

The principal features of the Method are the following:

1. Its teaching is oral.

2. It is based on the phrase, and not on the word, i.e. no separate word is ever taught, because conversation is never carried on in single words but always in sentences.

This is the

3. The phrases taught are connected by logical and natural sequence. principle which differentiates the Gouin Method from all other so-called new or direct Methods. ordinary text-books, although the ten or fifteen phrases of a lesson may be on the same subject, they have between themselves no natural link, and the last one might, without any inconvenience, be taught before the first. Hence the difficulty of committing them to memory.

In the Gouin Method, the first phrase calls up the second, this one the third, and so on. The Imagination and Memory of the pupil or student are wonderfully helped thereby. And that idea of sequence has been fitly termed "The idea of a man of genius."

4. The Serial Lessons are based upon a constant variety of interesting and useful topics. Each Lesson introduces new idiomatic phrases, and is given in an original manner with appropriate gesture and explanation.

5. When the conversational matter of each Lesson is mastered, the grammar is deduced therefrom. The rules are given at the bottom of each page.


By F. THÉMOIN, B. és L., Founder of Gouin Schools, London.
Complete Course for Children. (7 to 18 years of age.)

Premier Livre. (8th Edition, 35th thousand).

120 pages.

s. d.

Cloth. With

net 2 O

60 Illustrations depicting Familiar Scenes of Everyday Life
The Lessons are short, varied, and easy. After they have been learned, most of
them can be acted in class to the delight and profit of the pupils. A useful Gram-
matical Appendix gives a résumé of the rules exemplified in the text matter.

Deuxième Livre. (6th Edition, 16th thousand). 162 pages. Crown 8vo.
Cloth. With 25 Illustrations

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Arranged on the same plan as the "First Book," although a trifle more complex. The Lessons, as in Book I., are interspersed with short stories, anecdotes, poetical pieces, songs, etc.

After the above two books have been mastered, Vol. II. of the Adult Course should be gone through. The course can then be completed by a careful study of the French Idiomatic Expressions (see below).

Complete Course for Adults.

Vol. I. 184 pages. (9th Edition, 38th thousand). Demy 8vo.

Cloth net

2 6

4 6 166 Lessons based on a constant variety of interesting and useful topics. Gram. matical inferences, always deduced from lessons previously learnt, are given at the bottom of each page.

Demy 8vo. Cloth net 4 6 Vol. II. 160 pages. (5th Edition, 11th thousand). Treats of vegetable and animal life, and that of man in its Forms a sequel to Vol. I. various relations (Education, Society, Professions, Government, etc.). The second part of the volume is made up chiefly of extracts from modern authors. "The lessons follow each other in a logical sequence, and all the common idioms most required for ordinary everyday conversation appear in the series of phrases so Those desiring quickly to learn to speak French with a ably put together. reasonable hope of being able to make themselves understood, cannot do better than do so on this eminently rational and natural system."-Teacher's Aid. French Idiomatic Expressions. (3rd Edition, 7th thousand.) Gallicismes, Proverbes et Expressions difficiles se rapportant à des Qualités et à des Défauts moraux et intellectuels; Gallicismes et Expressions se rapportant à des Choses plutôt matérielles. 160 pages.


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net The plan of this work is entirely novel. Idiomatic expressions which relate to the same class of idea are grouped together according to their sense, and linked into a connected text, instead of being merely printed in a detached alphabetical list. The advantage of this method is that as two or three different expressions often convey the same meaning, they are learnt in one and the same effort, and the connected text makes them easier to understand and remember.

The volume contains more than 2500 different expressions, all explained in easy and simple French. It is intended for students who wish to understand French thoroughly, and will be found very helpful to those preparing for examinations. Commerce and Commercial Correspondence - French-English and With over 2000 English-French. (3rd Edition, 8th thousand.) Expressions, Phrases, and Terms, arranged by Analogy of Subjects, and linked into a connected Text in accordance with the Principles of the Gouin Method. 272 pages. Cloth



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First Book for Children (Erstes Buch für Kinder), 9 to 16 years. By s. d. F. THÉMOIN, B. ès L., and R. O. GERCke. 8vo. With Illustrations. Cloth

128 pages.

net 2 0

Vol. I. Adults' Course. (3rd Edition, 8th thousand.) By F. THÉMOIN,
B. ès L., and MAX BLUTH, Ph.D. 184 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth ne 4
Vol. II. Adults' Course. (2nd Edition, 4th thousand.) By F. THÉMOIN,
B. ès L., and MAX BLUTH, Ph.D. 164 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth


By F. THÉMOIN, B. ès L., and E. HERNANDO.

