CONTENTS OF THE APPENDIX, And Reference to Statutes Bearing on the Political Code. $343-State Board of Railroad Commissioners. Act to organize and define the powers of the Board of Railroad § 343-Drainage Commissioners-Mining Debris Act. Act to promote drainage (Stats. 1880), p. 754. §367-State Prison Management. See Desty's Penal Code, p. 751. § 642-Fish Commissioners' Duties Concerning Fishways. See Desty's Penal Code, p. 747. $$ 654-683-Board of Examiners. Act prescribing certain duties, etc. (Stats. 1871-2), p. 720; $841-Women Eligible to Educational Offices. Act to make women eligible, etc. (Stats. 1873-4), p. 731. 876-Alien Deputies. Act relating to appointment of aliens, etc. (Stats. 1880), p. 743. §§ 1149, 1225, 1228, 1268-Special Elections. Act concerning special elections (Stats. 1877-8), p. 738. $1191-Bogus Election Tickets. Act to prevent circulation, etc. (Stats. 1877-8), p. 739. § 1357-"Piece Clubs." See Desty's Penal Code, p. 729. § 1683-Educational Rights of Children. See Desty's Penal Code, p. 721. $1700-Compensation of Female Teachers. Act to prevent discrimination, etc. (Stats. 1873-4), p. 736. § 1701-Teachers' Certificates Continued in Force. Act to continue, etc. (Stats. 1880), p. 742. § 1701-Temporary Certificates for Teachers Act to continue in operation, etc. (Stats. 1880), p. 742. $ 1963-Arms for Military Academies. Act to furnish, etc. (Stats. 1871-2), p. 723. $ 2018-Inspectors of Rifle Practice. Act to define, etc. (Stats. 1877-8), p. 741. $2326-State Agricultural Society. Act to provide for management and control of (Stats. 1880), p. 748. $$ 2326, 2978-Viticultural Commissioners. Act for promotion of viticultural industries (Stats. 1880), p. 750; Act to define, etc. (Stats. 1881), p. 770. $ 2326, Note-Horticultural Commissioners. Act creating (Stats. 1881), p. 774. $2326, Note-State Hospital and Asylum for Miners., Act to provide (Stats. 1881), p. 776. $2389-Constructing Booms. Act to authorize, etc. (Stats. 1881), p. 766. $82429-2491-San Diego Pilots and Pilot Regulations. Act to establish, etc. (Stats. 1871-2), p. 726. [717] §§ 3025, 3105-Disinterment. See Desty's Penal Code, p. 743. § 3335-Fire Departments and Commissioners. Act to allow in unincorporated municipalities. etc. (Stats. 1881), p. 766. $3359-License to Aliens. See Desty's Penal Code, p. 750. § 3429, Note--State Lands: Validating Acts. Act for relief of purchasers of State lands (Stats. 1871-2, as amended by Act in Stats. 1878), p. 725; Act to legalize applications, etc. (Stats. 1871-2), p. 726. 3440-Agricultural Drainage. Act to provide system of (Stats. 1881), p. 763. 3443-Bona Fide Settlers on Swamp Lands. Act for protection of settlers, etc. (Stats. 1873-4, as amended by § 3449-Appeals Concerning Reclamation Districts. $3497-Bona Fide Settlers on School Lands. Act to protect, etc. (Stats. 1873-4), p. 732. § 3495-Mineral Lands in School Sections. Act regulating sale, etc. (Stats. 1873-4, as amended by Act in $3533-Selection and Sale of University Lands. Act concerning (Stats. 1873-4, as amended by Stats. 1880), p. 731. § 3554-Redemption of State Lands After Foreclosure. Act to enable (Stats. 1881), p. 774. § 3584-3586-Management of Yosemite Valley and Big Tree Grove. Act concerning (Stats. 1880), p. 743. $3888-Legal Tender Notes for Taxes. Act in relation to currency of the U. S. (Stats. 1880), p. 743, $3900-Form of Complaint for Delinquent Taxes. Act prescribing, etc. (Stats. 1880), p. 762. $ 3910-Annexation of Klamath County. Act concerning (Stats. 1873-4), p. 733. $3913-Creation of Modoc County. 3917-Boundary Line Between Lake and Yolo Counties. 3938-Boundary Line of Mariposa and Fresno Counties. Act concerning (Stats. 1873-4), p. 731. Act to more clearly define (Stats. 1871-2), p. 730. Act to better define (Stats. 1871-2), p. 729. 3939-Fresno County Seat. Act to permanently locate (Stats. 1873-4), p. 736. 3939-Boundary Line Between Fresno and Tulare Counties. Act to esta establish, etc. (Stats. 1875-6), p. 736. §3946-Creation of Ventura County. Act concerning (Stats. 1871-2), p. 724. §3948-Creation of San Benito County. Act concerning (Stats. 1873-4), p. 730. $3956-Solano County Seat. Act to locate (Stats. 1873-4), p. 735. $3958-Northern Boundary Line of Napa County. Act concerning (Stats. 1871-2), p. 724. § 4106-Ex Officio Public Administrator. Act concerning (Stats. 1871-2), p. 729. § 4205-Index of Naturalization. Act to provide, etc. (Stats. 1871-2), p. 719. $4290-Post-Mortem Examinations. Act concerning (Stats. 1871-2), p. 720. An Act to provide for indexing the names of persons who have declared their intention to become, or who have become citi zens of the United States, in the several Courts of record in this State. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Clerks of the several Courts of record in this State to provide two books, in the one of which shall be entered in alphabetical order, the names of all persons who, from the organization of said Courts, have declared or who may hereafter declare their intention to become citizens of the United States, together with the date of such declaration; and in the other of which shall be entered in alphabetical order, the names of all persons who have been or who may be hereafter admitted citizens of the United States by any Courts of which they are Clerks, and they shall also enter in separate columns opposite each name, the country of which he was before a citizen or subject, the date of his admission, and the page of the book of the record of the Court containing the order admitting him as such citizen. SEC. 2. The said Clerks shall be entitled to receive for their own use and benefit, a fee of twenty cents for each name indexed as provided in section one of this Act, and said fees, together with the costs of said books, shall become a county charge, and shall be allowed by the Board of Supervisors of the several counties, and paid out of the same fund that other services rendered by said Clerks to their respective counties are paid; provided, that no compensation shall be allowed any Clerk under the provisions of this Act for indexing any names contained in any such records which have been heretofore indexed, but such records and indices shall stand in lieu of those provided for in this Act; and provided further, that no Clerk shall be entitled to charge or receive any fee for indexing the name of any person who may declare his intention to become or who may become a citizen of the United States after the passage of this Act. [In effect February 8, 1872. Stats. 