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1 GLORY be to God on | high || and in earth peace, good | will to | wards |


2 We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we worship | Thee || we | glori | fy | Thee, 3 We give thanks to | Thee || for|-Thy | great | glory,

4 O Lord God | heavenly | King || God the | Father | Al | mighty.


T. S. Dupuis, Mus. D.

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| Lord || the only-begotten | Son | Jesus | Christ;

6 O Lord God | Lamb of | God || Son | of the | Father,

7 That takest away the sins of the | world || have | mercy upon us. 8 Thou that takest away the sins | of the world || have | mercy up | on | us. 9 Thou that takest away the sins of the world || re | ceive our | prayer. 10 Thou that sittest at the right hand of | God the | Father || have | mercy up| on | us.

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11 For Thou only art | holy || Thou | only | art the | Lord.

12 Thou only, O Christ, with the | Holy | Ghost || art most high in the glory

of God the Father. | A--— | men.

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E praise | Thee, O | God || we acknowledge | Thee to be the | Lord.


2 All the earth doth | worship | Thee || the | Father | ever | lasting.

3 To Thee all angels | cry a loud || the heavens, and all the | powers

there | in.

4 To Thee Cherubin, and | Sera | phin || con | tinual | ly do | cry,

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5 Holy Holy | Holy || Lord | God of Sa | ba | oth;

6 Heaven and earth are full of the | Majes | ty || of |— Thy | glo | ry.

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7 The glorious company | of the Apostles || praise |

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-|--| Thee.

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- Thee.


| Thee.

8 The goodly fellowship | of the | Prophets || praise | *9 The noble army of | Martyrs || praise |——|— 10 The holy Church throughout | all the | world || doth ac | knowledge | Thee;

11 The | Father || of an | infinite | Majes | ty;

12 Thine honour | able | true || and | on ― | — ly | Son;

13 Also the Holy Ghost || the | Com

14 Thou art the | King of | Glory || O |

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-| Christ.

15 Thou art the ever | lasting | Son || of |— the | Fa|ther.

* This verse to be sung to the first and last divisions of the Double Chant.

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16 When Thou tookest upon Thee to deliver | man || Thou didst not ab| hor the Virgin's | womb.

17 When Thou hadst overcome the | sharpness of death || Thou didst open the kingdom of | heaven to all believers.

18 Thou sittest at the right | hand of | God || in the | glory | of the | Father. 19 We believe that | Thou shalt | come || to | be our | Judge.

20 We therefore pray Thee | help Thy | servants || whom Thou hast redeemed | with Thy precious | blood.

21 Make them to be numbered | with Thy | saints || in | glory | ever | lasting. 22 O Lord save Thy | people || and | bless Thine | heritage.

23 Govern | them || and | lift them | up for | ever.

[Return to the preceding Chant.]

by | day || we | magni | fy | Thee;

24 Day 25 And we worship Thy | name || ever | world with | out | end. 26 Vouchsafe, O| Lord || to keep us this day with | out | sin. 27 O Lord, have | mercy up on us || have | mercy up on | us. 28 O Lord, let Thy mercy | lighten up | on us || as our | trust is | in | Thee. 29 O Lord, in Thee | have I trusted || let me | never | be con | founded.

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Richard Redhead.

S. VICTOR (76 76).


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1 THE darkness now is over,
And all the world is bright;
Praise be to Christ, who keepeth
His children safe at night!

2 We cannot tell what gladness
May be our lot to-day,
What sorrow or temptation
May meet us on our way.

3 But this we know most surely,
That through all good or ill,
God's grace can always help us
To do His holy will.

4 Then, Jesus, let the angels,

Who watched us through the night,

Be all day long beside us,

To guide our steps aright;

5 And help us to remember,

In thought, and deed, and word,
That we are heirs of heaven,
And children of the Lord.

6 Then, when the evening cometh,
We'll kneel again to pray,
And thank Thee for the blessings
Bestowed throughout the day.

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