
by a sacrifice of their own, dignity, and the independence of their reliin our columus a spirit so unworthy the subject of a free constitution, or the honourable name of Briton?— Have we ever shewn a propensity to submit to the dictates of this or that party, and sometimes of both, in the hope of obtaining any temporal advantage? On the contrary, have we not shewn an inviolable at tachment to the unbending principles of the religion we profess; an ardent love of the genuine maxims of the British constitution; and a detestation of every species of ecclesiastical and political corruption, as injurious to the glory of God, and the happiness of our country? If this is to be an incendiary, if this is to render our Journal a tocsin, if this is to invite to "religious insubordination and party dissention," we certainly, plead guilty; but it is an offence which has obtained for us the approbation of the wise and the virtuous, a gratification that will more than compensate, in a conscientious point of view, which should always supersede pecuniary motives, for the opposition we meet with from the weak, the worthless, and the corrupt of our own communion.

head, procure a rescript from Rome, which has been since condemned by the Irish prelates, by the pope him-gion. But, have we ever displayed self, and by the protestant bishop of Ossory, in his place in parliament. We have subsequently seen them employ the influence of the temporal power, and the arts of corruption to procure from Rome the sanction of a measure which the bishops of Ireland have declared, in synod, will essentially injure, and may eventually subvert the catholic religion in this country. We have seen these things, and many more of the same irreligious tendency, transacted by those who raise the cry of "religious insubordination" against us; but can they discover the like wicked and corrupt disposition in the pages of our Journal? We challenge them to the proof. And as to "party dissention," is it not notorious, that, from the first period of our experiencing relief from the grinding pressure of the penal laws, to the present moment, the public conduct of those who accuse us of fomenting factious strife, has been directed to the raising divisions in our body, by separating the interests of the aristocracy from those of the people, and creating disunion between our ecclesiastical superiors, whose duty it is to set us an example of concord and unity. Thus we see them practising upon the weakness of some, and unhappily succeed in producing a groundless jealousy at the vigorous zeal and incorruptibility of others. Whilst thus employed in enkindling the worst passions of

It is with feelings of peculiar pleasure we lay before our readers the copy of a letter from that great and distinguished ornament of the episcopal bench, the protestant lord bishop of Norwich, to the Roman catholic bishop of Cloyne and Ross, — our nature in the hearts of those who As our readers are not probably were appointed to caution us against aware of the circumstances under yielding to them, they betrayed a which the letter was written, we shameless disregard for public opi- extract the following particulars nion, and a servile disposition to be- from The Cork Mercantile Chronicome the slaves of the principal cle:" Mr. Coppinger, of Leemembers of the two factions which mount, as chairman of the late agdivide the nation, and had been so gregate meeting, addressed a letter instrumental in divesting their an- to the bishop of Norwich, contain cestors of the privileges they now ing a copy of the vote of thanks passseek after, and are willing to obtained by that assembly to his lordship,


were at least undeserved, permit me, sir, through you to discharge again and again, that pleasing duty, which their affection has so often imposed upon me, of proclaiming my profound and heart. felt gratitude.

to which he affixed his signature in the usual manner. The bishop of Norwich, being unacquainted with the particulars of that meeting, and having, of course, often heard of that respectable and deservedly re- "If my own individual credit with vered prelate, the catholic bishop of my countrymen were the object upperCloyne and Ross, imagined that Dr. most in, and dearest to my heart, I have Coppinger was the individual who more than fully attained it. But the presided at the meeting, and from disastrous state of our affairs at Rome, whom he received the communica- which becomes daily more evident, as tion to which we have above allud-it was the sting that poisoned my sufed, and under this impression ad-ferings there, so it is the only thought that now alloys the comfort of iny dressed an answer to his lordship." country's sympathy. Nothing shall be "Norwich, Sept. 8, 1817. ever wanting on my part to bring back "MY LORD,-The approbation of the these affairs to the promising, and apwise and good is the best reward which,parently certain state of success, in on this side of the grave, an honest which they were previous to the period man can receive, for doing what he be- of my arrest. For the cause in which lieves to be his duty. I cannot, there- I lost my liberty, almost my life, and fore, but be highly gratified by the fa- what was infinitely more precious than vourable opinion which you are so good either, my character (as far as calumny as to entertain of my humble exertions, and despotism leagued could blacken in support of a cause, the success of their imprisoned, secluded victim, whose which I have most sincerely at heart. speaking silence was still the terror of their conscious guilt); this cause, the cause of Ireland and her religion, the temporal and eternal salvation of Irish generations yet unborn, has been only rendered more dear to me by the galling persecution I have been found worthy to endure for its sake.

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May I request you to present my grateful acknowledgments to the aggregate meeting of the Roman catholics of the county and city of Cork, for a Resolution, which does me far more honour than I deserve; accept, my lord, at the same time, my best thanks, for the very obliging manner in which you have been so kind as to convey this pleasing intelligence to me. Believe me, with great truth, your affectionate brother, HENRY NORWICH. "To the right Rev. Dr. Coppinger, catholic bishop of, &c. &c."

