


From the Hon. Charles A. Lord, Superintendent of the Common Schools of Maine.

PORTLAND, MAINE, Sept. 6, 1855. Your "Sheppard's Constitutional Text Book" was duly received, now some weeks since. An earlier acknowledgment of your kindness was intended; the delay, however, has wrought no abatement of interest in your Text Book, nor any indifference to the great want it is so well calculated to supply in our educational course. A practical, familiar exposition of the United States Constitution, and of those of the individual States, must be engrafted on our elementary course, if we would, with the great Washington, have our children indoctrinated in the principles and powers of State and Federal relations. If our citizens are to exhibit "a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment to the Union," the children must have a more national training. Neither a classical nor an exclusively literary or scientific course will meet this necessity. The rules of grammar must not absorb the rights of citizens, nor the study of our vernacular exclude a knowledge of the mother Constitution. We have national societies and national parties-an American system and an American policy; we want an American education. I hail your "Text Book" as a helpmeet in this cause." It has only a few competitors in the field. The diagram of the comparative population of the States, as well as the chart of their several Constitutions in their essential features, are very important additions for the scholar, and valuable as a matter of reference to the citizens generally. I hope it may furnish abundant reward to its publishers for their outlay of taste and expense in its mechanical appearance.


From Ex-U. S. Senator Bradbury, of Maine.

AUGUSTA, ME., July 31, 1855.

I think it better adapted to the purpose of a text-book, for use in our schools and seminaries of learning in acquiring a knowledge of the Constitution of the United States, than any work of the kind I have ever seen.

It is designed to give not only a theoretical knowledge of the subject, but to make the pupil acquainted with the practical working of the different departments of the Government, and with the powers and limitations of each. Its general use in our schools can hardly be too strongly recommended.

The more the fundamental law upon which our Union rests, is studied, and the blessings it secures, are contemplated, the better will the inestimable value of the Union be appreciated.

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New Hampshire.

From the Hon. J. J. Gilchrist, Judge of the United States Court of Claims, and late Chief Justice of New Hampshire.

CHARLESTON, N. H., August 14, 1855.

As it is of incalculable consequence to the American people that the Union should be preserved, so any thing is to be encouraged which tends to dissemi. nate a knowledge of the provisions of the Constitution. The book in question seems well adapted for this purpose. The style is clear and concise, and the information it contains appears, upon a cursory examination, to be correct. The comparative chart of the constitution of the States, contains a great amount of information, arranged in a very intelligible manner; and I think the book is valuable not only as a convenient book of reference for all classes, but as a means of elementary instruction.


From the Secretary of the Board of Education of New Hampshire. LAKE VILLAGE, N. H., Aug. 17, 1855.

I have examined it with deep interest, and am of the opinion that it is well adapted to the purposes of elementary instruction; better adapted than any work of the kind I have ever seen.

Every American youth should be thoroughly taught in this important but heretofore sadly-neglected branch of study; and most cordially do I recommend it to a place in the public schools of our country.


From Rt. Rev. Carlton Chase, D. D., Bishop of New Hampshire.
CLARMONT, Aug. 1, 1855.

I have perused the "Constitutional Text Book" with very great interest. It is not in schools and colleges alone that such a work is needed; it should have a place in every domestic library in our country. The plan is excellent, and will greatly aid the memory. There is at once precision and fulness.



From the Chief Justice of Vermont.

WINDSOR, VT., Aug. 2, 1855.

I have examined the book with care, and have been agreeably disappointed to find it so much above the common run of books upon that subject. It seems to me a useful book not only for the pupil and the novice, but as a convenient manual for the most learned and experienced in the subject there treated.

As a depository of facts and principles upon the history, and development, and present state of our institutions, the book is certainly a very importart addition to the former stock of valuable works upon the subject.



From the Hon. B. R. Curtis, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

PITTSFIELD, MASS., Sept. 3, 1855. *

I have availed myself of my earliest leisure to examine "The Constitutional Text Book," and I now have the pleasure to say that I find it contains a great amount of useful information concerning the history and practical working of the Constitution of the United States; its explanations of the provisions of the Constitution are concise, clear, and, I think, correct; and its matter is well arranged. In my opinion it is not only a very valuable school-book, but worthy of a place in every library as a ready and accurate book of reference concerning many things which should be accurately known by our countrymen.


From George T. Curtis, Esq., the distinguished Legal Writer, author of the "History of the Origin, Formation, and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States, &c."

BOSTON, Mass., July 20, 1855.

