
Just Published


Its History, Geography, Literature, and Art

A NEW SERIES OF UP-TO-DATE MANUALS in Four Volumes (as under)

profusely illustrated and specially written for
English and American Readers

By Eminent French Authorities.

EVERYONE'S HISTORY OF FRANCE. From the Earliest Times to the End of the Great War (1918) (Ancient and Middle Ages-Royal France-the Revolution, the Consulate, the Empire-Modern and Contemporary France).

By JULES ISAAC, M.A., Paris University.

Professeur d'Histoire au Collège Rollin

(Translated into English by J. N. DIXON).

With over 200 Illustrations (including numerous interesting Reproductions from original Documents) and 27 Historical Maps. In one volume, 344 pages, fcap. 8vo, Cloth, 3s. 6d. net; or elegantly bound in full red Leather, Gilt Top, 5s.

CONTENTS-Gaul and the Roman Conquest-Charlemagne-Feudal System-Conquest of England-the Crusades-Saint Louis-Hundred Years' War (including Crecy, Poitiers, etc.)-Louis XI.-the Renaissance-the Struggle against Charles v.-Richelieu and Mazarin-Louis XIV.-Colbert, Louvois, and the Great Writers of the AgeColonial Rivalry between France and England-Ideas, Manners, and Customs of the Eighteenth Century-the Great Revolution-Fall of the Monarchy-the Convention, the Reign of Terror-the Directoire and Buonaparte-Conquests and Downfall of Napoleon-the Restoration-Monarchy of July (1830-1848)—the Intellectual Movement (Romanticism and Science)-Influence and Expansion (1815-1848)-Second Republic-Second Empire-Wars of Napoleon III. (Crimea, Italy, Mexico, FrancoGerman War)-Third Republic-Colonial Expansion-Letters, Science, and Art in Contemporary France--the Great War (1914-1918)—Origin and Phases of the Struggle, the Armistice, etc.

This new and up-to-date History has been written out of deep regard for the English and American Allies, with a full desire to build upon the brotherhood in arms a lasting and indestructible friendship between the three great nations. But full, perfect knowledge is essential to great friendships, and the Author in writing this wonderful record has endeavoured to present the National History in as substantial, clear, and intelligible a manner as possible.

It is compiled with a scrupulous respect for veracity, and no attempt is made to attenuate or dissemble what has been, throughout the ages, the successive aspirations of the French people, their Statesmen and their Rulers.

'Contains an extraordinary amount of admirably arranged matter.'-Scotsman.

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'It would be difficult to find a better guide through 2000 years of history than M. Isaac ; he picks out the leading lines of development with certainty and has that wide knowledge which knows what events may safely be disregarded . . . Profusely illustrated.'-Journal of Education.


Sources and Origin-Romanesque and Gothic Art-Feudal and Civic Art at the End of the Middle Ages-Renaissance-French Art under Henry IV., Louis XIII., Louis XIV., the Regency, Louis XV., Louis XVI., Revolution and Empire, the Restoration and the Monarchy of July-the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century, Contemporary Art, etc. etc.

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Inspecteur des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris.
(Translated into English by M. HEBERT).

With over 180 Illustrations of Famous Masterpieces, Architectural Monuments, Statuary, etc. etc., and Introductory Matter (pp. i to xxiv), giving Lists of the best Books of Reference to the different Periods, Practical Information for Artistic Tours in France, Short Notes on Paris and Provincial Museums, the Annual Salons, etc., and a Chronological and Topographical Table of the Principal Historical Monuments of France.

Tells the story of French painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative art, in a spirit of discriminating criticism, to the outbreak of the war.'-Scotsman.

A marvellously compact piece of writing.'-Liverpool Courier.

In one volume, 220 pages fcap. 8vo, Cloth, 3s. 6d. net; or elegantly bound in full red Leather, Gilt Top, 5s.


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Ready early in 1920.



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*Géographie élémentaire de la France et de ses Colonies.
*Géographie de la France et de ses Colonies.
*Les Grandes Puissances du Monde.

fr. c.

8 O

12 O

- 12 O

*Lemonnier et Schrader, Eléments de Géographie. 4 vols.

