
French Conversation, Idioms, Vocabularies, etc. Antoine, Practical Lessons in Colloquial French, by A. s. d. ANTOINE, late Professor of French, Birkbeck Institution, etc. 96 pages. Small 8vo.

Each lesson begins with an exercise containing familiar French phrases. This is followed by an impromptu exercise to which the learner is to give his own replies. The third exercise in each lesson consists of a short account (in French) of the life and principal works of some great French author. A few simple questions are appended to each biography for the student to prepare his answers. The Editor has found, by long experience, that this method enables the learner to converse in French in a very short time.

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Ashworth, "Faire" and its Various Meanings. (See page 23.)
Attwell, French-English Pseudo-Synonyms arranged in Alpha-
betical Order. 40 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth
Baume, Conversational Exercises for Translation into French,
from the "French Manual of Grammar, Conversation, and Lite-
rature" (see page 12), by PAUL BAUME. 64 pages. Crown 8vo.
To satisfy numerous requests, the Publishers have now issued the above
in a separate form. The compilation is on a totally different plan from the
ordinary run of Conversation Books, where grammatical knowledge is
generally excluded.

CONTENTS:-Eighty Exercises or "Drills," progressively arranged,
comprising, in all, nearly four thousand colloquial phrases on topics of
general interest :-Plurals of Nouns-Miscellaneous Questions and Answers
-Visiting-Services, Offers and Favours-Thanks and Refusals-Friend-
ship, Relations-News of the Day-Years, Months, Days, Hours, Seasons,
Weather, Ages and Periods of Life-Dinner Table, At Home, Walks in
Town and Country, Theatres, Concerts, Museum, Public Buildings, Games,
etc.-School (History, Geography, Arithmetic, Study of French, Drawing,
Writing, etc.) Domestic Animals-Trades-Businesses, Professions-The
Home (Furniture, Servants, the Gardens, etc.)-Shopping and Purchases-
Virtues and Vices-Human Body, the Five Senses, etc.
Belcour, Popular English Proverbs, etc., arranged in Alpha-
betical Order with French Equivalents. 140 pages. Cloth
Belfond, French Primer. Pronunciation, Reading, Conversation,

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Easy Stories into which are woven Words and Phrases in every-
day use, Models of Letters, etc. 76 pages
Bonnet, Proverbes Français, groupés par analogie. Paper Cover
(For full particulars see page 162.)

Bué, Madame, La Conversation en Classe à l'usage des Jeunes
Filles. Easy Dialogues on Everyday Subjects.

çaise. Cloth

Partie Anglaise. Cloth

Partie Fran

Bué, H., Easy French Dialogues. Practical Conversations, etc., on Everyday Subjects, for Beginners. 80 pages. Cloth

The subjects are such as occur in the everyday life of young people,
and the conversations have an air of spontaneity and natural sequence.
Each conversation or "scene" is prefaced by a drill on the use of the verbs
and the meaning and genders of the nouns employed in it.

Bué, H., First Steps in French Idioms, with Notes, Examination
Papers, and One Thousand Phrases to be turned into Idiomatic
French. 192 pages. Cloth

"Extremely useful for students who wish to become acquainted with
colloquial French. The key words are arranged in alphabetical order. A
selection of one thousand sentences serves the purpose of examination tests."
-School Board Chronicle.

Bué, Jules, Class Book of Comparative Idioms, containing 1800
Idiomatic Sentences, in 3 volumes: English, French and
German. Each volume separately (about 150 pages). Cloth



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2 O

2 6 [Continued overleaf.

French Conversation, Idioms, etc. (continued). Chardenal, Practical Exercises in French Conversation.

Elementary Phrases, Easy Dialogues, Travel Talk, French
Moneys, Measures, etc., Beginnings and Endings of Letters,
Parts and Furniture of House, Trades, Professions, and Intro-
duction containing a judicious selection of Elementary Rules in
French Grammar. 200 pages. Small 8vo. Cloth


French Exercises for Advanced

Principal Rules of Syntax, Exercises on Rules and Idioms,
4000 Idiomatical Verbs, Sentences, etc. 326 pages. Cloth

"The Table of Idioms, which extends over 150 pages, is the most com.
plete we remember ever to have seen, and will be of great service to the
Pupil."-Educational Times.

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s. d.

2 6

3 6

Key to the "Exercises for Advanced Pupils." With Explanations of 850 of the most difficult French Idioms. (For Teachers and Private Students.) Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, net 3 6 Charlin's Anglo-French Course.

