
[GR. SCH.]


Time, 1 hour.

1. Explain the electrical decomposition of water. What general chemical principles may be deduced therefrom?

2. From what sources, and by what methods, are the following substances prepared: Alum, Soda, Glass, Alcohol, Iron, Chloroform, Muriatic Acid, Water-gas, Dynamite.

3. What is the chief source of Potassium compounds? Name and symbolize the latter, stating their uses. Describe potassium as an element.

4. By what several agents are the following results effected: Bleaching, Dyeing Disinfection, Anaesthesia or Insensibility to Pain, Reduction, Oxydation.

5. From what sources and by what means are the following gases manufactured: Oxygen, Chlorine, Nitrous Oxide, Ether, Hydrofluoric Acid. Formulate the

reactions in each case.

6. Give formulæ for the following: Ammonia Gas, Ammonic Sulphate, Acetic Ether, Calomel, Blue Vitriol, Chalk, Iron Rust, Gunpowder.

N. B.-Five questions make a full paper.

[GR. SCH.]


Time, 1 hour.

1. What are the differences (of structure and function) between arteries, capillaries and veins! How is the flow of the blood maintained? How is the direction determined, and to what variations is it subject?

2. Enumerate the bones of the arm. How are they connected! they capable, and by what muscles are they governed?

Of what motions are

3. Describe briefly the principal parts of the human brain, and state what you know of their probable functions.

4. Describe the position, nature and use of the following organs: Liver, Thoracic Duct, Salivary Glands, Larynx, Atlas, Crystalline Lens, Cochlea.

5. What is the purpose of starch in vegetable growth; How is it found in the plant, and where? To what changes is it subject, and why?

6. What useful purposes are served by the following provisions in the life of plants: Clustering of flowers, Flower coloration, Branching, Formation of Rootstocks and Tubers, Fruiting.

7. What resemblances and what differences can you trace between Plants and Animals?

N. B.--Six questions make a full paper.

[GRAM. SCH. & I.]


Time, 45 min.

1. State the several provisions by which school privileges may be secured in a district. 2. Explain what is meant by special, general and annual meetings.


How may each be

3. Give the substance of the Regulations of the Board of Education respecting the following Contagious Diseases. Destruction of School Property.

ments of Pupils. Collections, Subscriptions, Presents.


4. What is the provision of the Act respecting the establishment of School Libraries and the regulations of the Board of Education thereunder?

5. How is the grand total number of days' attendance made by all the pupils found (1) in ungraded schools and (2) in graded schools when transfers are made?



Time, 1 hrs.

1. What is meant by the observing powers? Specify some of the subjects in the Course of Instruction specially designed for training these powers. Outline a lesson in one of these subjects with a view of illustrating your method of teaching it.

2. What is meant by systematic instruction in writing? Describe the arrangements and the mode you propose to adopt in teaching this subject.

3. State briefly your method of teaching (1) Derivation of words; (2) Geography, when pupils are sufficiently advanced to use the text-book; (3) Production of pure tone as required in Standard V., etc.; (4) Temperance Teachings of Science.

4. State some of the benefits arising from properly conducted physical exercises in School. How much time do you propose to allot daily for such exercises? Outline a course of exercises suitable for children between the ages of 5 and 10 years. 5. State how you propose to deal with each of the following faults: Disobedience, tardiness, quarelling, lying, unprepared lessons.


Instead of the foregoing questions, candidates may write an historical sketch of one of the following Educational Systems The Humanistic, The Realistic, or The Naturalistic. (The Alternative and the questions above are of equal value.)



Time, 1 hr. 30 min.

What are

1. Climate. Meaning of the term. Specify the several conditions which affect climate, and explain the modifications produced in respect of three of them. isothermal lines? Trace the isotherm of 40° across the North American conti


2. Latitude and Longitude.-Explain the terms: At what part of the earth's surface are the degrees of latitude and longitude of the same length? Explain why a degree of longitude varies in length at different latitudes. Show how to find by means of the globe the length of a degree of longitude at any latitude.

3. The Dominion.-Its extent in degrees? Area in square miles? Size compared with Europe? Its chief physical features, chief systems of railways, its industries and minerals?

4. Africa. A short account of recent geographical explorations, especially in the Nile and Congo basins?


Draw an outline map of S. America, indicating and naming the chief mountain ranges and rivers.

