
and a Mr. Seaman, of Bridlington in Yorkshire. The action was brought against the defendants, as owners of the ship Sir Thomas Gresham, to recover the sum of 2221., being the amount of the alleged loss on the sale of a quantity of currants shipped in casks on board that vessel in the month of July, 1853, at New York. The loss complained of was occasioned by the alleged negligence of the defendants in the stowage of the currants. According to the evidence given by the plaintiff's witnesses, a large quantity of turpentine had been placed on board and packed with oilcakes, which, becoming heated, caused the turpentine casks to open, and a large quantity of turpentine to escape, which impregnated the currants, and so occasioned the damage complained of. Lord Campbell observed that the "proof of the pudding was in the eating," and a witness was called who proved that he had had a pudding made of some of the least damaged currants, and that it tasted strongly of turpentine.

The defence was, first, that there had been no damage, and, secondly, that there had been no negligence in the stowage. The cargo was a general cargo of spirits of turpentine, oilcakes, flour, currants, &c., and evidence was given to show that the goods had been properly stowed. It was stated, however, by the master, that oilcake was placed between the casks as broken stowage.

Lord CAMPBELL left it to the jury to say whether there had been any damage, and whether it resulted from bad stowage.

The Jury found for the plaintiff-Damages, 2291. 198. 11d.



DATES, cwt.


£ s. d. Free 003

0 10 0 Free

One of the largest diamonds known was deposited on February 7th, 1854, at the Bank of England by a London house, to whom it was consigned from Rio Janeiro. Its weight is 254 carats, and its estimated value according to the scale, 280,000l. It is said to be of the finest water, and without flaw, and was found by a negro slave, who received his freedom as a reward. This extraordinary diamond has been submitted to the Queen by the consignees, Messrs. Dovey and Benjamin. It weighs 254 carats, and is alleged to be likely, when polished, to exceed in size and brilliancy the Koh-i-noor.-Cor. Diamonds are, in general, weighed by the carat, which is a term well known to jewellers, and equivalent to four grains. Thus a diamond of

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A few days since, we observed in the hands of a drug-broker in the City, a sample of this substance, of which one chest, imported from Bombay, was offered for sale as Dragon's Blood.

Wurrus is a brick-red powder, collected from the seed-vessels of a euphorbiaceous tree, Rottiera tinctoria, Roxb., occurring in Arabia, Eastern Africa, and in various parts of India. It is used in these countries as a dye for silk. Examination with a good lens and solution in alcohol, readily distinguish it from Dragon's Blood, which is sometimes brought to Europe in a state of powder.-Pharmaceutical Journal, Dec. 1853.

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Silk Net, figured with the needle, being imitation lace, and articles thereof, lb.

Cotton Net, figured with the needle, being imita

tion lace, and articles thereof, lb.

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0 10 0


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


0021 Free

[ocr errors]

0 10 0



EMBROIDERY-Curtains, commonly called Swiss, embroidered

on muslin or net, lb.

All other Embroidery not enumerated, 100%. val. of and from British Possessions, 100. val.

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[blocks in formation]
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Bark, or of other Vegetable Substances to be used

for tanning or other manufacturing purposes

EXTRACT or Preparation of any article, not particularly

enumerated, nor otherwise charged with duty, 100l. val. 20 0 0

Or, and in lieu of the above duty, at the option of the
importer, lb.

FEATHERS for Beds, in Beds or otherwise

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[ocr errors]

05 0

[ocr errors]

Free 030


0 3 0 Free

0 3 0


0 15 0

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

0 15 0


FISH, viz. :

Anchovies, Cod, Caplin, Eels, shiploads or in small





Lobsters, Mackerel, Oysters, Salmon, Soles, Sounds and Tongues, Turbots, Turtle

[blocks in formation]

FLOWERS, Artificial, whether of Silk or of other Materials,
Cubic Foot as packed; no allowance for vacant spaces,
Cubic foot.

FRAMES for Pictures, Prints, Drawings, or Mirrors.
FRUIT, raw, not otherwise enumerated, bush.

