
The outlet from the safety valve shall be at least as large as the Inlet. There may be a stop valve between the safety valve and the receiver. The stop valve shall be sealed open.

The discharge from such safety valve shall be continuous piping to a point not less than 6 feet above the roof of the building containing the refrigerating apparatus and as remote as practical from the walls of other buildings.

The diffuser

When ammonia is discharged into the atmosphere, a diffuser shall be attached to the upper end of the discharge pipe. shall be the same size as the discharge pipe.

The safety valve or valves shall be set to blow freely at or under the following pressures:

Carbon dioxide


Ethyl chloride

Sulphur dioxide

Order 4506-Compressors.

[blocks in formation]

Each compressor shall be equipped

with one or more safety valves located on the discharge side of the compressor and between the compressor and the first stop valve and there shall be no stop valve of any description between the safety valve or valves and the compressor. In machines not exceeding three tons capacity the safety valve shall be placed between the check and the stop valve in the discharge pipe.

The discharge from such safety valve or valves may be conducted to the suction pipe above the stop valve.

The discharge from several safety valves may be conducted to a common discharge pipe, provided the area of the discharge pipe is equal to the sum of the areas of the outlets of the safety valves. Safety valves on the discharge side of the compressor shall be set to blow freely at or under the following pressures:

[blocks in formation]

The size of the safety valve for the compressor shall be not less than the following, the tonnage being calculated on the basis of 7,500 cubic inches displacements per minute per ton.

[blocks in formation]

Order 4507-Absorption System. A safety valve shall be placed on the pipe from the generator to the absorber or brine cooler between the generator and the first stop valve. This valve shall be set to blow freely at 300 pounds per square inch.

The table in Order 4506 shall be used to determine the size of


the safety valve and the discharge shall be as set forth in Order 4505.

Order 4508-Check Valves.

A check valve shall be placed in the discharge pipe of the compressor as close to the compressor as practical.

Check valves in an absorption plant shall be located between rectifier and condenser, and in the discharge line close to the aqua ammonia pump.

Order 4510-Maintenance. All refrigerating plants shall be maintained in safe condition. If any part of a refrigerating machine, or any piping in connection with such machine becomes dangerous through corrosion or any other cause it shall be replaced forthwith.

Order 4511-Helmets. All large refrigerating plants shall be equipped with helmets or masks, which will permit the wearer without suffocation, to reach any part of the refrigerating system. In plants of 15 to 75 tons refrigerating capacity, there shall be at least one such helmet or mask, and in plants of more than 75 tons capacity there shall be at least two such helmets or masks.

Order 4512-Air Test. Old plants shall not be tested to a greater pressure than 100 pounds per square inch, and the pressure shall be built up slowly.

Order 4513-Surplus Stock.

Surplus stock of refrigerating chem

ical shall be stored in a cool place.

Order 4514-Location of Refrigerating Apparatus. Every refrigerating machine hereafter installed, exceeding three tons capa city, and which uses ammonia or ethyl chloride, shall be placed in a room apart from any other room where more than five persons are assembled or employed.

No such room shall be used as a dressing, lunch or recreation room except by those actively engaged in the operation of the refrigerating machinery.

Machines not exceeding three tons capacity, when installed in a room where more than five persons are assembled or employed, shall be substantially enclosed, with an opening to the outside, if in the judgment of the commission such enclosure is necessary to the safety of such persons.


Order 226-Flat Work Ironers. All flat work ironers must be equipped with guards in front of the feed rolls to prevent the hands of operators from being drawn into the rolls. When the so-called doffer roll is used, and is propelled by other power than the ribbon or apron feed, a guard must be placed in front of this roll.

Order 227-Bosom and Combination Ironers. All bosom and combination ironers must be equipped with guards placed near enough to the rolls and the ironing board to prevent the hands of the operator from being drawn under the rolls.

Order 228-Collar and Cuff Ironers. All collar and cuff ironers must be equipped with guards in front of the first rolls to prevent the hands of the operator from being drawn into the rolls.

Order 229-Locks on Washing Machines. Each washing machine must be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to lock the machine when he is filling or emptying the cylinders.

Order 230-Guards on Extractors. Each extractor must be equipped with a safety cover so constructed that the machine cannot be started until the cover is in place and the cover cannot be opened until the machine is brought to a dead stop. The cover must be constructed of wire screening with square mesh not larger than 1⁄2 inch. This order applies also to extractors located in industries other than laundries. (The above order must be complied with before July 15, 1915.)

Order 231-Flat Work Ironers-Rolls Guarded. All flat work ironers must be equipped with a guard for the top rolls, so constructed as to prevent the operator from putting his hands into the rolls. This guard must consist of a screen covering which shall cover the entire top of the machine or it must consist of a screen fence not less than 12 inches in height and so placed as to enclose the four sides of the machine above the rolls. The mesh of the screening as specified above must not be larger than 2 inches.

The top of the machine may be covered with solid metal instead of a screen if an exhaust system is attached to the machine so as to carry off the heat and prevent it from being thrown off against the operators.

