55 ALABAMA; 56 ALABAMA; 52 CALIFORNIA; 85 ILLINOIS; 60 INDI CT. APP.; 2 TEXAS CT. APP.; 43 WISCON- SAN FRANCISCO: BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY, LAW PUBLISHERS AND LAW BOOKSELLERS. 1879. 121668 JUL 29 1942 Entered according to act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-nine BY JOHN D. PARSONS, JR., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ELECTROTYPED AND PRINTED BY WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY ALBANY, N. Y. ANNOUNCEMENT. HE undersigned has undertaken the difficult task of succeeding Mr. THOMPSON in editing the American Reports; a task which he would have declined to assume, if he had not long possessed the advantages of an intimate association with Mr. THOMP SON, and a considerable knowledge of his plans and ideas, derived from having edited several volumes of the series under Mr. THOMPSON'S supervision. The undersigned solicits the lenient consideration of the patrons of this series under these circumstances. The last editorial work of Mr. THOMPSON was the seleotion and preparation of the Maine cases in the present volume. IRVING BROWNE |