
French Pronunciation, Phonetics, etc. (continued).

SMITH'S FRENCH SOUND CHART (66 in. by 44 in.) showing in bold, clear type the Front Vowels, Back Vowels (with liprounding), Mixed Vowels (with lip-rounding), Nasal Vowels, etc., etc.

Compiled by

SAMUEL SMITH, M.A. (Oxon.), L. ès L.

Late Classical Scholar of Queen's College, Oxford;

Formerly Examiner and Inspector in French for the London County Council. In two sheets, unmounted, 2s. 6d., or mounted on Linen,

with rollers, 15s.

N.B.-The Consonants, particularly when final in the Pronunciation, should be practised with suitable sounds from the list, e.g. BA, AB, DE, ED, etc. The Phonetic Notation is that used by M. l'Abbé Rousselot, and adapted by the compiler of the Chart in his Phonetic Syllabaire (Hachette) The following are examples of Phonetic Writing: kurj] courge, [ga] gant, [chas] chance, [róz] rose, [stasyō] station, [ègzersis] exercice, [sibl] cible.

With Explanations and Examples.

Based upon the Symbols of the Association Phonétique Internationale.
A Wall Chart, new and enlarged edition (30 inches by 38 inches), with
Explanatory Pamphlet in English, French, and German.

Price, mounted on Calico, with Rollers, 20s. net.

N.B.-The Table of French Sounds can likewise be had in a handy size for individual preparation or to enable Pupils and Students to insert or paste it in their class-books.

Price of the Table, in the reduced size, on stiff paper, 2d. net. (For full particulars of the Phonetic Charts (Vietor System) for the English, French, and German Languages, see page 156.)

(The Organs of Speech).

An Anatomical Wall Chart (35 inches by 25 inches) in three colours. Compiled for the use of Teachers and Students of Modern Languages, Elocution, Singing, and for the Medical and other Scientific Professions. By AD. ZÜND-Burguet.

(For full particulars see page 156.)


Manoury, Nouvelle Méthode pour l'Enseignement de l'Écriture dans les Ecoles. 12 Cahiers (of about 20 pp. each). Each net

Cahier No. 1. Premiers principes.

2. Étude des minuscules.
3. Syllabes et phrases com-
posées de minuscules.
4. Études desgrandes lettres.
5. Phrases composées de
lettres minuscules et de
lettres bouclées.

6. Majuscules et chiffres.
7. Phrases géographiques
avec majuscules.

8. Petit moyen.
9. Demi-fin.
10. Fin.

II. Ronde.

12. Bâtarde et gothique.

S. d. 4

French Readers for Beginners.

Illustrated French Primary Readers.

The Stories in this Series are such as would naturally interest young Children. They are printed in large type, and written in Conversational French of the present day. The Notes at the end of the volumes will enable the young readers to translate without any further help. The Idioms are freely rendered in simple English Equivalents, and will familiarise the pupil with simple but at the same time thoroughly French constructions. Price, per volume, in limp cloth binding, iod.

(The Editors' Names are placed in Parentheses.)
Colomb, C.-Le Caniche Blanc. (V. SPIERs.)
Colomb, J.-Les Aventures de Trottino. (L. GABORIT.)
Colomb, J.—Entre Oiseaux. (H. A. DE JOANNIS.)
Colomb, J.-La Famille de Friquet. (A. P. HUGUENET.)
Girardin, J.-Mon Oncle et Moi. (D. DEVAUX.)

Masson, J.-Aventures de l'Anon Baudinet. (S. BARLET.)
Masson, J.-Le Rêve de Noël. (G. F. BROCHER.)
Souriau, P.-Les Deux Brigands. (L. GABORIT.)
Souriau, P.-L'Oiseau bleu-La Mouche. (LERICHE.)

Lectures Primaires Illustrées. (63 Illustrations.)

Morceaux faciles avec des Explications, des Questions s. d. et des Devoirs, par E. TOUTEY, Membre du Conseil Supérieur de Instruction Publique.

With a full French-English Vocabulary in the Ordinary and the Phonetic Spellings of the Association Phonétique Internationale.

Edited by HENRI BUÉ, B. ès L., Officier de l'Instruction Publique, late Principal French Master, Christ's Hospital. Horsham. 192 pages. Crown 8vo.


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Dr. Karl Breul, in his instructive and practical Lectures on "The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages," advises " The use of a Primer containing all the commonest words, and well chosen characteristic illustrations." Monsieur Toutey's book exactly meets this requirement.