Whoever can widely and successfully accomplish the purpose of this book,to teach the outline and the principles of the Constitution of the United States to the more advanced pupils of the public schools-will deserve the thanks of the country. There have been some previous efforts of the same kind; but I have seen no book that seemed to me to be so clear and perspicuous in its statements, so well adapted by its method, and so judicious as this book of Mr. Sheppard's. If such a book could be introduced and carefully used in the public schools throughout the Union, it would effect a vast amount of good.

Much of the sectional animosity that unhappily prevails at different times between different portions of our country, if not primarily caused, is often aggravated by the crude and imperfect notions everywhere prevalent concerning the nature and object of the Federal Government, its relations to the States, and the relation of the States to each other. This popular ignorance is as remarkable in the regions claiming to be most enlightened, as it is in those which make no claims to superior intelligence. But I trust that a better day is not far distant. I look forward to a time when the sectional differences and alienations will have ceased, and when the people of the whole country will turn their undivided energies to the development, and progress, and glory of this noble republic of associated States, in whose perpetuity is involved the fate of the great problem of self-government. Towards the production of this result I know of no agencies more powerful than books, which will enable the rising generation of American youth to understand and appreciate the great charter of our liberties, of our prosperity, and our happiness.


From Ex-Governor Winthrop, of Massachusetts.

BOSTON, MASS., July 24, 1855. I have examined it with much interest. Mr. Sheppard has compressed a great deal of useful information into a narrow compass, and has prepared a most convenient volume for schools. I trust it may be effective in imparting to the youthful mind of our country, a better knowledge and a higher appreciation of the Constitution under which we live.


From the Hon. John H. Clifford, Ex-Governor, now Attorney General of Massachusetts.

NEW BEDFORD, MASS., July 14, 1855.

I regard it as an admirable compendium of the provisions of the Constitution, with the action of the Government under it, and the judicial constructions that have been given to those portions of it which have been drawn into controversy. As a text-book for schools, as well as a valuable book of reference for all classes of the people, it seems to me calculated to be eminently useful; and I trust it will receive a circulation throughout the country commensurate with its merits.


From the Governor of Massachusetts.

BOSTON, MASS., July 19, 1855.

From a cursory examination, it appears to have been compiled with great care, and to embrace much valuable information.

It certainly treats in a familiar manner of questions of great import to every American citizen, and gives information it is desirable should be imparted to all the youth of our land.



From Governor Dutton, of Connecticut.

NEW HAVEN, CONN., July 17, 1855.


I have examined with care "Sheppard's Constitutional Text Book." regard it as a work which ought to be found not only in colleges, academies, and schools, but also in the hands of every elector in the United States. As under our institutions every citizen may take a part in the government of the country, he ought, in order to enable him to execute this privilege properly, to become well acquainted with the Constitution of the United States.

This book will enable him to obtain the necessary information with ease, and with trifling expense. It is a strong recommendation of the work, that no doubtful questions regarding the construction of the Constitution are either raised or discussed.


From the Chief Justice of Connecticut.

LYNN, Aug. 6, 1855. It is written with conciseness, and yet contains much valuable information, and seems well adapted to supply the wants of the American pupil in our literary institutions, and impart to them that knowledge of our Constitution that every person ought to possess.


From the Commissioner of the School Fund of Connecticut.

HARTFORD, CT., August 1, 1855.

I have no hesitation in saying, that this work will answer the demands of the public, and that the author, in teaching the children of the United States to look with reverence upon the Constitution, will leave an invaluable legacy to the people of this country.


New York.

From Judge Kent, of New York City.

NEW YORK, Sept. 20, 1855.

This book appears to me to be an excellent compend of the political information which should enter into the education of every American youth. In the selection of subjects, and in the clear and methodical exposition of the most important parts of our National Government, Mr. Sheppard seems to me to have attained his end, and prepared a work well adapted to the use of our academies and higher schools.


From the Rev. Dr. Nott, for more than fifty years President of Union College, Schenectady.

UNION COLLEGE, Sept. 28, 1855.

I have examined with some care the Constitutional Text Book for the use of schools, academies, and colleges, by Furman Sheppard, and think it admirably adapted to the end for which it is designed. I trust it will have a circulation corresponding to its merits.


From the Governor of New York.

ALBANY, N. Y., July 26, 1855.

1 have examined "Sheppard's Constitutional Text Book," and have no hesitation in saying that I think it will be a useful book for the purposes for which it appears to be designed.


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