N. B. The examiner will allow 70 marks for Part I, and 30 for Part II.

I. II. & III.


Time, 1 hour,

1. In what way are the following persons connected with Canadian history: Jacques Cartier, Argall, Pontiac, Champlain, Joseph Howe, Lord Elgin ?

2. Explain the causes and the results of any three of the following battles: Lundy's Lane, Queenston Heights, New Orleans, Plains of Abraham, Fort William Henry, Siege of Louisburg.

3. What were the causes, chief events, and results of the following wars in connection with Canadian history: The American Revolution; the War of 1812; the Rebellion of Riel.

4. Explain the significance of the following terms in connection with Canadian history Family Compact, Clergy Reserves, Responsible Government, Seignorial Tenure, Rebellion Losses' Bill.

5. Explain the causes, some of the incidents, and the results of the Papineau Rebellion.

6. State what you know of any two of the following events: First settlement of Nova Scotia; Battle of the Chesapeake, Aroostook War; Confederation of the


7. State briefly the causes which led to the co-existence of the French and English races in Canada. What results followed from their rivalry? And how was the difficulty finally settled?

N. B.-Six Questions make a full paper.



Time, 1 hour.

1. State what you know of the ancient Cities of Babylon, Nineveh, Thebes, Memphis, and Troy.

2. Describe the "Epoch of Civil Strife" in the early history of Rome, with its causes and results.

3. Give some account of the extent of the Roman Empire under Augustus. What three civilizations did it include, and what was the condition of its people?

4. What events brought on the "French Revolution ?"

What persons were most prominent therein? In what events did the revolution close? With what more recent events can it be compared ?

5. State what you know of two of the following events: Revival of Learning; Thirty Years War; Crimean War; First Crusade.

6. What influence upon the progress of civilization is to be ascribed to (1) the Norman conquest of England; (2) The Reign of Elizabeth?

N. B.-Five Questions make a full paper.


(Exhibit the Work.)

1 hour, 30 min.

1. (1) Explain the following terms: Discount, Compound Interest, Square Root, Annuities, Stocks, Exchange; (2) State the two methods by which questions in Discount may be solved. Which is the correct method? What is the exact difference between the results of the two processes?

2. Give the formula for finding the time in which any sum will amount to any given number of times itself at a given rate per cent. Frame and solve a suitable example.

3. What principal put to compound interest for six years will amount to $1,340 at 5 per cent. per annum?

4. A man bought a horse and sold it at a loss of 10 per cent; if he had received $40 more he would have gained 12 per cent.; what did the horse cost?

5. What will be the cost of a Bill of Exchange on Great Britain for £600 Stg., at 8 per cent. premium.

6. Extract the cube root of 283 to three places of decimals.

7. What is a square metre? Express the following in square metres (1) 8 sq. decimetres; (2) 26 sq. centimetres.



Time, 1 hour.

1. State what you know of the nature and origin of crystals. Mention some natural substances which illustrate common forms of crystals.

2. In what several ways are living distinguished from non-living bodies?

3. State what you know of the occurrence of Iron ores in New Brunswick. How is the metal separated, and how are its chief varieties contrasted?

4. Contrast limestone and marble; granite and sandstone; mica and hornblende. 5. State some of the more important differences exhibited by seeds, and state in what way these differences are connected with the early growth of the plants exhibiting them.

6. Mention among the wild plants of New Brunswick those useful respectively for food, shade, tanning, and medicine.

I. II. & III.


Time, 1 hr.

The Candidate may take Part I or Part II, not both.


1. Define vertical and horizontal, as the terms are used in drawing. 2. Define and illustrate the equilateral triangle, the oval, the ellipse. 3. Draw a vase form, showing the application of reversed curves. ovoid in their parts, and based upon a trisected vertical.

Let the curves be

With the

4. Sketch a square, and divide it into four, nine, or sixteen smaller squares. lines thus formed as construction lines, draw a rosette of straight line forms.

5. Draw from memory either of the so-called Greek mouldings, (giving not less than three repetitions of the unit); or, draw and name any familiar conventionalized leaf form.

N. B. Four questions make a full paper.


1. Make a drawing of the object on the table, stating its position relative to the eye. 2. Make a working drawing for a cylinder 6 ft. in altitude, 3 ft. in diameter, on a scale ofinch to a foot.

3. State how to model (1) a cube, (2) a cylinder.



Time, 1 hour.

1. What is meant by style? What is its purpose? In what way may a good style be attained?

2. Frame sentences to illustrate the shade of meaning between each pair of the follow

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