
when converted into the peculiar charcoal I have discovered and described.

It is not only necessary to vary the number of surfaces and materials in accordance with the range and power of the vibrations, but these surfaces and materials must be put under more or less pressure in accordance with the force of the sonorous vibrations. Thus for a man's voice the surfaces must be under a far greater pressure than for the movements of insects. Still the range of useful effect is very great, as the boxes which I have specially arranged for man's voice are still sensitive to the tick of a watch.

In all cases it should be so arranged that a perfect undulatory current is obtained from the sonorous vibrations of a certain range. Thus, when speaking to a microphone transmitter of human speech, a galvanometer should be placed in the circuit, and, while speaking, the needle should not be deflected, as the waves of + and electricity are equal, and are too rapid to disturb the needle, which can only indicate a general weakening or strengthening of the current. If the pressure on the materials is not sufficient, we shall have a constant succession of interruptions of contact, and the galvanometer-needle will indicate the fact. If the pressure on the materials is gradually increased, the tones will be loud but wanting in distinctness, the galvanometer indicating interruptions; as the pressure is still increased, the tone becomes clearer, and the galvanometer will be stationary when a maximum of loudness and clearness is attained. If the pressure be further increased, the sounds become weaker though very clear; and as the pressure is still further augmented the sounds die out (as if the speaker were talking and walking away at the same time) until a point is arrived at where there is complete silence.

When the microphone is fixed to a resonant board, the lower contact should be fixed to the board, so that the sonorous vibrations act directly on it. The upper contact, where the pressure is applied, should be as free as possible from the influence of the vibrations, except those directly transmitted to it by the surfaces underneath; it (the upper surface) should have its inertia supplemented by that of a balanced weight. This inertia I find necessary to keep the contact unbroken by powerful vibrations. No spring can supply the required inertia; but an adjustable spring may be used to ensure that the comparatively heavy lever shall duly press on the contacts. The superposed surfaces in contact may be screwed down. by an insulated screw passing through them all, thus doing away with the lever and spring; but this arrangement is far

more difficult to adjust, and the expansion by heat of the screw causes a varying pressure. It is exceedingly simple, however, easily made, and illustrates the theoretical conditions better than the balanced lever I have adopted in practice.

In order to study the theoretical considerations, and that with the most simple form of microphone freed from all surrounding mechanisms, let us take a flat piece of charcoal 2 millims. thick and 1 centim. square, and, after making electrical contact by means of a copper wire on the lower surface, glue that to a small resonant board or, better for the purpose of observation, to a block of wood 10 centims. square. Upon this superpose one or more similar blocks of charcoal, the upper surface in communication with a wire, the lowermost surface resting flat, or as nearly so as possible, on the lower block.

The required pressure is

put on the upper block; and while in this state the two may be fastened together with glue at the sides, or, better, by an insulated screw. The pressure can then be removed, as the screw or glue equally preserves the



force. Let the lower piece be called A and the upper B: when we subject this board to sonorous vibrations, we cannot imagine an undulatory movement of the actual wavelength in such a mass, that is a length comparable with the real wave-length of the sonorous wave, which may be several feet.

Nor can we imagine a wave of any length without admitting that the force must be transmitted from molecule to molecule throughout the entire length: thus any portion of a wave, of which this block represents a fraction, must be in molecular activity. The lower portion of the charcoal A, being part of the block itself, has this molecular action throughout, transmitting it also to the upper block. How is it that the molecular action at the surfaces of A and B should so vary the conductivity or electrical resistance as to throw it into waves in the exact form of the sonorous vibrations? It cannot be because it throws up the upper portion, making an intermittent current, because the upper portion is fastened to the lower, and the galvanometer does not indicate any interruption of current whatever. It cannot be because the molecules arrange themselves in stratified lines, becoming more or less conductive, as then surfaces would not be required—that is, we should not require discontinuity between the blocks A and B; nor would the upper surface be thrown

up if the pressure be removed, as sand is on a vibrating glass. The throwing-up of this upper piece B when pressure is removed proves that a blow, pressure, or upheaval of the lower portion takes place that this takes place there cannot be any doubt, as the surface, considered alone (having no depth), could not bodily quit its mass. In fact, there must have been a movement to a certain depth; and I am inclined to believe, from numerous experiments, that the whole block increases and diminishes in size at all points, in the centre as well as the surface, exactly in accordance with the form of the sonorous wave. Confining our attention, however, to points on A and B, how can this increased molecular size or form produce a change in the electrical waves? This may happen in two ways:-first, by increased pressure on the upper surface, due to its enlargement; or, second, the molecules themselves, finding a certain resistance opposed to their upward movement, spread themselves, making innumerable fresh points of contact. Thus an undulatory current would appear to be produced by infinite change in the number of fresh contacts. I am inclined to believe that both actions occur: but the latter seems to me the true explanation; for if the first were alone true, we should have a far greater effect from metal powder, carbon, or some elastic conductor, such as metallized silk, than from gold or other hard unoxidizable matter; but as the best results as regards the human voice were obtained from two surfaces of solid gold, I am inclined to view with more favour the idea that an infinite variety of fresh contacts brought into play by the molecular pressure affords the true explanation. It has the advantage of being supported by the numerous forms of microphone I have constructed, in all of which I can fully trace the effect.

