
The buoy lies in 7 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following mark and compass bearings, viz. :—

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By T. H. N., April 25, 1854, on and after the 10th day of May, 1854, a red light will be exhibited from the above Lighthouse, to mark the entrance of the Swatchway; and that by keeping the same in sight, vessels will enter the river in the deepest water.


By T. H. N., March 1, 1854, a line of light coloured red is now shown, in a northerly direction, from the Coquet lighthouse.

And masters of vessels, and other persons navigating off the coast of Northumberland, are to observe that the said line of red light leads about one-half mile to the eastward of the Boulmer Bush Shoal; and they are hereby cautianed, when standing in near that shoal to tack, should the light on the Coquet become dim, as the red colour may not, under all states of the weather, show distinctly at the distance at which the Boulmer Shoal lies from the Coquet Island.


By T. H. N., Jan. 24, 1854, the line of direction of the Hauxley Point buoy from the Coquet Island lighthouse, is now denoted in the night time by the exhibition of a red light in the said lighthouse, and vessels by keeping to the eastward of such line of red light, will clear the Bondicar and Hauxley Point Shoals.


By T. H. N., Feb. 28, 1854, a spit of sand having extended itself from the Girdler shoal in the Prince's Channel, in a south-easterly direction, a buoy coloured red has been placed at the extremity thereof, in 3 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following marks and compass bearings :—

Northdown tower, the width of its base, on with the east-
end of the buildings at Margate, east cliff
Minster West Mill, its width open westward of Powell's


Shingles buoy


Tongue light vessel

North tongue buoy


S. S. E. E.

S. E.

E. N.

Girdler light vessel


S. E. by E. E.

S. E. S.

W. N. W.

By T. H. N., Oct. 12, 1853, in conformity with the intention expressed in the notice from this House, dated 13th ultimo, a buoy coloured black and white, in circular stripes, has been placed near the middle of Haisbro' sand. The said buoy, which is marked "Middle Haisbro'," lies in 6 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following compass bearings, viz. :

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And in completion of the intention, also expressed as above-mentioned, the south Hairsbro' buoy has been converted into a beacon buoy.


By T. H. N., March 21, 1854, a green buoy marked with the word "Wreck," has been placed 20 fathoms S. E. by E. E. from a vessel sunk on the flat of

the Naze.

The buoy lies in 6 feet at low water spring tides, with the following marks and compass bearings, viz. :


The round-topped tree at Walton, twice its apparent
width open northward of the Naze tower
Harwich church tower, just touching the high lighthouse
at that place


N. W. by W. W.

N. by E.


By T. H. N., June 10, 1853, the masking of Maplin light having been carried into effect, notice thereof is hereby given; and that the said light is not now visible to the northward of the line of the Blacktail Spit, the S. E. Maplin and Maplin buoys.


By T. H. N., June 15, 1853, a buoy coloured red and marked "Thorn Rock," has been placed in 6 fathoms at low water spring tides, about 75 fathoms to the westward of the harbour rock, in Milford Haven, and with the following marks and compass bearings, viz.:

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The northern extreme of Thorn Island, on with Bullwell

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The outer points of Rat Island and Sheep Island in line. S. by W. W.
St. Ann's high lighthouse
W. N.

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By T. H. N., Aug. 3, 1853, a green buoy, marked with the word "Wreck' has been placed 15 fathoms S. S. E. from a barge sunk in the track of shipping off Shoeburyness.

The buoy lies in 9 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following compass bearings, viz. :

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By T. H. N., April 29, 1853, the Pakefield Gatway Channel, off the coast of Suffolk, having opened more to the southward and westward, the line of the best water (34 fathoms) being now N. N.W. and S. S. E., notice thereof is hereby given, and that the South Newcome buoy has been moved to the southward, and now lies in 24 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following marks and compass bearings, viz.:

Lowestoft mill in line with the west end of the Pier Hotel N. by E.
Southwold land, just open of Covehitheness

North Barnard buoy

Pakefield lighthouse

S. W. Newcome buoy

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S. W.
S. W.

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By T. H. N., April 29, 1853, a green buoy, marked with the word “Wreck,” has been placed 10 fathoms S. E. by E. from a vessel sunk in Pakefield Gatt. The said buoy lies in 44 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following marks and compass bearings, viz. :—

Lowestoft mill, in line with the Pier Hotel at Lowestoft
Southwold church, midway between Eastness and South-

wold points Pakefield lighthouse ...

South Newcome buoy

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N. E.

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By T. H. N., April 25, 1854, this Corporation having considered that a leading light, as a guide for vessels entering Plymouth Sound by the Western Channel in the night time, might be usefully established., notice is hereby given, that on and after the 1st June next, a single bright light will be exhibited in the Breakwater lighthouse, to become visible immediately upon passing the Draystone buoy from westward, and the buoy of the Knap from the eastward. This light will be shown from a window in the tower, 15 feet below the present light, and masters of vessels are to observe, that it will be seen only between the lines of bearing, from the Breakwater lighthouse, of the buoys abovementioned.


By T. H. N., May 11, 1853, a green buoy, marked with the word " "Wreck," has been placed about 30 fathoms west of a vessel sunk near Rossall Flat, off the coast of Lancashire. The buoy lies in 9 feet at low water spring tides, with the following marks and compass bearings, viz.:—





Danger Patch buoy
Wyre lighthouse, point open south of King Scar beacon
Fleetwood church spire, point open north of Rossall land




N. by E.E.
E. by N. N.

E. S. E.


By T. H. N., April 13, 1853, a green buoy, marked with the word "Wreck," has been placed 10 fathoms to the southward of a vessel sunk in the Fairway Channel of the river Thames.

