7. The residence can be changed only by the union of act and intent. Residence for purposes of voting-rules for determining, § 1239. Absence from State-on official business, does not affect question of residence, Const. Cal., art. 20, § 12. Resident foreigners-if eligible to citizenship, etc., secured in their property rights, Const. Cal., art. 1, § 17. RULES FOR DETERMINING PLACE OF RESIDENCE. SUBDIVISION 1. Permanent abode-homestead, residence requisite for, Civil Code, § 1237; 6 Cal. 625; 7 Cal, 89, 245; 33 Cal. 220; 35 Cal. 319; 41 Cal. 83; 45 Cal. 58; 52 Cal. 629, 630. SUBDIVISION 4. Residence of unmarried minor-compare subd..6 and note. SUBDIVISION 5. Same residence for wife-as for husband. Divorce, rule inapplicable to actions for; see Civil Code, § 129. Right of husband to select wifo's residence, Civil Code, §§ 103, 104, 156. Length of residence required for divorce, Civil Code, § 128. SUBDIVISION 6. Residence of unmarried minor-power of guardian to fix residence of ward, Civil Code, § 248. When parent may change residence of child, Civil Code, § 213. TITLE III. Political Rights and Duties of all Persons Subject to the Jurisdiction of the State. [23] TITLE III. Political Rights and Duties of all Persons Subject to the Jurisdiction of the State. $ 54. All persons within the State subject to its jurisdiction. $55. Allegiance. $56. Allegiance may be renounced. $57. Persons not citizens. $58. Eligibility to office. $59. Rights and duties of citizens not electors. $60. Rights and duties of citizens of other States. 54. Every person while within this State is subject to its jurisdiction and entitled to its protection. Rights of the State over Persons-within its limits, § 37. Popular rights-see Declaration of rights, Const. Cal., art. 1, §§ 1-24; Desty's Const. Cal. 177-217. General personal rights, Civil Code, $ 43. 55. Allegiance is the obligation of fidelity and obedience which every citizen owes to the State. 56. Allegiance may be renounced by a change of residence. Residence-rules for determining place of, § 52. 57. Persons in the State not its citizens are either: 1. Citizens of other States; or, 2. Aliens. SUBDIVISION 1. Citizens of other States-see $ 60. SUBDIVISION 2. Aliens-resident, control of property by, Const. Cal., art. 1, § 17. Non-resident, general rights and unclaimed realty of; see under Escheated estates, §4ln. Naturalization of; see under Citizens of the United States, note to subd. 2, § 51. Children of transient, etc., born in this State, 51, subd. 1. 58. Every elector is eligible to the office for which he is an elector, except where otherwise specially provided; and no person is eligible who is not such an elector. Qualified elector-who is, § 1083. Ineligible to office-persons who are, §§ 841, 842. Women eligible to educational offices; see Stats. 1874, p. 356. 59. An elector has no rights or duties beyond those of a citizen not an elector, except the right and duty of holding and electing to office. Holding office-see Ineligible to office, § 58n.. 60. A citizen of the United States, who is not a citizen of this State, has the same rights and duties as a citizen of this State not an elector. Citizenship-effect of fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to Federal Constitution on, 43 Cal. 43. POL. CODE3. |