
ing is this done. The requisite is the selection of a suitable tissue food, a food that is taken up quickly and that adds tone and strength to tissues. Cord. Ext. Ol. Morrhuæ Comp. (Hagee) for this purpose is not approached. It contains in easily assimilated form the very nutritious elements urgently needed by the depleted tissues to enhance their powers of resistance and give them strength "to throw back the invading host."


Among a collection of samples of schoolboy guesses, compiled from compositions and examination papers by an English teacher, are the following:

Chivalry is when you feel cold.

A thermometer is a short glass tube that regulates the weather.

An axiom is a thing that is so visible that it is not necessary to see it.

Things which are equal to other things are equal to one another.

The zenith is a quadruped living in the interior of Africa.

If care is not taken with dusty corners, microscopes will breed there.

Queen Elizabeth's face was thin and pale, but she was a stout protestant.

An abstract noun is the name of something which does not exist, such as goodness.

HEALTH, GRACE AND BEAUTY. Modern medicine is broadly concerned with all the relations of life which influence the health of mind and body, and gladly avails itself of all legitimate agencies which make for health and sanity. Most closely and intimately associated with the doctor's sphere are those systems of physical culture which aim, by a scientific knowledge and intelligent application of physiologic principles, to restore normality to defective and compromised organs.

The effect of exercise upon the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and the

pelvic organs is to strengthen the muscles of the organs themselves, to awaken a thoroughly good circulation through the mucous linings, to open and strengthen the cells of the mucous linings of the stomach and the intestines, that the juices which aid in digestion may be freely secreted and absorbed and the nourishment be assimilated.

For fullness of life one must have full breathing capacity. The large majority of people do not take a long breath, entirely purifying the lungs, once a week. The carbonic acid gas remaining in the system shows itself in flabby muscles and sallow complexions.

Strong vital force can not be maintained without free circulation and strong nerves. By friction created by muscular and nerve action and the consequent chemical changes in the blood and nerve cells, an electrical force is generated in nerve centers which creates heat and builds strong vitality, enabling the system to resist disease.

With vital force at a low ebb, the organism is a prey to draughts, colds and all diseases to which flesh is heir, while if one is in normal condition, colds are almost unknown.

But, to be effectively helpful, such exercise must be properly and intelligently directed; and this is precisely what Susanna Cocroft and her system do. Her special exercises, carefully selected to reach the affected parts, bring the blood freely to every muscle, vital organ and nerve center of the body. These can be thoroughly learned, so it will take but fifteen minutes a day and the benefits derived will be incalulable.


Where the fetor is excessively penetrating, the throat should be syringed with a solution of potassium chlorate and myrrh. Where ulceration advances in spite of this treatment, the application of powdered methylene blue on successive days will often give good results.

The First Real Cost-Test Ever Made

Automobile vs. Horse

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A public test of the Maxwell car and a horse and buggy on the streets of New
York and its suburbs, under actual conditions of traffic, has just been completed.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

It Proves That:

The automobile is an economy.
Motor car extravagance is vol-
untary and unnecessary.

Its pleasures are within the
reach of men of moderate means.

It is an indispensable factor in
transportation, and a utility.

It is an implement to increase
the earning power of man,
conserve his time, and extend
his field.

The automobile industry, now
the fourth greatest in the coun-
try, is economically sound.

The Maxwell is the standard,
efficient, economical, reliable,
utility automobile, as perfect as
human intelligence and handi-
work can make it.

We invited the Contest Board of the A.A.A. to con-
duct this test, that it might be in disinterested control.
The two vehicles ran six hours each day over a dif-
ferent, predetermined route. Account was kept of
every expense entailed.

Everything was done to make the test normal,
actual, fair and conclusive, and the results confirm
our claim that Maxwell automobiles are cheaper to
use than a horse and buggy.

Sale of Maxwells To Date

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

THE ATTESTED RESULTS The automobile cost 68/100 of a cent per passenger mile; the horse and buggy 1 44/100 of a cent. The car covered 2 times the distance traveled by the horse.

The car averaged 76 3/10 miles-cost $1.03; the horse averaged 32 9/10 miles-cost 95 cents.

Up-keep, depreciation, and other charges made the total car-cost 18/10 cents per passenger mile; and the total horse and buggy cost 2 cents per passenger mile.


Latest Catalogue and other interesting literature containing convincing proof sent on request. Just write on a postal "Mail Books.'


Elm St., Tarrytown, N.Y.

Licensed under Selden Patent

Members A.L.A.M.



An emulsion of cod-liver oil after a
modification of the formula and pro-
Icess devised by H. C. Bartlett, Ph. D.,
F. C. S., and G. Overend Drewry,
M. D., M. R. C. S., London, England.

Distinctively Palatable
Exceptionally Digestible

Ethical Stable

Hydroleine is simply pure, fresh, codliver oil thoroughly emulsified, and rendered exceptionally digestible and palatable. Its freedom from medicinal admixtures admits of its use in all cases in which cod-liver oil is indicated. The average adult dose is two teaspoonfuls. Sold by druggists. Sample with literature will be sent gratis on request.



The Reality Pure Gum Surgeons' Gloves
and Finger Cots. Established 1900.
When you want Quality, Perfect Fitting
and the Best Service, place your Next
Order with


VALUABLE ADDITION TO PRACTICE. Dermatone is the name of a very popular ointment for eczema, etc., now being

prescribed largely by the profession. It is made by the Chicago Pharmacal Co., of Chicago, which is in itself assurance of its efficacy.

Judging from the numerous commendatory letters from physicians of standing throughout the country who have used Dermatone with gratifying results, it will repay your time to investigate this valuable addition to practice for the alleviation and cure of the distressing malady it is destined to cure.


Physicians in general are fast commencing to realize that drugs have no place in the successful treatment of the convalescent. The reason for this is that, at the beginning of convalescence, the patient's vitality is extremely low and must be restored to its natural state by something that will produce rich, red blood-a thing that can not, as every physician now knows, be accomplished by drugs.

Pabst Extract, The "Best" Tonic, meets the case perfectly. The quieting, sleep-producing effects of pure lupulin of hops-easily assimilated by the weakest system-is supplemented by the strengthening, appetite-giving barley malt contained in it.

On this account modern practitioners, with little exception, look upon this extract as as the ideal invigorant and restorer for the convalescent, from the very crisis to the attainment of perfect health.

Christmas Presents.

Our POCKET KNIFE BLADES are made of Finest English Razor Steel. We have secured for our knives the Curette Imperial" gauged and adjustable, for removing foreign bodies from Nose and Ears without pain and without eren being seen. We have


also secured the celebrated Transparent Celluloid Handle (noted for its remarkable beauty and durability), under which the addresses, emblems, etc., are photographed, presenting an appearance beautiful beyond comparison. Send for price list and catalogue of different kinds.



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