Constant Speaking combined with Extreme Fluency, based on continual viva-voce practice, instead of allowing the pupils to remain silent during the most of the time. (See page 18.) Charlin, Grammaire Intuitive, pour l'Etude simultaneé de deux Langues. Textes Anglais, Français et Allemand. (See page 18.)

Charlin's Mnemonic French.

Over 2500 very short Sentences and useful Combinations essential to Everyday Conversation. (See page 18). net o 9 Couillault, Grammaire simplifée et Conversation Français en 24 Leçons.

Pronunciation, Vocabularies, Dialogues, Scenes from Everyday Life, Anecdotes, Poetry, etc. 242 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth 3 0 (For full particulars, see page 5.) Cossard and Laurent, Méthode directe pour l'Enseignement Rapide du Française par la Conversation. (For full particulars, see page 4.)

Delbos, French Vade Mecum for Travellers
and Students.

Compendium of Grammar, List of Words in constant use,
Useful Words resembling each other in French and English,
Phrases on Weather, Time, Age, Travelling, Buying, Selling,
Eating, Drinking, Letters, Moneys, Weights, Measures, etc.,
etc. By L. DELBOS, M. A. (Pocket Size).

Some years since the author was under the necessity of acquiring rapidly
some knowledge of the Arabian language. During the limited time at his
disposal he compiled a list of useful words and phrases, had them trans-
lated into Arabic, and committed them to memory. On arriving in Egypt
he found he knew more of the colloquial language than several friends who
had devoted years of study to the language, but whose theoretical know-
ledge was doubtless superior to his own. This compilation formed the
basis of the present work. Those who master its contents will probably
acquire a more serviceable knowledge of French than many who have
plodded through innumerable so-called grammatical exercises.


French Conversation, Idioms, etc. (continued).

Delmas, Tableaux Auxiliaires, with Vocabularies, Manuals, etc., for Systematic Practice in Conversation, etc. (See pages 164 to 167.)

Deschamps, How to Learn 6000 French Words

in One Day, with Rules of Pronunciation. By E. DES- s. d. CHAMPS, Officier d'Académie. 192 pages

net 2 6

It will take but a day to learn the 34 Key-words which enable the student to acquire some 8000 words, simply because these words are purely or slightly modified English ones. To most of the rules there are, of course, exceptions, but they are not numerous, and even if, in conversation, a few mistakes are made, the student would be generally understood all the


D'Oursy, Primer of French Conversation, Pro-
verbs and Idioms with Grammatical Explanations,
Exercises, etc. By A. D'OURSY, B. A., Lecturer in French,
University College, Bristol. 116 pages. (Pocket Size.)

English-French Conversation, with figured French Pro-
nunciation, for Travellers, Students, etc. Sentences mostly in
Use, Greetings, Travelling, Luggage, Hotel, Hairdresser, at
the Restaurant, Post-Office, Coins, etc., Shopping, Seasons,
Time, Minerals, etc. 40 pages. Large 8vo -

Entente Cordiale (L') Parlez-vous Français ?

Do you speak English? Pocket Manual, containing
Essential Phrases (Proverbs, Crossing the Channel, Custom
House, Luggage, Railway, Omnibuses, Taximeters, Hotels,
Restaurants, Post Office, Writing Materials, Visits, Shopping,
Time, Weather, the Street, Motor Terms, Money, Measures,
etc.), by J. BONHOMME et J. BULL. 50 pages

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"C'est bien le manuel de conversation le plus pratique que nous connaissions. Il est court, première qualité ; les phrases, quoique très usuelles, sont originales, deuxième bon point; la traduction française est correcte, idiomatique et littérale, et ces trois dernières qualités sont tellement rares que nous ne pouvons que les signaler."-Le Français, No. 176.

Expressions Idiomatiques (French Idiomatic
Expressions)-Gouin Method. By F. THÉMOIN,
B. ès L. Cloth (For full particulars, see page 40.)

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0 7

net 4 6

French Proverbs, grouped by Analogy. (See page 162) net O 6

Füssli's (Bildersaal). Word Pictures with Vocabularies and Simple Phrases. (See page 163.)

Continued overleaf.

French Conversation, Idioms, etc. (continued).

Gouin Method (French Lessons).

(For particulars,

see pages 160 and 161.)

Gourmand, Object Lessons in Spoken French. s. d.

72 pages. Small 8vo. Cloth.

Julien, Voyage à Paris.