Each lesson is accompanied by a pleasing picture, reflecting as in a looking. glass the substance of the text-matter: No. 1, for instance, provides a rich mine for questions, general conversations, or dialogues between two children. In this one picture alone we have a wealth of Object Lessons:-Cuisine, salle à manger, chambre à coucher, fourneau, garde-manger, pot-aufeu, robinet, évier, mur, plafond, carreau, porte, table, chaises cheminée, glace, vase, buffet, plancher, tableaux, armoire, lit, rideaux, cuvette, etc., etc. In the first ten lessons, the liaison, that is to say, the linking of words, has been indicated by a curved line, as in en été, and the consonants which are not to be pronounced are printed in different and distinct type.

The representation of Phonetic Symbols in the Vocabulary has been done in such a manner that it cannot interfere in any way with those teachers who do not know or do not care to use this system of acquiring French pronunciation.

- I 6

[Continued on next page.

French Readers for Beginners (continued).

Lectures faciles pour les Commençants.

Leçons de Choses, Anecdotes, Historiettes, Petites Poésies. s. d.
Edited with Vocabulary. By J. Lazare, B. ès L.
96 pages.
Cr. 8vo. Cloth

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Short object lessons on familiar subjects (such as Pour écrire une lettreLa Table Les Meubles-La Maison-Les Animaux domestiques-Les Habits-Le Pain, etc., etc.); entertaining anecdotes and narratives from half a page to a page each, in very easy style; short pieces of modern French poetry for repetition and pronounciation, etc.

Elementary Conversational French Reader.

Interesting Narratives for use in Schools, with Conversations, Questions, Notes and Vocabulary.

Edited by HENRI BUÉ, B. ès L., Officier de l'Instruction Publique, late French Master, Christ's Hospital. 80 pages. Cloth

"A Collection of short anecdotes written in a form of conversation or followed by a short dialogue. Each piece is followed by simple grammatical questions bearing on the text. Whilst the author has been careful to be thoroughly simple, he has not forgotten to aim at practical utility as well, and his book can scarcely fail to give satisfaction to teachers who prefer exercises in conversation to grammatical 'drill.'"-Glasgow Herald. Belfond's French Primer.

Pronunciation, Reading, Conversation, Familiar Letters, etc., with Vocabulary, etc.

By J. BELFOND, Officier d'Académie, late French Master, Westbourne Schools, etc., etc. 80 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

"The lessons in pronunciation are exceedingly good, being easily understood, and followed by short sentences. The second part consists of correspondence passed between Henri and George, describing their homes, furniture, pastimes, schools and other familiar topics. The third part includes conversations relating also to everyday subjects, which, of course, introduces words most commonly in use."-Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette.

Bible Stories in Easy French. (New and Cheap Edition.)

I 4

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Compiled by Mme. PAUL BLOUËT; with Questions, Vocabulary, etc., by PAUL BLOUËT, B. A. ("Max O'Rell"). Small 8vo. Cl. I o "It is scarcely possible to imagine a better book from which to teach French to young children."-Literary World.

French Readings for Beginners.

Short easy Pieces in Prose and Poetry, for Home and School uses, with Vocabulary.

By E. MALVIN. Crown 8vo. Cloth

Charlin's French Reader.

Short Amusing Anecdotes and Stories for Beginners.

With a Vocabulary on a Concise and Improved Plan.


By A. CHARLIN, Author of Anglo-French Course," "Grammaire Intuitive pour l'Etude simultanée des deux Langues," etc., etc. 60 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

- IO

[Continued overleaf.

French Readers for Beginners (continued).

Les Exploits de Maître Renard.

(Simplified Text.) Arranged for Translation and Conversation, s. d. with a full French-English Vocabulary, Numerous Questions on the Text, and Tables of Verbs, by ANTON J. ULRICH, Assistant Master at Dulwich College, formerly at Bradfield College. With II full-page Illustrations. Crown 8vo. Cloth


The "Exploits" are taken from the world-famed epic, "Le Roman de Renart.' Many of the stories in this immortal classic are well known to the youth of this country through that delightful adaption "The Adventures of Reynard the Fox." The present episode is from the "jugement" or trial of the Fox by "Noble le Lion, Roi des Animaux." It recounts with great spirit and humour the knaveries whereby Maître Renard seeks to outwit his accusers and gain the sympathy of his credulous sovereign. As in the fables of La Fontaine, the charm of the stories lies in the ingenious application of the manners and customs of human beings to the animal world, the characters being well-sustained, whilst the narrative is told without any obvious purpose save that of affording honest amusement.

The text, consisting mainly of simple conversations, is eminently adapted for oral exercises and colloquial practice. After each section has been mastered and full answers given in French to the set questions, the vocabulary so acquired should form the basis for friendly causeries, thus affording favourable opportunities for increasing fluency and impressing on the memory a considerable number of practical and idiomatic phrases.

Junior French Reader.

