CHAPTER II. State Normal School. $1487. Object of school. $1488. Under control of Board of Trustees. $1489. General powers and duties of Board. $1490. Regular meetings of Board. $1491. Special meetings of Board. $1492. Time and place of meeting of Board. $1493. Apportionment of pupils. (Repealed.) $ 1494. General qualifications for admission as pupils. $1495. Pupils from State at large. $1496. Pupils from other States. $1497. Pupils to file certain declaration. $1498. Competitive examinations before County Boards. (Re pealed.) $1499. Manner of examination. (Repealed.) $ 1500. Persons passing to be admitted as pupils, in what order. (Repealed.) $1501. Principal to make annual report. $1502. To attend County Institutes. $1503. Issuance certificates or diplomas of Normal School. $1504. Secretary and Board of Trustees. $1505. Supervision by Superintendent of Public Instruction. $1506. Biennial appropriation to be made. § 1507. Orders on Controller, how drawn. 1487. The State Normal School, located at San Jose, has for its object the education of teachers for the public schools. Original basis of chapter-before amdts. 1874, Stats. 1870, p. 788. Normal schools-may be established as part of common school system, Const. Cal. 1879, art. 9, § 6. Branch State Normal School-in Los Angeles, created by Stats. 1881, p. 91. 1488. It is under the management and control of a Board of Trustees, constituted as provided in Title I, of Part III, of this Code. Board of Trustees-how constituted, § 354. 1489. The powers and duties of the Board of Trustees are as follows: 1. To prescribe rules for their own government and for the government of the school. 2. To prescribe rules for the reports of officers and teachers of the school, and for visiting other schools and institutes. 3. To prescribe the course of study, and the time and stand ard of graduation. 4. To prescribe the text-books, apparatus, and furniture, and provide the same, together with all stationery, for the use of the pupils. 5. To establish and maintain training or model schools, and require the pupils of the Normal School to teach and instruct classes therein. 6. To elect a Principal and other necessary teachers, fix their salaries and prescribe their duties. 7. To issue diplomas of graduation, upon the recommendation of the Faculty of the school. 8. To control and expend all moneys appropriated for the support and maintenance of the school, and all monevs received for tuition, or from donations. In no event shall any moneys appropriated for the support of the school, or received from tuition or donations, be paid or used for compensation or traveling expenses of the Trustees of the school. 9. To keep a record of their proceedings. 10. To keep open to public inspection an account of receipts and expenditures. 11. To annually report to the Governor a statement of all their transactions, and of all matters pertaining to the school. 12. To transmit with such report a copy of the principal teacher's annual report. 13. To revoke any diploma by them granted, on receiving satisfactory evidence that the holder thereof is addicted to drunkenness, is guilty of gross immorality, or is reputably dishonest in his dealings; provided, that such person shall have at least thirty days previous notice of such contemplated action, and shall, if he asks it, be heard in his own defense. [In effect March 30, 1874.] 1490. The Board must hold two regular meetings in each year. 1491. It may hold special meetings, at the call of the Secretary. 1492. The time and place of regular meetings must be fixed by the by-laws. The Secretary must fix and give written notice of the time and place of special meetings. 1493. Sections one thousand four hundred and ninetythree, one thousand four hundred and ninety-eight, one thousand four hundred and ninety-nine, and one thousand five hundred of said Act are hereby repealed. (In effect March 30, 1874.] 1494. Every person admitted as a pupil to the Normal School course must be: First Of good moral character. Third-Of that class of persons who, if of a proper age, would be admitted in the public schools of this State, without restriction. [In effect March 30, 1874.] 1495. Teachers holding State certificates of the first or second grades may be admitted from the State at large. 1496. Persons resident of another State may be admitted upon letters of recommendation from the Governor, or Superintendent of Schools thereof. [In effect March 30, 1874.] 