[blocks in formation]


Certain terms used in this Code defined.

§ 18.

Statutes, laws, or rules inconsistent with Code repcaled.

§19. Certain statutes preserved,

§20. This Act, how cited, etc.

2. This Code takes effect at twelve o'clock, noon, of the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-three.

Same provision-in § 2 of the other Codes.

Existing enactments-and proceedings, how affected, §§ 8, 18.
Effect of the Codes-SS 4478-4484.

Publication of the Codes-S 4494.

Operation of statutes-§§ 323-330.

Promulgation of statutes-§§ 318, 526-528.


3. No part of it is retroactive, unless expressly so declared. Same provision-by $3 of the other Codes.

Accrued rights-not affected, §§ 8-18.

Retroactive statutes-operating on the right, not the remedy, invalid, I Cal. 65; 4 Cal. 133; 5 Cal. 401; 6 Cal. 430; 7 Cal. 347; 27 Cal. 159; 28 Cal. 320; 30 Cal. 143; 39 Cal. 309; 50 Cal. 244; 51 Cal. 86, 91, 92, 360; 52 Cal. 297, 373; 53 Cal. 81, 274; 55 Cal. 103; Hib. S. & L. S. v. J., Nov. 29, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 686; P. v. T., Dec. 6, 1880. 6 P. C. L. J. 729; see also Retrospective Statutes, Desty's Const. Cal. 207; and Vested Rights, §8n.

4. The rule of the common law, that statutes in derogation thereof are to be strictly construed, has no application to this Code. The Code establishes the law of this Stato respecting the subjects to which it relates, and its provisions and all proceedings under it are to be liberally construed, with a view to effect its objects and to promote justice.

Similar provision-by § 4 of the other Codes.

Rule of the common law-requiring strict construction, followed before Codes, 2 Cal. 60; 11 Cal. 215; 19 Cal. 47; 31 Cal. 359.


Amendments-§§ 325, 330, 6 Cal. 92; 36 Cal. 522; 46 Cal. 19:49 Cal. 353; 54 Cal. 295; Desty's Const. Cal. 257. Constitutional-see Const. Cal. art. 18, § 1.

Codes-construction of,§§ 4478, 4480, and see under Conflicting Enactments. Political Code, see that head.

Common law-statue affirming, 13 Cal. 95; statutes in derogation of, see § 4 and note on Rule of Common Law.

Conflicting enactments-5 Cal. 414; 35 Cal. 320; 38 Cal. 572; 43 Cal. 560; 44 Cal. 430; 51 Cal. 474; 54 Cal. 296. Codes, see $$ 4480-4484, 51 Cal. 295; also §§ 4478-4479.

Constitutional provisions-interpretation of, general rules, 5 Cal. 403; 24 Cal. 539; 26 Cal. 162; 33 Cal. 467; 51 Cal. 111, 353, 360; see also Desty's Const. Cal. 173-174.

Federal Constitution-in, 4 Cal. 368; 5 Cal. 300; 7 Cal. 1; 9 Cal. 162; 11 Cal. 175; 25 Cal. 404-5; 34 Cal. 492; 40 Cal. 198; 43 Cal. 43.

Const. Cal. 1849-in, 1 Cal. 85; 2 Cal. 299, 424, 463; 4 Cal. 46, 388, 5 Cal. 43, 112, 214, 230, 343, 403; 6 Cal. 21, 239, 381, 499, 659; 7 Cal. 1, 65, 519; 8 Cal. 412; 9 Cal. 170,341, 502; 10 Cal. 38, 249, 315; 12 Cal. 76, 378, 450; 13 Cal. 28, 145, 159, 175, 290, 343; 15 Cal. 91, 18, 322; 17 Cal. 547; 21 Cal. 415; 24 Cal. 241, 518; 26 Cal. 161; 30 Cal. 104; 31 Cal.82; 33 Cal. 267; 31 Cal. 520; 37 Cal. 367; 38 Cal. 393, 467; 39 Cal. 517, 510; 41 Cal. 147; 42 Cal. 35; 43 Cal. 331; 48 Cal. 70,279-80; 49 Cal. 140; 50 Cal. 564; 52 Cal. 36, 198; 53 Cal. 660.

Const. Cal. 1879-in, 53 Cal. 749; 54 Cal. 111, 215, 344, 353, 574; 55 Cal. 242; E. v. O. M. Co., June 14, 1880, 5 P. C. L. J. 522; E. v. S. F., Aug. 12. 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 69; McG. v. S. J., Sept. 7, 1880. 6 P. C. L. J. 279; P. v. Η., Sept. 8, 1880. 6 P. C. L. J. 248; B. v. K., Sept. 28, 1880, 6 P. C. LL. J. 330,332 S. v. K., Oct. 6, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 524; K. v. S. N., Nov. 4, 1880, 6 Ρ. C. L. J. 526; Ex parte W., Dec. 6, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 725; P. v. T., Dec. 6, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 727; M. v. K., Feb. 2, 1881; L. v. S., Feb. 17, 1881; P. v. R., Feb. 18, 1881; see further, Desty's Const. Cal. passım.

