
'Cease therefore, daughter, further to aspire, And thee content thus to be rul'd by mee, For thy decay thou seekst by thy desire;

But time shall come that all shall changed bee,

And from thenceforth none no more change shal sec
So was the Titanesse put downe and whist,
And Jove confirm'd in his imperiall see.

Then was that whole assembly quite dismist,

And Natur's selfe did vanish, whither no man wist.

[Fragment of the last Canto.]

When I bethinke me on that speech whyleare Of Mutabilitie, and well it way!

Me seemes, that though she all unworthy were
Of the Heav'ns Rule: yet, very sooth to say,
In all things else she beares the greatest sway:
Which makes me loath this state of life so tickle,
And love of things so vaine to cast away;
Whose flowring pride, so fading and so fickle,
Short Time shall soon cut down with his consuming sickle

Then gin I thinke on that which Nature sayd,
Of that same time when no more Change shall be,
But stedfast rest of all things, firmely stayd

Upon the pillours of Eternity,

That is contrayr tɔ Mutabilitie;

For all that moveth doth in Change delight:

But thence-forth all shall rest eternally

With Him that is the God of Sabaoth hight:

O that great Sabaoth God, grant me that Sabaoths sight!


[From The Teares of the Muses (1591).]

Where be the sweete delights of learnings treasure
That wont with Comick sock to beautefie
The painted Theaters, and fill with pleasure
The listners eyes and eares with melodie ;
In which I late was wont to raine as Queene,
And maske in mirth with Graces well beseene?

O! all is gone; and all that goodly glee,
Which wont to be the glorie of gay wits,
Is layd abed, and no where now to see;
And in her roome unseemly Sorrow sits,
With hollow browes and greisly countenaunce,
Marring my joyous gentle dalliaunce.

And him beside sits ugly Barbarisme,

And brutish Ignorance, ycrept of late

Out of dredd darknes of the deepe Abysme,

Where being bredd, he light and heaven does hate: They in the mindes of men now tyrannize,

And the faire Scene with rudenes foule disguize.

All places they with follie have possest,
And with vaine toyes the vulgare entertaine;
But me have banished, with all' the rest
That whilome wont to wait upon my traine,
Fine Counterfesaunce, and unhurtfull Sport,
Delight, and Laughter, deckt in seemly sort.

All these, and all that els the Comick Stage
With seasoned wit and goodly pleasance graced,
By which mans life in his likest image

Was lined forth, are wholly now defaced;
And those swete wits, which wont the like to frame,
Are now despizd, and made a laughing game.

And he, the man whom Nature selfe had made
To mock her selfe, and Truth to imitate,
With kindly counter under Mimick shade,
Our pleasant Willy, ah! is dead of late:
With whom all joy and jolly meriment
Is also deaded, and in dolour drent.

In stead thereof scoffing Scurrilitie,
And scornfull Follie with Contempt is crept,
Rolling in rymes of shameles ribaudrie
Without regard, or due Decorum kept;
Each idle wit at will presumes to make,
And doth the Learneds taske upon him take.

But that same gentle Spirit, from whose pen
Large streames of honnie and sweete Nectar flowe,
Scorning the boldnes of such base-borne men,
Which dare their follies forth so rashlie throwe,
Doth rather choose to sit in idle Cell,
Than so himselfe to mockerie to sell.

So am I made the servant of the manie,

And laughing stocke of all that list to scorns ;
Not honored nor cared for of anie,

But loath'd of losels as a thing forlorne:
Therefore I mourne and sorrow with the rest,
Untill my cause of sorrow be redrest.


Lyke as a ship, that through the Ocean wyde,
By conduct of some star, doth make her way;
Whenas a storme hath dimd her trusty guyde,
Out of her course doth wander far astray !
So I, whose star, that wont with her bright ray
Me to direct, with cloudes is over-cast,

Doe wander now, in darknesse and dismay,
Through hidden perils round about me plast;

Yet hope I well that, when this storme is past,
My Helice, the lodestar of my lyfe,

Will shine again, and looke on me at last,
With lovely light to cleare my cloudy grief,
Till then I wander carefull, comfortlesse,
In secret sorow, and sad pensivenesse.

What guyle is this, that those her golden tresses
She doth attyre under a net of gold;

And with sly skill so cunningly them dresses,
That which is gold, or heare, may scarse be told?
Is it that mens frayle eyes, which gaze too bold,
She may entangle in that golden snare;

And, being caught, may craftily enfold


Theyr weaker harts, which are not wel aware? Take heed, therefore, myne eyes, how ye doe stare Henceforth too rashly on that guilefull net,

In which, if ever ye entrapped are,

Out of her bands ye by no meanes shall get.
Fondnesse it were for any, being free,

To covet fetters, though they golden bee!

Sweet Smile! the daughter of the Queene of Love,
Expressing all thy mothers powrefull art,

With which she wants to temper angry Jove,
When all the gods he threats with thundring dart:
Sweet is thy vertue, as thy selfe sweet art.
For, when on me thou shinedst late in sadnesse,
A melting pleasance ran through every part,
And me revived with hart-robbing gladnesse.
Whylest rapt with joy resembling heavenly madnes,
My soule was ravisht quite as in a traunce;
And feeling thence, no more her sorowes sadnesse,
Fed on the fulnesse of that chearefull glaunce,
More sweet than Nectar, or Ambrosiall meat,
Seemd every bit which thenceforth I did eat.

Joy of my life! full oft for loving you

I blesse my lot, that was so lucky placed :
But then the more your owne mishap I rew,
That are so much by so meane love embased.
For, had the equall hevens so much you graced
In this as in the rest, ye mote invent

Som hevenly wit, whose verse could have enchased
Your glorious name in golden moniment.

But since ye deignd so goodly to relent

To me your thrall, in whom is little worth;
That little, that I am, shall all be spent
In setting your immortall prayses forth:
Whose lofty argument, uplifting me,
Shall lift you up unto an high degree.


Ye learned sisters, which have oftentimes
Beene to me ayding, others to adorne,

Whom ye thought worthy of your gracefull rymes,
That even the greatest did not greatly scorne

To heare theyr names sung in your simple layes, But joyed in theyr praise;

And when ye list your owne mishaps to mourne,

Which death, or love, or fortunes wreck did rayse,

Your string could soone to sadder tenor turne,
And teach the woods and waters to lament

Your dolefull dreriment:

Now lay those sorrowfull complaints aside;

And, having all your heads with girlands crownd, Helpe me mine owne loves prayses to resound; Ne let the same of any be envide:

So Orpheus did for his owne bride!

So unto my selfe alone will sing;

The woods shall to me answer, and my Eccho ring.

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