
Arms, Hands, and other Members, according as the force of that fudden accident feized upon them. The Earthquake was scarce over, but ofe who remained fell to work again. But when they attempted it the fecond time, fudden flathes of Fire violently iffued out of the Foundations, and other Fire fell furioufly from Heaven, and destroyed more than before, confuming to Ashes the Hammers, Graving Tools, Saws, Hatchets, Axes, and all other Inftruments which the Workmen had brought for their Service; the flames continuing a whole day together. When Cyril, who was at that time Bishop of Jerufalem, faw thefe things, he confidered in his mind the words of the Prophet Daniel, to which Chrift alfo had fet his Seal in the Holy Gofpel, and then told them That now was the time, when the Oracle of our Saviour had its accomplishment, which faid, That a Stone fhould not be left upon a Stone in the Temple; which when he had faid, a dreadful Earthquake affailed the remaining Foundations, and cafting out all the reft of the Stones, difperfed them abroad, and a fearful Storm arofe, which whirled in the Air many Thoufand Bufhels of Lime and Plaifter, and fudden flames of Fire flafhing from beneath, burnt up in a moment an innumerable Company of People, who were either labouring in the work, or coming to behold it. Thus did the wicked Julian fulfil Chrifts Predic


tions concerning Ferufalem, by the fame means whereby he defigned to make them. void.

XXIV. In: 367. in the Reigs of Valens and Valentinian Emperors of Rome, there happen'd fuch horrible Earthquakes throughout the Western Empire, as neither True Hiftorians have related the like, nor Fables themselves reprefented to us. A little af ter the day dawned there was a great Tempeft of Thunder and Lightning, which was followed by fuch a dreadful trembling of the Earth, that the Sea alfo was shaken therewith, and deferted the fhore and its ancient bounds for a great space, and the depths of its Channels were discovered i. multitudes of Fifh were feen to stick in the Mud, and many plowed Fields became Navigable, the inequality of the Seas bottom appeared, here Hills, and there Vallies which had never before seen the Sun, fince at the orginal of all things, they were first overwhelmed with the Flouds. Many Ships were left on the dry ground, and fwarms of People flew thither to catch Fish; when fuddenly the Sea, as difdaining to be imprifoned, returned to its former station with fuch impetuofity, that it over-ran its former bounds, and with the fury thereof overthrew a multitude of Towns and Houfes, with many thousands of People, and great numbers of Ships were overwhelmed, fome of which, with the violence thereof, were


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blown upon the tops of Houfes. Soon after a great Rebellion happened, and the Northern Nations came in like a Floud, and over-ran the Roman Empire, which was thought to be prefaged by this lamentable accident.

XXV. In 430. A great Earthquake raged in divers places, and overturned many Ci= ties, the Wall of Conftantinople, though but new built, it threw to the ground with 57 Turrets; Alfo Stones of great bulk, lately placed there, fell down, many Towns, were ruined. Yea fome Authors affirm that it was fo terrible as to affect almoft the whole World, the Earth gaped and swallowed up many Villages; Fountains were dried up, and Waters brake forth in places formerly dry. Great Trees were torn up by the Roots; Heaps of Earth were fo fhaken together that they were raifed into Mountains. The Sea threw up dead Fishes, many Iflands were funk and overwhelmed, Ships failing on the Sea were fuddenly left on dry ground. In fhort, many Places of Bythinia, the Hellefpont, and both the Phrygia's were grievously diftreft thereby. This difafter continued fix months without intermiffion, and the People of Conftantinople not daring to ftay in the City for fear of the fall of their Houfes, continued together with their good Emperor, and their Patriarch, in the Fields, inftant in Prayers to the Almighty for the removal of fo dreadful a Judgment. After the danger was o

ver, the Emperor repaired the Walls of Conftantinople which were much endamaged thereby. This was judged a Sign of the Death of Theodofius which foon after followed, and of several changes which happened at the fame time in divers parts of the World.

XXVI. In 454. A great Earthquake at Rome, another at Vienna, Wolves and other Beafts wander all the Year through the City and devour Men. An Earthquake in Rua, and at Conftantinople, with two wonderful Blazing Stars. About this time the Britains beat the Saxons, and drive them into the Ifle of Thanet. The Jews Rebel in Egypt and Kill two hundred thoufand Men, and forced thofe that furvived to eat the dead. They flay two hundred and forty thoufand in Cyprus, and at last are flain themselves. A great Famine in Conftantinople. The Goths wafte Thrace, Theffaly and Epirus: Gratian killeth thirty five thoufand Germans; Maxinius flayeth Gratian treacheroufly, and poffeffeth Britain, France, Spain, and Africk. The Temple of Apollo Daphneus is burnt. The Heathen Temples are fhut up by the ChriAian Emperors, and their Idols destroyed. In 458. A great Earthquake happened at Antioch which the Citizens had fad caufe to remember. Before it began fome of the Inhabitants were feized with an extraordinary madnefs, fuch as feemed to exceed the


fury of Wild Beafts, and to be the prefage of that Calamity which followed foon after; For about the Fourth hour of the night in September, almost all the buildings of the new City were overturned, which was well peopled and none of it forfaken or empty, being curioufly built by the Magnificence of divers Emperors, who ftrove to exceed each other in the adornment of it. The first and fecond Fabricks in the Palace were allo cast down, the reft standing together with a Bath, which having formerly been neglected now when by the Earthquake the reft were choaked up ftood the Citizens in very good ftead.

XXVII. In the firft Century was a terrible Earthquake in Arabia, and another in Palestina, and a third at Conftantinople for fix weeks together. It rained Blood in Piedmont, and at York the Fountains ran Blood a Dragon and many Serpents were feen in the River Tyber. After this fo terrible a Famine raged in Britain that the People affembled in great numbers to caft themfelves into the Sea; A Plague fo great in Rome that 8co Men fell dead in an hour in the time of Proceffion. Brunchild, a Daughter of France, being found guilty of the death of ten Kings; She is tyed by the Hair of the Head and the Arms to Wild Horfes, and torn to pieces. The Jews and Samaritans Perfecute the Chriftians, and burn their Churches in Cafaria.


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