1497. Every person making application for admission as a pupil to the Normal School, must, at the time of making such application, file with the Principal of the school a declaration that he enters the school to fit himself for teaching, and that it is his intention to engage in teaching in the public schools of this State, or in the State or Territory where the applicant resides. [In effect March 30, 1874.] 1498. Repealed. [In effect March 30, 1874. See note to §1493.] 1499. Repealed. [In effect March 30, 1874. See note to §1493.] 1500. Repealed. [In effect March 30, 1874. See note to § 1493.] 1501. The Principal of the school must make a detailed annual report to the Board of Trustees, with a catalogue of the pupils, and such other particulars as the Board may require or he may think useful. Principal of the School-is member State Board of Education, § 1517. 1502. He must also attend County Institutes, and lecture before them on subjects relating to public schools and the profession of teaching. 1503. Upon the recommendation of the Faculty of the school, the Board of Trustees may issue to those who worthily complete the full course of study and training prescribed, a diploma of graduation. To the persons receiving this diploma, the State Board of Examination shall grant a first grade State certificate. In like manner, they shall issue to those who worthily complete the post graduate course, a professional diploma. To the persons receiving this diploma, the State Board of Examination shall grant an educational diploma; and they may, at their discretion, issue an elementary diploma to those who worthily complete such part of the course of study and training as may be prescribed. To the persons receiving this diploma, the State Board of Education shall grant a second grade State certificate. [In effect March 30, 1874.] State Board of Examination-abolished by repeal of $$ 1741-1756, and of § 1758. State Board of Education-SS 1517-1521. 1504. The Board of Trustees shall have power to appoint a Secretary, who shall receive no compensation. A full record of all the proceedings of the Board of Trustees shall be kept at the school, and shall be open to public inspection. [In effect March 30, 1874.] 1505. The Superintendent of Public Instruction must visit the school from time to time, inquire into its condition and management, enforce the rules and regulations made by the Board, require such reports as he deems proper from the teachers of the school, and exercise a general supervision over the same. [In effect March 30, 1874.] Superintendent of Public Instruction-SS 1532-1533. 1506. The sum of twenty-four thousand dollars must be appropriated biennially, out of any moneys in the General Fund not otherwise appropriated, one-half of which appropriation must be set apart at the commencement of each fiscal year to support the State Normal School. Whenever, at the close of any fiscal year, a balance remains to the credit of the State Normal School Fund, such balance must be carried forward and added to the appropriation for the succeeding year. Appropriation Acts-for building and other purposes, Stats. 1872, р. 669; 1874, pp. 518, 603; 1876, p. 482: 1880, p. 192 or 40. For improvement of Normal School square, Stats. 1881, p. 4. 1507. All orders upon the Controller of State by the Board of Trustees must be signed by the President of the Board, and countersigned by the Secretary. Upon presentation of the order aforesaid, signed and countersigned as aforesaid, the Controller of State must draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of the Board of Trustees for the moneys, or any part thereof, appropriated and set apart for the support of the Normal School, and the Treasurer must pay such warrant on presentation. [In effect March 30, CHAPTER III. Public Schools. ARTICLE I. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. II. IV. TEACHERS' INSTITUTES. V. SCHOOL DISTRICTS. VI. ELECTIONS FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEES. VII. BOARDS OF TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND CITY BOARDS OF EDUCATION. VIII. DISTRICT CENSUS MARSHALS. IX. CLERKS OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS. XIII. DISTRICT LIBRARIES. XIV. EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL. XV. STATE BOARD OF EXAMINATION. XVI. COUNTY BOARDS OF EXAMINATION. XVII. CITY BOARDS OF EXAMINATION. XVIII. COUNTY SCHOOL TAX. XIX. DISTRICT SCHOOL TAX. XX. GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATIVE TO SCHOOL FUNDS AND TAXES. XXI. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS RELATING TO PUB LIC SCHOOLS. ARTICLE I. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. $ 1517. Board, how constituted. § 1518. Organization of. $1519, Concurrence of a majority of all members necessary. $1520. Meetings of. |