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band will return to an inspiriting tune, accompanied by merry-andrews and torredores, who proclaim the day's amusement in the bull arena. A man goes rapidly by on a lean horse he is selling at auction; he is bid twenty dollars for a flea-bitten roan, "Will anybody say twenty-five?" Half-an-hour elapses, and back he comes, will anybody advance on thirty dollars?-By-and-by he is seen tearing through the street, scattering Joe Bellow's pickle-eaters to the right and left, and sending the mud flying into the sample keg of butter,-going for forty dollars, going for-and as he does not appear again upon the scene, it is presumed that the animal has either been sold, or withdrawn until the ensuing Sunday.

The horses that are sold this way are not very showy, nor do they fetch much, but it may be remarked that if the high-priced horses that are occasionally sold with us on account of their owners

going abroad," were first subjected to a four hours' galop, over a stony road, in presence of the bidders, many of them would be "knocked down" for even less than are these Californian ponies.

For these animals have at least the advantage of possessing four sound legs, and unless my experience much misleads me, three are as many as you can reasonably expect in any animal whose pedigree will

admit of a gentleman mounting him. Civilisation has done for horses, what in some instances it has for their masters, improved their exteriors at the expense of a ruined constitution. I wonder what Choctaw would think, if he could be made to comprehend the fact, that there were horses of twice his size and strength who couldn't "feed" without the aid of gentian, just as their masters take a glass of "vermeuthe " before dinner to "gammon an appetite."

In Sonora, every man carried arms, generally a Colt's revolver, buckled behind, with no attempt at concealment. In countries where men have no protection from the law, and the vicious preponderate, this is necessary. And although it is much to be deplored, that this necessity did exist, its consequences were less deleterious to society than would have been expected. For the fear of the law, in the best regulated community is not so strong as the fear of sudden death; and if quarrels and assassinations were rare, comparatively, in the mountains, it was owing to the fact that every man was able to protect himself. It is generallly inferred, as a matter of course, that where all men carry arms, blood is shed on the first passionate impulse, and life is not safe. This is not so; it is where all carry arms that quarrels are less rare, and bullying less known than elsewhere,

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