Ready-made Conversations (Shopping, Travelling Abroad,
useful Information, etc.) Cloth

"Contains every element of conversation likely to be needed in
shopping, travelling, and visiting; every conceivable situation in which
an English tourist in France could find himself seems to have been
provided for."-Lloyd's Weekly.

Julien, Lessons in French Syntax.

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I 6

Adapted to Conversation. 256 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth 3 0 (See under “French Grammar," etc., page 20.)

Lazare, Questionnaire Général pour la Conversation en Français.

PAR JULES LAZARE, B. ès L. 104 pages. Cloth

CONTENTS: La maison-Le corps-La nourriture-Le médecin-L'année et les saisons-L'agriculture-Le jardin- Les métiers-Le commerce et l'industrie-L'argent-Famille, Morale, Gouvernement-La guerre-Les animaux, etc.-L'église et les fêtes L'école - Littérature - Science - Les métaux-Jeux et sports-Voyages-La mer et les bateaux-Géographie-HistoireFables, etc.

Avant chaque leçon, les élèves prépareront un certain nombre de réponses plus ou moins développées, selon qu'ils seront plus ou moins avancés. Parmi les questions d'ordre pratique, on en rencontera d'autres qui donneront lieu à une discussion ou à un récit, par exemple certaines fables de La Fontaine qui devront être racontées en langage très familiar.

Marchand, Five Thousand French Idioms.

Gallicisms, Proverbs, Idiomatic Adverbs, Idiomatic Adjec-
tives, Idiomatic Comparisons. By C. MARCHAND, B.A.,
B.Sc., etc., Author of "French Grammar and Conversation"
(38th Edition, see page 21), "Modern Parisian Slang," etc.
6th Edition. Entirely revised. 340 pages. Cloth net

Modern French writers have become much more idiomatic than that of
the old French Romantiques. Students will soon discover that their
college French does not include many of the colloquial phrases to be heard
in restaurants and other public rendezvous. If, too, a French paper or a
modern novel is read, the general sense may be understood, but the fine
subtleties of the modern familiar language may not be grasped, and at the
popular theatres the difficulty will be explained in seizing the points when
the audience laughs.

"The book is the first of its kind published in England, though several similar compilations are to be found in Germany. It will prove very useful, not only for its immediate purpose, but as a help to the acquisition of epistolary style."-Educational Times.

1 3


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[Continued on next page.

French Conversation, Idioms, etc. (continued).

Max's Conversation Drill. (The 'SESAME' to Col-
loquial French.)

One Hundred and One Graduated Models with Varia-
tions, Twenty-five Practical Conversations, Questions on
Grammatical difficulties, Answers to the More Difficult
Questions, etc. 72 pages. Crown 8vo.

The object of the Models is to impress on the memory the fundamental constructions of colloquial French, and, at the same time, to impart in ductively all leading grammatical difficulties of the language. Practised orally a few minutes daily, these models do for the young linguist what Czerny's 101 Exercises do for the young pianist. They secure to the pupil the fluency which enables him to ring the changes," as it were, on any known sentence with the ease and dexterity he displays when speaking in his own mother-tongue. The arrangement is the outcome of many years' teaching, and has been tested in the author's own school with highly satisfactory results, even with boys of small linguistic ability.

Mayer, Manual of English, French and German
Idioms, Phrases and Proverbs.

Arranged in Alphabetical Order. 366 pages. Cloth

Quelques Bonnes Pensées et Maximes.

s. d.

I 4

- 3 0

L'Amitié l'art-la beauté le bonheur-force et faiblessela nature-la philosophie-le plaisir-la souffrance-la sagesse -le succès-le travail-la vie, etc., etc. Gems selected from the Best Authors. By JEANNE LAURENT (Mrs. GRIFFIN). A Dainty Pocket Booklet (48 pages), printed with Red Border and tastefully bound. Gilt edges net I 6

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Richard et Quétin, English and French Dialogues.
Words in frequent use. Elements of Conversation,
Dialogues on Travelling, Visiting, Shopping, Apart-
ments, etc. Correspondence, Idioms, Tables of Monies,
Measures, etc. 350 pages. Cloth

New English and French Word Book.

Saint-Mandé, French Conversations.

2 6

- 09

Based upon the Familiar Objects and Surroundings of
the Class Room and the Home, including Subjects of
Everyday Life and Interest,-- Dress, Meals, Recreations,
Pleasure Trips, Household Duties, Shopping, Visiting,
Social Functions, etc.

French in the North London Collegiate School for Girls, etc.
6 Parts of over 30 Lessons each. Each part,

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[Continued overleaf.

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