
TABLE I. Reorganizations by Congress by law or special reorganization authorities granted by Congress by law (1945-56)

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Type of reorganization or special reorganization authority

Continuance as an independent establishment (same in effect as creation of agency). Transfer of
functions from Department of Commerce and Secretary of Commerce to Federal Loan Agency.
Establishment of Board of Foreign Service Personnel (coordination measure). Membership
of Board: Not more than 3 Assistant Secretaries of State; an officer of the Department of
Commerce; an officer of the Department of Agriculture.

Authorization for delegation of certain functions by Secretary of Commerce to certain sub-
ordinate officials of the Department of Commerce: Coast and Geodetic Survey; Weather
Bureau; Civil Aeronautics Administration (for fiscal year 1946).

Transfer to Reconstruction Finance Corporation of all functions, powers, duties, authorities,
etc., of Defense Plant Corporation, Metals Reserve Company, Rubber Reserve Company, and
Defense Supplies Corporation. Dissolution of above-named corporations (not including the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation).

Authorization for delegation of certain functions by the Secretary of the Interior to the Under
Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries (for fiscal year 1946).!

Authorization for delegation of powers vested by act by Commissioner of Education to any officer
in the Office of Education.!

Termination of functions of Committee on Fair Employment Practices. Authority to delegate
functions relating to administrative management by head of any constituent agency in Office
for Emergency Management to any official in respective agency.

Authority for United States Employees Compensation Commission to delegate functions to any officer, agency, or employee of the United States.

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See footnote at end of table, p. 14.

TABLE I.-Reorganizations by Congress by law or special reorganization authorities granted by Congress by law (1945–56)—Continued

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Type of reorganization or special reorganization authority

Department or agency affected

Abolishment of Surplus Property Board. Transfer of Board's functions to Surplus Property Surplus Property Board (creation of
Administration. Creation of Surplus Property Administration.

Authority for Secretary of Treasury to delegate functions vested by act to any individual in
Treasury Department, head of any Government department or agency, or of any Federal
Reserve bank; and authority for delegatee to redelegate.1

Authority for Secretary of the Treasury to delegate functions vested in him by act to any officer or employee of any Federal agency, with the concurrence of head of agency concerned.1


Surplus Property Administration in
Office of War Mobilization

Department of the Treasury.
Federal Reserve banks.
All Federal agencies.

Secretary of the Treasury.

Reorganization of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department; specification of functions Navy Department.
of the Dental Division in Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

Abolition of medical service in Veterans' Administration. Creation in its place of Department Veterans' Administration.
of Medicine and Surgery under a Chief Medical Director. Creation of Office of Chief Medical
Director and positions of Chief Medical Director, Deputy Medical Director and others. Crea-
tion of various services within the Department of Medicine and Surgery.

Authority for American Battle Monuments Commission to delegate to Chairman, Secretary, American Battle Monuments Comor any of its officials such of its authority as it deems necessary and proper.1 mission.

Office of Assistant Secretary of Labor abolished; Office of Second Assistant Secretary of Labor Department of Labor.
abolished; Office of Under Secretary of Labor established; 3 Offices of Assistant Secretary of
Labor established.

Transfer of all functions of Secretary of the Interior and of the Fish and Wildlife Service of the
Department of the Interior relating to production or distribution of domestically raised fur-
bearing animals to the Secretary of Agriculture.

Transfer to the Housing Expediter of all functions in connection with veterans' housing vested in Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion or its Director by the War Mobilization and

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Reconversion Act of 1944. Authority for Housing Expediter to exercise his powers through any department or agency.

Transfers functions with regard to specified institutions from District of Columbia Board of
Public Welfare to District of Columbia Commissioners and Director, District of Columbia
Department of Corrections; creates District of Columbia Department of Corrections and Di-
rector thereof.

Authority for Secretary of State to delegate to subordinate officials authority vested in him by Revised Statute 291 pertaining to certification of expenditures.'

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Consolidation by Administrator of National Housing Agency of administrative functions in his National Housing Agency. agency authorized with the approval of the President.

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Authorizes delegation by Administrator of War Assets Administration to subordinate officials of personnel and administrative management function.

War Assets Administration.

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Transfer to Railroad Retirement Board of all functions (with certain exceptions) vested in any
office or employee of United States relating to specified aspects of the administration of railroad
unemployment insurance.

Railroad Retirement Board.

