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Silver Influence still Potent. Further International Negotiations.
Gage on Gold Standard and Currency Reform. Indianapolis
Monetary Convention. Its Comprehensive Measure of Reform.
Activity of Gold Advocates. Spanish War Finances. Era of
Prosperity. Gold Standard Law of 1900. Bryan again in
Opposition. McKinley reëlected. Gage's Plan for Elastic
Currency. Enormous Industrial Expansion. Money Stringency
and Treasury Relief. Shaw's Policy and Recommendations.
Silver Abroad

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JOHN K. COWEN, Baltimore, President

A. B. HEPBURN, Vice-President Chase National Bank, 83 Cedar Street, New York, Treasurer and General Secretary

Executive Committee

Geo. Foster Peabody, New York,

M. E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, Ohio.
J. Kennedy Tod, New York.
H. P. Robinson, Chicago, Ill.
John B. Jackson, Pittsburg, Pa.
J. K. Cowen, Baltimore, Md.
James L. Blair, St. Louis, Mo.
Louis R. Ehrich, Colorado Springs,


J. C. Schmidlapp, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A. E. Willson, Louisville, Ky.
A. B. Kittredge, Sioux Falls, S.D.
E. P. Wells, Jamestown, N.D.
W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis,

F. C. Winkler, Milwaukee, Wis.
J. W. Norwood, Wilmington, N.C.
William F. Ladd, Galveston, Texas.
Henry Hentz, New York.


R. H. Clarke, Mobile, Ala.
Morris M. Cohn, Little Rock, Ark.
Donald Y. Campbell, San Francisco,

Platt Rogers, Denver, Colo.

N. G. Osborn, New Haven, Conn.
H. S. DuPont, Winterthur, near
Montchanin, Del.

Henry G. Turner, Quitman, Ga.
John V. Farwell, Jr., Chicago, Ill.
Lucius B. Swift, Indianapolis, Ind.
W. W. Witmer, Des Moines, Iowa.
E. N. Morrill, Hiawatha, Kansas.
J. C. Morris, New Orleans, La.
Charles F. Libby, Portland, Maine.
Henry A. Parr, Baltimore, Md.
Edward Atkinson, Boston, Mass.
Edwin F. Conely, Detroit, Mich.
Thomas Wilson, St. Paul, Minn.
Addison Croft, Holly Springs, Miss.
James L. Blair, St. Louis, Mo.
Wilbur F. Sanders, Helena, Mont.

J. Sterling Morton, Nebraska City,

F. C. Faulkner, Keene, N.H.
John Kean, Elizabeth, N.J.
William C. Cornwell, Buffalo, N.Y.
William A. Blair, Winston, N.C.
J. M. Devine, La Moure, N.D.
Virgil P. Kline, Cleveland, Ohio.
A. J. Seay, Kingfisher, Oklahoma.
M. C. George, Portland, Oregon.
John B. Jackson, Pittsburg, Pa.
William B. Weeden, Providence,

George B. Edwards, Charleston, S.C.
Joseph F. Campbell, Galveston, Tex.
Charles W. Woodhouse, Burlington,


W. L. Royall, Richmond, Va.
L. S. Howlett, N. Yakima, Washing-


Alfred Caldwell, Wheeling, W.Va. F. G. Bigelow, Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph M. Carey, Cheyenne, Wyo.

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