[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Lightning, 153, 227
Lily, 234, 315, 319

Lincoln Green, 317, 385

Lindow, 235

Linkboy, 152
Linnet, 158

Little John, 145, 146
Little Tidy, 237
Lively, 148, 314, 385
Lochinvar, 309, 314
Longstock, 225, 226, 316
Longwaist, 315
Loo, 154

Lord of the Isles, the, 314
Lord Bacon, 145

Lord Chancellor, 77, 153
Lord Howe, 313

Lottery, 79, 145, 159, 226, 232,

237, 308, 313, 318, 318
Lowther, 76, 318, 386

Luck's All, 227, 227, 227, 232,


Lucy, 159, 237

[blocks in formation]

Lumpy, 319

Lunatic, 78, 233

Lute, 232

Madame, 240, 309, 314

Madge, 78, 240, 305, 309, 314

Magdalen, 154, 230, 316

Magna, 316, 388

Magic, 76, 240, 316, 391

Magnum, 232, 232

Maid of Honour, 390

Maiden Queen, 145, 146, 146,


Major, 148, 237, 307, 308, 314,

387, 388

Major Monsoon, 152

Malibran, 389

Manner, 78

Manfred, 156, 305

Mantilini, 234

Marchioness, 159

Margery, 159

Margaret, 225, 317

Maria, 236

Marquis, 77, 150, 154, 154, 159,

228, 230, 238, 308, 318, 319,

Mars, 319

Mary, 147, 152

Mary Gray, 76

Marmozet, 386

Masseroni, 78, 157, 305
Mat, 158, 238, 386, 392

Mohican, 152

Molly Loo, 77, 151, 157, 234,

239, 314

Momus, 309

Monarch, 385, 390
Monsoon, 392, 392
Monument, 153

Monarch, 77, 147, 157, 239
Moor, the, 225
Moorhen, 314
Morel, 317, 386

Morning Star, 150, 315, 392
Moselle, 160

Moss Rose, 158, 240, 305, 305,
309, 309, 385, 391, 392
Mortality, 314

Mouse, 145, 147, 150, 152, 159,
233, 308

Mountain, 147, 239

Mountain Dew, 78, 240, 305
Moulder, 148

Mozart, 309

Muckledale, 145
Musquito, 315

Music, 147, 157, 239, 308
Musician, 154, 154, 230, 230, 230

Mussulman, 150, 225, 392, 392
Mutineer, 231
Myrtle, 152, 155
My-wee-thing, 306
Nabob, 227

Narborough, 154, 154


Pirate, 316

Pivot, 312

Plague, 80
Pleasure, 387
Plush, 79
Pluto, 232

Port, 155, 156, 389, 390, 392
Potboy, 77, 314

P. P., 156

Priam, 157, 158, 237, 238, 318,
387, 389, 392, 392
Primrose, 155, 158, 237
Prince, 238, 307, 390
Prince Albert, 77, 78

Prince of Wales, 156, 234, 240,

Princess Royal, 79, 152, 157,
158, 233, 312
Prunty, 312, 390, 392

Punch, 308, 313, 319

Queen, 147, 228, 257

Queen Bee, 78, 305, 308, 387
Queen of Hearts, 78, 79
Quiz, 150, 158

Racer, 228

Railroad, 149, 311

Rajah, 154

Rapid, 146, 153, 238
Rattler, 76, 147, 150, 152

Raven, 77, 78, 390

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Affection, 74
Aimwell, 67, 68

Albion, 400, 400, 468
All-fours, 72
Anti-Dickens, 400
Antisthenes, 75

Anvil, 65, 73, 393

Ararat, 69, 75

Arcanus, 69

Archer, 71

Archy, 400, 400, 466

Arctic, 67

Arethusa, 393

Argos, 395

Aspatria, 74

Astronomer, 398, 400, 465, 465

Attila, 467

Australia, 70, 70, 70

Badwell, 467

Ballet, 465, 467

Barbara, 397, 466, 467
Baron, the, 66, 72
Barrier, 399

Barter, 66, 66

Battledore, 396

Bee's-wing, 69

Bellissima, 67, 70, 466, 466

Benedetta, 67, 67, 67

Biddy, the, 69

Bircher, 66, 66

Blanche, 75, 75
Blucher, 75

Bonnet Rouge, 74
Bosphorus, 72, 73
Bridal, 399, 467

Bridesmaid, 395
Bridegroom, 400

Buffalo, 397, 466

Bugle, 397

Caliph, 73, 397

Camp Follower, 897, 397
Candide, 68

Canadian, 398, 399, 468
Cannon Ball, 67, 67
Cantata, 69, 75
Capote, 73

Carlotta, 75

Catherina, 71, 71, 71

Centurion, 75
Cerito, 68, 68, 74

Chaldean Princess, the, 69
Champagne, 72

Chance, 396, 397

Chantilly, 393, 394
Charity, 66

Chatham, 398, 399, 468
Clem-o'-the-Clough, 69
Colchicum, 70, 70, 74, 74
Colworth, 396
Combat, 395

