should at least be enriched and adorned with some of the loveliest productions of the English Parnassus; and if, in traversing a region so luxuriantly replete with flowers of transcendent worth and beauty, he has chanced to cull a few which must be esteemed inferior to others left untouched on their banks, he trusts that the various tastes of those, into whose hands it may fall, will yet be gratified by some in the collection; and that, if the whole should not please their fancy, the part which shall meet their approbation will be sufficient, both in number and excellence, to induce them to overlook with candour the defiency of taste or judgement, which may be discovered in the insertion of the remainder. The editor embraces this opportunity to ac. knowledge his obligations to Mrs. J. COBBOLD, and the Rev. Mr. CLUBBE, for their polite and acceptable communications. The Pig and Magpie The Love of the World detected To a Lady on her Birth Day Happiness The dying Kid The affectionate Heart Time The Lady's Looking Glass The Garland W. Pindar 41 Cowper 42 Cotton 45 Cotton 46 Rev. W. Beloe 47 Watts 49 Miss Carter 51 Shenstone 53 Anon. 62 Anon. 64 Verses accompanying a Nose-gay To a Lady with a Ring On receiving a Bouquet of Cotton Grass from |