CHAPTER I. COUNTY BOUNDARIES AND COUNTY SEATS. II. GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO COUNTIES CHAPTER I. County Boundaries and County Seats. § 3901. County defined. § 3902. Counties in State designated in this Title. §3:03. Courses deemed true. § 3904. Directions deemed due. To, on, along, with or by a mountain or ridge, defined. § 3905. $ 3906. To, by, along, with, in, up, up, or down a creek, etc., defined. § 3907. In, to, or from ocean shore, etc., defined. $ 3908. Mouth of creek, etc., defined. $ 3909. Del Norte. § 3910. Klamath. § 3911. Shasta. 3901. A county is the largest political division of the State having corporate powers. County-Bonds in aid of railroad, 18 Cal. 671; 30 Cal. 435. Governments, §§ 4000-4344; Legislature to provide a system of uniform, Const. Cal. 1879, art. 11, § 4; consolidation with city, Id. art. 11, §7. Liability, § 4074n.; for jail guard, 29 Cal. 251. Limits: the several counties as existing, recognized as legal subdivisions of the State, Const. Cal. 1879, art. 11, §1; boundaries, §§ 3909-3958. New, formation of, Const. Cal. 1879, art. 11, §3: see § 3975 and notes. Officers, Const. Cal. 1879, art 11. § 5; see §§ 4101-4316. Power of Legislature over, 26 Cal. 641; 30 Cal. 435. Seat, removal of, Const. Cal. 1879, art. 11, § 4; see $$ 3976-3985. Township, organization for, Const. Cal. 1879, art. 11, § 4. 3902. This State is divided into counties, named, bounded and constituted as provided in this title. Counties-as they now exist, recognized as legal subdivisions of this State, Const. Cal. 1879, art. 11, § 1. Boundaries and seats, §§ 3909-3958: disputed, $ 3969 et seq. 3903. In describing courses the words "north," "south," "east," and "west," mean true courses, and refer to the true meridian unless otherwise declared. 3904. The words "northerly," "southerly," "easterly," and "westerly," mean due north, due south, due east, and due west, unless controlled by other words, or by lines, monuments, or natural objects. 3905. The words "to," "on," "along," "with," or "by" a mountain or ridge, mean summit point, or summit line, unless otherwise expressed. 3906. The words "to," "by," "along," "with," "in," "up," or "down" a creek, river, slough, straight, or bay, mean the middle of the main channel thereof, unless otherwise expressed. 3907. The words "in," "to," or "from" the ocean shore mean a point three miles from shore. The words "along," "with," "by," or "on" the ocean shore, mean on a line parallel with and three miles from the shore. 3908. The mouth of a creek, river or slough which empties into another creek, river, or slough, is the point where the middle of the channels intersect. DEL NORTE. 3909. Situated in the northwest corner of the State, beginning at a point in the Pacific Ocean on the forty-second parallel of north latitude, being southern line of Oregon; thence southerly by ocean shore, to a point one mile south of the mouth of the Klamath River, forming southwest corner; thence easterly, on a line parallel with Klamath River to a point one mile south of the mouth of Blue Creek; thence northeasterly to Siskiyou Mountains; thence easterly, following the ridge that divides the waters of Clear Creek from the waters of Dillon's Creek, to Klamath River, at a point equidistant from the mouths of said creeks; thence across Klamath River and east to the summit of Salmon Mountains, forming the southeast corner; thence northerly in a direct line to the head of the canyon on said river, about five miles above the mouth of Indian Creek; thence north, crossing Klamath River, to a point on the forty-second parallel of north latitude forming northeast corner; thence west to the place of beginning. County seat-Crescent City. Basis of Section-Stats. 1857, p. 35; 1851, p. 21. KLAMATH. 3910. Beginning at southwest corner of Del Norte, as established in Section 3909: thence southerly, by ocean shore, to a point west from the mouth of Mad River, forming southwest corner; thence east to a point in Trinity River, which forms common corner of Humboldt, Klamath, and Trinity; thence northeasterly to and along Scott's Mountain to its point of intersection with the ridge dividing the waters which flow into Scott's, Shasta, and Sacramento Rivers on the north from the waters which flow into Salmon and Klamath Rivers on the south, forming the common corner of Siskiyou, Klamath, and Trinity; thence northerly to and along the last mentioned ridge to the southeast corner of Del Norte, as established in Section 3909; thence westerly along the southern line of Del Norte to the place of beginning. County seat-Orleans Bar. Basis of Section-Stats. 1851, p. 180; 1855, p. 200; 1856, p. 32; 1857, p. 35. Annexation of Klamath County-to Humboldt and Siskiyou counties; see Act in Stats. 1874, p. 755, and amendatory and supplementary Act in Stats. 1876, p. 603. SHASTA. 3911. Beginning at the northern line of Tehama, at the head of Bloody Island, in Sacramento River; thence to and down the eastern channel to the mouth of Battle Creek; thence easterly, up Battle Creek, by the main channel, to the mouth of the middle fork, known as Digger Creek; thence up Digger Creek to its head; thence east to a point south of Black Butte Mountain, forming southeast corner; thence north, on western line of Lassen, to a rock mound, forming northeast corner, on southern line of Siskiyou; thence west, on said southern line, to Castle Rock, forming northwest corner; thence southerly along Trinity Mountain to the head of Bee Gum Creek, forming southwest corner; thence easterly down Bee Gum, Middle Fork, and Cottonwood Creeks to the western channel of Sacramento River; thence, by direct line, to the point of beginning. County seat-Shasta City. Basis of section-Stats. 1851, p. 177; 1852, p. 228, 235; 1856, p. 118; 1857 p. 25, 109; 1859, p. 259; 1864, p. 264. LASSEN. 3912. Beginning at southwest corner, on the northern line of Sierra, as established in Section 3921, at a point ou the summit of the ridge which crosses said line, and which divides Long Valley from Sierra Valley; thence northwesterly, following said ridge, to a point due south from the town of Susanville; thence westerly, along the ridge separating the waters which flow into the east branch of the north fork of Feather River, running through Indian Valley, from those which flow into the north fork of Feather River, running POL. CODE-51. |