites de modo que ni la España permitirá que fus Indios ataquen á los que vivan en el territorio de los Eftados Unidos ô á fus cindadanos, ni los Eftados que los fuyos hoftilicen á los fubditos de S. M. Catolica ô á fus Indios de manera alguna.

Exiftiendo varios tratados de amiftad entre las exprefadas naciones y las dos potencias, fe han convenido en no hacer en lo venidero alianza alguna ô tratado (excepto los de paz) con las Naciones de Indios que habitan dentro de los limites de la otra parte, aunque procurarán hacer comun fu comercio en beneficio amplio de los fubditos y ciudadanos re

the veflels


of the Indian trade common and mutually beneficial to their respective subjects and citizens, obferving in all things the moft complete reciprocity, fo that both parties may obtain the advantages arifing from a good understanding with the faid nations, without being subject to the expense which they have hitherto occafioned.



Each party shall endeavour, by all means in Eachnation power, to protect and defend all veffels to protect and other effects belonging to the citizens or of the other fubjects of the other, which fhall be within in their ju the extent of their jurifdiction by fea or by land, and fhal! ufe all their efforts to recover and cause to be restored to the right owners, their veffels and effects which may have been taken from them within the extent of their faid jurifdiction, whether they are at war or not with the power whofe fubjects have taken poffeffion of the faid effects.

No embar


And it is agreed that the fubjects or citi go allowed. zens of each of the contracting parties, their veffels or effects, fhall not be liable to any embargo or detention on the part of the other, for any military expedition or other public or private purpose whatever: And in all cafes of In cafes of feizure, detention, or arreft for debts confeizure for tracted, or offences committed by any citizen crimes how or fubject of the one party within the jurifdicto proceed. tion of the other, the fame fhall be made and

debts or

profecuted by order and authority of law only, and according to the regular course of proceedings ufual in fuch cafes. The citizens and fubjects of both parties fhall be allowed to employ fuch advocates, folicitors, notaries, agents and factors, as they may judge proper, in all

fpectivos, guardandofe en todo la reciprocidad mas completa, de fuerte que fin los difpendios que han caufado hafta ahora dichas naciones á las dos partes contratantes, configan ambas todas las ventajas que debe producir la armonia con ellas.


Cada una de las dos partes contratantes procurará por todos los medios pofibles, proteger y defender todos los buques y qualesquiera otros efectos pertenecientes á los fubditos y cindadanos de lá otra que fe hallen en la extenfion de fu jurifdicion por mar ô por tierra, y empleará todos fus esfuerzos para recobrar y hacer reftituir á los proprietarios legitimos los buques y efectos que fe les hayan quitado en la extenfion de dicha jurifdiccion eften ô no en guerra con la potencia cuyos fubditos hayan interceptado dichos efectos.


Se ha convenido que los fubditos y ciudadanos de una de las partes contratantes, fus buques, ô efectos no podran fujetarse à ningun embargo ô detencion de parte de la otra a caufa de alguna expedicion militar, ufo publico ô particular de qualquiera que fea. Y en los cafos de aprehenfion detencion ô arresto, bien fea por deudas contrahidas a ofenfas cometidas por algun cindadano ô fubdito de una de las partes contratantes en la jurifdicion de la otra, fe procederá unicamente por orden y autoridad de la jufticia, y fegun los tramites ordinarios feguidos en femejantes cafos. Se permitirá à les ciudadanos y fubditos de ambas partes emplear los abogados, procuradores, notarios, agentes ô factores que juzguen mas


port by ftrefs of

weather to

their affairs, and in all their trials at law, in which they may be concerned, before the tribunals of the other party; and such agents fhall have free accefs to be prefent at the proceedings in fuch causes, and at the taking of all examinations and evidence which may be exhibited in the faid trials.


In case the subjects and inhabitants of either forced into party, with their fhipping, whether public and of war, or private and of merchants, be forced, through stress of weather, pursuit of pirates or be relieved. enemies, or any other urgent neceffity, for feeking of shelter and harbour, to retreat and enter into any of the rivers, bays, roads or ports belonging to the other party, they shall be received and treated with all humanity, and enjoy all favor, protection and help, and they fhall be permitted to refresh and provide themfelves, at reasonable rates, with victuals and all things needful for the fuftenance of their perfons, or reparation of their fhips and profecution of their voyage; and they fhall no ways be hindered from returning out of the faid ports or roads, but may remove and depart when and whither they please, without any let or hindrance.

taken from


All fhips and merchandize, of what nature Property foever, which fhall be refcued out of the hands pirates to of any pirates or robbers on the high feas, be restored. fhall be brought into fome port of either state,

and fhall be delivered to the custody of the officers of that port, in order to be taken care of, and restored entire to the true proprietor, as foon as due and fufficient proof fhall be made concerning the property thereof.

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