To authorize the county court of Garrard
to sell the Poor House in said county,
To change the place of voting in the Den-
nis Precinct, in Washington county,
To legalize a subscription of stock, by the
county court of Fayette, in certain turn-
pike road companies,
Authorizing a majority of the trustees of
the Monroe Seminary, to act and do any
business necessary for said seminary,
and for other purposes,
Providing for the receipt of the surplus rev-
enue, to be deposited in this State,
To reduce the number of Justices of the
Peace for Rockcastle county,
To amend the law prescribing the mode of
choosing Electors to vote for President
and Vice President,
Allowing the President of the Board of In-
ternal Improvemeut to borrow money,
Authorizing the executors of William H.
Pepper, deceased, to sell a slave,
To protect the actual settlers west of Ten
nessee river,
To change the place of holding elections
in the south of Henderson county,
To change the place of voting in the upper
election precinct in the county of Adair,
To establish additional precincts in Cald-
well and Hickman counties,
For the relief of the sheriff of Ohio county,
For the benefit of Margaret Hopkins,
To change the place of voting in an elec-
tion precinct in Muhlenburg county,
To extend the January term of the Gene-
ral Court, and for other purposes,
Establishing election precincts in the coun-
ties of Union and Butler,
To abolish an election precinct at M'Gee's
Mill, in Spencer county,
For the benefit of Olivia W. Smith,
To amend the act approved January, 1836,
entitled an act for the benefit of the wid-
ow and heirs of Nelson C. Johnson, de-
To establish an election precinct in the
county of Lewis, and for other purposes,
To repeal an act, entitled, an act for the
distribution of Morehead and Brown's
Digest, and H. Pi rle's Digest,
11 For the benefit of Virginia Kirtley,
For the benefit of Mary Kennedy,
11 To amend an act, entitled, an act to incor
porate the Newport, Falmouth, Cynthi
ana, Paris and Winchester Turnpike
Road Company, approved, February