
2194. The official bonds required by the provisions of this chapter must be approved by the Board of Directors, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State.

Official bonds-§ 947 et seq.

2195. The Medical Superintendent and each Assistant Physician must reside on the Asylum grounds.

2196. The officers mentioned in the preceding section must not engage in the private practice of medicine, but must devote their whole time to the performance of their duties, unless granted leave of absence by the Board of Directors.

2197. Insane persons received in the Asylum must upon recovery be discharged therefrom.

2198. Insane convicts must be received into the Insane Asylum, and returned to the State Prison again, as provided in Section 1230 of the Penal Code.

2199. No insane person, non-resident of this State, must be received into the Asylum unless he became insane within this State.

2200. If at the time of the discharge of a person from the Asylum, or after the death and burial of any person therein confined, there remains in the custody of the Directors or Treasurer any moneys paid for the support or maintenance of such person, it must, upon demand, be repaid.



$2210. Examination, before whom.

§ 2211. Two witnesses.

$2212. Two physicians.

$2213. Witnesses, duty of.

§2214. Physicians, duty of.

$2215. Cortificate of physicians,

§ 2216. To be made on forms, etc.

§2217. Action of Judge. Commitment.

§ 2218. Delivery of insane person at Asylum.

$2219. Money found on insane person.

§ 2220. Idiots, imbeciles, etc., not to be admitted.

§ 2221. Compensation for delivery of insane to Asylum.
§ 2222. Fees of physicians.

2210. Whenever it appears by affidavit to the satisfaction of a magistrate of the county that any person within the county is so far disordered in his mind as to endanger health,



person, or property, he must issue and deliver to some peace officer for service a warrant, directing that such person be arrested and taken before any Judge of a Court of record within the county for examination.

2211. When the person is taken before the Judge he must issue subpœnas to two or more witnesses, best acquainted with such insane person, to appear and testify before him at such examination.

2212. The Judge must also issue subpœnas for at least two graduates of medicine to appear and attend such examination.

2213. At the examination the persons subpœnaed must appear and answer all questions pertinent to the matter under investigation.

2114. The physicians must hear such testimony, and must make a personal examination of the alleged insane per


2215. The physicians, after hearing the testimony and making the examination, must, if they believe such person to be dangerously insane, make a certificate, under their hand, showing as near as possible:

1. That such person is so far disordered in his mind as to endanger health, person, or property;

2. The premonitory symptoms, apparent cause or class of insanity, the duration and condition of the disease;

3. The nativity, age, residence, occupation, and previous habits of the person;

4. The place from whence the person came, and the length of his residence in this State.

2216. The certificate must be made in the form prescribed by, and, if they can be had, upon blanks furnished by the Medical Superintendent of the Asylum.

2217. The Judge, after such examination and certificate made, if he believes the person so far disordered in his mind as to endanger health, person, or property, must make an order that he be confined in the Insane Asylum. A copy of such order shall be filed with and recorded by the County Clerk of the county. The Clerk shall also keep, in convenient form, an index book, showing the name, age, and sex of each person so ordered to be confined in the Insane Asylum, with the date of the order, and the name of the Insane Asylum in which the person is ordered to be confined. No fees shall be charged

by the Clerk for performing any of the duties provided for by this section. [In effect February 18, 1881.]

2218. The insane person, together with the order of the Judge and certificate of the physicians, must be delivered to the Sheriff of the county, and by him must be delivered to the officer in charge of the Insane Asylum.

2219. Any moneys found on the person of an insane person at the time of arrest must be cerfified to by the Judge and sent with such person to the Asylum, there to be delivered to the Medical Superintendent, who must deliver the same to the Treasurer. If the sum exceed one hundred dollars, the excess must be applied to the payment of the expenses of such person while in the Asylum; if the sum is one hundred dollars or less, it must be kept and delivered to the person when discharged, or applied to the payment of funeral expenses if the person dies at the Asylum.

