
Jesus," an earnest "following on to know the Lord," forgetting the things which are behind and reaching forth to those before, not counting ourselves to be already perfect-no, very far from that-conscious more and more every day of our imperfections and shortcomings and sinfulness; but, having once "put our hand to the plough," pressing on with all the energy of our heart and soul towards the prize of our high calling; not stopping, or doubting, or casting one lingering look behind. Going on thus in the strength of God, our path will be as the "shining light which shineth. more and more unto the perfect day." Like David, we can say, "With my whole heart have I sought Thee." Who does not know the advantage of having our whole heart in anything we undertake? What makes a man succeed in the world like earnestness and singleness of purpose? And depend upon it, in nothing is whole-heartedness more needed than in the service of God.

But here I must say a word, lest I should make the heart of any sad whom God has not made sad; lest I should discourage any timid, fearful Christian, who is humbly trying to follow his Master, yet fears it is presumption to hope that he may call himself "altogether a Christian." To such a one I would say: Are you conscious that you are trying to follow your Lord? Is it your earnest desire to walk more worthy of Him? Is it your constant prayer that He will hold up your feeble goings in His paths? That He will lead you in His truth, and teach you? Then, surely, you need not be afraid to hope that you are altogether a Christian."

And now, my friends, let me beg you most earnestly and affectionately to give these few words, feeble and most unworthy though they are, your prayerful consideration. Find out whether you are altogether or only almost a Christian. Halt no longer halfway between Christ and the world. If the Lord be God serve Him with all the powers of your soul; and be sure, very sure, that to be altogether a Christian is the only way of safety and of the truest hap

of heaven.

piness-the foretaste here below of the unending happiness May God grant to you and me grace to follow way, and may the words never be applied to us : "Almost persuaded to be a Christian."



For Me!

H! Jesus! let me realise

That true, deep, wondrous love of Thine,
Which brought Thee down from heav'n above,
To die for me, Oh Lamb divine!

Why should'st Thou die for me, O Lord?
All sinful, worthless as I be,

But dust and ashes in Thy sight;

Why such a sacrifice for me?

Upon that bitter cross of shame
My great Redeemer there I see;
The cruel thorns, the nails, the spear,-
What! All this suffering, Lord, for me?

Thine agony and bloody sweat,
That night in dark Gethsemane ;

That cry-Thy will, not Mine be done!"
Was uttered there, O Lord, for me.

For me! Oh, Lord! what can I do
To show my gratitude to Thee?

I can but give my heart to Him
Who gave His own life's blood for me.

I feel Thy tender love so near,
As unto Thy dear cross I flee;
I hear Thy voice, so soft and clear,
Whispering, "Sinner, come to Me!"

Casting away all care, I come
Close to my Saviour's wounded side,
And bathe my head, my hands, my feet,

In that all-cleansing crimson tide.

Thus washed and clothed in garments white,
With Jesus I shall ever be,

Safely within that heavenly home
My Saviour died to win for me!

E. S. P.


WOULD be thankful, Lord, to Thee

For all the mercies Thou hast given,
In Thy great love to set me free

From earth, and raise my soul to heaven.
To me the earth is very fair,

Knowledge is sweet, though I but wet
My lips within her fountain rare,
Nor drink her copious stream as yet.

And even in life's daily round
Joy is not wanting; that first day
Has yet to come wherein is found
No token of Thee by the way,

No message from Thee to my heart,
Convey'd by various means: may be
Dear friendship's sympathies impart
A thrill that can but spring from Thee;
Or kindness from some saint of Thine
Whose heart Thy pure love richly knows,

Imparts a happiness to mine,

And bears me upward as it flows.

Or Thy blest Spirit's influence

That cometh as the gentle wind,

Breathing, though unperceived by sense,

Leaving a holy joy behind;

Giving the gracious power in all
Thy varied dealings love to see

That, whatsoever may befal

Are means to draw me nearer Thee.

Teach me to love Thee not alone
For what Thou'st done, art doing still,
But for those bright hopes only known
To those who seek Thy perfect will.

The store of love and knowledge vast
To which my quickened powers shall rise,
When all the mists of earth are past,
And I soar upwards to the skies;

When, as eternal ages roll,
Creating and redeeming love
Unfolding to my raptured soul
Shall fill the round of life above.

E. S. H.


Edgar Allen, the Top-Sawyer; or, "What are you doing to-day?"

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HERE was no doubt about it; Edgar Allen was a splendid specimen of a true British workman; and as he stood at the pit's mouth "shooting" the saw, which was so soon to turn timber into planks, he rarely failed

A technical trade term for the saw's descent.

to attract the admiring notice of passers-by. His strong, brawny arms seemed to treat the hard work as mere child's play, whilst they swayed backwards and forwards with his tall, manly figure to the grating, monotonous, yet soothing tune of the keen-toothed saw, as it gnawed its resistless way through the hundred feet of future flooring, which was Edgar's appointed work in the yard at the time of which I write.

Nor did Edgar Allen's characteristics as a workman belie his attractive outer appearance. He had not attained to "top-sawyership" without good reasons for promotion. Steady, Reliable, and Intelligent, were the names of the steps by which he had ascended to his present position in the saw-yard, and in his employer's esteem. Having said thus much, we can say no more, for, alas, betwixt Edgar's excellent character as a top-sawyer and his spiritual state as an immortal being, there was a great gulf fixed— a gulf of doubt and darkness which seemed all the deeper and darker by contrast with the sparkling levity of his natural temperament.

"Well, what is your work to-day, Allen?" I asked, when for a few minutes the saw ceased its querulous scrape, whilst the wedge was being re-adjusted in the timber.

"My work for to-day is neither yesterday's work nor to-morrow's, but just and only to-day's work," he replied, with his usual light-hearted readiness.

"And that is "just and only' what it ought to be," I replied. He darted a swift look of inquiry at me, and then said, "I warn there's more in that speech of yours than comes out in words."

There was a sort of comical, half-afraid look on his face and in his tone of voice, that created a smile on my part; nevertheless, I inquired seriously enough, "What do you mean, my friend?"

"I mean what I said, that you mean more than you said. You preaching folks are always at some preachments or other, and (no offence, I hope) when you talk like that,

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