
"It is, mamma. I wish, indeed, I had all me treasures here, to amuse the young ladies-me coral Cupid, and gold filigree serpent especially; for they are real curiosities, but the cameo is all I have on me to-day. Mr. Conyngham paid-I forget how many of those francs for it, but the price came to twenty guineas-very cheap for such a recherché article, was it not? But he bought me heaps of beautiful things while we were abroad; sometimes I had to scold him for being extravagant, and tell him his tastes were trop magnifique—eh, mon cher ?'

"Mr. Conyngham was too busy paring an apple to seem to hear her pleasantry; but as they rose presently to return to the drawing-room, his eye turned, in spite of himself, to Dora's graceful figure and simple dark gray dress, and then glanced back at the rich silk of shot pink and green, adorned with all the etceteras of laces, ribbons, and flowers that milliner's art could devise, and inwardly said, 'One need not go even as far as the face-the very dress shows the difference between them.'

"Dora had spoken little during the whole visit. She knew her own place, and only came forward when addressed, or when the persons present were friends. But without speech it was easy for one who had known her as well as Mr. Conyngham, to see that she was improved in mind, that she was altogether developed, and that the two years which had elapsed since they met, had not been wasted upon her. As before remarked, Mr. Conyngham was fully aware of the advantages he had gained by his wealthy match. Naturally indolent, he was no longer under the necessity of labouring hard to make a fortune, but might frequently take his pleasure at Killarney or on the Continent; but the companion, who was the appendage to the advantages, did not grow more congenial to him. Their love for excitement of every kind was the only point in which they were similar; but his enjoyment, when in society, was greatly hindered by the mortification to which his wife's want of education and vulgar, forward manners, were continually exposing him. Never had he felt this so keenly as at the present moment; and he shortened a visit, from which he could derive nothing but annoyance, as much as civility would permit.

"I know Mrs. Conyngham is tired, and we have a ten miles' drive before us, Lady Helen; so I think, if you will allow me to ring for the carriage-'

"Sure you're in a great hurry,' interposed his wife.

"Yes, my dear, lest you should be overtired,' replied he, ringing the bell as he spoke. "With many civilities on both sides and much mutual satisfaction, in some of the party at least, the guests and their entertainers separated. When the door was finally closed, Annette Connor indulged in some sharp, though playful criticisms on the ladies, and her mother vented her feelings in pity for poor Mr. Conyngham; while that gentleman, as he leaned back in the carriage and feigned to be asleep, mentally repeated 'Only a governess !'"'

"Ah! he's a terrible tyrant, I assure you, Miss Connor,' said the lady, stepping to the glass to arrange the little head-dress of lace, which Fashion facetiously termed a bonnet.

Dora at last becomes the wife of an exemplary clergyman. How this happened, we shall not attempt to tell. We could not do so without larger extracts than our space will admit.

We conclude our notice of this pleasing tale by an extract from p. 458 :

"Early in the afternoon the travellers arrived, and the happy mother greeted her child as mistress of the pleasant little domain with innocent pride, while Dr. Macneil accompanied Mr. O'Brien on a survey of the premises-orchard, stable, and paddock. 'Well, Dora,' said he, when he rejoined her and Mrs. Leighton in the garden, it is as neat a concern altogether as I would wish to see; and I wish you joy of your new home,

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my darling, and long may you be spared to make your good husband happy!' he added, wringing a hand of each as he spoke.

"Dora's mother tried to say something about the lines having fallen to her in pleasant places; but she was a woman rather given to tears, and her words were somewhat trembling and indistinct as she glanced at the peaceful dwelling where the ROVING BEE had at last found rest."


Fiction. (Miss Religious Morality.) We trust that the fact of our publishing our correspondent's letter without alteration or omission of a single word, will satisfy her and those of our friends whose opinions she expresses, that we do not wince from discussion on any subject brought forward in our pages. Our maintaining impersonality is in itself an invitation to criticism; and we earnestly hope that none will, if apprehensive of lurking error, under any attractive guise whatsoever, fail to express such apprehensions fearlessly and plainly. The monthly accession of names to our already large list of subscribers, is proof positive that the independent and impartial tone for which, as an educational periodical, "THE GOVERNESS" it daily becoming more popular, is appreciated by the friends of education generally; and it is most gratifying to us to find amongst our supporters so large an amount of good feeling, so much regard for the opinions of others, and such evident willingness to merge minor differences in the great and glorious cause of Education. We feel that in publishing the letter of "Miss Religious Morality," we introduce to a large circle of well bred and intellectual persons a lady, whose name has been mentioned by some of us in a manner not very recommendatory; and now, as she is in our circle, and has an opportunity of speaking for herself, and advocating, or soliciting others to advocate, her principles, we have much pleasure in acceding to her request, by inviting the serious attention of our friends to the subject on which she manifests so much interest. With reference to the question at issue, we need at present say nothing; but with reference to "Miss Religious Morality," we are free to say that we respect her sentiments, and that our pages shall be available to the advocates of them, as well as to those who take opposite views. Let the question, as it is a serious and important one, be seriously and dispassionately discussed.

"Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again,
The eternal years of God are hers;
But error, wounded, writhes in pain,
And dies amidst her worshippers."

The Economist—no mean authority-in noticing a former number of "THE GOVERNESS," says, "This magazine is one of the many symptoms-and a highly satisfactory one— of the growing interest in the question of Female Education. The papers are carefully written, and there runs throughout the magazine a healthy editorial tone, equally removed from cant and levity." We are anxious to maintain so favourable a character; and having said this, we need not add another word to our correspondents respecting moderation on a debateable subject.


Historical Maps. (M. N. O.) We have received a beautiful map of Ancient History, the best we have ever seen. It shall be described in our next number. It is printed at Oxford, by Messrs. Parker, and we suppose that it can be had at their Strand establishment.

Geographical Names. In compliance with the request of several correspondents, we shall commence this interesting subject in the first number of the new volume (January, 1856).

Vital Religion. (M. W.) We thank you. You will see that your friend's labour has not been in vain. It is by no means an easy task to give satisfaction to so many dif ferent parties. We, however, do our best; and we believe that our success has resulted from deferring to the reasonable suggestions of those friends, who by something more than mere profession evidenced the earnestness of their interest in the success of our undertaking.

See NOTICE on second page of wrapper.

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1. We have already spoken of royal roads, their fallacy, and cause of failure; there is no need, therefore, to say more of them here than that, as far as Memoria Technicas set up to be royal roads, they too must fail. All real intellectual attainment, every step in the acquirement of knowledge-of whatever kind-must be reached by individual toil and care; by continual exertion, by unwearied endeavour. No doubt the traveller may obtain many a help on the road-good advice as to future hills, dales, valleys, and rivers. He may hear of shady groves and refreshing fountains; wild beasts of the forest to deter him from the journey; and many a delight by the way-side of the trees of knowledge to lure him on the way. Of all these the experience of former travellers may tell him; and wise and happy is he who gives heed to every word of such kind and genial advice. But whoever tells him that he may reach the journey's end without manfully toiling over the plain, up hill and down dale," through bush and through briar," simply deceives him; offering that which no man has the power of giving.

2. If, therefore, the author of a Memoria Technica says to us, "O pray don't trouble yourself about dates; don't despair about having no memory: but just quietly come with me, and I will show you how to escape all this toil and weariness:" we shall do well to beware of how far we give credence to his words. Assistance on


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