
French Grammars, Primers, eto. (continued).

Gouin Method for Teaching French.

By F. THÉMOIN, B. ès L., Founder of Gouin Schools, London, etc.
(For particulars see page 6.)

Cour de Français pour les Études Scientifiques (Science French Course.)

For University Students, Candidates, etc., by A. G. s. d. HALTENHOFF and C. BOULY, L. ès Sciences, etc.

(For full particulars see page 8.)

net 6

Hunt and Wuillemin. (See "Oxford and Cambridge
French Grammar," page 21.)
Lessons in French Syntax.

Adapted to Conversation, with Examination Papers, Tests of
Pronunciation, Exercises on Irregular Verbs, the Subjunctive
Mood, etc., by F. JULIEN, Late French Master, King Edward's
School, Five Ways, Birmingham. 256 pages.


In these "Lessons" the Author's aim has been to eliminate from the ordinary Grammar that which is not absolutely essential for the students of "Grammar Schools"; to lay more stress on the IRREGULAR VERBS, the PAST PARTICIPLES, and to explain and practise at length the use of the SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD, so difficult to Englishmen.


A Summary of Rules for Examination Purposes. By Mile.
JULLIEN, Late of Ladies' College, Cheltenham


Gives the essential grammatical rules required by candidates, and is thus intended to avoid wasting time during revision or recapitulation.

Le Français rendu plus facile.

Grammaire, Exercices, Conversation, Questions, Re-
vision, Lecture, etc. Par ERNEST G. LE GRAND, B. ès L.
(Univ. Gall.), Assistant Master, Bradford College, Berks, Late
Modern Language Master at Hallfield, Edgbaston, and the
Birmingham Municipal School of Commerce.

An Elementary Manual for the Use of Beginners and
Junior Forms. With Preface by F. POLDERMAN, Dr. Phil.,
Late Lecturer on French Language and Literature, University
of Birmingham. 108 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth


M. le Grand utilises to advantage much valuable experience acquired during a long and successful teaching career in this country. His "Lessons take into account the interest of children and above all the limits of their receptive powers. The book may, therefore, be considered more as a Young Pupil's Companion than a repellent medium of oppressive and unprofitable study. It forms, indeed, a practical and attractive combination, in a single volume, of simplified Grammar Exercises, Graduated Reading, and essential Conversational matter.

The method is compiled on Semi-direct or "Compromise" Lines. Rules and Explanations are given in English; Questions, Conversations, Verbs, and Reading Texts entirely in French; whilst Revision Texts are set in both languages.

Masse, Grammar of Colloquial French. 180 pages.

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[Continued on next page.

French Grammars, Primers, etc. (continued). Modern French Grammar and Conversation.

Pronunciation, Grammar with numerous Examples, Exercises s. d. (written and oral), Poems with Footnotes for Memorising, Grammatical Index and an Index of the Verbs practically illustrated in the Text, List of Verbs, by Groups, in a single Conjugation, for revision, etc. By Ch. M. MARCHAND, B. A., B.Sc., Officier d'Académie, Author of "Five Thousand French Idioms," ""Modern Parisian Slang," etc., etc. 38TH EDITION, ENTIRELY RE-MODElled. 284 pages. square 8vo. Cloth

net 7 O

Part I., treating of all the elements of Grammar necessary for ordinary French Prose Composition, comprises 30 sections, which will require about 6o recitations, thus covering 20 weeks of the School Year, at the rate of three for each week. Part II. contains 30 sections, devoted mainly to French Verbs and their Prepositions. This part will probably require not more than 30 recitations owing to the knowledge acquired with Part 1., thus leaving more time for reading. With private adult pupils, who care chiefly for PRACTICE, the exercises may be ignored or done orally. With five Lessons a week, the whole Course should take three months, at the end of which an average student should be fully prepared to keep up an ordinary conversation, read any current French book, and write social letters.

Ord, French Grammar Revision Card.

All the Points in French Grammar (except Irregular Verbs) most required in Schools. By H. W. ORD, M.A., Late Modern Language Master, Blackheath School, etc. Mounted on Linen


"Mr. Ord has chosen his matter well, and arranged it skilfully, and his cautions and memory hints show that he is a capable teacher, alive to the common pitfalls that beset the path of beginners, His is the most satisfactory compilation of the sort we know; it will certainly save much turning over of pages, and the visual association of rules with their position on the card and the space they occupy will help to fix them on the memory."-Guardian.

