Appointment of Inspector-by judges instead of electors, held not to invalidate election, 31 Cal. 173. 1145. The Inspector is Chairman of the Election Board, and may: 1. Administer all oaths required in the progress of an election; 2. Appoint Judges and Clerks, if, during the progress of the election, any Judge or Clerk ceases to act. 1146. Any member of the Board, or either Clerk thereof, may administer and certify oaths required to be administered during the progress of an election. 1147. The Board of Election for each precinct must, before opening the polls, appoint two electors to act as Clerks of Election. [In effect April 16, 1880.] 1148. Before opening the polls, each member of the Board and each Clerk must take and subscribe an oath to faithfully perform the duties imposed upon them by law. Any elector of the township may administer and certify such oath. Failure to be sworn-according to similar statute, held not to invalidate election, 12 Cal. 352. 1149. Before opening the polls, the Board must post in some separate convenient places, easy of access, not less than four printed copies of the Great Register of the county, as last printed, except in the City and County of San Francisco, wherein not less than four printed copies of the Register of the Ward shall be so posted. [Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.] Copies of Great Register-§ 1113 and notes. Special elections-copies of Great Register need not be posted, see $ 4 of Act in Stats. 1878, p. 73. 1150. The copies so posted must be maintained during the whole time of voting, and must not in any manner be torn or defaced. CHAPTER VI. Opening and Closing the Polls. $1160. Time of opening and closing the polls. 1160. The polls must be opened at one hour after sunrise on the morning of the election, and must be kept open until sunset, when the same must be closed, except in the City and County of San Francisco, wherein the poils must be opened at sunrise, and be kept open continuously until six o'clock and thirty minutes of the evening of the same day, when the same shall be closed. [In effect March 8, 1876.] Notice of election for school tax-held illegal because not corresponding with section, 52 Cal. 72, 621. Place of opening polls-and holding election, where different from that authorized by Board of Supervisors, renders election invalid and justifies rejection of the votes cast, 31 Cal. 82. 1161. Section eleven hundred and sixty-one of said Code is repealed. [Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.] 1162. Before receiving any ballots the Board must, in the presence of any persons assembled at the polling place, open and exhibit and close the ballot-box; and thereafter it must not be removed from the polling place or presence of the bystanders until all the ballots are counted, nor must it be opened until after the polls are finally closed. 1163. Before the Board receive any ballots, they must cause it to be proclaimed aloud at the place of election that the polls are open. 1164. When the polls are closed that fact must be proclaimed aloud at the place of election; and after such proclamation no ballots must be received. 1174. The following is the form of poll lists and tally lists to be kept by Boards and Clerks of Election: POLL LISTS Of the election held in the Precinct of ---, in the County of, on the day of, in the year A.D. one thousand eight hundred and A. B., C. D., and E. F., Judges, and G. H. and J. K., Clerks of said election, were respectively sworn (or affirmed), as the law directs, previous to their entering on the duties of their respective offices. We hereby certify that the numbers of electors voting at this election amounts to TALLY LISTS. Names of persons voted for, and for what office, containing the number of votes given for each candidate: Members of the Legislature. Governor. Representative Senate. Assembly. We hereby certify that A. B. had - votes for Governor, and C. D. had - votes for Governor; that E. F. had votes for Representative in Congress, etc. G. H., A. B., C. D., E. F., Board of Election. -[Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.] 1175. No list, tally, paper, or certificate returned from any election, must be set aside or rejected for want of form, nor on account of its not being strictly in accordance with the directions of this Title, if it can be satisfactorily understood. CHAPTER VIII. Election Tickets and Ballots. $1185. Ticket defined. §1186. Ballot defined. § 1187. Tickets must be uniform. § 1188. §1189. 1191. § 1190. § 1192. § 1193. $ 1194. Secretary of State to keep paper for tickets. Ballots not to be given to any person within certain limits. Contents of tickets or ballots not to be exhibited within certain limits. § 1195. Persons not to be asked to disclose contents of ticket or $ 1197. Ballot to have no marks by which it can be told who voted it. ballot. $1196. Ballots to have no marks on outside. $1198. Tickets, how to be folded. $1199. Tickets not to be folded so as to indicate their contents. $1200. Tickets folded together must be rejected. § 1201. Ballots not to be rejected for obscurity in the name of per son or office. $ 1202. When more persons are designated for an office than are to be chosen, ballot to that extent must be rejected. Written and printed names for the same office, which to be rejected. $ 1203. $ 1204. Printed tickets not to be erased but by lead pencil or ink. as one. § 1205. Same. § 1208. Marked ballots to be rejected. Ballots not conforming to requirements of law must be Rejected ballots must be preserved. § 1211. Ballots not rejected but objected to must be indorsed. § 1212. Ballots not in compliance with law not to be received. 1185. A ticket is a paper upon which is written or printed the names of the persons for whom the elector intends to vote, with a designation of the office to which each person so named is intended by him to be chosen. 1186. A ballot is a ticket folded in such a manner that nothing written or printed thereon can be seen. Ballot-all elections to be by, Const. Cal., art. 2, §5: what constitutes, 28 Cal. 124. 1187. Every ticket must be of paper uniform in sizecolor, weight, texture, and appearance. |