(4th Edition, 6th thousand.) 188 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth ITALIAN LESSONS.

By F. THÉMOIN, B. és L., and F. Rossi.

(4th Edition, 7th thousand.) 192 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth





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First Book (2nd Edition, 6th thousand) (for pupils 9 to 16 years). By
F. THÉMOIN and M. F. Yates.
trated. Cloth

126 pages.

Crown Svo. Illus

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Vol. I. Adults' Course. (7th Edition, 17th thousand.) By F.


178 pages. Demy 8vo.


4 6

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Vol. II. Adults' Course. (4th Edition, 6th thousand.) By F. THÉMOIN
and J. P. GRACE-SMITH. 160
pages. Demy 8vo.
Commercial Correspondence, English and French.

(See page 160.)

In the first pages of "Lessons," numbered A to Z, the authors have introduced phrases which may be called the "current expressions" of the language. From page 1 onwards, although each subject is more specialised, none of the expressions is beyond the domain of ordinary conversation. Appended are a series of anecdotes, the chief merit of which is that they are related in the most useful words and phrases, and that they lend a greater variety to the teaching. These anecdotes should be interpolated amongst the series properly so called; for example, after having gone through the series from A to Z, the first anecdotes may be commenced, taking each one alternately with three or four of the Series. When the Series (or Lesson) has been thoroughly mastered, the exercises on the conjugations, which are printed on the right-hand side of the Lesson, should be taken. These are extremely useful, on account of the large number of verbs there conjugated.

The Lessons" in the German, Spanish, Italian and English Lessons, although corresponding in ideas line by line with the French (and serving practically as "Keys," one to the other), are not mere literal translations of the French books. The same arrangement and method have been followed in each volume, but the idiomatic peculiarities, the varying customs of the different countries, etc., render it necessary, here and there, to modify the phrases slightly in one or other of the adaptations.


"The Gouin Method is a royal road to languages."—Review of Reviews. "It is by far the most rational and interesting system."-The Queen.

"It is a time-saving apparatus."-Daily Chronicle.

"We believe that no other method is so good."-Parents' National Educational Review.

The system combines the practical and philosophical elements of linguistic study in a remarkable way."-Scotsman.

"Those desiring quickly to learn to speak foreign languages ... cannot do better than to do so on this eminently rational, and natural, system."-Teacher's Aid. L



Groupés par analogie sous les titres du vocabulaire enseigné dans les classes où l'on emploie la Méthode Directe.

(Les saisons, le temps, la maison, la famille, la santé, les vices ou les vertus, la campagne, les animaux, la nature, les sports, les métiers, l'argent, etc., etc.)

Vol. I.-English Proverbs.

s. d.

Par M. J. BONNET, Professeur d'Anglais au Lycée d'Angers net O 6

Vol. II.-Proverbes Français.

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Par M. O. HESNARD, Professeur Agrégé d'Allemand au Lycée de Bordeaux


0 6

Vol. IV. Refranes Castellanos.

Par M. H. BARTHE, Professeur de Langues au Lycée d' Albi net

0 6

Vol. V.-Proverbi Italiani.


net 0 6

Vol. VI.-Proverbia Latina.

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Choisis dans les Adagia d'Erasme," par M. H. MUFFANY,
Professeur Agrégé au Lycée d'Angers

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0 6

Nous n'avons pas l'idée que ces Recueils puissent, en aucun cas, remplacer le livre de lectures, mais nous savons, par expérience, que le maître peut y trouver l'occasion de compléter ou de faire repasser le vocabulaire; de nombreux sujets de leçons ou de devoirs ; une mine de questions variées. Ils peuvent fournir de nombreux sujets de causeries en classes. Dans beaucoup de leurs pages, ils faciliteront la conversation sur des idées abstraites, rarement ou incomplètement effleurées par la Méthode Directe.

