
savageism or barbarism, to even a demi civilization -Look to the West Indies, to Brazil, to Australia, to the Gold Coast, to Zanguebar, to Congo, to Senegambia, to Ashantee, nay to the civilization under his imperial highness Faustin the first Emperor of Hayti, and answer me, ye Garrisons and Phillipses and Burleys and Folsoms and Smiths, what has this race done in five thousand years?"

Let us now carefully scan the flimsy arguments offered to our notice by the advocates of negro equality. The first argument is "that the negroes never have had an opportunity to develope themselves because the white man has always oppressed them."

They forget that the latter portion of this proposition refutes the former. If the white man has always oppressed the negro, it goes to establish the fact claimed by me that the white man is mentally superior, because, if the white has been always powerful enough to debar the negro from improving his intellect, it establishes the complete force of my views-"That no amount of education or training can ever make the negro equal in intellect with the white;" "knowledge is power," and it is evident to all, that under no circumstance has the negro race ever been able to compete with the white.

We see around us in every direction, evidences of the fact that the negro is naturally inferior to the white; but it is unfair to institute comparisons where this race is held in bondage by the white.We will give them all the advantage of a fair examination. We will travel to that quarter of the globe which seems to be the native land of this

race, and to which they appear to be indigenous.— We will go where the white man has never oppressed this race.

Monumental ruins of Dahomey forty ages do not look down upon you. Strewn columns of Ashantee where shall we find you, and echo answers where? Decaying towers of Zanguebar shall any traveller ever discover thy nameless and undiscovered and undiscoverable foundations. Sculptured temples of Guinea what hierologist shall ever be able to decipher thy extinguished hieroglyphicswhat future Pickwickian antiquarian shall ever ascend to the pinnacle of fame, by translating the negro cabalistic letters of "bil stumps his mark.'

Let us have one great negro to redeem a whole race from the universally acknowledged fact, that the brand mark of inferiority has been indelibly, irrevocably, irretrievably, and eternally impressed by the Creator upon the negro, and that nothing can erase or obliterate it. Inferiority marks him as her own in the United States, in Brazil, &c.

I said before, if only one great negro name could be produced to redeem a whole race, that I will retract all I have ever said against negro inferiority,-but this one only name, this rara avis, this white blackbird, this phoenix is not forthcoming, "you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's lug," is an old and homely adage, but not the less true, so can you not make any thing from a negro but negroism, which means barbarism and inferiority.

Greatness indeed in a pure negro, where, when and how did it manifest itself? What woolly-head

ed Homers, Virgils, Dantes, Molieres, or Shakspeares ever inscribed their names upon the pillar of fame, by the numbers of immortal song? What woolly-headed Xenophons, Tacituses, Gibbons, Voltaires, Humes and Bancrofts ever depicted the actions of woolly-headed heroes, patriots and soldiers? What woolly-headed Epaminondases, Cæsars, Alexanders, Washingtons, Napoleons and Wellingtons ever led their marshalled battalions upon the principles of military science to either liberty, victory, or death? What woolly-headed Solons, or Numas, or Alfreds, or Jeffersons, ever framed a code of laws to direct and guide the destinies of a great nation? What woolly-headed Demostheneses, or Ciceros, or Mirabeaus, or Sheridans, or Calhouns, or Bentons, or Clays ever delighted and electrified vast masses of woolly-headed men with their eloquence? What woolly-headed Euclids, or Archimedeses, or Laplaces, or Gallileos, or Herschels, or Newtons ever investigated the truths of astronomical and mathematical sciences? What woolly-headed Cuviers, Humboldts, Davys and Audubons ever explored the animal and mineral kingdoms? What woolly-headed Watses, Arkwrights, or Fultons ever attempted to invent a machine of iron, wood, or brass to supercede the labor of woolly-headed men? What woollyheaded Columbuses, or Hudsons, or Drakes ever ventured across the wide wilderness of waters in search of distant, unknown and undiscovered continents? In fine, have the woolly-headed races of men ever produced one, even only one man famous as either a lawgiver, statesman, poet, priest, painter, histo

rian, orator, architect, musician, soldier, sailor, engineer, navigator, astronomer, linguist, mathematician, anatomist, chemist, physician, naturalist, or philosopher; if they have, let us know his name, where he was born, and when he flourished, the works he wrote, and where, when and how he died.

My motives are to write for that great mass of our citizens who are unable to obtain all the authors for themselves, who have written upon this subject, by making such a selection as will form a text book for white men upon the subject of negromania. I propose to devote a particular chapter to Herodotus, and shall then ask what reliance can be placed upon his authority.

The idea that the negro race ever civilized Egypt, is now exploded among learned men, but we have among us persons who spurn at history, who laugh at nature, who sneer at reason, and who say that "the negro is one of God's creatures, and is therefore equal to the white." Why so are elephants, and dogs, and monkeys, and rattlesnakes God's creatures; but does any body ever compare any of these in intellect to even the negro, and yet there is as much difference between the lowest tribe of negroes and the white Frenchman, Englishman, or American, as there is between the monkey and the negro. All animated things are God's creatures, but certainly it does not follow that all are equally intelligent; that there is a regular chain in nature, from the granite rock to the highest order of intellect in the white race, is now generally acknowledged. To follow inanimate matter through its gradations up to ani

mate, is neither my intention or object, but I wish the reader to trace the geological formations of the earth up to that point where the vegetable kingdom commences, then trace the vegetable kingdom to the zoophyte, the connecting link in the chain between the vegetable and animal kingdoms, then trace the animal kingdom up through reptiles, fishes, beasts, until he arrives at man, can he not distinctly recognize the gradations of intellect, and finally trace the various races of man from the lowest order of the negro race to the most intellectual Caucasian. All we can do is to admire the wonderful mechanism of the harmonious whole, and pay our adoration to its incomprehensible and omnipotent Creator.

I do not say one word concerning the question of slavery, that is entirely foreign to the nature of my book. In the recent discussion upon negro equality, I broadly asserted the fact, that there is not one white in fifty thousand who believe in such a revolting and infamous doctrine, and I frequently dared all the speakers to say if any one of them were satisfied to give his child in marriage to a negro. I need hardly say that such a challenge was not accepted. How I loathe that hypocrisy which claims the same mental, moral, and physical equality for the negro which the whites possess.

Time nor circumstance nor climate affect not the negro race, all nature forbids an amalgamation between them and the Caucasians. Nature tolerates not hybrids, or mules, or mulattoes. It is clearly proven that a race between the three typical stocks, can only be maintained by a continual drain upon

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