Constitutionality of statutes-generally, 2 Cal. 163; 5 Cal. 403; 12 Cal. 334; 13 Cal. 175: 22 Cal. 393; 24 Cal. 519, 539; 26 Cal. 135, 162; 36 Cal. 379; 40 Cal. 199; 41 Cal. 147; 47 Cal. 223; 48 Cal. 279-80; 49 Cal. 117, 481; 53 Cal. 152; 54 Cal. 41, 94; see also Desty's Const. Cal. 369.

Under Federal Constitution-2 Cal. 424; 4 Cal. 46; 7 Cal. 1; 11 Cal. 175; 34 Cal. 492; 40 Cal. 207; 49 Cal. 402, 435-6; 52 Cal. 608.

Under Const. Cal 1849-particular instances, 2 Cal. 168, 183, 193, 299, 424, 524, 590; 4 Cal. 47, 388; 5 Cal. 24, 43, 86, 112, 214, 230, 343; 6 Cal. 143, 210, 239, 499; 7 Cal. 1, 65; 8 Cal. 412; 9 Cal. 147, 502; 10 Cal. 315: 12 Cal, 76; 13 Cal. 145, 159, 343, 519; 14 Cal. 12, 566: 15 Cal. 91, 322, 429; 17 Cal. 547; 18 Cal. 678; 19 Cal. 82, 513; 22 Cal. 293, 379-80; 24 Cal. 125, 518, 633: 26 Cal. 161; 37 Cal. 367; 43 Cal. 332; 48 Cal. 279-80; 49 Cal. 478, 557; 51 Cal. 20, 268, 272. 359-60, 381 52 Cal. 133, 197-8, 209, 485; 53 Cal. 48, 152, 178. 481, 608; 54 Cal. £5, 536: H. S. & L. S. v. J., May 19, 1880, 5 P. C. L. J. 381; 0. R. R. Co. v. B., Dec. 15, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 762; P. v. T., Dec. 28, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 920.

Under Const. Cal. 1879-particular instances, 54 Cal. 111, 245, 574; 55 Cal. 212 (McClure Charter); E. v. O. M. Co., June 14, 1880, 5 P. C. L. J. 522; P. v. O., June 22, 1880, 5 P. O. L. J. 622; E. v. S. F. (Traylor Bill), Aug. 12, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 69; Ex parte W. (Bakers' Sunday Act), Aug. 20, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 211; L. v. J. (County Government Bill), Sept. 16, 1880; G. v. K., Oct. 8, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 570.

Contemporaneous exposition-best aid to construction, Civil Code $ 3535, 1 Cal. 523; 31 Cal. 86; 36 Cal. 638.

Correllative statutes-6 Cal. 41; 31 Cal. 34, 122; 35 Cal. 708 53 Cal. 199. Curative acts-47 Cal. 236; 51 Cal. 86, 91, 92; 53 Cal. 90, 233; Rowell v. Perkins, Oct. 29, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 501.

Declaring what is written-see Code Civ. Proc. § 1858, 24 Cal. 539; 54 Cal. 117.

Directory provisions-generally, 30 Cal, 524; 33 Cal. 492; 36 Cal. 595; 48 Cal. 146; see also time prescribed by statutes, § 12n. Particular instances, 4Cal. 275, 388; 10 Cal. 315; 32 Cal. 66; 44 Cal. 229; 48 Cal. 133; 49 Cal. 157; 50 Cal. 565; 52 Cal. 459, 553; 54 Cal. 574; C. v. S. J., Sept. 7, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 286.

Effect to all portions-should be given, see Code Civ. Proc. § 1858; Civil Code § 3541, 1 Cal. 162, 200; 3 Cal. 473; 5 Cal. 169; 6 Cal. 47; 22 Cal. 11; 21 Cal. 518; 28 Cal. 142; 31 Cal. 240, 412: 32 Cal. 499; 34 Cal. 183; 38 Cal. 572; 42 Cal. 35; 46 C..1. 142, 54 Cal. 353.

Enacting clause-of statutes, Const. Cal. § 1, art. 4.

Expression and exclusion-correlative, 26 Cal. 378.
Forfeiture-not favored, 1 Cal. 55.

Intention of Legislature-is guide, see Code Civ. Proc. § 1859, 6 Cal. 216; 15 Cal. 294; 22 Čal. 11; 24 Cal. 539; 30 Cal. 325; 31 Cal. 86; 36 Cal. 595. Judicial interpretation-see Code Civ. Proc. 1858, 6 Cal. 361; see also Declaring what is written, title supra, and Desty's Const. Cal. 231. Legislative discussions-immaterial, 23 Cal. 95; 41 Cal. 146. Legislature-see Intention of Legislature.