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FURNITURE WOODS, not particularly enumerated, except
Ash, Beech, Birch, Elm, Oak, Wainscot

FURS. See Skins.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]

of and from British Possessions, cwt.
preserved, until July 5, 1854, inclusive, lb.
from and after July 5, 1854, lb.


By T. L. March 14, 1854, instructions are given to admit, at the colonial rate of duty the article of ginger, without regard to the place of its production.


GLASS, viz., any
of one colour only, (except Plate or rolled Glass,) and
Shades and Cylinders, until April 5, 1855, inclusive, cwt.
from and after April 5, 1855, until April 5, 1857,
inclusive, cwt.

kind of Window Glass, White, or stained

from and after April 5, 1857





By C. O., October 18, 1853, the rate of 28. 6d. per cwt. is chargeable only on shades and cylinders composed of German sheet glass; and that glass globes and chimneys of lamps being formed of flint glass, the former articles, viz. :-globes, when ground, frosted, or otherwise ornamented, whether fitted with a rim or not, and chimneys, when coloured, are liable to the duty of 108. per cwt., payable on flint-cut glass, flint-coloured glass, and fancy ornamented glass of whatever kind; and that the globes, when plain, and chimneys, when plain and not coloured, are admissible duty free as white flint glass goods not cut, engraved, or otherwise ornamented.

Flint Cut Glass, Flint Coloured Glass, and Fancy Ornamental Glass, of whatever kind, cwt.

0 10


Plate Glass, cast or rolled, of whatever thickness, whether silvered, polished, or rough




White Flint Glass Bottles, not cut, engraved, or

otherwise ornamented


Beads and Bugles. See Beads.

Wine Glasses, Tumblers, and all other White Flint

Glass Goods, not cut, engraved, or otherwise ornamented
Bottles of Glass covered with Wicker (not being


Cut Glass) or of Green or Common Glass.


Articles of Green or Common Glass
Manufactures, not otherwise enumerated, and old


[blocks in formation]

Ore of, and Ore of which the greater part in value

GRAINS, Guinea, and of Paradise, cwt.

GRAPES, bush.





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[blocks in formation]

A copy of the correspondence of the British Government with the Peruvian Government, in 1852 and 1853, respecting the importation of guano, has been presented to the House of Commons, and printed. It appears that, notwithstanding the remonstrances which have been repeatedly made by our representative, the Peruvian Government adhere to their system of sale "by consignees," and defend the amount of the price on the ground that it is less than the value of the constituent parts of this manure. They insist, that the price may be reasonably raised until it is equal to the price of those constituent parts; and they add, that "it will not be unjust, but in conformity with the commercial rules practised at all times and by all nations, if it is raised even more-to the point at which the profit of the agriculturist fixes the limit where the owner of the manure should stop." Admiral Moresby has forwarded to the Admiralty the best information he could obtain respecting the amount of guano now remaining on the Chincha Islands; he is of opinion, that at the present average rate of exportation, the islands will be exhausted of the guano that would pay freight or be saleable in the English market in eight or nine years. He says, that from the northern or principal island more than a third of the guano has been removed, but there remain about 3,500,000 tons of that termed "English guano," as formerly alone selected for the English market, about 1,500,000 tons of that exported by foreign ships to America and elsewhere, and about 500,000 tons of inferior guano reserved for the coast trade. On the centre island, he says, there may be about 800,000 tons of the first quality, and 700,000 of the second. The southern or smallest island has not yet been worked, but from its windward position the guano is inferior, and has no great depth. Our representative at Lima writes, that the commission sent by the Peruvian Government lately to survey the Chincha Islands, have not yet published their report, but that he has reason to believe that the amount is calculated at 7,000,000 tons, and that, at the actual rate of expenditure, it will take 14 years to exhaust the islands. He adds, that there is plenty of guano to be found in the Lobos Islands and other parts of Peru, but that the guano of the Chincha Islands is considered superior, on account of the great quantity of ammonia in it. He has been instructed to obtain information respecting the deposits of nitrate of soda on the surface of the Pampa of Tamarugal, which stretches along the coast of Peru. It is believed that there are large beds of nitrate of soda also in Mexico, and our Consul at Vera Cruz has been requested to make inquiries upon the subject. In a letter to the Earl of Clarendon, February 1, 1854, he states, that there is no doubt of the existence of this salt in many parts of the tableland of Mexico, but that the difficulty of communication with the coast prevents the hope of its being brought to the Gulf for shipment, at anything like a reasonable cost until railroads are established, of which the prospect is very distant. He reports at the same time, that it has recently come to his knowledge that guano has been discovered on several islands in the Gulf of Mexico, particularly on those known as the Triangles, not very distant from the coast of Yucatan. He states that two American vessels were loading there very lately, and one of them with upwards of 200 tons of guano on board stranded in a storm on one of the cluster of islands called Arenas, near the Triangles, and so the matter was brought to light But he learns that the Mexican Government has granted, for ten years, a monopoly of all guano to be found either on the Atlantic or Pacific side of Mexico, to an association, at the head of which is a Mr. Joseph O. Forms, of Mexico; the only islands excepted from this grant, are the three islands known under the name of the Marias, in the Pacific.



