[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Baucus, Hon. Max, a U.S. Senator from the State of Montana.

Bauer, Hon. Donald L., Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy,
Department of Energy; accompanied by Mario Cardulo, Office of Fossil
Energy, Department of Energy

Berg, George L., Jr., assistant director, national affairs division, American
Farm Bureau Federation, Washington, D.C..


89, 90

729, 731


Marriott, Hon. Dan, a U.S. Representative from the State of Utah.
McClure, Hon. James A., a U.S. Senator from the State of Idaho.




McCormick, John L., Environmental Policy Center, Washington, D.C............ 732, 734 McDonald, Marshall, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, Flor

ida Power & Light Co., Miami, Fla.....

292, 294

276, 278

Miller, Jim, assistant legislative director, the National Grange.......
Miller, Thomas J., attorney general, State of Iowa.......

713, 716


Radin, Alex, executive director, American Public Power Association, Washington, D.C...

Sarcone, John P., assistant attorney general, Environmental Protection Division, State of Iowa.....

Samples, R. E., chairman and chief executive officer, Consolidation Coal Co.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.

252, 254

Stangeland, Hon. Arlan, à U.S. Representative from the State of Minnesota Synder, James R., chairman, Legislative Committee, Railway Labor Executives' Association.

207 77



[ocr errors]




Udall, Hon. Morris K., a U.S. Representative from the State of Arizona
Wallop, Hon. Malcolm, a U.S. Senator from the State of Wyoming...
Weaver, Hon. Jim, a U.S. Representative from the State of Oregon
Williams, Hon. Pat, a U.S. Representative from the State of Montana
Winger, G. Leo, chairman, Railway Progress Institute, Alexandria, Va.; ac-
companied by Robert A. Matthews, president, Railway Progress Institute.. 696, 699
Witten, Wesley M., president, ETSI Pipeline Project, San Francisco, Calif.... 321, 325
Workman, Ross, vice president, Continental Resources Co., Winter Park, Fla.,
and chairman, Slurry Transport Association, Washington, D.C................... 340, 343



Abdnor, Hon. James, a U.S. Senator from the State of Nebraska.............. ..... 767, 769 Coleman, Hon. E. Thomas, a U.S. Representative from the State of Missouri

Craig, Hon. Larry E., a U.S. Representative from the State of Idaho..........
Clyde, Edward W., counsel, Clyde, Pratt, Gibbs & Cahoon.
Danforth, Hon. John C., a U.S. Senator from the State of Missouri
Edgar, Hon. Robert W., a U.S. Representative from the State of Penn-

885, 888 912, 917 1045, 1049


896, 898

Hatch, Hon. Orrin G., a U.S. Senator from the State of Utah
Janklow, Hon. William J., Governor, State of South Dakota
McClure, Hon. James A., a U.S. Senator from the State of Idaho......
Neufeld, Warren R., secretary of water and natural resources, State of South




791, 796

Spano, A, J., member of the House of Representatives, State of Colorado...... 993, 997 Trelease, Frank J., professor, McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, Sacramento, Calif.

[blocks in formation]

Wallop, Hon. Malcolm, a U.S. Senator from the State of Wyoming..
Widman, Gary L., counsel, Fulbright & Jaworski.
Zorinsky, Hon. Edward, a U.S. Senator from the State of Nebraska.


Additional material submitted for the record.


[blocks in formation]

The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in room 3110, Dirksen Office Building, Hon. James A. McClure, chairman, presiding.

Present: Senators McClure, Hatfield, Murkowski, Nickles, and Johnston.

Also present: Gary Ellsworth, counsel; and Linda Mason, professional staff member for the minority.


The CHAIRMAN. Good morning. As we begin to review this legislation, I want to enunciate this Senator's initial thoughts in the spirit of cooperation and fairness for all interested members and affected parties.

Coal slurry pipelines may add an important additional dimension to this Nation's coal transportation capabilities. Any legislative initiative, however, must be assessed and scrutinized most closely and carefully in the area of Federal-State relations, which must be involved in any proposed extension of Federal powers of eminent domain.

The administration has conducted such an assessment and concluded that opposition to legislation is justified. Additionally, and perhaps even more important, such a legislative initiative must constructively, positively, and predictably address the several interrelated water law issues attendant on any extension of Federal authorities to support interstate coal slurry pipelines.

Senators from both Eastern and Western States whose waters could potentially be affected by coal slurry pipelines under Federal authority must, I repeat, must, be assured that those waters will remain fully protected, pursuant to such authorities. I am interested, for example, in maintaining the integrity of the Columbia River Basin. South Dakota has a vital interest in protecting its recently reached agreement, providing water to the ETSI pipeline.

At this point, I remain openminded on this bill, and would hope that all issues will be fully reviewed in these hearings, but I think it is important to give members of the committee my initial thoughts on this legislation.


We have quite a few distinguished colleagues with us today, as well as an impressive array of witnesses. I hope that we can provide a satisfactory forum for all sides, and that these two hearings will result in a well-balanced discussion of the viewpoints of all concerned parties.

Before proceeding to hear our colleagues, Senator Johnston, do you have a statement you'd like to make at this time?

Senator JOHNSTON. Yes, thank you. I have a written statement I'd like to put in the record and just add these comments.

[The prepared statement of Senator McClure and the text of S. 1844 follow:]

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