
French Periodicals for Schools, Families, etc. (continued).


The leading high-class French Magazine for General and Family


Published on the 1st of each month.


SUBSCRIPTION PRICES (payable in advance) :

Free by Post to any part of the United Kingdom or the Postal Union. One year 28s. 1 Six months

(Subscriptions commence from January or July.)

14s. 6d.

Price of separate number, 2s. net; by post, 2s. 4d. All orders must be accompanied by Stamps or Postal Order to cover cost of same.

CONTAINS a great variety of bright and interesting matter, including serial stories and complete tales by eminent authors; popular contributions by experts on topics of the day, biographies, adventures and travels; short and amusing chapters on Natural History, Geography, Arts, Science, etc., etc.; with illustrations from drawings by leading artists or from original photographs.

Since December 1919 the "Lectures pour Tous" has again become a monthly Magazine. It has been greatly enlarged, each number now containing "Roman," 2 " Comédies," 6 "Nouvelles," 15" Articles," comprising in all 12,000 lines with 150 Illustrations.

The contributors include the following:-MM. Pierre Loti, Lavisse, Bourget, Lavedan, Deschanel, René Bazin, Ribot, Donnay, Richepin, Brieux, Aicard, Doumic, Marcel Prévost, H. de Regnier, Capus, Barthou, Boylesve, Bordeaux, de l'Académie Française. Millerand, Viviani, J.-H. Rosny, L. Batiffol, Tristan Bernard, Pierre Benoit, L. Bertrand, H. Duvernois, R. de Flers, Ch. le Goffic, Léon Frabié, Gérard d'Houville, Lenôtre, Lichtenberger, Madelin, Naudeau, Vanderem, Pierre Veber, J.-L. Vaudoyer, Colette Yver, Zamacoïs, etc., etc.

This Magazine appeals to all classes and to all ages, the general excellence of the literary matter and the high quality of the illustrations rendering it particularly acceptable to the general reader, the family circle, public and school libraries, and for the purpose of class-reading. It now stands unrivalled as the cheapest and most popular magazine in the French language. [Continued overleaf.

French Periodicals for Schools, Families, etc.—(continued).


Magazine encyclopédique de l'énergie et de l'activité nationales

On trouve dans "Je Sais Tout " des études documentées sur toutes les grandes questions: Sciences, Inventions, Questions sociales, Armée, Marine, etc.

"Je Sais Tout" publie tout: des documents, des plans, des schémas, des cartes, à l'appui de texte, dus à la plume de techniciens réputés.

"Je sais Tout," le Roi des Magazines, paraît le 15 de chaque mois.

Le Roi des Magazines s'est orienté dans une voie nouvelle qui paraît bien être celle qui est la plus indiquée pour une grande revue comme Je sais tout. Nous en voulons faire "le Magazine encyclopédique de l'activité et de l'énergie nationales." La guerre a donné, en effet, aux Français, le goût de l'action, d'une vie plus intense, et a réveillé, en eux, un besoin légitime d'énergie, de méthode, de recherches et d'initiative.

Je sais tout s'efforce, avec le concours des auteurs les plus éminents de notre pays de développer chez ses lecteurs le goût de la lutte pour la vie, des sciences appliquées, des grands voyages, des grandes réformes sociales, des sports régénérateurs, des inventions et des découvertes modernes, des industries à créer ou à développer, des terres à exploiter; enfin, il leur démontre la nécessité d'avoir une âme vaillante dans un corps sain, puisque les faibles sont toujours finalement vaincus par les forts.

Pour réaliser ce magnifique programme, Je sais tout paraît le 15 de chaque mois, magnifiquement illustré et documenté. On y retrouve la revue illustrée des événements du mois précédent, afin de continuer une des traditions qui ont fait le succès de ce Magazine. La partie littéraire et artistique est aussi l'objet de tous les soins des Editeurs.

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(Subscriptions commence from the 1st of January, April, July, or October.)



