Smiths fflye that there is earth wanting for filling up said Lotts desireing that they may haue liberty to Digg the hill by Mr Beekmans It is granted that they may digg and Leuell So much of the said hill as belongs to the Citty as the Comon or high way as the Surveyors of the Citty Shall direct ajourned till afternoon. [57] Citty of New-yorke ss SS ATT a Common Councill held att the Citty hall of Said Citty on Wednsday the 10th of August in the afternoone Ann Dom 1692 Present Abraham d' Peyster Esq! Mayor William Pinhorn Recorder Voted whether the lott of land behinde the Weigh house next the Dock formerly claimed by Coff Dongan belongs to the Citty to dispose thereof It is carried by Major votes the disposal thereof to be in power of the Citty Mr Spratt appearing here refuseth to accept the sume of Eighty pounds before tendered him for his Corner lott at the end of the broad Street and in lieu thereof desires the Lott of land behinde the Weighhouse next the Dock formerly claimed by Colt Dongan which is accordingly granted he also further proposeing to take the additional part adjoyning upon the Said termes as other the adjoyning purchazers is also in like manner granted him ORDERED that there be a Patent drawne accordingly for the same according to the directions of the Surveyors And upon deliuery of Said Patent the Said M Spratt to Surrender up his former Patent from the Citty for his aforesaid Lott at the End of the Broad Street. [58] WHEREAS the Bolting of fflower & Bakeing of bread hath been and is the chiefe support of the trade and Traffick of this Citty & maintenance of its Inhabitants of all degrees and it hath for many yeares past been an antient VSage practice and priuiledge of the Citty that no fflower or Biskett should be Boalted made or packed for Sale or Transportation but in this Citty only which Vsage and Custome has upon Enquiery into by all former Gouernors been approued of a good and Conuienient Custome agreable to reason and for the proffitt & Benefitt of all their Majties Subjects not only the Inhabitants of this Citty but of the whole prouince ORDERED that all former lawes relaiting to the restraineing the bringing in of any bread or fflower for Sale or Transportacon but Such only as Shall be bolted or baked within this Citty be confirmed and all Such fflower or bread to be forfeited one third to the Informer and the other two thirds to the vse of the Citty And that the Sherriffe Sieze all fflower or bread that Shall come to this Citty which hath been bolted or baked without the Libertyes of the Same Citty of } New-yorke SS ATT a Comon Councill held at the Citty Hall of said Citty on Thursday the 11th day of August Anno Dom 1692 Present Abraham d' Peyster Esq' Mayor William Pinhorne Recorder [59] ORDERED that all fforfeitures by any law or order relateing to the Markett house halfe the ffines to goe to the Clarke of the Markett the other halfe to the Citty Citty of ss New-yorke ATT а Common Councill held at the Citty hall of Said Citty on ffryday the 12th of August Anno Dom 1692 Present Abraham de Peyster Esqr Mayor William Pinhorne Recorder Alderman Brandt Skuyler and Cap! Thomas Clarke are appointed a Comittee to waite upon Coff Bayard and Mr Greyham to know and make Inquiery of them if they know of any Grant or Patent from the Citty made unto Coft Dongan late Gouerno relateing to the lott he layed claime to behind the Weighhouse. Who makes returne thatt Coff Bayard declared that Coff Dongan about a twelue month after the Grant of the Charter desired of him being then Mayor a Patent for said ground which Colf Bayard absolutly refused Saying he would acquaint the Common Councill thereof and that some time after Isaac Swinton then Secty brought a Patent unto Coff Bayard from Coff Dongan for to be by him Signed wch he refused whereupon Mr Swinton declared that the Gouernor should say he would Signe it himselfe [60] And further that Mr Greyham declared that about a twelue month Ensueing the Grant of the Charter he was very much Importuned by Coff: Dongan late Gouernor for to draw him a Patent for the aboue menconed lott which he at that time diswaded him from acquainting him that he had Sould Said land to the Citty and therefore could not haue any title to it he made answer what was that to him draw you the Patent upon which he answered he would draw him one hundred If he would but they would do him no good and accordingly Ingrossed one for him. All Orders in force published this day Citty of New-yorke SS ATT а Comon Councill held at the Citty hall of said Citty on Tuesday the 30th day of August A 1692 Present Abraham d' Peyster Esq Mayor William Pinhorn Recordor William Beekman Agreed that there be a Treate made to wellcome his Excellency Benjamin Fletcher now arriued by the Citty to the Vallue of twenty pounds or thereabouts And it is left to Alderman William Merritt to prouide the Same accordingly It is the Opinion of the whole Councill Nemine Contrad: that James Graham be Restored to his former Office of Recorder of the Citty of New-yorke Pursuant to the Recomendacon of the Lords of the Committee for trade and Plantations his Discontinuance in Coff Slaughters time in any wayes notwithstanding Vera Copia Dau[i]d Jamisen Ct Concilii THE FIAT In Pursuance of an Order of Councill the first of September Instant upon a Recomendacon of the Lords of the Committee for trade and Plantations Lett A Commicon be prepared for James Graham Esq to be Recorder of the Citty of New-yorke and lett the Seale of this Prouince be affixed thereunto for wch this Shall be to you a Sufficient Warrant dated this third day of September 1692 To Matthew Clarkson Secry A true Copy BEN: FFLETCHER Dauid Jameson ATT a Councill the 12th 7ber 1692 James Grayham Esq' being called had the Oath appointed by act of Parlement instead &c the Oath of Attorney Generall for the Prouince of New-yorke & the Oath of Recorder of the Citty of New-yorke administred unto him Subscribed the Test and had his Commiscon for the Said place deliuered him by his Excelly [62] WILLIAM and MARY by the grace of God of England Scottland ffrance and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c To all to whome these presents Shall come greeting Know yee that wee reposeing especiall Trust and confidence in the Loyalty ability and Integrity of our Trusty and well beloued James Grayham Esq! haue given and granted and by these presents do giue and grant unto him the Said James Grayham the place and office of Recorder within our Citty of New yorke and him the Said James Grayham Recorder of our Said Citty of New-yorke We do by these p'sents make ordaine and constitute To HAUE HOLD exercise and Enjoy the Said place or office of Recorder of ye said Citty unto him the said James Graham or his sufficient deputy so long as he or they Shall behaue themselues well therein together with all ffees Sallarys Priuilidges benefitts Proffitts perquisites and aduantages to the Said office now belonging or which Shall belong or in any wise appertain in Testimony whereof Wee haue caused the BROAD SEALE of the Said Prouince to be hereunto affixed Wittnesse Benjamin ffletcher Esq' Capt Generall and Gouernour in chiefe of the Prouince of New-Yorke and Territoryes depending thereon in America & Councill att Fort William henry this third day of September Año Dom 1692 An? Reg Regis & Regiñ Wiff & Maria Angt &c iiijo Citty of SS New-yorke ATT A COMON COUNCILL held att the Citty hall of Said Citty on ffryday the 16th of Septemb A° Dom 1692 Present Ab: De Peyster Esq' Mayor James Grayham Recorder William Merritt William Beekman ORDERED that the Gentlemen formerly appointed a Comittee for Stateing and Auditeing the Citty Acctts doe Examine and proceed and make reporte thereof next Common Councill ORDERED that Alderman Kipp and Captain Willson doe Examine and make Enquiery touching what Alderman Beekman hath to Say or alleadge concerning the Citty land. |