






JULY 1878.

I. On the Origin of Nebula.

HE object of the present communication is to examine the bearings of the modern science of energy on the question of the origin of nebulæ, and in particular to consider the physical cause of the dispersion of matter into stellar space in the nebulous form. In doing so I have studiously avoided the introduction of mere hypotheses and principles not generally admitted by physicists. These remarks may be necessary, as the title of the paper might otherwise lead to the belief that it is on a speculative subject lying outside the province of the physicist.

The question of the origin of nebulæ is simplified by the theory, now generally received, that stars are suns like our own, and that nebulæ are in all probability stars in process of formation. The problem will therefore be most readily attacked by considering, first, the origin of our sun, as this orb, being the one most accessible to us, is that with which we are best acquainted.

By the origin of the sun I do not, of course, mean the origin of the matter constituting the sun-this being an inquiry with which the physicist has nothing whatever to do-but simply its origin as a sun, i. e. as a source of light and heat. Our first question must therefore be, What is the origin of the sun's heat? From what source did he derive that enormous amount of energy which in the form of heat he has been dis* Communicated by the Author.

Phil. Mag. S. 5. Vol. 6. No. 34. July 1878.


sipating into space during past ages? Difficult as the question at first sight appears to be, it is yet simplified and brought within very narrow limits when we remember that there are only two conceivable sources. The sun must have derived his energy either from Gravitation, or from that other source to which I directed attention several years ago*, Motion in Space. All other sources of energy put together could not have supplied our luminary with one thousandth part of that which he has possessed. We are therefore compelled to attribute the sun's heat to one or other of these two, or to give up the whole inquiry as utterly hopeless. The important difference between the two is that the store of energy derivable from Gravitation could not possibly have exceeded 20 to 30 million years' supply of heat at the present rate of radiation; whereas the store derivable from Motion in Space, depending on the rate of that motion, may conceivably have amounted to any assignable quantity. Thus a mass equal to that of the sun, moving with a velocity of 476 miles per second, possesses in virtue of that motion energy sufficient, if converted into heat, to cover the present rate of the sun's radiation for 50 million years. Twice that velocity would give 200 million years' heat; four times that velocity would give 800 million years' heat, and so on without limit.

It is, however, not enough that we should have in the form of motion in space energy sufficient. We must have a means of converting this motion into heat-of converting motion of translation into molecular motion. To understand how this can be effected, we simply require the conception of Collision. Two bodies moving towards each other will have their motion of translation converted into molecular motion (heat) by their


To which of these two causes must we attribute the Sun's heat? It is certain that gravitation must have been a cause; and if we adopt the nebular hypothesis of the origin of our solar system, then from 20 to 30 million years' heat may thus be accounted for. But we know from geological evidence that the sun has been dissipating his light and heat at about the present rate for a much longer period. In a paper published in the Quarterly Journal of Science' for July 1877, I have discussed the geological evidence for the age of the earth at considerable length, and have pointed out that the time which has elapsed since life began on the globe cannot have been less than 60 million years. This estimate is based upon a rough estimate of the thickness of rock which has been removed by subaerial denudation since the earliest epoch of which geoloPhil. Mag. May 1868,

gists take cognizance. Measuring the rate of the subaerial denudation by a method which I pointed out several years ago*, we are able to determine roughly the time required for the removal of the rock. But the 60 million years thus obtained, be it observed, are only the inferior limit. We know that a certain amount of rock has been removed; but how much more may have been carried away we cannot tell. Consequently, although we have good grounds for believing that 60 million years have elapsed since life began on the globe, yet the lapse of time may really have been very much longer. We are justified, therefore, in concluding that our globe has been receiving from the sun for the past 60 million years an amount of light and heat daily not very sensibly less than at present. This shows that gravitation alone will not explain the origin of the sun's heat, and that a far more effective cause must be found. Now the only other conceivable cause exceeding that of gravity is, of course, motion in space.

If the gravitation theory fails to explain the origin of the sun, it fails yet more decidedly to account for the nebula. In fact it does not attempt any explanation of the origin of the latter; for it begins by assuming their existence, and not only so, but that they are in process of condensation. This must be the case, because the theory in question assumes that the particles of a nebulous mass have, in virtue of gravity, a mutual tendency to approach one another; and it cannot tell us how this tendency could exist without producing its effect. The advocates of the theory are not at liberty to call in the aid of heat in order to explain why the particles are not mutally approaching; because it is this mutual approach which, according to the theory, produces the heat, and of course without such approach no heat could be generated. A nebulous mass with a tendency to condensation could not have existed from eternity as such; but what the previous condition of a nebula was, and how it came to assume its present state, the gravitation theory cannot say. It begins with a star or sun in process of formation, but does not help us to understand how the process of formation commenced."