The Oxford and Cambridge French Grammar.


By HUNT and WUILLEMIN, containing 1000 detached Sentences and 110 connected Paragraphs for Translation from English into French ;-4000 Words ;-8000 Idioms;-a RÉSUMÉ of the "History of French Literature";-a KEY to all the English into French Exercises but the easier ones (Master's Book);30 Dictation (Master's Book) ;—300 Miscellaneous Sentences for Drilling Purposes, mostly from Examination Papers, with French Translation following each Sentence (Master's Book), etc. :— Part I. (1st and 2nd Years)-For Candidates preparing for the College of Preceptors and Trinity College (Third Class) Preliminary Legal, Medical, Scientific and Military, and Matriculation Examinations. 160 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth 30 Candidates preparing for the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations (Junior and Senior); and for the College of Preceptors and Trinity College (First and Second Class). 172 pages. Demy 8vo. Cl. 3 6 Master's Book to Parts I. and II.

Part II. (3rd and 4th Years)-For


Part III. (5th Year)-For Candidates preparing for the Higher
Local Examinations; the Military Further Examinations
(Woolwich, Sandhurst, etc.); the London B. A.; St. Andrews
L.L.A. Certificate, etc. 160 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth



3 6

This course is really a considerably cheaper publication than any hitherto brought out, and altogether precludes the necessity of buying as a necessary complement-1. An English into French Translation Book. 2. An Idiom Book. 3. A Dictation Book. 4. A Book on the History of French Litera 5. A Key for Students who get up French without the assistance of a Master, since the Master's Book is both the Grammar and the Key. [Continued overleaf.


French Grammars, Primers, etc. (continued).

Perini, Questions and Exercises on French s. d.

Grammar and Idioms.

With Answers to the most important Questions, etc.
Intended for Candidates and Advanced Classes.

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128 pages.

net 2 O

Rochelle, Mes Livres de Français. (See pages 10, 164.)

Schoedelin, French Accidence and Syntax in

A practical Compendium of Rules, Hints, and Elucidation
of Difficulties essential to the Equipment of Candidates for
Public Examinations. (Oxford and Cambridge Locals,
College of Preceptors, Army, Navy, Civil Service, Legal,
Medical, Matriculation, etc. etc.) By E. T. SCHOEDELIN,
B. A. (Oxon), Taylorian Exhibitioner in French, Oxford;
Assistant Master at Highgate School. Crown 8vo. Cloth.
(Ready about September 1920)


Emphasises the main points in a concise form for speedy acquisition and retention by intending candidates. Provides also solutions to numerous difficulties and guards against pitfalls likely to be overlooked by pupils when preparing for the tests they are destined to undergo. Many of these difficulties and tests are calculated not only to embarrass scholars, but some even could hardly be answered off-hand by teachers themselves.

Students trained on Direct or Middle Method Lines will find in this
Manual a handy Vade-Mecum of Ready Reference for clearing
up quickly doubtful points without the labour and delay of turning over
and searching through the pages of their Grammar Book or Course.

Tricoche, Some Stumbling Blocks of the French

2 6

And the way to avoid them; with Exercises and Key, - net 4 O (For full particulars see page 11.)

Tricoche, Vade-Mecum du Professeur de Français.

Encyclopédie portative de Connaissances et d'Exercices, etc. 356 pages. Cloth

(For full particulars see page 11.)

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net 5 o

Whitfield, Grammar of the French Language
of Business and Introduction to Mercantile

Rules, Reading Lessons with Notes, Exercises, Useful
Hints, Examination Papers, etc. (See page 45.) Cloth

(See also" French Verbs" on following pages.)

5 0

French Verbs, and Verb Exercise Books.

Armitage, Table of French Regular Verbs.

Arranged on the Principle of the Formation of Tenses. A large Wall Chart (6 ft. by 4 ft.) printed in large type (black and red), showing at a Glance the Formation of the Tenses in the four Conjugations. By C. F. ARMITAGE, M.A. (Lond.). In 4 Sections unmounted

s. d.

net 3 6

The 4 Sections, mounted as one large Chart on Linen, with Roller, etc.