Sir, I perceive, from the number of letters which have lately been introduced into the columns of The Times and other London papers, that considerable fear exists in some quarters lest the supply of guano, from the present known sources, shonld fail in a few years; and the writers, in some cases, have suggested substitutes to be resorted to should we be reduced to extremity, either from that cause or from the excessive price demanded by monopolists of the imported manure.

The object of the present communication is to assure your readers that no anxiety need be felt on the subject, as there is now a cheap, prompt, and effectual means of economizing town sewage, so that very nearly all its useful ingredients, including its ammonia, may be converted into a guano intermediate between those of Saldanha Bay and Patagonia, having a fertilizing power of from five to eight times that of farmyard manure. In this way between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 tons may be made yearly, and, as all the products are deodorized, the sanatory condition of our great towns will be greatly improved. I remain, Sir, yours respectfully, WILLIAM HERAPATH, F.C.S. Analytical Chymist.

Mansion-house, Old Park, Bristol, Dec. 29, 1853.

GUM, Animi, Copal, Arabic, Senegal, Lac Dye, Seed Lac,
Shellac, Sticklac, Ammoniacum, Asafoetida, Euphorbium,

GUM, Guiacum, Kino, Mastic, Tragacanth, and Gum, un

[blocks in formation]

HAIR, Camel's Hair or Wool, Cow, Ox, Bull, or Elk Hair, Goat's Hair or Wool. See Wool. Horse Hair, Human, and Hair unenumerated

Manufactures of Hair or Goat's Wool, or of Hair or Goat's Wool and any other material, not particularly enumerated or otherwise charged with duty.

Manufactures of Hair or Goat's Wool, or of Hair or Goat's Wool and any other material, wholly or in part made up, not particularly enumerated or otherwise charged with duty, 1007. val.

HAMS, of all kinds


HATS or BONNETS, of Chip, of Bast, Cane, or Horsehair, of
Straw, lb.

Of Felt, Hair, Wool, or Beaver, each Hats of Silk or Silk Shag, laid upon Felt, Linen, or other material, each

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£ 8. d.





0 5 0

[ocr errors]

0 0 2 Free



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Hats for girls, made of plush, composed of a mixture of silk and cotton, may be admitted on payment of the duty of 15 per cent. ad valorem, when the average internal diameter of the crown of the hats does not exceed 6 inches. T."L. Oct. 7, 1853.

[blocks in formation]

HEMP, dressed, rough or undressed, Tow and Codilla of
Hemp, and Jute


Other Vegetable Substances of the nature and quality of undressed Hemp, and applicable to the same purposes



In 1848 and in 1851 the quantity of hemp imported from Russia, from India, and from all countries, compare as follows:

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It is perfectly clear, therefore, that our increased supplies of this article are less derived from Russia than from other countries, and the effects of the war most probably will be, to make the supplies of hemp from other countries supersede the supply of hemp from Russia. With such a prospect, with a great probability of the supplies from Russia reaching us by a circuitous route, with the fact so certain, that the imports in 1853 have been unexampledly large, there is some reason to suppose that the present prices will not be maintained-Economist, April 1, 1854.

HIDES, not tanned, tawed, curried. or in any way dressed,

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