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*Cours préparatoire. - Premières notions (155e mille) con-
tenant 48 Gravures et 8 Cartes en couleurs
*Cours élémentaire.-Premières éléments (700
tenant 135 Gravures ou Cartes, dont 16

mille) con

Cartes en

*Cours moyen.-Eléments Géographie de la France, et
Etude sommaire des cinq Parties du Monde (850e
mille), contenant 118 Cartes et Gravures, dont 38 Cartes
en couleurs, etc.
*Cours supérieur. Notions générales, les cinq Parties du
Monde, la France Texte Atlas, etc. (350e mille), avec
266 Cartes et Figures et 191 Gravures.


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4 50

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*Schrader et Gallouédec, Petit Cours de Géographie. (9e Edition).

Augmentée de la Géographie économique de la France et

10 50

de ses Colonies, avec 112 Gravures, Cartes ou Figures. 5 o

*Schrader et Gallouédec, Petit Atlas de Géo-

Contenant 65 Cartes en couleurs et une grande Carte de
France physique et politique au 2,500,000 en couleurs
*La Carte de France, seule, séparément

*Schrader et Gallouédec, Texte Atlas de Géo

graphie. In 2 vols.

*I.-Notions élémentaires (19 Cartes en couleurs, 100

*Geographie élémentaire de la France et de ses Colonies
(18 Cartes en couleurs et 132 Cartes ou Grauvres)

10 50

1 25

4 0

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7 O

* The above prices are approximate only, being subject to frequent


Geographies, Atlases, Wall Maps, etc. (continued).

*Schrader et Gallouédec.

*Géographie élémentaire de la France et de ses Colonies.
*Géographie de la France et de ses Colonies (Classe de

*Atias classique de Géographie moderne, contenant en 76
pages, 267 Cartes, 58 Notices, et de nombreuses Figures.


(Paix du Juin 1919)

fr. c.

7 O


15 O

A NEW MAP OF FRANCE by Departments (32 in. by 23 in.), printed in five colours, and including the latest frontier delimitations, the railways, rivers, altitudes, typographical indications of the relative importance (by populations) of towns, villages, etc. etc.

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Schrader et Prudent, Grande Carte de France politique
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and Roller.
Schrader et Prudent, Grande Carte de France physique
(Im.60 x Im.90). Mounted with Guard and Roller
Vivien de Saint Martin, Carte de France () indiquant le
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Fer, les Routes et Canaux, les Divisions administratives
(90c. x Im.20c.) Mounted on Guard with Roller



27 0


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Scale about 6 miles to an inch.)

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• These prices are approximate only, being subject to frequent fluctuation.

French Periodicals for Schools, Families, etc.


A New High-Class Weekly Paper for Young Children (from 8 to 12 years.)

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Subscription Prices (payable in advance) :–


S. d.

[blocks in formation]

Free by post to any part of the United Kingdom, for one year

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Mon Journal publie des romans, des anecdotes, des contes, des pantomimes qu'on peut aisément jouer et des histoires sans paroles. Il contient aussi des articles d'actualité où il traite, en les mettant à la portée des enfants, les questions dont tout le mond parle, des chroniques scientifiques où les découvertes de la science, susceptibles d'être comprises par les petits lecteurs, sont expliquées et commentées.

Mon Journal enfin ouvre chaque mois entre ses lecteurs d'attrayants concours dont les prix sont en général de beaux volumes, mais peuvent parfois réserver aux lauréats de véritables surprises.

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"Messrs. Hachette have just published the bound volume of Mon Journal, than which a better magazine for children of eight and ten years old does not exist. The stories are good, and there is also an excellent series of papers on gold, glass-making, etc. The illustrations are admirably printed in colours, some of them being of real artistie merit. It is a pity this magazine is not more generally known in English households; to the children who have not mastered French sufficiently to enjoy reading, it would be an incentive to do so, while to those better informed it would be a lasting pleasure."— Guardian.

"A bright collection of stories, anecdotes, papers on different subjects of interest to children between eight and twelve years of age, the coloured illustrations being a most pleasing feature of the work. English juveniles may well dip into these pages and sharpen their knowledge of French."."-Graphic.


(for full particulars see page 61).

[Continued on next page.

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