"Just the thing we have been wanting ourselves for years. The sheets are large enough when pinned to a blackboard to be seen by the whole of a moderate-sized class. The teacher who uses them will be saved much labour."-Schoolmaster.

a huge wall-chart in which the regular verbs are clearly printed. The primitive tenses are in red, the derived in black characters. It will no doubt be found useful in elementary schools."—University Correspondent.

Ashworth, "Faire" and its Various Meanings.

With numerous Exercises, Idiomatic Expressions and

Compiled and Edited by MARIE Ashworth, Médaillée pour
la Littérature française, French Teacher at Summer Hill
Collegiate and Willow Bank High Schools. 38 pages. Crown
8vo. Paper Cover

The author has endeavoured in this little book to take one by one the different senses in which "faire" may be used, and examples have been given to illustrate every meaning. It is also suggested that pupils should learn carefully the Idiomatic Expressions and Proverbs in the latter portion of the book. This having been done, no difficulty should be experienced in translating the supplementary test exercises given at the end of the work.

Baines, Memory Cards for French Verbs.

By F. BAINES, B. A. :—

1. Regular Verbs. (In Packets of 12 Cards)
II. Irregular Verbs. (In Packets of 12 Cards)
Conjugation Papers for above. (In Packets of 25)

Castarede, Complete Treatise on Conjugation
of French Verbs.

The Regular, Auxiliary, and Irregular Verbs alphabetically arranged and fully conjugated with the Irregularities printed in Italics, English Equivalents, numerous Notes, and Remarks founded upon the best Authorities. By J. CASTAREDE. 150 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth

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26 [Continued overleaf.

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French Verbs, etc. (continued).

Conrad, Le Verbe à Vue d'Oiseau.

An easy methodical Table, with useful Observations, Notes,
Hints, etc.

By G. S. CONRAD, French Master, Grammar School, Ports-
mouth. Folded card, mounted on cloth

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s. d.


0 6

Darr, Verbes français demandant des prépositions, avec beaucoup d'exemples tirés des dictionnaires de l'Académie, de Littré, et des meilleurs auteurs. 138 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

French Verb Card, for the use of Higher Schools, folded into four sections and giving the Auxiliary Verbs. "Avoir" and "Etre" and Models, in full, of the four Conjugations of Regular Verbs

Groves, Le Verbe en Action.

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2 O

net o 6

Exercices écrits, Oraux et théoriques, Formation des
Temps, Terminaisons, Remarques sur les Conjugaisons,
Verbes auxiliaires, Tableaux des Conjugaisons, etc.

Par E. J. A. GROVES, L. ès L., Senior French Master, Bradford Grammar School. Crown 8vo. Cloth

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This book, written entirely in French, on Reform Lines, is intended-1. To promote a thorough knowledge of the Regular and Irregular Verbs most commonly in use. 2. To ensure familiarity in using the Verbs in speech. The Exercices écrits afford abundant practice in conjugating numerous verbs contained in specially compiled sentences. Due importance is given to the accurate study and application of the Subjunctive forms. The Exercices oraux, written more particularly for viva voce practice in the use of the French Verb, are so arranged that the pupil must frame the question or issue the order as well as the reply. The Exercices théoriques are "Questionnaires" written to draw attention to hints and observations which will simplify the learning of the Verbs, e.g. tense formation, similarities and differences between various types, peculiarities, etc. Answers to most of the questions may be found in the Notes and Tables at the end of the book. In conformity with the recent decree of the French Ministry of Public Instruction, the grouping of the Verbs has been simplified and arranged according to the endings of the Ist Person Singular of the Present Indicative, e.g. ; (1) Indicative Present in e (type "Aimer," etc.); (2) Indicative Present in is (type "Finir," etc.); (3) All other Verbs; and the names Passé Simple and Passé Composé have been given respectively to the Past Definite and Past Indefinite. For the convenience, however, of those who prefer the more familiar names, the words "Passé Défini" and "Passé Indéfini" have been inserted in brackets.

"Thoroughly organised and graded. duction."-Education.

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A most useful pro-
[Continued on next page.

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