1871-2, p. 80.] i An Act concerning the attendance of physicians and surgeons in certain cases, and to provide payment for making chemical and post-mortem examinations. SECTION 1. The Coroner or other officer holding an inquest upon the body of a deceased person may summon a physician or surgeon to inspect the body, or a chemist to make an analysis of the contents of the stomach, or the tissues of the body of the deceased, and to give a professional opinion as to the cause of the death. SEC. 2. Any physician, surgeon, or chemist professionally attending as a witness on an inquest, or upon a trial of any person charged with murder or manslaughter, or in cases de lunatico inquirendo, as above provided, shall be allowed a reasonable compensation for such attendance or examination by the Board of Supervisors, upon the written certificate of the Court or officer requiring such services, as to the extent and supposed value of the same ; provided, that such certificate shall not be conclusive as to the amount of compensation. [Approved February 8, 1872. Stats. 1871-2, p. 71.] An Act prescribing certain duties to be performed by the State Controller, State Treasurer, and State Board of Examiners. SECTION 1. The State Controller shall furnish to the State Treasurer, on the tenth, twentieth, and last days of each month, and when either of these days falls upon a day on which the State Controller is not required to keep his office open for the transaction of business, then upon the day immediately preceding the days herein mentioned, with a report of all warrants drawn by him upon the Treasurer since the date of his last report. Such report shall show the number, date, and amount of each warrant, to whom issued, and the fund out of which it is payable. From the report so furnished by the Controller, the State Treasurer shall make a Register of Warrants, and shall pay all warrants in the order in which they are drawn by the Controller. SEC. 2. Upon the last day of each month, except when such last day falls upon a day on which the State Treasurer is not required by law to keep his office open for the transaction of business, then upon the day immediately preceding such last day, the State Treasurer shall furnish the State Controller with a list of all warrants paid by him since the date on which his last list was furnished. Such list shall contain the number, date, and amount of each warrant, and the fund out of which the same was paid. SEC. 3. Immediately after the passage of this Act, it shall be the duty of the State Controller and State Treasurer, under the supervision of the Governor, to ascertain the numbers, dates, and amounts of the several warrants drawn by the Controller and then unpaid by the Treasurer, and to adjust the balances in the several funds of the State Treasurer upon the books of the Controller and Treasurer, in accordance with the sums found to the credit of each on the books of the Controller, and the warrants found to be outstanding and not paid by the Treasurer. SEC. 4. When the balances in the several funds of the State Treasury shall be adjusted as provided for in the next preceding section, the State Board of Examiners shall count the money in the State Treasury and compare the amount with the amount found to be in all the funds of the State Treasury by the books of the State Controller, and upon the first business day of each month thereafter the State Controller shall furnish the State Board of Examiners with a statement of the amount of money in each fund of the State Treasury, and the total amount as the same appears upon the books of his office, together with a list of warrants issued by him but not paid by the State Treasurer, and for the payment of which there is money in the State Treasury. Upon the receipt of such statement from the Controller, the State Board of Examiners shall proceed to count the money in the State Treasury, and compare the amount with the amount named in the statement of the Cotroller. SEC. 5. Whenever any warrantissued by the State Controller shall remain in his office uncalled for by the owner thereof for the period of one year after such warrant has become payable, it shall be the duty of the Controller and Treasurer, in the presence of the State Board of Examiners, to cancel the same; and whenever any warrant, delivered to the owner thereof by the Controller, but not presented to the State Treasurer for payment for a period of one vear after such warrant has become payable, said warrant shall be deemed to be canceled, and the Treasurer shall, in the presence of the Controller and State Board of Examiners, write the word "canceled" opposite the entry of such warrant in his registry of warrants provided for in the first section of this Act. The word "canceled" shall also be written by the State Controller opposite the entry in the warrant register in his office, of all warrants required to be canceled by this Act. The amounts of all warrants canceled under the provisions of this Act shall revert to the fund in the State Treasury against which said warrants were drawn, and shall be entered upon the books of the Controller to the credit of such fund, in the same manner as other moneys paid into the State Treasury. SEC. 6. The Controller and Treasurer shall each keep a register of warrants canceled under this Act, in which shall be entered the number, date, and amount of the warrants, the POL. CODE-61. |