
mation, correct exegesis and statement of history, and sound application to present conditions. Dr. Johnston is familiar with the geography, the history, the religious environment, and the archeology of the seven churches, and has laid these different regions under tribute. The result is a handy little book on the messages to those churches which no minister need be ashamed to own, and most ministers would find informing, stimulating, and provocative of study. Ten illustrations represent either the archeology or the modern conditions of Patmos and the seven cities.

The Students of Asia. By SHERWOOD EDDY. Student Volunteer Movement, New York, 1915. Illustrated, 721⁄2 x 5 in., 223 pp. 50 cents net.

Mr. Eddy's special qualifications for writing the present volume consist of several consecutive years of Y. M. C. A. work in India, followed by other years as international worker in the Far and Near East, including several speaking tours that covered India, China, Korea, and Japan. His opportunities have therefore been unusual for acquiring exact knowledge. He holds that the future of the Asiatic nations depends upon the training their students receive. He is anxious that the West shall intelligently help the East, which it can do only if it knows the character, needs, and circumstances of these students. To supplying this information the present informing volume is devoted. The chapter headings are: The Awakening of a Continent; The New Education in Asia; Student Life in Japan; The New Generation of Chinese Students; The Students of India; Student Leaders in National Regeneration; Successful Methods in Student Work; The Call of a Continent. Mr. Eddy is especially concerned for the evangelization of the East, and hopes that the encouraging signs of success in this direction, many of which he describes, will stimulate more intense effort in the West.

The Twelve. Apostolic Types of Christian Men. By EDWARD AUGUSTUS GEORGE. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, 1916. Illustrated, 71⁄2 x 5 in., 235 pp. $1.00 net. Was it not of design that Jesus chose men of so varied types as his first disciples? Was this fact in a way symbolic of the fact that men of all sorts of talents and men of lit

tle talent have their part in the world's work? While the character of each of the apostles has been made the subject of individual study, there are not many books discussing in turn every one of the Twelve. The volume by Mr. George, while presenting little that is new in the way of research, is fresh and vigorous, modern and stimulating, suggesting material for a sermon series. One can imagine, for example, an effective, profitable, and cheering discourse on the theme (Chap. XI), "The Obscure Three (James, son of Alphæus, Simon Zelotes, and Judas Lebbæus)." The "obscure" people do a great deal of what is accomplished, whether in the social or the religious sphere.

Sub Corona. Sermons preached in the University Chapel of King's College, Aberdeen, by Principals and Professors of Theological Faculties in Scotland. Edited by HENRY COWAN, D.D., and JAMES HASTINGS, D.D. T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh, 1915. 84 x 51⁄2 in., 297 pp. 4s. 6d. net. Apart from two sermons-one by Principal George Adam Smith on "After a Year of War," and one by Professor W. A. Curtis on "The English Bible"-the sermons in this volume (twenty in all) deal with various aspects of the Christian life. We give in another department of this issue one of the best of these sermons.

Belief and Practise. By WILL SPENS, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Longmans, Green & Co., New York. 244 pp. $1.75 net.

No one could infer the contents of this book from its title. It deals with institutional religion and constitutes a plea for the superiority of the Catholic tradition, which is held to be more synthetic than any other extant tradition of Christian thought. The incarnation and the eucharist are discust with special fulness. It is maintained that a ministry without episcopal ordination is an inadequate substitute for the historic hierarchy, and that consequently a eucharist which has been performed without the cooperation of legitimate authority, is irregular, tho not necessarily invalid in an absolute sense. Tho the writer is fully persuaded in his own mind, there is nothing bigoted about his discussion; but readers who belong to other communions or to more liberal schools of thought are likely to remain unpersuaded.

Fifty Years of Association Work Among Young Women (1866-1916). A History of Young Women's Christian Associations in the United States of America. By ELIZABETH WILSON. National Board Y. W. C. A., New York, 1916. 8 x 5 in., 402 pp. $1.35 net.

This important production is by the executive of the secretarial department of the National Board of the Young Women's Christian Associations of America, and is designed to show why and how the Young Women's Christian Associations came into being and to indicate that the first half century is but the beginning of the movement. All publications and public libraries should have a copy of this reference book on their shelves.

Stories of the Kingdom. Addresses to Children. By the Rev. WILL REASON, M. A. Morgan & Scott, Ltd., London, 1915. 74 x 5 in., 175 pp. 2s. net.

This series of talks on the parables addrest directly to boys and girls are on the whole fine examples of what is possible in the Children's service. We give in this number one of the talks.

Why Does Not God Stop the War? By the Ven. BASIL WILBERFORCE, D.D. Elliot Stock, London, 1915. 6 x 5 in., 78 pp.

1s. 6d. net.

Apart from the strong pro-Ally convictions of the author this little book is provocative of profound thought. He deals in the four chapters with "Why Does Not God Stop the War?" "The Mystery of Christ," "Letter and Spirit," and "Lightning." He is convinced that the Allies are engaged in the "Father's business" and that the " is God self-realized on the plane of evolution; it is a crisis in evolution; on that plane God is the driving power behind evolution, and the law of evolution, from the growth of a plant to the perfection of an individual, is war against a hostile opposite."


