
194. From the county seat of Stanislaus County to Sacramento, seventy-seven (77) miles; to Napa one hundred and thirty-eight (138) miles; to Stockton, thirty (30) miles; to San Quentin, one hundred and fourteen (114) miles.

195. From the county seat of Sutter County to Sacramento, fifty (50) miles; to Napa, one hundred and eleven (111) miles; to Stockton, ninety-eight (98) miles; to San Quentin, one hundred and forty-six (146) miles.

196. From the county seat of Tehama County to Sacramento, one hundred and thirty-five (135) miles; to Napa, one hundred and ninety-six (196) miles; to Stockton, one hundred and eighty-three (183) miles; to San Quentin, two hundred and thirty-one (231) miles.

197. From the county seat of Trinity County to Sacramento, two hundred and seventeen (217) miles; to Napa, two hundred and seventy-eight (278) miles; to Stockton, two hundred and sixty-five (265) miles; to San Quentin, three hundred and thirteen (313) miles.

198. From the county seat of Tulare County to Sacramento, two hundred and eleven (211) miles; to Napa, two hundred and seventy-two (272) miles, to Stockton, one hundred and sixty-three (163) miles; to San Quentin, two hundred and forty-nine (249) miles.

199. From the county seat of Tuolumne County to Sacramento, one hundred (100) miles; to Napa, one hundred and sixty-one (161) miles; to Stockton, sixty-six (66) miles; to San Quentin, one hundred and sixty-six (166) miles. [Approved February 15, 1878.1

200. From the county seat of Ventura County to Sacramento, three hundred and ninety-two (392) miles; to Napa, three hundred and forty-seven (347) miles; to Stockton, four hundred (400) miles; to San Quentin, three hundred and twenty (320) miles.

201. From the county seat of Yolo County to Sacramento, twenty (20) miles; to Napa, forty-one (41) miles; to Stockton, sixty-eight (68) miles; to San Quentin, ninety-two (92) miles.

202. From the county seat of Yuba County to Sacramento, fifty-two (52) miles; to Napa, one hundred and thirteen (113). miles; to Stockton, one hundred (100) miles; to San Quentin, one hundred and forty-six (146) miles.

203. When mileage is allowed by law to any person, the distance must be computed as hercin fixed.

Mileage-in various cases; see §§ 266, 397, 3793, 3867, 3871, 3876. Mile, length of, § 212.

[This Title, §§ 150-203, inclusive, was amended and in effect April 3, 1876.]





Of the Government of the State.


[blocks in formation]

Classification of Public Officers.

$ 220. Classification of public officers.

220. The public officers of this State are classified as follows:

1. Legislative;

2. Executive;

3. Judicial;

4. Ministerial officers and officers of the Courts; -But this classification is not to be construed as defining the legal powers of either class.

Public officers-presumptions in favor of. Regular appointment presumed; see Code Civ. Proc.. § 1963, subd. 14, 3 Cal. 453; 5 Cal. 389; 6 Cal. 215; 16 Cal. 552; 24 Cal. 121; 53 Cal. 29. Regular performance of official duty and exercise of judicial powers, presumed, Code Civ. Proc. § 1963, subds. 15, 16; 1 Cal. 323; 3 Cal. 27, 192; 5 Cal. 53; 6 Cal. 81;8 Cal. 384; 9 Cal. 554; 11 Cal. 248; 14 Cal. 117; 15 Cal. 530; 16 Cal. 227; 21 Cal 291; 28 C 1. 133; 47 Cal. 43, 222, 294; 48 Cal. 133, 434, 483; 49 Cal. 229, 679; 50 Cal, 360; 51 Cal. 55, 146, 298, 447; 52 Cal. 171, 338, 664; 53 Cal. 239, 420; 54 Cal. 428, 480.

"De facto" officers-validity of their acts, 3 Cal. 443; 6 Cal. 214; 17 Cal. 626; 23 Cal. 315. In Federal office, not disqualified for state office, 52 Cal. 36. Proceedings against, 7 Cal. 432.

SUBDIVISION 1. Legislative officers-§§ 225-337. Power of Legislature, § 225n.

SUBDIVISION 2. Executive officers-§§ 341-715.

SUBDIVISION 3. Judicial officers-$$ 726-739.

SUBDIVISION 4. Ministerial officers-SS 749-817.

Officers of the Court-see $$827-831 Attorneys are, 22 Cal. 315; but are not officers in the constitutional sense, 24 Cal. 244.

General provisions-relating to different classes of officers, §§ 8411032.

Distribution of powers-between the three governmental departments of the State; see Const. Cal., art 3, § 1.

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