
a certified abstract of so much thereof as relates to the vote given for persons for Representatives to Congress.

Section cited-52 Cal. 9.

Abstract--meaning of, see § 1288n.

1345. The Clerk must seal up such abstract, indorse it "Congressional Election Returns," and without delay trans

mit it by mail to the Secretary of State.

Section cited-52 Cal. 10.

Abstract-§ 1344n.

1346. On the sixtieth day after the day of election, or as soon as the returns have been received from all the counties of the State, if received within that time, the Secretary of State must compare and estimate the votes given for such Representatives, and certify to the Governor the person having the highest number of votes in each Congressional District as duly elected.

Section Cited-52 Cal. 7, 10.

Abstract-§ 1344n.

1347. The Governor must, upon the receipt of such certificate, transmit to each of such persons a certificate of his election, sealed with the Great Sealand attested by the Secretary of State.


Primary Elections.

$ 1357. Committees may by resolution elect to hold under election


$1358. Resolution, form of.

81359. Notice, form of.

§ 1360.


§ 1361. None but qualified persons to participate.

$1362. Returns, how made.

§ 1363. Certificates of election, when issued by Board of Judges.

$1364. Canvass of returns and certificate by committee.

§ 1365. What provisions of law applicable to these elections.

1357. Any committee or body authorized by the rules or customs of a voluntary political association or organization, to call elections of or for such association or organization, for any purpose, may by resolution adopted at the time of making the call, elect to have such elections conducted in accordance with the rules prescribed in sections ten hundred and eightythree, ten hundred and eighty-four, eleven hundred and fortyfour, eleven hundred and forty-five, eleven hundred and fortysix, eleven hundred and forty-seven, eleven hundred and forty-eight, eleven hundred and sixty-two, eleven hundred and sixty-three, eleven hundred and sixty-four, eleven hundred and seventy-four, eleven hundred and seventy-five, eleven hundred and ninety-two, eleven hundred and ninety-three, eleven hundred and ninety-four, eleven hundred and ninetyfive, eleven hundred and ninety-six, eleven hundred and ninety-nine, twelve hundred, twelve hundred and one, twelve hundred and two, twelve hundred and three, twelve hundred and twenty-four, twelve hundred and twenty-seven, twelve hundred and twenty-nine, twelve hundred and thirty, twelve hundred and thirty-one, twelve hundred and thirty-two, twelve hundred and thirty-three, twelve hundred and thirty-four, twelve hundred and thirty-five, twelve hundred and thirty-six, twelve hundred and thirty-seven, twelve hundred and thirty-eight, twelve hundred and thirty-nine, twelve hundred and forty, twelve hundred and forty-one, twelve hundred and forty-two, twelve hundred and fifty-two, twelve hundred and fifty-three, twelve hundred and fifty-four, twelve hundred and fifty-five, twelve hundred and fifty-six, twelve hundred and fifty-seven, twelve hundred and fifty-eight, twelve hundred and fifty-nine, and twelve hundred and sixty. [Approved March 26; in effect first Monday of July, 1874.]


Before amendment 1874-no reference to SS 1192-1196, or to $ 1199. "Piece clubs"-Act to prohibit and to prevent extortion from candidates for office, Stats. 1878, р. 236.

1358. The resolution must declare:

1. The time and place of holding the election and the hours between which the polls are to be kept open.

2. The names of the persons to constitute the Election Board.

3. The object of the election.

4. That such election will be held under the provisions of the primary election law.

5. The time and manner of the publication of notice of such election.

6. The qualifications required for voters in addition to those prescribed by law.

1359. The notice of the election must be signed by the Secretary of the committee or body, and must contain a copy of the resolution, and must be published as directed in the resolution.

1360. In addition to the challenges allowed by law, any person offering to vote at such election may be challenged upon the grounds that he does not possess the other qualifications prescribed in the resolution, and such challenges must be tried and determined by the Board of Election, who to that end may administer an oath to such persons, and may ask them any question tending to prove or disprove the challenge.

1361. None but persons who possess the qualifications prescribed by law and by the resolution must vote or participate in any of the proceedings at such election.

1362. After counting the votes and signing the lists the Judges must cause the ballots and one copy of the lists to be delivered to the Secretary signing the notice of election, and one of the Judges must retain the other lists for twenty days after the election.

1363. The Board of Election must issue certificates of election to all persons who are chosen to fill any position by the vote of one precinct alone.

1364. The committee or body from which emanated the resolution calling the election may, under such rules as it adopts, open and canvass the returns and issue certificates to persons chosen to fill positions by the voters of more than one precinct.

1365. All of the provisions of Title IV., Part I of THE PENAL CODE, and all the provisions of the sections referred to in the first section of this Chapter, are applicable to elections held under the provisions of this Chapter from and after the last publication of the notice mentioned in Section 1359. Crimes against the elective franchise--Penal Code, $$ 41-62.

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University of California.








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§ 1403.

Degrees in Colleges of Letters.

§ 1404. System of manual labor in connection with Agricultural


$ 1405. Sectarian, etc., tests prohibited.

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