I have been very much struck by the great mechanical force exerted by this uprising of the molecules under sonorous vibrations. With vibrations from a musical box 2 feet in length, I found that one ounce of lead was not sufficient on a surface of contact 1 centim. square to maintain constant contact; and it was only by removing the musical box to a distance of several feet that I was enabled to preserve continuity of current with a moderate pressure. I have spoken to forty microphones at once; and they all seemed to respond with equal force. Of course there must be a loss of energy in the conversion of molecular vibrations into electrical waves; but it is so small that I have never been able to measure it with the simple appliances at my disposal. I have examined every portion of my room-wood, stone, metal, in fact all parts-and even a piece of india-rubber: all were in molecular move

ment whenever I spoke. As yet I have found no such insulator for sound as gutta-percha is for electricity. Caoutchouc seems to be the best; but I have never been able by the use of any amount at my disposal to prevent the microphone reporting all it heard.

The question of insulation has now become one of necessity, as the microphone has opened to us a world of sounds, of the existence of which we were unaware. If we can insulate the instrument so as to direct its powers on any single object, as at present I am able to do on a moving fly, it will be possible to investigate that object undisturbed by the pandemonium of sounds which at present the microphone reveals where we thought complete silence prevailed.

I have recently made the following curious observation :A microphone on a resonant board is placed in a battery-circuit together with two telephones. When one of these is placed on the resonant board, a continuous sound will emanate from the other. The sound is started by the vibration which is imparted to the board when the telephone is placed on it; this impulse, passing through the microphone, sets both telephone-disks in motion; and the instrument on the board, reacting through the microphone, causes a continuous sound to be produced, which is permanent so long as the independent current of electricity is maintained through the microphone. It follows that the question of providing a relay for the human voice in telephony is thus solved.

The transmission of sound through the microphone is perfectly duplex; for if two correspondents use microphones as transmitters and telephones as receivers, each can hear the other, but his own speech is inaudible; and if each sing a different note, no chord is heard. The experiments on the deaf have proved that they can be made to hear the tick of a watch, but not, as yet, human speech distinctly; and my results in this direction point to the conclusion that we only hear ourselves speak through the bones and not through the ears.

However simple the microphone may appear at first glance, it has taken me many months of unremitting labour and study to bring to its present state through the numerous forms each suitable for a special object. The field of usefulness for it widens every day. Sir Henry Thompson has succeeded in applying it to surgical operations of great delicacy; and by its means splinters, bullets, in fact all foreign matter, can be at once detected. Dr. Richardson and myself have been experimenting in lung- and heart-diseases; and although the application by Sir H. Thompson is more successful, I do not doubt that we shall ultimately succeed. There is also hope that Phil. Mag. S. 5. Vol. 6. No. 34. July 1878. E

deafness may be relieved. For telephony articulation has become perfect, and the loudness increased. Duplex and multiplex telegraphy will profit by its use; and there is hardly a science, where acoustics has any direct or indirect relation, which will not be benefited. And I feel happy in being able to present this paper on the results obtained by a purely physical action to such an appropriate and appreciative body as the Physical Society.

In conclusion, allow me to state that throughout the whole of my investigations I have used Prof. Bell's wonderfully sensitive telephone instrument as a receiver, and that it is owing to the discovery of so admirable an appliance that I have been enabled to commence and follow up my researches.

VI. On a Cause for the Appearance of Bright Lines in the Solar Spectrum. By RAPHAEL MELDOLA, F.R.A.S., F.C.S., &c.*

N July 1877 Professor Henry Draper showed that oxygen

sphere, the spectral lines of these gases appearing as bright lines in the solar spectrum.

The photograph accompanying Professor Draper's paper† shows that the oxygen-lines are bright, although not conspicuously so, upon a less-luminous background.

The discoverer of this most important fact in solar chemistry does not offer any complete explanation of the exceptional behaviour of the lines of these elements, but remarks that "it may be suggested that the reason of the non-appearance of a dark line may be that the intensity of the light from a great thickness of ignited oxygen overpowers the effect of the photosphere, just as, if a person were to look at a candle-flame through a yard thickness of ignited sodium-vapour, he would only see bright sodium-lines and no dark absorption-lines. Of course such an explanation would necessitate the hypothesis that ignited gases such as oxygen give forth a relatively large proportion of solar light."

The oxygen-spectrum referred to in the above-mentioned paper is the well-known "line spectrum" seen when powerful disruptive sparks pass through the gas. Dr. Schuster has recently succeeded in obtaining a second or "compound" spectrum of oxygent, the fundamental lines of which he has

* Communicated by the Author.

+ Nature, vol. xvi. p. 364, August 30, 1877.
Nature, vol. xvii. p. 148, December 20, 1877.

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