Order 2300—Heat Deflectors. On all roll body ironers, the hot roll must be equipped with a heat deflector which must be lined with non-conductive material. The deflector must extend far enough down in front to deflect the heat and prevent it from being thrown out toward the operator. On all shoe body ironers, the shoe must be covered with non-conductive material.

Order 2301-Rooms Provided With Exhaust Systems. Wherever flat work ironers are operated, the room must be provided with an exhaust fan of sufficient capacity to draw out the excessive heat or steam which arises.

Order 2302-Floors Kept as Dry as Possible. The floors of all washrooms in laundries must be so drained that there is no measurable depth of water where the operators must stand while working Dry standing room should be provided where possible.


Order 300 Shafts-Hoisting Compartment. All hoisting compart. ments hereafter sunk in which men are hoisted in cans by power hoists must be not less than 5% feet by 52 feet in the clear.

Order 301-Ladders in Shafts. Every mine or isolated underground working, reached by a vertical shaft only, must have at least one shaft equipped with a substantial ladder. This ladder must be of sufficient strength to sustain a load of 200 pounds for each eight feet of length, and must be anchored at the bottom. No ladder shall be inclined backward.

Order 302-Ladders in Shafts Being Sunk. Ladders must be provided in all shafts in course of sinking to within such a distance of the bottom as will secure them from damage by blasting. From the end of such ladders chain, or other extension ladders, must be continued to the shaft bottom.

Order 303—Railing Around Top of Shafts. Every shaft must be equipped at the top with a substantial railing not less than three feet in height and must be constructed with two rails, the bottom rail being placed midway between top rail and floor. All openings in the railing must be equipped with a bar or gate. Where bars are used, lap bars with a lap of not less than two feet are permitted. Toe boards must be provided not less than 6 inches in height.

Order 304-Lighting Shafts. In every mine the shaft in use must be lighted at the top and bottom landings with a fixed light. Order 305-Cable Hook. The cable hook must be closed with a spring snap. All hooks must be made of Norway iron, not less than 14 inches in diameter. Hooks must be kept in good repair.

Order 306-Tamping Bars and Powder Punches. All tamping bars and powder punches must be of wood, or equipped with wood or copper tips.

Order 307-Storage of Dynamite. Dynamite, caps or other explosives must not be stored or thawed in the change house or in other buildings frequented by employes. Dynam te and caps must be kept in separate magazines, both above and below ground. Only a sufficient quantity of explosives shall be stored underground to meet the estimated requirements of the succeeding twenty-four hours.

A suitable thawing house must be provided for use where high explosives are to be thawed. A thawing house must not be heated with steam under pressure. Thawing houses must be located at least 300 feet from mine structures and dwellings. Refuse must

not be allowed to collect in the thawing house, and primers must not be prepared in either the thawing house or the magazine. A suitable magaz ne must be provided for the storage of high explosives. Where conditions will permit, a natural isolation should be chosen, as far from the mine buildings and dwellings as is practicable.

Order 398-Hoisting and Hauling Cables. All hoisting and haulage cables used in vertical and inclined shafts must have a factor of safety of not less than eight, by which is meant that the ultimate strength of the cable must not be less than eight times the total weight on such cable. Spliced cables must not be used for hoisting. Ho'sting cables must be securely fastened to the drum and when in use, must never be fully unwound, but at least one and one-half full turns must be left on the drum when the car is at the bottom of the shaft.

Order 309-Hoisting Equipment. All mine hoists must be equipped with an efficient brake and also an additional device for stopping, such as a friction clutch or auxiliary brake. The hand or foot levers used for operating the brake must be placed so as to be within immediate reach of the operator in any emergency. All can or tub bails must be made of Norway iron, not less than 14 inches in diameter. Bails must never be welded. This order applies to cans of 1000 pounds capacity. On cans, skips and cars of other capacities, the bails or attachments must be of proportionate strength.

Order 310-Can Bails.

Order 311 Attachment of Cables. All lifting cables must pass around an oval thimble, must lap back not less than eighteen inches and must be securely fastened with not less than three cable clamps. A tapered socket with babbit may be used.

Order 312.-Signal System. All shafts where power hoists are used must be equipped with a signal system. A copy of the signal code must be posted at shaft landings and in ho'st room. following uniform code of signals is recommended:

One bell..
Two bells

Three bells


Start or stop. . Lower.

. Prepare to hoist men.

Three bells, followed by one bell.

.Hoist men.

Pools of water shaft house nor

Order 313-Mud or Water at Collar of Shaft. or mud must not be permitted on the floor of the at shaft landing within six feet of the entrance to shaft way.

Order 314-Grease and Oil Waste. Waste oil or grease must not be permitted to drip in the stairs or mine buildings.

Order 2223-Change House. Where twenty or more men are employed underground, a sanitary change house must be provided. Such change house must be properly heated and must be supplied with water and adequate lavatories. The change house must be well lighted and kept in clean and sanitary condition.

Order 2224-Ventilation. In mines where smoke, gases, or foul air are not removed by natural ventilation, after blasting, before the next shift starts work, some effective means of ventilation must be provided.

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