respective counties. The Board of Supervisors of any county may, by order, provide for the preparation and distribution of township or precinct registers for each township, instead of copies of the Great Register. For the purpose of registration, and preparation of a new Great Register, or of township or precinct registers, and copies thereof, if ordered by the Board of Supervisors, the County Clerk must employ such assistants, and for such times, and at such compensation as shall, from time to time, be authorized by said Board, which shall be paid out of the County Treasury. Such order may be repealed and re-enacted as often as the Board of Supervisors may deem expedient; provided, that nothing in this section shall be held to repeal any election or registration law applicable to or in force in the City and County of San Francisco. [In effect April 16, 1880.] San Francisco Election or Registration Law-see Registration in San Francisco, § 1094n. Napa County-copies dispensed with, Stats. 1874, p. 515. Special elections-registers for, see Act in Stats. 1878, p. 73. 1114. In such copy and registers the names must be arranged alphabetically, according to surnames, and must be numbered consecutively, from the first to the last name, inclusive. [Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.] 1115. Within fifteen days after making such list, the Clerk must have printed a sufficient number of copies thereof to supply each election precinct in the county with not less than ten copies thereof, and fifty additional for every one thousand votes cast in the county at the next preceding_general election, except that in the City and County of San Francisco the County Clerk must have printed a sufficient number of copies of each ward register to supply two hundred and fifty copies thereof for the first one thousand votes, or fraction thereof, cast in the ward at the next preceding general election, and fifty additional copies for each additional one thousand votes, or fraction thereof above five hundred; but in all the counties of this State, other than those of the first class, as classified by this Code, the Clerk of each of such counties, if the Board of Supervisors, in their discretion, so order, must, if there is a sufficient number of the register last printed on hand to provide not less than four copies for each precinct in such county, cancel the names of all persons thereon required to be canceled, and furnish the same to each precinct, together with the same number of copies of a supplement containing the uncanceled entries made upon the Great Register subsequent to the last publication thereof. [In effect March 24, 1876.] POL. CODE-16. Amendment 1876-added all of section beginning with words "except that in the City and County of San Francisco." Registration in San Francisco-§ 1094n. Classification of counties-under Code, $ 4006. 1116. The Clerk must, as soon as such copies of the Great Register, or ward or township registers, are printed: First-Post one copy in some public place in the Courthouse. Second Deliver, upon demand, one copy to each county and township officer in the county. Third-Transmit and cause to be delivered not less than ten copies to each Board of Election in the county; but in cases where ward registers are printed, ten copies shall be delivered to each Board of Election in the respective wards, and one copy of all the registers to each Board of Election in the county. Fourth Preserve five copies in the office for the inspection of the public. Fifth-Transmit to the State Library, Mercantile Library, Mechanics' Institute, and Odd Fellows' Library, of San Francisco, one copy each. Sixth-Deliver one copy to each elector of the county, or respective ward, applying therefor, until the remainder of the edition printed is exhausted; provided, that nothing in this section, except the first, third, and fourth subdivisions thereof, shall apply to counties other than of the first class. (In effect March 24, 1876.] SUBDIVISION 6. Counties of first class-see Classification of counties, § 1115n. 1117. A certified copy of an uncanceled entry upon the Great Register is prima facie evidence that the person named in the entry is an elector of the county. (Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.] Prima facie evidence-defined, Code Civ. Proc., § 1833. CHAPTER IV. Election Precincts. $1127. Supervisors to establish election precincts. $1128. Boundaries must be defined. $1129. Board may alter, etc., precincts. $1130. Limitations on powers given herein. $1131. Board to designate place in precinct for holding election. $1132. Proceedings where place not designated, etc. 1127. The Board of Supervisors of each county must establish a convenient number of election precincts therein. Election precincts in San Francisco-see Act to regulate registration of voters and secure purity of elections, Stats 1878, p. 299. Place of holding election-affects validity, § 1131n. Election districts-under former statutes, 33 Cal. 55. 1128. In the order establishing precincts, the boundaries thereof must be defined. 1129. The Board may, from time to time, change the boundaries of, create new, or consolidate established precincts. 1130. The following limitations are imposed upon the powers given the Supervisors in this chapter: 1. No precinct must be established so as to embrace more than one township, nor in such manner that its exterior limits cross the exterior boundaries of any township, incorporated town or city, or any ward, district, or other territorial subdivision for which local officers are to be elected, except a school or road district. 2. No precinct must be established, nor must the boundaries of one already established be altered within thirty days next preceding a general or special election. [In effect April 16, 1880.] 1131. The Board must, at least fifteen days prior to an election, issue its order appointing Boards of Election, designating the house or place within the precinct where the election must be held, and the offices to be filled, naming and numbering, in numerical order, commencing with number one, the offices to be filled, unexpired terms being lastly designated. (Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.] Place of holding elections-and time when held, are of substance and affect validity, 5 Cal. 343; 12 Cal. 352; 31 Cal. 82. 1132. If the Board fail to designate the house or place for holding the election, or if it cannot be held at the house or place designated, the Justices of the Peace residing in the precinct must meet two days before the election, and by an order, under their hand (copies of which they must at once post in three public places in the precinct), designate the house or place. In the City and County of San Francisco, any three of the Justices of the Peace may discharge the duties imposed by this section, at least eighteen hours prior to the opening of the polls. [Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.] Before this enactment-failure held to invalidate election, 33 Cal. 55. 1 CHAPTER V. Boards of Election. $1142. Boards of Election, how appointed. $1143. Judges not to be of same political party. $1144. Proceedings on failure to appoint or attend. $1145. Organization of Boards and general powers of Inspectors. $1146. Judges and Clerks may administer oaths. $1147. Clerks. $1148. Board and Clerks to be sworn. $1149. Board to post copies of Great Register. $ 1150. Copies not to be torn nor defaced 1142. When an election is ordered, the Board of Supervisors must appoint for each precinct, from the electors thereof, one Inspector and two Judges, who constitute a Board of Election for such precinct; and in the City and County of San Francisco the Board of Supervisors must also, prior to the election day, appoint for each precinct, from the electors thereof, an additional Inspector and two additional Judges, who, with the original Inspector and Judges, shall canvass the votes for such precinct, and who must be present at the closing of the polls; otherwise the Board of Election must appoint the additional Inspector and Judges, or supply the place of an absent member thereof. The original and additional Inspectors and Judges shall thenceforth constitute the Board of Election, the members relieving each other in the duties of canvassing the ballots, which may be conducted by at least half of the whole number; but the final certificates shall be signed by a majority of the whole. [ Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.] Provision for failure-of Board to appoint election officers, § 1144. In San Francisco-Boards of Election, see note to § 1127 on election precincts. 1143. The Judges appointed must not be members of the same political party. Judges of Election-discretion, and limitation of powers, 5 Cal. 235. 1144. If the Board of Supervisors fail to appoint the Board of Election, or the members appointed do not attend at the opening of the polls on the morning of the election, the electors of the precinct present at that hour may appoint the Board, or supply the place of an absent member thereof. [Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.] |