La même classification ayant, dans la mesure du possible, été adoptée pour chaque Recueil, il en résulte qu'un chapitre quelconque d'un de ces petits livres sera bien plus facile à comprendre si l'on a déjà étudié le chapitre correspondant dans une autre langue.

Ainsi ces six Recueils apporteront un concours précieux à l'Enseignement des Langues Vivantes. Les phrases, les préceptes se gravent dans l'esprit avec une merveilleuse sûreté :-par leur forme concrète, aiguë, incisive;par leur concision pittoresque ;-par la répétition de certains sons qui se comportent comme autant d'arêtes vives pour la mémoire qui les retient ;— par l'allitération et la rime; par le fréquent parallélisme, enfin, qui permet de les rattacher indissolublement aux proverbes correspondants dans la langue maternelle.

Au professeur, chargé d'amorcer et de soutenir des conversations instructives, de fournir des thèmes à développer à la maison, ces petits livres fourniront quantité de commodes points d'appui.


A Series of Word Pictures and Object Lessons

WITH VOCABULARIES AND SIMPLE PHRASES IN FIVE LANGUAGES ENGLISH-FRENCH-GERMAN-ITALIAN-ESPERANTO Carefully graduated illustrations of common things, familiar objects and interesting scenes from everyday life, adapted to the intelligence of young pupils, and providing suitable and attractive material for

1. The easy and rapid acquisition of a useful vocabulary.

2 Abundant and systematic practice in conversation.

3. A great variety of subjects for exercises in composition and translation. Part I. (for Beginners, WITHOUT VOCABULARIES).-400 Illustrations of Familiar Objects, forming a natural basis for numerous exercises in Speaking and Writing, -including Clothing, School Material, Furniture, the Home, Kitchen Utensils, Tools, Weapons, etc., Means of Locomotion, Musical Instruments, Buildings, Roadways, Open Spaces, Outdoor Scenery, the Elements, Weather, Birds, Beasts, Insects, Flowers, Vegetables, Fruit, Parts of the Body, Minerals, Products, Food, Beverages, Professions, Trades, Industries, etc. Paper Cover, Iod. net. Part II. (for Elementary Classes).—The same as Part I., but WITH FRENCH AND GERMAN VOCABULARIES appended. Paper Cover, 10d. net.

Part III.-The same as Part I., but WITH GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND ITALIAN VOCABULARIES appended. Paper Cover, 10d. net.

Part IV.-198 Pictures representing Animated Scenes, Actions and Movements, Use of the Senses, Emotions, the Toilet, Play, Recreation, Work, Industrial Occupations, Weather, Time, etc., grouped together according to Sense, Analogy, and Contrast; WITHOUT VOCABULARY. Paper Cover, 10d. net.

Part V. The same as Part IV., but WITH French and GERMAN VOCABULARIES appended. Paper Cover, 10d. net.

Part VI.-The same as Part IV., but WITH GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND ITALIAN VOCABULARIES appended. Paper Cover, 10d. net.

Part VII.—192 Pictures representing 32 Subjects for Exercises in Composition, Conversation, etc.: Anecdotes (introducing matters of everyday life), Adventures, Fables, Moral Stories, Fairy Tales, Industries, Lessons on Natural History, etc., etc.; WITH TABLE of ContentS IN GERMAN. Paper Cover, 10d. net. Part VIII.-The same as Part VII., but WITH TABLE OF CONTENTS IN FRENCH appended. Paper Cover, rod. net.

Part IX-The same as Part VII., but WITH GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND ITALIAN VOCABULARIES appended. Paper Cover, iod. net.

The object of the above series is to familiarise pupils with common words and useful phrases likely to be needed in everyday life, and by increasing the range of their vocabulary, to encourage and systematically inculcate the habit of thinking and expressing their thoughts with comparative ease in a foreign tongue, from the very beginning.

With children especially, the interest is far more readily quickened through the eye than through the understanding; indeed it is through the eye that the understanding is most quickly reached, and that lasting impressions are more easily made than by the old system of learning interminable lists of words, accompanied often by dull and wearisome exercises.

