the boundary line between the City and County of San Francisco and the County of San Mateo with the waters of said bay; thence westerly along said boundary line to the point of its intersection with the Pacific Ocean; thence northerly along the line of said ocean to the point of beginning; shall be the Thirteenth Senatorial District, and shall elect two Senators and four members of the Assembly. SEC. 14. The County of Alameda shall be the Fourteenth Senatorial District, and shall have two Senators and three members of the Assembly. SEC. 15. The Counties of Contra Costa and Marin shall be the Fifteenth Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator, and each of said counties shall elect one member of the Assembly. SEC. 16. The Counties of San Joaquin and Amador shall be the Sixteenth Senatorial District; San Joaquin shall elect one Senator, and, jointly with Amador, shall electone Senator; San Joaquin shall elect three members of the Assembly, and Amador shall elect two members of the Assembly. SEC. 17. The Counties of Tuolumne and Calaveras shall be the Seventeenth Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator, and each of said counties shall elect one member of the Assembly. SEC. 18. The County of Sacramento shall be the Eighteenth Senatorial District, and shall elect two Senators and three members of the Assembly. SEC. 19. The Counties of Solano and Yolo shall be the Nineteenth Senatorial District; Solano shall elect one Senator and two members of the Assembly; Yolo shall elect one member of the Assembly, and, jointly with Solano, shall elect one Senator. SEC. 20. The Counties of Napa, Lake, and Sonoma, shall constitute the Twentieth Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator; and Napa and Lake Counties shall each elect one member of the Assembly. SEC. 21. The County of Sonoma shall be the Twenty-first Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator and three members of the Assembly. SEC. 22. The County of Placer shall be the Twenty-second Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator and one member of the Assembly. SEC. 23. The Counties of El Dorado and Alpine shall be the Twenty-third Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator; the County of El Dorado shall elect one member of the Assembly; and the Counties of El Dorado and Alpine shall, jointly, elect one member of the Assembly. SEC. 24. The Counties of Nevada and Sierra shall be the Twenty-fourth Senatorial District; Nevada shall elect one Senator and three members of the Assembly; Sierra shall elect one member of the Assembly, and one Senator, jointly, with Nevada. SEC. 25. The Counties of Yuba and Sutter shall be the Twenty-fifth Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator; Yuba shall elect two members of the Assembly, and Sutter shall elect one member of the Assembly. SEC. 26. The Counties of Butte, Plumas, and Lassen, shall be the Twenty-sixth Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator; Butte shall elect two members of the Assembly, and Plumas and Lassen shall, jointly, elect one member of the Assembly. SEC. 27. The Counties of Mendocino, Humboldt, Klamath, and Del Norte, shall be the Twenty-seventh Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator; Humboldt and Mendocino. shall each elect one member of the Assembly, and Klamath and Del Norte shall, jointly, elect one member of the Assembly. SEC. 28. The Counties of Siskiyou, Modoc, Trinity, and Shasta, shall be the Twenty-eighth Senatorial District, and shall elect, jointly, one Senator; Siskiyou and Modoc shall elect, jointly, one member of the Assembly; Trinity and Shasta shall elect, jointly, one member of the Assembly. SEC. 29. The Counties of Colusa and Tehama shall be the Twenty-ninth Senatorial District, and shall elect one Senator and one member of the Assembly. SEC. 30. At the general election to be held in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected in the First, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-seventh, and Twenty-ninth Districts, one Senator each, and in the Twelve and Thirteenth Districts, two Senators each. SEC. 31. At the general election to be held in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected in the Second, Third, Fourth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-first, Twentysecond, Twenty-third, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, and Twentyeighth Districts, one Senator each, and in the Twenty-fourth District, two Senators. SEC. 32. At the general election to be held in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and every two years thereafter, members of the Assembly shall be elected in the several districts and counties of the State as is provided in this Act. SEC. 33. All Acts and parts of Acts in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. [Approved March 16, 1874. Stats-1873-4, p. 366.1 The Present Constitution-provides for apportionment, in art. 4, $6, and $$ 3-5 of that article cover the ground embraced by Sections 30-32 of the above Act. CHAPTER III. Congressional Districts. §117 was superseded by Act entitled "An Act to divide the State into Congressional Districts." SECTION 1. For the purpose of electing Representatives to the Congress of the United States, the State is hereby divided into districts, as follows: SEC. 2. The First District shall be composed of the City and County of San Francisco. SEC. 3. The Second District shall be composed of the Counties of Contra Costa, Alameda, San Joaquin, Calaveras, Amador, El Dorado, Sacramento, Placer, Nevada, Alpine, and Tuolumne. SEC. 4. The Third District shall be composed of the Counties of Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Lake, Solano, Yolo, Sutter, Yuba, Sierra, Butte, Plumas, Lassen, Tehama, Colusa, Mendocino, Humboldt, Trinity, Shasta, Siskiyou, Klamath, and Del Norte. SEC. 5. The Fourth District shall be composed of the Counties of San Diego, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Tulare, Monterey, Fresno, Kern, Merced, Mariposa, Stanislaus, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, Mono, and Inyo. [In effect March 30, 1872. Stats. 1871-2, p. 714.] CHAPTER IV. Judicial Districts. Chapter Four of Title One, Part Two, of the Political Code, and all other laws and parts of laws creating judicial districts in this State, defining boundaries thereof, or providing terms of Courts therein, are hereby repealed. [In effect February 13, 1880. Stats. 1880, p. 1, Ban. Ed., p. 5.] Repealed Chapter-comprised §§ 125-142. Const. Cal. 1879, art 22, § 3. Repeal conformed to TITLE II. Seat of Government. § 145. Located at Sacramento. 145. Tho seat of Government of this State is at the city of Sacramento. Seat of Government-Sacramento declared to be, 5 Cal. 23; see Const. Cal. art. 20, §1. Act prohibiting sale of liquors in State Capitol building, Stats. 1880, p. 273 or 80. Employees of Capitol grounds, Stats. 1880, p. 346 or 107. TITLE IIL. Legal Distances in the State. Title III., Part II., is hereby amended so as to read as follows: [Approved and in effect April 3, 1876.] 152. From Alpine County seat. 153. From Amador County seat. § 154. From Butte County seat. $ 155. From Calaveras County seat. $156. From Colusa County seat. § 157. From Contra Costa County seat, $ 158. From Del Norte County seat. $ 159. From El Dorado County seat. $160. From Fresno County seat. § 161. From Humboldt County seat. § 162. From Inyo County seat. § 163. From Kern County seat. § 164. From Lake County seat. $165. From Lassen County seat. $166. From Los Angeles County seat. $167. From Marin County seat. $168. From Mariposa County seat. $169. From Mendocino County seat. $170. From Merced County seat. $189. From Shasta County seat. |