The subjoined letters have been received by Mr. Coppinger, and are highly deserving the notice of the catholic body.

“Dublin, September, 27, 1817. "SIR, I lose no time in acknowledging the receipt of your polite, and truly kind letter of the 12th instant, inclosing the resolutions of the catholics of the county and city of Co k, adopted in their aggregate meeting of the 22d ult.

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"As the ignorance of actual danger is the forerunner of certain ruin, and as a conscientious declaration of facis,— which must unequivocally prove and forcibly impress on the most obstinate and insensible minds, the existence of the danger in question, is a duty I own to my constituents, I take the opportunity of announcing, that I am now engaged in preparing for speedy publi

cation a report of my two years mission, the perusal of which shall, I am confident, produce the adoption of such measures by every class of catholics, as are best calculated to counteract the intrigues of their enemies at Rome this winter, before the next session of Parliament can bring into legal operation those hideous measures, (hideous as the means employed to obtain them,) which corruption, influence, terror and deception, without fear of control, or even of exposure, are now busily engaged in arraying before-hand for execution, in the auxiliary trappings of forced, forged, or deluded papal authority.


Renewing to the catholics of Cork collectively, those thanks, which, were Having seen a new edition of the it possible, I would express to each in- Rheimish testament, with annotations, dividually, but to no one more sincere-published by Coyne, Dublin, and Keatly than to yourself, I remain, sir, youring, &c. London, 1816, said to be revismost obliged, and most humble ser- ed, corrected, and approved by me, vänt, RICHARD HAYES." think it necessary to declare, that I never approved nor meant to approve of any edition of the old or new testament, which was not entirely conformable, as well in the notes as the text, to that which was edited by R. Cross, Dublin, 1791, containing the usual and prescribed formula of my approbation, and which has served as an examplar to the several editions that have since been published with my sanction.

66 Dublin, Oct. 8, 1817. "SIR, I had the honour of receiving your letter, inclosing a copy of a resolution of an aggregate meeting of the catholics of the county and city of Cork, by which they have been pleased to vote me their thanks for my advocacy of their cause in the last session of parliament. I feel extremely happy to find that my conduct has been approved of by a meeting representing so large and respectable a portion of the catho lic body, and shall be ready to give all the support in my power to their new petition. It would still appear that the system of petitions should be extended much further than it yet has been, as the only way to remove an opinion which prevails very generally in both houses of parliament, that the middle and lower orders of the catholics feel no anxiety for, and have no interest in, the carrying of the general measure of emancipation. When it is further considered that, notwithstanding the conciliatory conduct of the catholics had removed all apparent obstacles in the way of success, their prayers were still unheeded, it is very plain, that some new and general effort is necessary to impress upon government and parlia ment the hardship and injustice of continuing any longer a single enactment of the catholic penal code. I have the honour to be, your obedient servant,


The Dublin Evening Post of the 25th ult, contains the following declaration of the Roman catholic archbishop of Dublin, relative to a recent edition of the holy scriptures, with notes and illustrations, the remarks on which edition, in the British Critic, and other periodical journals, are said tobave produced a very strong and a very unfavourable impression, even among liberal men and steadfast friends to the cause of eatholic emancipation.

"As in the said new edition, the notes vary essentially from those of the last-mentioned editor's, which exclusively I have sanctioned for publication, I should think that circumstance aloue fully sufficient to induce me to withhold every kind of approbation from it; but having read, and, now for the first time, considered these notes, I not only do not sanction them, but solemnly declare, that I utterly reject them generally, as harsh and irritating in expression, some of them as false and absurd in reasoning, and many of them as uncharitable in sentiment. They further appear to countenance opinions and doctrines, which, in common with the other Roman catholics of the empire, I have solemnly disclaimed upon


"Under these circumstances, and with these impressions on my mind, I feel it an imperious duty to admonish that portion of the catholic body which is entrusted to my charge, of the danger of reading and of paying any attention to the notes and comments of the said new edition of the testament; and I enjoin the Roman catholic clergy of this diocese to discourage and prevent, by every means in their power, the circulation, amongst catholics, of a work tending to lead the faithful astray, and much better fitted to engender and promote amongst christians hostility, bitterness, and strife, than what should be the object of every such production, to cultivate the genuine spirit of the gospel, that is, the spirit of meekness, charity, and peace. J. T. TROY."

"Dublin, 24th October, 1817." Andrews, Printer, Garlick-Hill, Bow-Lane, London.