DES INSTITUTEURS ET DES INSTITUTRICES Le Manuel général de l'Instruction primaire se compose de deux parties distinctes:


La Partie Générale comprend 16 pages par semaine.

ie Ou y trouve dans chaque numéro un article consacré à la défense des intérêts du personnel de l'enseignement primaire.-2o Des articles d'Education et d'Enseignement, de Législation et d'Administration scolaires.—3o Sous la rubrique Opinions de nos lecteurs, une place est réservée aux abonnés qui désirent présenter des observations sur les questions qui intéressent l'enseignement primaire ou le Personnel primaire.— 4 Des communications diverses émanant des Sociétés d'Enseignement, des Amicales, des Sociétés mutualistes, des Amis de l'Enseignement. -5° Une Revue de la presse et une Revue de l'étranger.-6° Un compte-rendu officiel des Séances de la Ĉhambre et des Congrès qui intéressent l'Enseignement primaire.-7e Une Revue des Bulletins départementaux.—8o Des Articles biographiques.—9o Des Variétés sur le mouvement littéraire et scientifique, l'Agriculture, sur les questions d'intérêt général, etc.10 Un supplément de quatre pages renfermant des Sujets de Composition écrite donnés dans les examens et concours de l'Enseignement primaire (bourses, certificats d'études, brevet élémentaire, concours d'admission aux écoles normales, etc. etc.)


La Partie scolaire, qui comprend 16 pages par semaine, est un véritable Journal de classe pratique et suggestif.

Avantages spéciaux réservés aux Abonnés.


Le Manuel général a organisé tout un service de préparation aux divers examens de l'enseignement primaire spécialement destiné aux candidats qui travaillent isolément. Sur demande, il leur adresse gratuitement une feuille contenant de nombreux sujets à traiter en vue de les préparer aux examens suivants :

Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique, Brevet supérieur, Professorat des Écoles normales, Inspection primaire, etc.

Le Manuel général accepte aussi à des conditions très modestes (0 fr. 50 par copie) la correction des épreuves du Brevet élémentaire, du Concours d'admission aux Écoles normales primaires, du Certificat d'études primaires, etc.


A la fin de l'année scolaire, le Manuel général ouvre, pour ses abonnés, entre les meilleurs élèves des Écoles primaires de France, un Concours de Devoirs scolaires auquel toutes les écoles peuvent prendre part.

Des Prix en livres choisis dans le catalogue général de la Librairie Hachette et de nombreuses récompenses sont offerts aux lauréats.


Chaque année, le Manuel général offre une Prime à ses abonnés. Livres ou gravures au choix.


Renseignements administratifs gratuits, par un inspecteur primaire.
Insertion gratuite de 30 mots aux petites annonces.

Subscription price (including postage), 8s. 6d. per Annum (from October 1st). Separate Number (to order), 2d.

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Containing Twenty Carefully Graduated Lessons-Comprehensive Exercises-Pronunciation, Questions, and Drills-Conversations-Memory Work -Short Stories-Anecdotes - Riddles-Letter Writing Practice, etc., etc., with a Novel Vowel Sound Method for acquiring correct Pronunciation.

An Elementary Manual equally adapted for Evening Classes, Secondary Schools, Private Students, and Correspondence Courses. By R. W. DOUGLAS, Lecturer in English for Foreigners' under the London County Council at the Marylebone Commercial Institute, etc., etc. 128 pages.

Crown 8vo. Cloth, 3s.

The method adopted of numbering the Sounds, and associating each one with a similar Sound (where possible) in the student's own language, is probably novel. It becomes an easy matter to test whether the student pronounces correctly, and opens a wide field for questions on the part of the teacher. Exercises provide practice in mastering the peculiar spelling of English words. The Drills accompanying each Lesson should be repeated again and again by the pupil to himself, to acquire fluency of expression. The Conversations have been taken from topics in everyday life, and the special phrases in them should be committed to memory. Anecdotes, Riddles, etc., have been added to illustrate points and expressionsipeculiarly English.