With the Bildersaal" the new idea of utilising pictures for the teaching of modern languages has been greatly developed and extended. The pictures have been compiled and arranged specially to introduce subjects in which young people feel naturally interested, so as to induce them to learn not merely as taskwork, but for the pleasure of the thing. The illustrations evoke a number of familiar conceptions; the pupil is encouraged to express his thoughts in simple phrases, and his mind is thereby concentrated upon the foreign words and forms of speech suggested by incidents in the pictures, to the exclusion, as far as practicable, of the corresponding terms in his own vernacular. Kommentar zum 8. Heft.-Aufsätze für den Unterricht in der franzö- s. d. sischen Sprache. Consisting of a series of Questions and "Rédactions" in French, based upon the above illustrations. 120 pages. Demy 8vo.

Paper Cover

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net 3 9

For particulars of the "Esperanto Bildersaal" parts, see page 153.



(English — French — German-Russian-Spanish-Italian — Flemish — Esperanto) Pour l'enseignement pratique des langues vivantes par la méthode directe et par l'image. The Collection consists of 16 pictorial representations of familiar scenes and objects, accompanied by comprehensive lists of Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, etc., based upon subjects and incidents suggested by the illustrations. Each word bears a number referring to some corresponding object or action in the picture. The young pupil is thus enabled to learn at once the exact spelling and meaning of foreign words or expressions without having recourse to the intermediary of his own vernacular. To each picture is appended a full Vocabulary, which can be had in any one of the following languages :

English Vocabulary, by CH. VEillet-Addison, Professor of English in Paris.

French Vocabulary, by E. ROCHELLE, Professor at the Lycée of Bordeaux.

German Vocabulary, by E. ROCHELLE, Professor of German at the Lycée of Bordeaux.
Italian Vocabulary, by A. VANNIER, Professor at the Professional School of Rouen.
Russian Vocabulary, by L. MASSOE, Professor of Russian in Bordeaux.

Spanish Vocabulary, by Tн. ALAUX, Professor of Spanish at the Lycée of Bordeaux. Flemish Vocabulary, by M. L'ABBÉ ROOSES, Professor at the Institut Sainte-Marie, Brussels. These vocabularies are intended not merely as lists of words to be learned by heart, but rather as practical and abundant groundwork for systematic practice in conversation, and exercises in composition. In the class-room, the lessons and practice should be almost entirely oral, the wordlists serving only for each pupil's own particular guidance and assistance in his endeavours to fix in his memory the explanations and phrases given in the foreign language by his teacher.

LIST OF PICTURES. (See specimens on pages 166, 167.

N.B. When ordering, please specify in which Language the accompanying Vocabulary is required.


No. 1.-L'Ecole, le lycée, la classe, les


No. 2.-La Récréation, les jeux, le corps humain.

No. 3.-Enfance et jeunesse.
No. 4.-Age mûr et vieillesse.

No. 5.-La Maison et sa
(ouvriers et outils).

(Le temps, l
âge, la famille,
le vêtement, la

No. 6.-La Maison intérieure (Meubles, ustensiles, nourriture).

No. 7.

(Elementary and Intermediate).

No. 8.-

Le Village en hiver, Métiers divers.

La Maison rustique au printemps (Animaux domestiques).

La Moisson.-Les aspects de la

campagne. Les aspects de

No. 9.-La Montagne, la forêt.
No. 10.-La Mer, la plage, le port.

THIRD SERIES (Elementary and Intermediate).

No. 11.-La Ville, vue d'ensemble, les


No. 12.-La Gare, les voyages, les bateaux.
No. 13.-L'Hôtel, le restaurant, le café.

No. 14.-La Rue, les commerçants.
No. 15.-Le Marché aux comestibles.
No. 16. Un grand Magasin.


Each Picture separately, containing Vocabulary in any one Language.
First Series (Elementary), (Nos. 1 to 6), in paper wrapper
Second and Third Series (Elementary and Intermediate), (Nos. 7 to 16)

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Explanatory Booklets in English, Esperanto, Flemish, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish, containing Descriptions, Reading Lessons, Conversational Exercises, etc., based on the above pictures. Price (each language), 90 to 100 pages, 25. net.

Mon Premier Livre de Français (d'après les Tableaux Delmas). See next page.


Wall Charts consisting of enlarged reproductions in Colours of the above "Tableaux Auxiliaires."

PRICE OF EACH PICTURE: HEIGHT, 35 inches; WIDTH, 47 inches, 7s. 6d. net.
or Mounted on Cloth, varnished, with rollers, 145. net.

(See reduced specimens on pages 166, 167.)

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