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THE RHEIMS TESTAMENT AND PRO-ble and just grounds. But is such
EFORE I enter on a vindica-

the conduct of our adversaries, who boast of being the most "enlighten

Btion of the annotations attached ed" of all human beings, and sneer

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to the original edition of the Rheims at other countries for not possessing testament, and rescue the learned the same, freedom of writing as they and venerable authors from the foul profess to enjoy ? The question slanders which the reviewers in the must be answered in the negative. British Critic have so basely heap- Nothing is more notorious than the ed on them, and on catholics gene- great reluctance which is univerrally, I shall once more touch on the sally manifested by the protestant candour and liberality of the pro- press of England to admit any detestant press of this country, as ex- fence or justification of the religious emplified in particular in the hire- principles of catholics. It is true, ling Times," and also on the great a greater degree of ingenuousness activity now pursued by the oppo. has been lately shewn on the part nents of catholic emancipation, to of the press, to vindicate our politiexcite the public mind against the cal character from the abuse and religious and political sentiments of misrepresentations which have been their catholic countrymen, by means so profusely piled upon it; but then of this all-powerful and two-edged it has been mostly at the hazard of instrument. In my September num- the integrity of our consciences, and ber, I noticed the refusal of the the independence of our ecclesiasti Times to continue the controversy cal rights. Thus, by the ignorance between a catholic writer, under the of some, and the treachery of others, signature of VERITAS, and several the basis of our claims has been protestant penmen, but more parti- made more obscure to the public cularly one who signed himself AMI- than it would have been, had a proCUS CURIE; and I offered my co- per support been given to a catholic lumns to the two combatants named, press, unbiassed by interest and uns if they thought fit to avail them- influenced by party; because the selves of the opportunity to continue errors of the former would have been the contest. My motive for doing immediately corrected, and the falsethis was, that a fair chance might hoods of the latter met with instant be given to each party to defend exposure. Nothing can be more their opinions, and thus give an in- correct than the observation of Ve dubitable proof, that the CATHOLIC ritas to the editor of the Times, press is open for equal discussion, (Sep., 18,) that the liberty of the and that we are not afraid to trust press, when kept within due limits, our cause to be sifted upon equita- I is one of the greatest blessings that



can be enjoyed in a free country; | tunity of defending myself, I do

not fear their united efforts, but shall maintain my cause in the face of the public, and leave them to judge of the strength of my arguments.". Here we have the language of confi. dence, and the intrepid daring of an unconquered combatant, though surrounded with foes; but what was the conduct of the editor, on receiving this declaration of his catholic correspondent? Conscious of the heavy blows which Veritas had dealt around him, and fearful that the public mind would become favourable to our cause, by an act of the most gross partiality and injustice, he puts an end to the controversy, and announces his reasons for this decision in these words :- "We this day (September 20th,) insert the remainder of VERITAS's letter in defence of the doctrines of the church of Rome, to whom we have thought ourselves obliged, in fairness, to allow full liberty of reply to AMICUS CURIE, however little we may ourselves be convinced by his arguments: and here we should rather wish to close the contest between these two polemics, so far as our columns are concerned." I shall here observe, that Veritas did not appeal to the conviction of the editor individually; he sought for a fair trial of skill, that the PUBLIC might decide between him and his oppo

but, when abused, by being made the vehicle for slander and falsehood, without affording the injured party the means of defending himself, it becomes one of the most destructive engines for undermining every religious and social obligation." Equally true is his farther remark, that such was the case with the catholics in this country for two centuries after the reformation; the greatest encouragement being given to all such publications as tended to scandalize them in the eyes of their neighbours, while they were strictly prevented from printing or publishing any book in justification of themselves, or in opposition to those who sought every opportunity to oppress and degrade them." But, although I am ready to admit that Amicus Curia, at the time he was extolling the liberty of the press, wished to see Veritas shut out of the Times, that his slanders might not be detected, yet I must protest against the adulatory compliment paid by the latter to the hireling journalist, for his "impartiality in allowing a catholic to defend the doctrines he believes, in opposition to the calumnies of his bitterest opponents," as unmerited and ill-timed. Experience has taught him, that he was too hasty in eulogizing this pander of bigotry. Prompted by a laudable zeal, and embold-nents. ened by having the cause of truth to defend, in the conclusion of his letter Veritas thus expresses himself. "With so many foes to contend with, it cannot be expected I can long sustain so unequal a combat. And, though situated on an enemy's ground, I have AMICUS CURIE, with all his stock of falsehood, slander, and abuse, in my front, and P. A. and J. P. in my rear, together with those sturdy champions LUTHER and IGNOTUS Occasionally acting as sharp. shooters on each side, yet, sir, while you still favour me with the oppor

But had the editor shut his press to the other adversaries of Veritas, we should not have to charge him with so shameless a breach of candour, as in the present instance. Not content, however, with aiming a blow at our religious principles with his own pen, after closing his pages to our advocate, he has since admitted from time to time,the foulest slanders and falsehoods which bigotry could rake up against us, under the head of a letter from IGNOTUS, the principal object of which is to establish an analogy between the rites and cere

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