For the Use of Schools, Colleges, for Candidates preparing for the Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors, Army, Navy, Civil Service, Legal, Medical, Matriculation, and similar Examinations.

By CHARLES HART, B.A., English Master, St. Cuthbert's Grammar
School, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

242 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 3s. 6d.

'A remarkably well-arranged text-book, covering all the ground that a grammar school boy of 16 or 17 may reasonably be expected to traverse. It contains a short but clear and useful sketch of the history of our tongue, an unusually good exposition of accidence, syntax and analysis, some practical hints on punctuation and spelling, a list of common words that may belong to different parts of speech, a useful chapter on the use of special prepositions after certain words, sections on and formation of foreign roots, and a brief but workmanlike chapter on prosody and figures of speech. Mr. Hart's 19 years of teaching have shown him how to select what is of practical value, and to present it in a clear and concise way. It is distinctly the most satisfactory general grammar for intermediate pupils that we are acquainted with, and the faults may almost be counted on the fingers of one hand. . . . We heartily commend the work to the attention of all masters of middle and higher schools, and particularly to those who prepare candidates for the London Matriculation and similar examinations whose syllabus it practically covers."-The Guardian.

For many years the author has had among his pupils foreigners of many nationalities-French, German, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, and Japanese. The many difficulties encountered by them in their study of English have been carefully noted, and explained with copious examples.

Foreign students will find the Sections on "Shall and Will," "The Relations indicated by Prepositions," and "The Idiomatic Use of Prepositions," of especial value.

[Continued on next page.

English Language and Literature (continued).



An essentially modern English Grammar with Chapters on Quantity, Accent, Spelling, Pronunciation, Yowel Combinations, Voiced and Voiceless Consonants, Letter and Essay Writing, Idioms, Punctuation, the Vocabulary, Revision Questions, and recent Examination Test Papers in “English for Foreigners."

320 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth, 5s.

By EDGAR C. MARSHALL, Associate of Letters, University College, Reading; Late Principal Lecturer in "English for Foreigners" at Highbury L. C.C. Commercial Institute, N., and E. SCHAAP, formerly English Master in the Municipal Secondary and Commercial Schools, Rotterdam.

There is little or nothing in this work which has not been actually tested by the authors, with large classes of adult foreigners of practically every nationality and of varying stages of education, from the youth fresh from the lycée or the gymnasium to the honours graduate of his native University. The text-book is divided into three sections

I. Pronunciation. II. Grammar. III. Composition and Idiom. The first section deals simply yet adequately with the essentials of English phonetics as it affects the foreigner studying English. Simple rules are given for the pronunciation of the sounds which give greatest difficulty to the foreign student of English.

The Grammatical section, which discusses all the parts of speech separately, has been written from a foreign point of view, and does not presuppose a knowledge of English as is the case with most English Grammars. The rules given in this section should enable the student to place the right word in the right place, and to write and speak English correctly. Such difficulties as the correct use of the Continuous Form, the Use of the Tenses, the Idiomatic Use of Prepositions and the employment of the Gerund (the foreigner's great stumbling block), etc., have been fully treated.

In the Composition section, special attention is given to Vocabulary building, Synonyms, Useful English Idiomatic Expressions, Proverbs, Common Errors in English, etc., and the foreign student_will find the numerous Exercises and the Revision and Examination Test Questions of especial value. The foreigner who works through the exercises consistently will soon be on the road towards mastering many of the difficulties and intricacies of the English Language.

THE STRUCTURE OF LE LIVRE D'ARTUS and its Function in the Evolution of the Arthurian Prose-Romances.

A Critical Study in Medieval Literature by H. OSKAR SOMMER, M. A. 48 pages. Medium 8vo. 25. net.

"The name of Dr. Oskar Sommer at the foot of any work on the Arthurian cycle is a guarantee of thorough and careful research. In this pamphlet he makes out an exhaustive claim for the existence of an original Livre d'Artus, now lost and partly absorbed into Le Livre de Lancelot, but surviving in two fragments."-Oxford Magazine, June 11, 1914.

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