Transfer to Secretary of State of surplus property disposal functions abroad from Surplus Prop- Department of State. erty Administrator.

Coordination (and for other purposes); creates the Office of Naval Research in the Office of the Secretary of the Navy; also creates the positions of Chief and Assistant Chief of Naval Research.

Authorizes Secretary of Navy to transfer to Office of Naval Research research and development functions assigned to various bureaus, agencies, and offices of the Navy Department. Authority for heads of all departments to delegate to subordinates personnel and certain procurement functions.1

Surplus Property Administration. Navy Department.

All Departments.

Authority for Secretary of the Interior to delegate functions relating to Indian Affairs to Com- Department of the Interior. missioner of Indian Affairs; and authority for Commissioner to redelegate.1

Abolition of the following agencies and their powers: Farm Security Administration; certain powers of the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration certain functions of the National Housing Agency.

See footnote at end of table, p. 14.

Bureau of Indian Affairs.

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TABLE I. Reorganizations by Congress by law or special reorganization authorities granted by Congress by law (1945–56) --Continued

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Type of reorganization or special reorganization authority

Provides for appointment of Administrator of Farmers' Home Administration by President, by and with advice and consent of the Senate. Provides for liquidation of regional offices; authorizes administration through State and local offices.

Department or agency affected

Transfer, consolidation, grouping or coordinating of any or all marketing, transportation, storage, Department of Agriculture. processing and distribution functions in Department of Agriculture authorized to be accomplished by Secretary of Agriculture, notwithstanding any other provision of law.

Creation of Office of Selective Service Records and position of Director of said office to liquidate Selective Service System. Selective Service System.

Transfer of functions of Personnel Division, national headquarters, Selective Service System, to Secretary of Labor. the Secretary of Labor.

Public Law 30 (61 Stat. 35).

Transfer of certain functions of the President to the Secretary of Agriculture.

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President. Secretary of Agriculture.

Reorganization of National Labor Relations Board by vesting certain functions formerly in the National Labor Relations Board.
Board in the new position of General Counsel.

Transfer of all mediation and conciliation functions of the Secretary of Labor under 29 U. S. C. 51
and all functions of the United States Conciliation Service to the newly created Federal Media-
tion and Conciliation Service.

Creation of an independent agency to be known as the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service; provides for the appointment of the Director of the new service.

Transfer of assets of Reconstruction Finance Corporation Mortgage Company to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

Abolition of Federal Loan Agency and transfer of its property and records to the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation.

Creation of District of Columbia Board of Parole and transfer to it of powers of Board of Inde-
terminate Sentence and Parole.

Department of Labor.

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.

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Abolition of United States Board on Geographical Names in Department of the Interior and Department of the Interior.
transfer of its functions to the Board on Geographic Names; creation of Board on Geographic

Establishment of National Security Council (coordination measure in part); establishment of
Central Intelligence Agency and transfer to it of personnel, property and records of Central
Intelligence Group which is abolished; establishment of National Security Resources Board
(coordination measure in part).

Establishment of National Military establishment consisting primarily of Departments of the
Army, Navy, and the Air Force.

Creation of position of Secretary of Defense.

National Military Establishment. Secretary of Defense.

Establishment of Department of the Air Force and transfer to it of certain functions of the Department of the Air Force. Secretary of the Army and the Department of the Army.

Establishment of the United States Air Force and transfer to it of certain functions.

Establishment of the Joint Chiefs of Staff consisting of existing offices and newly created office of Chief of Staff, United States Air Force.

Termination of Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board and establishment of Munitions Board..
Termination of Joint Research and Development Board and establishment of Research and
Development Board. (In the case of each of the four last-named boards, transfer of records
and personnel from terminated board to newly established board.)

Liquidation of Tennessee Valley Associated Cooperatives, Inc., by Secretary of the Treasury....

Liquidation of Prencinradio, Inc., by Secretary of State..

Department of the Army.

Tennessee Valley Associated Cooperatives, Inc. Prencinradio, Inc.

Abolition of Army Pharmacy Corps and Army Medical Administrative Corps and transfer of Department of the Army. personnel to newly established Medical Service Corps in Medical Department of the Army.

Establishment of Medical Service Corps in the Medical Department of the United States Navy Department of the Navy. to consist of specified and additionally authorized sections.

Establishment of position of Coordinator of Federal Agencies in Puerto Rico.

Federal civilian agencies in Puerto Rico.

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