Comical John, 65, 70, 71
Comptroller, 74

Confusionée, brother to, 66
Conqueror, 395
Corsican, 395
Conservative, 68
Cotton Ball, 65

Coral, 394

Cuirass, 74

Curata, 74

Currier, 67, 397, 467

Currycomb, 72, 395, 400, 466

Daniel, 75, 75, 75

Dart, 394, 895

Day Star, 75

Dean, the, 65, 73
Deception, 70
Decision, 70

Defy, 70, 70, 70

Devil-among-the-Tailors, the,
69, 467, 468
Dil-bar, 399, 400
Diplomatist, 74, 74
Discovery, 74

Dismal Jemmy, 396
Dispatch, 74, 396

Disputed, the, 68

Doctor, 71

Don't-say-no, 398, 465

Dorothy, 398

Dragon, 394
Dr. Allen, 394

Dr. Caius, 71

Dromedary, 74, 395
Drummer Boy, 467

Duenna, 393, 395
Duke, the, 68

Edgeworth Bess, 400
Eleanor, 70
Eleus, 466, 466
Elizabeth, 66
Eliza, 468

Emperor, the, 69
Ends and Odds, 466
Eolian, 75

E. O. 75, 466, 467
Equation, 398, 399, 468
Eringo, 398, 465, 466
Esperanza, 73

Espartero, 399, 399, 400
Eusebia, 398, 399, 465
Evasion, 75, 75
Everilda, 397

Factory Girl, 67
Fakeaway, 396

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Milo, 66, 66

Minaret, 397, 465, 468
Misdeal, 466

Miss Emily, 395

Miss Fidget, 400

Miss Kitty Cockle, 71, 393
Miss Van Amburgh, 400
Mite, the, 394, 394
Modesty, 72
Moonbeam, 393, 393
Mount Eagle, 75, 75
Mountain Sylph, 397, 465
Mulciber, 73, 395
Mauchausen, 74
Mungo Parke, 72, 73

Naworth, 67, 67, 67
Nell, 66

New Moon, 68
Nick, 395
Nightshade, 72
Nimrod, 66
Nob, the, 467
Northenden, 394
Nuncio, 398, 467, 468
Nutcracker, 394

Oakley, 465, 466, 468
Obelisk, 394, 394, 394
Orphan, 74
Oxton, 68

Palamon, 67

Patchwork, 399, 465, 467

Peloponnesus, 468

Perseus, 396

Peterel, 75

Pharmacopoeia, 395

Pharold, 69

Phosphorus, 74

Pickwick, 66

Pilot, 67

Pocket Viper, the, 74

Polio, 66
Portsoken, 75
President, 393

Priscilla, 68
Proof Print, 466
Protection, 67

Prudence, 65
Puncher, 398

Railroad, 396
Ralph, 400, 466
Rambler, 66
Rancour, 393
Recorder, 72
Retriever, 66, 66
Revision, 467
Revoke, 74

Revocation, 398

Rhodanthe, 72, 73

Robert de Gorham, 468

Robin, 397, 398, 465, 467, 467
Romeo, 394

Rory O'More, 70, 75

Rosalind, 466

Rotherlan, 396

Roulette, 395, 395

Rover, 399, 465, 466
Royal Charley, 68, 69
Russel Frost, 74

Safety, 66

Sam Weller, 66, 66, 393
Saros, 466, 468

Scarf, 397

Scutari, 468

Sequidilla, 65, 72, 73

Sergeant Botherum, 69

Shadow, 69, 396
Shuffler, 65

Sidrophel, 71

Sir Felix, 66

Sir Hans, 400, 465
Sir Harry, 65, 398, 400
Sir Mark, 71

Sir Walter, 395
Skipton, 68
Snip, 394
Spangle, 65, 73
Spider, 67, 67
Star, the, 65, 71, 71
Sterne, 72
Stickler, 70, 70
St. Colomb, 465
Sunbeam, 72, 72
Sunflower, 71, 72

[blocks in formation]
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