2220. No case of idiocy or imbecility, or simple feebleness of mind, must be maintained at, nor must any case of delirium tremens be admitted into the Asylum.

2221. Persons delivering insane persons at the Asylums must receive all expenses necessarily incurred in their transportation, and also a just and reasonable compensation for their own services, the amount of the expenses and compensation in each case to be audited and allowed by the Board of Examiners, and paid out of any moneys in the State Treasury appropriated for that purpose. The necessary expenses of an assistant, when more than one person is required to convey such insane person, shall also be allowed; provided, however, that the person in charge of such insane person shall certify, under oath, the urgent necessity of such assistance. No compensation, except as herein provided, shall be received or allowed for delivering insane persons at the Asylums. [In effect April 12, 1880.]

Before amendment 1880-mileage received by person delivering patients; held that Sheriff of San Francisco received such sums as compensation for official services and was bound to pay them into the local treasury, 50 Cal. 119.

2222. The physicians attending each examination of an insane person are allowed five dollars each, to be paid by the County Treasurer of the county where the examination was had, on the order of the Board of Supervisors.

[blocks in formation]

$ 2239.

$ 2240.

§ 2241.


Clothing and maintenance of pupils.

Blindness and deafness defined.

$2242. Geological cabinet.

§ 2243. Salaries, how paid.

§ 2244. Approval and filing of official bonds.

2237. The Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum, located in Alameda County, has for its object the education of the deaf, dumb, and blind.

Acts relating to Asylum-appropriations, Stats. 1872, pp. 34, 743; 1874, p. 898; 1876, pp. 53, 593, 747; erection of buildings and improvements, Stats. 1880, p. 190 or 37; reimbursing support fund, Stats. 1830, p. 384 or 118. Water supply, Stats. 1876, p. 816.

2238. Every deaf, dumb, or blind person, resident of this State, of suitable age and capacity, is entitled to an education in this Asylum free of charge.

2239. Such persons not residents of this State are entitled to the benefits of this Asylum upon paying to the Treasurer thereof eighty-five dollars quarterly in advance.

2240. If the parents or guardians of any pupil in the Asylum for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind shall be unable to clothe such child, the parent or guardian may testify to such inability before the Judge of the Superior Court of the county wherein he or she is resident, and if said Judge is satisfied that the parent or guardian is not able to provide suitable clothing for the child, he shall issue a certificate to that effect; and, upon presentation of such certificate, it shall be the duty of the Directors of said Asylum to clothe the child, the expenses to be paid out of the appropriations made for the support of the Asylum. All pupils in the Asylum shall be maintained at the expense of the State. [In effect April 3, 1880.]

2241. Inability by reason of defective sight to read ordinary printed matter is blindness, and inability to hear ordinary conversation is deafness, within the meaning of this chapter.

2242. The State Geologist and Regents of the University may make up from duplicate specimens under their control a geological cabinet for the use of the Asylum.

2243. The salaries mentioned in this chapter must be paid monthly out of the moneys appropriated for the support of the Asylum.

2244. The official bonds required by the provisions of this chapter must be approved by the Board, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State.

Official bonds-SS 947-986,



$2254. Under control of Board of Directors.

2255. Powers and duties of Board.

§ 2256.

Approval of estimates and drawing of moneys.

§ 2257. Directors to receive no salary.

2254. The Asylum is under the management and control of a Board of Directors, consisting of five persons, appointed and holding their offices as provided in Title I of Part III of this Code.

Board of Directors-appointment and term of office, §§ 368, subd. 2,

and 369.

2255. The powers and duties of the Board are as follows: 1. To make by-laws, not inconsistent with the laws of the State, for their own government, and the government of the Asylum.

2. To elect the principal teacher.

3. To elect a Treasurer, who shall not be a member of the Board of Directors.

4. To elect a Physician for the Asylum, for the term of two years, who shall not be a member of the Board of Directors.


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