Very short Stories for quite young Children, printed in large Type with full Vocabulary, Outline of French Grammar, etc. Compiled and Edited by ELPHEGE JANAU, Late Assistant Master at Christ's Hospital, etc., etc. 124 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

This little book was, at first, only intended to provide very young children with a Reader, in which they would find the words and phrases necessary to express correctly in French their daily wants and thoughts. Experience, however, has shown that it can be used with profit in teaching children who are no longer infants. To further this object an outline of grammar bas been added to this new edition, giving nearly all the accidence, a summary of important rules on the past participle, and on the use of the subjunctive mood.

Les plus jolis Contes de Fées.

Le Chat botté—La Belle au Bois dormant-Le petit Chaperon rouge-Cendrillon-La Barbe bleue-Ali-Baba, etc.

1 6

I 4

Partly re-written in Easy French, with full Vocabulary by JULES LAZARE, B. ès L. 122 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth 16

It would be difficult to find an introductory Reader more suitable for French Classes than a selection of popular fairy tales. An acquaintance with the subject-matter, far from being a drawback, invariably proves a great incentive, as it makes the path of the learner so much easier, and encourages him to find his way through the foreign version of those wonderful stories which were the reward of his first efforts to read in his mother-tongue.

Whilst retaining substantially the text and spirit of these immortal Fairy Tales, the Editor has been careful to eliminate those peculiarities of construction and idiom which tend only to puzzle and discourage junior students. Not only will this simplified version afford easy and interesting practice in intuitive reading, but it will also lend itself readily to oral re-translation and repetition by the pupils, after a moderate amount of preparation. Easy French Poems for Reading and Recitation.

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58 Short Pieces with 70 specially drawn Pictures fully Illustrating the Text Matter, and Vocabulary of difficult words (For full particulars of above and other Selections of French Poetry see pages 89 and 90.)


Hachette's Elementary French Readers. With Explanatory Notes, French-English Vocabularies, etc. Price per Volume, 1s. and ls. 4d. each. (The Editors' Names are placed in Parentheses.) Albert-Lévy.-James Watt. (L. GABORIT.) IS.


Bruno, G.-Les Deux Petits Patriotes, from "Le Tour de la France
par Deux Enfants." (H. ATTWELL, K.O.C.) Is. 4d.
Exercises on Bruno's "Les Deux Petits Patriotes.'
ductory Hints, Questions on Grammar based on the Text, Oral and
General Exercises, Examination Papers, and Vocabularies, by G. F.
ARMITAGE, M. A. Crown 8vo. IS.
Colet.-Deux Enfants de Charles Ier.
Gassendi, le Petit Astronome.
Mozart; Pope, le Petit Bossu.



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Lavergne.—Le Vannier de Chèvreloup, etc. (E. Veltz.)
Lehugeur, P.-Charles XII. (J. A. PERRET.)
Pressensé, Mme. E. de.-Seulette. (J. F. DAVIS, D.Lit., M.A.)
Is. 4d.

Exercises in French Composition and Re-Translation,
based on Pressensé's "Seulette," by E. T. SCHOEDELIN,
B.A. (Oxon.), Taylorian Exhibitioner in French, Assistant
Master at Highgate School, etc. Small 8vo. Paper Cover.
Price 6d. (See page 25.)

Seulette, with the Re-Translation Exercises (as above) together in one Volume. Price Is. 6d.

Le Pré aux Saules. (J. F. DAVIS, D. Lit., M.A.) Is. 4d. Segur, Mme. la Ctsse. de.-Histoire de la Princesse Rosette; La Petite Souris Grise. (J. MAURICE REY, B. ès L.) Is. 4d. Van den Berg.-Alexandre le Grand. (A. P. Huguenet.)

Napoléon. (A. P. HUGUENet.) IS.


Vattemare, H.-Vie et Voyages de Christophe Colomb (BIDAUDVILLE).


Vie et Voyages de David Livingstone. (A. ANtoine.)
Vie et Voyages de James Cook. (H. TESTARD, B.A.)

These selected works by French writers of repute are very suit.
able for junior forms. They are also by no means childish reading for older
students with a limited knowledge of French, and may be read by such with
advantage."-Lloyd's Weekly News.

The matter in each is interesting, and not too difficult. The notes explain all real difficulties, and the vocabularies contain all except the very commonest words. A good list of irregular verbs is given at the end of each volume. We are much pleased with this series, and strongly recommend it to those who wish to extend their knowledge of French by reading good literature."-The School Journal.

"Interesting, wholesome stories, easy language, and pleasant style, along with judicious annotations and full vocabularies. The stories give some good specimens of French heroism and patriotism that will cheer the hearts of boys. We can with pleasure recommend this series for those in want of easy, pleasant French reading books."—Aberdeen Journal.



[Continued overleaf.

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