Blood Against Blood. By ARTHUR SYDNEY BOOTH-CLIBBORN. Charles C. Cook, New York. 5 x 71⁄2 in., 176 pp. 50 cents. The writer makes "no apology for the somewhat vehement character of this book," and explains on the title-page that he "belongs to no particular denomination of Chrisfans, therefore none shares the responsibil

of the views exprest." He was born of

Quaker ancestry, and opposes war, tho he has long labored in an army-the Salvation Army. His book, he says, is "intended for Christians only"; and it brims, for them, with utterances and illustrations against the wickedness of war, which, as he phrases it, "helps to intensify the moral darkness which covers the world."

The Blackest Page of Modern History. Events in Armenia in 1915. The Facts and the Responsibilities. By HERBERT ADAMS GIBBONS, Ph.D. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1916. 72 x 41⁄2 in., 71 pp. 75 cents net.

Dr. Gibbons, an authority on things Turkish, sets forth the salient facts in the awful tragedy of Armenia in 1915. Germany is joined with Turkey in his scathing and deserved arraignment. Still, no facts are adduced that were not already well known.

The Black Prophet. By GUY FITCH PHELPS. Standard Publishing Co., Cincinnati, 1916. 74 x 5 in., 360 pp. $1.35


This is a novel built upon the assumption that the Roman Catholic clergy is immoralcommercially, educationally, and in relation to woman.

Books Received

Bible Prophecies and the Plain Man. With Special Reference to the Present War. By MARR MURRAY. George H. Doran & Co., New York, 1915. 74 x 5 in., xvi-319 pp. $1.25 net.

Gleig's Wonderful Book Concerning the Most Wonderful Book in the World. By Rev. GEORGE ROBERT GLEIG, M.A. The Vir Publishing Co., Philadelphia, 1915. 71⁄2 x 44 in., 711 pp. $1.80 net.

Ten Minutes with the Bible. The Gospel According to St. John and Epistles. With Brief Comments arranged for Daily Reading. By the Author of "The Steep Ascent." Elliot Stock, London, 1915. 61⁄2 x 4 in., 142 pp. 1s. 6d. net.

The Origin of the Bible. By E. W. HICKS. The Glad Tidings Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1916. 71⁄2 x 5 in., 108 pp.

The Book of Personal Work. By JOHN T. FARIS, D.D. George H. Doran Co., New York, 1916. 74 x 5 in., 322 pp. $1.00



Professor of homiletics, Princeton Theological Seminary, since 1914; born in Baltimore, June 23, 1852; studied at Baltimore City College, Princeton, University of Maryland, and graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary, 1876; ordained to the Presbyterian ministry, 1876; pastor of the First Church, Peekskill, N. Y., 1876-98, Market Square Church, Harrisburg, Pa., 1900-14; author of the Teaching of the Gospel of John, 1904.

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Published Monthly by Funk & Wagnalls Company, 354-360 Fourth Avenue, New York.

(Adam W. Wagnalls, Pres.; Wilfred J. Funk, Vice-Pres.; Robert J. Cuddihy, Treas.; William Neisel, Sec'y.)




No. 3

Professor CLARENCE A. BECKWITH, D.D., Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois

THIS series of ten essays is by members of the Churchmen's Union and others on the religious difficulties caused by the War. The first three essays deal with providence in relation to the individual, history, and the universal order. The fourth discusses the question why evil exists. The three next seek a reconciliation of evil with belief in a divine government, presented under three aspects, of hope, confidence in personal immortality, and the relation of faith to reality. The next two essays define the relation of war to the ethics of the New Testament and the ideals of a Christian nation. In the final chapter the question is raised how the Church of England is to meet the conditions created by the war. The majority of the writers are well known, and we are accustomed to look to them for guidance on high themes: Percy and Alice Gardner, Hastings Rashdall, W. R. Inge, A. E. Taylor, H. H. Henson.

We may first summarize in the briefest way the chief points of view of the several papers. In the first

lecture on "Providence and the Individual" the scientific is harmonized with the religious view of the world by a distinction between the world of sense and the world of spirit. The power of wickedness is reconciled with the power of God by a limitation of omnipotence. In the second lecture the reconcilation takes place through the denial that God permits

sin; sin is sin because God is not in it. The third essay interprets general providence through experience in which the purpose of God is conceived as perfect love, and the progress of the world as twofold, material, which advances more rapidly, and moral, which is identified with happiness resting on virtue, which, however, being more difficult, is far slower. In these papers suffering which God shares with men is acknowledged as a sign not of defeat but of progress. The problem of evil finds its explanation in original limitation of divine power. The forces of evil in the world are such as God has caused and is able to overcome. There is a balance of good in the world. In the fourth paper Dr. Rashdall repudiates the theory that evil is but the foil of good or a condition for disclosing the greater glory of God. Evil is indeed due to an original self-limitation of God, but this does not involve defeat of his purpose, since we know that he is mightier than it; and even if his power is limited, his love is not; and moreover he invites us to cooperate with him in the overthrow of evil. After the address by Dr. Inge on "Hope, Temporal and Eternal," which sets forth the ground of this spirit of expectancy, Professor A. E. Taylor offers a very able discussion of "Belief in Immortality." He accepts as fundamental the position of the Church and science concerning the future of man and takes his stand

1 The Faith and the War, Edited by E. J. Foakes-Jackson. 52x81⁄2 in., pp. xvi, 261. 5s. net.

Macmillan & Co., Lim., London.

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