Mandatory provisions-36 Cal. 595; 50 Cal. 563; 51 Cal. 3: 53 Cal. 245; 54 Cal. 54; of Const. Cal. 1879, see same, art. 1, § 22; 54 Cal. 247. Natural right-preferred, see Code Civ. Proc. § 1866.

Notice-not inferred, 1 Cal. 162; 7 Cal. 294; 20 Cal. 81; 31 Cal. 356; but see Civil Code, $$ 18, 19.

Particular instances-of recent statutory construction, 48 Cal. 124, 127; 49 Cal. 407, 438, 446. 449, 525, 563, 571; 50 Cal. 64, 70, 86, 153, 188, 195, 248, 493, 561; 51 Cal. 3, 12, 273, 388, 406, 478: 52 Cal, 456, 606; 53 Cal. 21, 199, 386, 416. 475, 482. 571; 54 Cal. 24,72, 579; 55 Cal. 320; B. v. P., July 23, 1880, 5 P. C. L. J. 720; D. v. C. P. R. R. Co.. Oct. 11, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 512; C. v. K., Dec. 11, 1880. 6 P. C. L. J. 713; and see late cases under Constitutionality of Statutes.

Particular provision-or intent controls general, Code Civ. Proc., § 1859; Civil Code, § 3534; 7 Cal. 96.

Penal statutes-strict construction abrogated by Codes, 45 Cal. 431; 49 Cal. 68.

Political Code-Construction of, §§ 3-5, 8, 18. and generally $$ 1-20.

Reasonable interpretation-required; see Civil Code. § 3542. Reconciliation-of statutory provisions; see Effect to all portions. Reference-in one act to another, 47 Cal. 592.

Remedial statutes-beneficially construed, 2 Cal. 596; 3 Cal. 119; 6
Cal. 470.

Repealing statutes-see § 18n; also Desty's Const. Cal. 231.
Repeals by implication-see § 18n.

Retroactive statutes-see § 3n.

Rules of construction and interpretation; see Code Civ. Proc., §§ 1858. 1859, 1866. and corresponding titles in this note.

Special laws-constitutional prohibition of see Desty's Const. Cal. 257-263; McClure Charter, 55 Cal. 242; Traylor Educational Bill, E. v. S. F., Aug. 12, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 69; Bakers' Act, ex parte W., Aug. 20. 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 211; interdiction as to corporations, 48 Cal. 493; 54 Cal. 94; Mont'y Av. act, O. R. R. Co. v. B. Dec. 15, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 672. Effect on general laws, 53 Cal. 199.

Statutory construction-see Rules of construction and interpretation; also Desty's Cont. Cal 229.

Time prescribed-by statutes, § 12n.

Title of act-as aid to construction, 5 Cal. 195; 10 Cal. 315; 16 Cal. 365; 19 Cal. 512; 36 Cal. 595; 47 Cal. 222; 51 Cal. 303, 624; 52 Cal. 459, 553, 554; as expressive of subject, see Desty's Const. Cal. 255.

Validity of statutes; see Desty's Const. Cal. 227. 228; also see Constitutionality of Statutes, supra.

Words-and phrases; see §§ 15, 16, 17; 13 Cal. 518; 24 Cal. 539; 28 Cal. 265; 31 Cal. 114; 43 Cal. 332; 46 Cal. 154; 54 Cal. 111; B. v. K., July 22, 1880, 6 P. C. L. J. 22; see also Desty's Const. Cal. 176.

5. The provisions of this Code, so far as they are substantially the same as existing statutes, must be construed as continuations thereof, and not as new enactments.

Similar provision-by § 5 of the other Codes.

Continuation of existing statute-as to office of Inspector of Gas Meters; see 49 Cal. 412, per Rhodes, J.

6. All persons who, at the time this Code takes effect, hold office under any of the Acts repealed, continue to hold the same according to the tenure thereof, except those officers which are not continued by one of the Codes adopted at this session of the Legislature, and excepting offices filled by appointment. [Approved March 30; in effect July 6, 1874.]

Similar provision-in Code Civ. Proc., §6.
Offices not continued-by Codes; see § 7.

Second exception-introduced by amdt.. 1874; applies to office of Inspector of Gas Meters. 49 Cal. 507.

Legislative control over offices-their terms and conditions of exercise, extends to those of its own creation, etc.; 5 Cal. 357; 6 6 Cal.361; 8 Cal. 1; 14 Cal. 12; 17 Cal. 11; 27 Cal. 470; 34 Cal. 470; 39 Cal. 3; 45 Cal. 553; 47 Cal. 364, 592.

7. When any office is abolished by the repeal of any Act, and such Act is not in substance re-enacted or continued in

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