The buoy lies in 4 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following marks and compass bearings, viz. :—

Prittewell church, just open eastward of a remarkable cluster of trees (near a house) to the westward of Hamlet mill


South side of Shellhaven trees, in line with the Scarhouse Point

N. E.

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N. W. by W. W.


By T. H. N., Jan. 24, 1854, a green buoy marked with the word "Wreck," has been placed 30 fathoms to the N. E. by E. of a vessel sunk near to the S. W. end of Baudsey Sand.

The buoy lies in 6 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following mark and compass bearings, viz. :—

Baudsey sea mark in line with the west end of Baudsey Wood

[blocks in formation]

On Tuesday next, the 17th instant, some experiments will commence with the light on Southsea Castle, and from that time, Southsea light is not to be considered as any guide, till further notice is given.

W. F. MARTIN, Admiral Superintendent.

Portsmouth Dock Yard, 14th Jan. 1854.


By T. H. N., May 3, 1854, a floating light vessel has been moored on the west side of the channel, near to the Warner shoal, and a light is now exhibited therefrom every night from sunset to sunrise, for the purpose of facilitating the navigation of vessels into and out of Spithead, during the night time.

The light at this station is of the natural colour, revolves and shows a bright flash, once in every minute, and the vessel is moored in 13 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following marks and compass bearings, viz. ::The water mill at St. Helen's, half its breadth open of St. Helen's sea mark





The outer end of Ryde pier, between the towers of Osborne
Noman's land buoy
Horse Elbow buoy
Dean Tail buoy
Bembridge light vessel

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S.W. by W. W.
N. W. by W.
N. W. by N.
N. E. N.
E. S. E.

S. E.

By T. H. N., Jan. 13, 1854, a green buoy, marked with the word "Wreck," has been placed 30 fathoms north of a vessel sunk in St. Ives Bay, coast of Cornwall.

The buoy lies in 10 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following mark and compass bearings, viz. :

Lelant church, open south of Godrevy Island

Lethega Point

[blocks in formation]

... S. W. W.


S. E. S.

N. W. by W.


By T. H. N., July 20, 1853, a green buoy, marked with the word "Wreck," has been placed to the south-east, and just clear of a vessel sunk off the Mumbles lighthouse.

The buoy lies in 21 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following compass bearings, viz. :

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By T. H. N., April 21, 1853, the spit of the Blacktail Sand being steep to, and an important turning point in navigating the western part of the Swin Channel, notice is hereby given, that, with the object of more effectually enabling vessels to avoid grounding thereon in the night-time, when the buoy may not be readily seen, it is intended that the Maplin light shall be masked, and not visible to the northward of the line of the Blacktail Spit, the S. E. Maplin, and Maplin buoys. This alteration will be carried into effect on or about the 1st of June next.


By T. H. N., May 13, 1854, since the notice issued by the Tees Conservancy Commissioners under date 15th ultimo, relative to the Bran Sand lights, the South Gare sand has extended to the north-west; and No. 1 white buoy has been moved in that direction into 7 feet low water spring tides; and No. 1 black buoy has also been moved to the north-west into 7 feet low water spring tides.

In consequence of the above alterations, it is necessary that masters of ships taking the Tees should be cautious in so doing, as the Bran Sand lights in one lead very near to No. 1 white buoy.


By T. H. N., Oct. 8, 1853, a green buoy, marked with the word "Wreck," has been laid 20 fathoms to the southward of a vessel, sunk in the West Swin. The buoy lies in 9 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following compass bearings, viz. :—

Blacktail Spit buoy
Mouse light vessel


N.W., distant ths of a mile.
E. N.


By T. H. N., April 8, 1853, the Whitaker Sand in the Swin Channel having grown up in a north-easterly direction, notice thereof is hereby given, that the Whitaker buoy has been moved about 7ths of a mile to the N. E. by E. The said buoy now lies in 3 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following compass bearings, viz. :—

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By T. H. N., May 4, 1854, with the object of rendering the lighthouse at Winterton more distinctly visible from vessels at sea during the day-time, the Tower is about to be coloured red. The buildings around it will continue white, as they are at present.


By T. H. N., May 2, 1853, consequent upon a knowl, with only 3 fathoms on it at low water, having grown up in the Cockle Gatwav, the N.E. Cockle buoy has been moved about 3 cables' length into the S.S.E., and now lies in 5 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following marks and compass bearings, viz. :

Mr. Hume's house, at Winterton, its length open to northward of Winterton church...

Corton north mill, and Caistor church in line

[blocks in formation]


N.W. 1 W.

S.W. 1 S.

S. E.
N. by W. W.
S. by W. westerly.

By T. H. N., Aug. 16, 1853, it having been found, on recent examination, that the depth of water in St. Nicholas Gatway has decreased, and that there is now a shoal spot therein, having no more than 10 feet at low water spring tides over it, notice thereof is hereby given, and that the said Gatway is no longer safe as a navigable channel.

Notice is further given that, in consequence of this change, the following alterations in the buoyage in that vicinity will forthwith take place, viz. :—

The south St. Nicholas and north-west Corton buoys will be taken away, and a chequered black and white buoy, marked " Inner Kettle Bottom," placed near the shoalest water, and will lie with Nelson's Monument on the centre of the grove of trees; St. Nicholas light-vessel, N.N.E. by compass.

The Corton Spit buoy will also be taken away, and a buoy, painted black and marked "Outer Kettle Bottom," be laid in about 5 fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following marks and bearings, viz :The south part of the grove, touching the north side of the fence of Nelson's Monument,


The second house north of Gorleston south mill, in line
with the inner part of Gorleston south pier
South Scroby buoy



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N.W. N.

N.W. by W. W.
S.E. by E.

N.E. N.

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