
Caftles, and Churches every where as it went, and put them in Danger of utter ruin; yet through the Divine Clemency it overthrew few or none, fave certain Stones, Chimneys, Walls and Pinacles of high Buildings both in London and divers other places; and a Boy and a Girl being at Sermon among a great number of People at Chrift-Church in Newgate-Street the Boy" was killed outright with the fall of a Stone from the Roof of the Church; and the Girlfo fore bruifed by another that the dyed foon after. At York it made the Bells in the Churches jangle. This Earthquake had fuch influence upon the mind of the? People. That a Prayer was Publifhed by 'Queen Elizabeth to be ufed of all Honf holders with their whole Family, every Evening before they went to Bed, that it would pleafe God to turn his wrathfrom us, threatned in the last terrible Earthquake. In 1581. Fofephus Acofte relates, That in Peru in America there happened an Earthquake which removed the City of Agnangum two Leagues from the place where it flood without demolishing it, in regard the Scituation of the whole Country was changed. The fame Author gives an account of another Earthquake in the fame Country that reached three-han dred Leagues along the Sea Shore, and fes venty Leagues in Land; and levelled the Moun

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Mountains all along as it went, threw down Citys, turned the Rivers out of their Channels, and made an Univerfal havock and confuffion. All this he faith was done within the fpace, of feven or eight Minutes. Some time before this, above forty thousand People perifhed in an Earthquake about Puel and Naples.

XXXIX. In 1590. The Election of Pope Urban VII. was fignalized by an Earthquake which made Auftria, Bohemia and Moravia to tremble, and was followed by an extraordinary Death; Gregory XIV. quickly fucceeded and died in ten months. There was fuch a Famine and Plague in Italy that year that above threefcore thoufand Perfons died. In 1591 St. Michaels Island in the Weft Indies, there happened an Earthquake which continued about fixteen days, to the extream terror of the French who inhabited there, efpecially when by the force thereof they perceived the Earth to remove from place to place, and Villa Franca their principal Town overthrown, the Ships that then road at Anchor in the Bay, trembled and quaked; infomuch that the People thought the Day of Judgment was come. In 1593. Another terrible Earthquake happened in Perfia, which overturned three thoufand Houfes in the City of Lair crufhing to Death above three thoufand Perfons in their ruins year the Caftle though built upon a folid



Rock groaned under the like affrighting. downfall. In 1614, there was a great Earthquake in Vercer, one of the largest of the Iland called Azores, belonging to the King of Portugal, overturning in the City of Agra, eleven Churches, nine Chappels, befides many private Houfes and in the City of Parga hardly an houfe was left standing. Not long after fo horrible an Earthquake happened in another of the Islands of Azores called St. Michael aforementioned, that not far from thence the Sea opened, and thruft forth an Ifland above a League and half in length at a place where there was above a hundred and fifty Fathom Water.

XL. In 1618. The Town of Pleurs in Switzerland was overwhelmed by an Earthquake of which we have the following account in the late Travels of a Reverend Di-. vine in that Country. This place confifted in about two thousand two hundred Inhabitants and magnificently built, for befides the great Palace of the Francken that coft fome Millions, there were many other Palaces, erected by feveral Rich Factors both of Milan, and other Parts of Italy, who liked the Scituation and Air as well as the freedom of the Government of this Place; fo they used to come hither during the Heats, and here they gave themselves all the Indulgences that a vaft wealth could furnish; By one of the Palaces that was a

little diftant from the Town, which was not over-whelmed onemay judge of the reft; It was an Out-houfe of the Francken, and yet it may compare with many Palaces in Italy, and certainly Houle and Gardens could not coft fo little as one hundred thoufand Crowns, The Voluptuoufness of this Place became very crying, and Madam de Salis told me, faith my Author, that the often heard her Mother relate fome Paffages of a Proteftant Minifters Sermons, who Preached in a little Church which those of the Religion had there, and warned them frequently of the terrible Judgments of God that were hanging over their Heads, and that he believed would fuddenly break in. upon them. On the 25th of August 1618. an Inhabitant came and perfuaded them to be gone, for he faw the Mountains cleaving, but he was laughed at for his pains; He had a Daughter whom he prevailed with to leave all and go with him, but when the was gone out of the Town with him, fhe called to mind that he had not lock'd the Door of a Room in which fhe had fome things of value, and fo fhe went back to do that, and was buried with the reft; for at the hour of Supper the Hill fell down, and buried the Town and all the Inhabitants, fo that none efcape. The fall of the Mountains did fo fill the Channels of the River that the firft news thofe of the Chavennes had of it, was by the failing of the River,


for three or four hours there came not a drop of Water, but the River wrought for itself a new courfe and returned to them. I could hear no particular Character of the Man who efcaped, fo I must leave the fecret reafon of fo fingular a prefervation to the great difcovery at the last day, of those steps of Divine Providence that are now fo unaccountable. Some of the Family of the Francken got fome Miners to work underground to find out the Wealth that was buried in their Palace; for befides their Plate and Furniture, there was a great Cafh and many Jewels in the Houfe: the Miners pretended they could find nothing: But they. went to their Country of Tirol and built fine Houfes, and great Wealth appeared, of which no other vifible account could be. given but this, that they had found some of that Treafure.

XLI. In 1622. Was a great Earthquake. in Italy; The fhape of an Elephant was feen in the Air, and three Suns. Armies fighting, Monftrous births, Waters turned. into bloud, unufual and impetuous Tempests which overthrew feveral Towers.


this time began the third Civil War in France, the Prince of Conde is taken and fhot to Death, with a Piftol. The Earls of Northumberland and Weftmorland rebel. The Popish Clergy are expelled Antwerp by the People. The Emperor Prohibiteth the Proteftant Religion at Arken. Tae: Spaniards

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