
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1844,


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.


Or making many Hymn Books there is no end. No Hymn Book in fact can perfectly satisfy any one but its author; for we select hymns by our tastes rather than our judgment, and our taste in hymns is determined frequently by early accidental associations. We cannot expect perfect contentment therefore with our collections, till each one has made his own. Meantime, this little book has been constructed on a principle of omission rather than of selection. We wished to omit those hymns, numerous in all books, which are seldom used. We have not aimed therefore at a variety of thought, but at a fulness of sentiment. All didactic hymns have been omitted, as we judge that the office of a hymn is not to preach but to sing. Some beautiful poetry too, which seemed rather of a meditative than a choral character, has been reluctantly but rigorously excluded. On the other hand, we have again searched the Methodist collections

carefully, and have found many a song of praise and devotion, well adapted to raise the soul to God. We have also tried to provide for those various occasions in which an appropriate sentiment deeply penetrates the heart. Remembering that our singing is an act of worship, the hymns in this book are mostly direct addresses to God. Nor have we scrupled to address also our risen Master; for though he has taught us that all worship and prayer must be directed to the Father, (John iv. 23; xvi. 23; Luke xi. 2,) yet if we believe that he is 'with us always,' (Matt. xxviii. 20,) we may surely speak to him as a present Saviour, invoking his sympathy and thanking him for his friendship.

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