It is quite otherwise, however, with the other theory. This latter does not, like the former, begin by assuming the exist ence of a nebulous mass; on the contrary, it goes back to the very commencement of physical inquiry, to the very point where physical investigation takes its rise, and beyond which we cannot penetrate. The only assumption it makes is that of the existence of matter and motion-if indeed this can be called an assumption. How matter and motion began to be, Phil. Mag. May 1868, and February 1867.

whether they were eternal or were created, are questions wholly beyond the domain of the physicist. The theory takes for a fact the existence of stellar masses in a state of motion; and its advocate is not required, as a physicist, to account for the existence either of those masses or of their motions. Neither is it necessary for him to advance any hypothesis to show how the masses came into collision; for unless we are to assume that all stellar masses are moving in one direction and with uniform velocity (a supposition contrary to known facts), then collisions must occasionally take place. The chances are that stellar masses are of all sizes, moving at random in all directions and with all velocities. We have here therefore, without any hypothesis, all the conditions necessary for the origin of nebulæ. Take the case of the origin of the nebulous mass out of which our sun is believed to have been formed. Suppose two bodies, each one half the mass of the sun, approaching each other directly at the rate of 476 miles per second (and there is nothing at all improbable in such a supposition), their collision would transform the whole of the motion into heat affording an amount sufficient to supply the present rate of radiation for 50 million years. Each pound of the mass would, by the stoppage of the motion, possess not less than 100,000,000,000 foot-pounds of energy transformed into heat, or as much heat as would suffice to melt 90 tons of iron or raise 264,000 tons 1° C. The whole mass would be converted into an incandescent gas, with a temperature of which we can form no adequate conception. If we assume the specific heat of the gaseous mass to be equal to that of air (viz. 2374), the mass would have a temperature of about 300,000,000° C., or more than 140,000 times that of the voltaic arc.

Reason why Nebula occupy so much Space.-It may be objected that enormous as would be such a temperature, it would nevertheless be insufficient to expand the mass against gravity so as to occupy the entire space included within the orbit of Neptune. To this objection it might be replied, that if the temperature in question were not sufficient to produce the required expansion, it might readily have been so if the two bodies before encounter be assumed to possess a higher velocity, which of course might have been the case. without making any such assumption, the necessary expansion of the mass can be accounted for on very simple principles. It follows in fact from the theory, that the expansion of the gaseous mass must have been far greater than could have resulted simply from the temperature produced by the concussion. This will be obvious by considering what must take place immediately after the encounter of the two bodies,


and before the mass has had sufficient time to pass completely into the gaseous condition. The two bodies coming into collision with such enormous velocities would not rebound like two elastic balls, neither would they instantly be converted into vapour by the encounter. The first effect of the blow would be to shiver them into fragments, small indeed as compared with the size of the bodies themselves, but still into what might be called in ordinary language immense blocks. Before the motion of the two bodies could be stopped, they would undoubtedly interpenetrate each other; and this of course would break them up into fragments. But this would only be the work of a few minutes. Here, then, we should have all the energy of the lost motion existing in these blocks as heat (molecular motion), while they were still in the solid state; for as yet they would not have had sufficient time to assume the gaseous condition. It is obvious, however, that the greater part of the heat would exist on the surface of the blocks (the place receiving the greatest concussion), and would continue there while the blocks retained their solid condition. It is difficult in imagination to realize what the temperature of the surfaces would be at this moment. For, supposing the heat were uniformly distributed through the entire mass, each pound, as we have already seen, would possess 100,000,000,000 foot-pounds of heat. But as the greater part of the heat would at this instant be concentrated on the outer layers of the blocks, these layers would be at once transformed into the gaseous condition, thus enveloping the blocks and filling the interspaces. The temperature of the incandescent gas, owing to this enormous concentration of heat, would be excessive, and its expansive force inconceivably great. As a consequence the blocks would be separated from each other, and driven in all directions with a velocity far more than sufficient to carry them to an infinite distance against the force of gravity were no opposing obstacle in their way. The blocks by their mutual impact would be shivered into smaller fragments, each of which would consequently become enveloped in incandescent gas. These smaller fragments would in a similar manner break up into still smaller pieces, and so on until the whole came to assume the gaseous state. The general effect of the explosion, however, would be to disperse the blocks in all directions, radiating from the centre of the mass. Those towards the outer circumference of the mass, meeting with little or no obstruction to their onward progress, would pass outwards into space to indefinite distances, leaving in this manner a free path for the layers of blocks behind them to follow in their track. Thus eventually a space, perhaps twice or even thrice that in

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