
Clayton, John M., a Senator from Delaware-

remarks on the resolution for employing Lieu-
tenant General Scott in the pacification of
......1387, 1392
remarks on the amendment of the rules. .1478,
1483, 1484
remarks relating to claims for French spolia-
remarks on the Delaware breakwater bill,
1670, 1671

remarks on the resolution authorizing pro-
tection to be given to American discoverers
of guano....
..1697, 1699, 1700
remarks relating to the Pacific railroad bill,"
1720, 1721
remarks on the Reedy Island harbor bill..1855
remarks on the Creek spoliation bill, 1877, 1883
remarks on the bill for the improvement of
New Castle harbor......
remarks on the bill to provide for the claims
of the officers and soldiers of the revolu-
tionary army...................1951, 1952
remarks on the Army appropriation bill, 1953,
1969, 2170, 2211, 2229, 2230
remarks on the ocean mail transportation bill,
remarks on civil appropriation bill, 2113, 2114,
2131, 2139, 2142, 2145, 2146, 2149, 2150
remarks on the Army supplementary appro-
priation bill......
remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill,
2175, 2176

Clayton-Bulwer treaty.



199, 247, 303, 349, 357, 394, 450, 468,
502, 528, 663, 1205, 1306, 1347, 1419
remarks relating to the construction of the,

Mr. Bell, of Tennessee.
Mr. Benjamin...

Mr. Brown....

Mr. Butler..

Mr. Cass...

Mr. Clayton..

.471, 1228

.394, 1206

..395, 396, 469

.108, 109, 110, 285, 286,

303, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1306, 1307, 1422
.107, 108, 283, 285,
663, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1419, 1421, 1422
Mr. Crittenden...

469, 1205, 1206, 1227, 1228
Mr. Fish......
Mr. Mason..285, 394, 470, 528, 1227, 1228

Mr. Pearce..

Mr. Pratt.

Mr. Seward..

Mr. Toombs.

....1206, 1228
..108, 110, 285, 323
.....109, 1228
Mr. Wilson....394, 468, 471, 1205, 1206
Clerks-see Officers of the Senate.

Mr. Weller.....

resolution to appoint William Hickey chief
clerk, &c...


in the Departments, resolution relating to..480
in the State Department, joint resolution (S.
No. 23) to enable the Secretary of State to
pay certain, the same compensation as has
been paid to clerks of the same grade in the
other Executive Departments....1463, 1506
of records for the Committee on Printing, 1951
to committees....

31, 111, 2127, 2200, 2222, 2226
resolution for payment of.... ..388, 415
resolutions relating to the appointment and
payment of..........23, 31, 111, 2127, 2222
remarks on, by-
.23, 24
.24, 2222, 2223, 2225
.2222, 2224, 2225

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1065, 1074, 1075, 1090, 1091

.1089, 1090
......1063, 1064, 1092
1076, 1090, 1091, 1092
Mr. Pugh.........1073, 1074, 1075, 1076
Mr. Seward..
..1074, 1075,
Mr. Stuart.. 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1073,
1074, 1075, 1076, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092
Mr. Toombs..
..1064, 1065,
Mr. Toucey..
.1064, 1065,
Mr. Wade....
1063, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1089
Clinton Guards of Macomb county, Michigan,
bill for the relief of the.........1739, 2051
Clinton river harbor, Michigan, bill (S. No. 42)
making an appropriation for the construction
of a harbor at the mouth of, 25, 358, 514, 1822
remarks on, by-

[blocks in formation]

1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827
Mr. Toombs...... .1824, 1825, 1826
Coast Survey, report of the Superintendent of the,
order for printing extra copies of the report
on the......
..515, 597
Cobb, Ursula E., an act for the relief of....2078,
2098, 2234
Cochran, Mrs. Catharine Van Rensselaer, bill
for the relief of.....
....16, 1567
Coinage, American, resolutions of instruction
relating to

joint rezolution (S. No. 42) to provide for the
ascertaining of the relative value of the coin-
age of the United States and Great Britain,

and fixing the relative value of the unitary
coins of the two countries.............2128
Coins and coinage, bill relating to foreign coins,
and the coinage of cents at the Mint of the
United States.......
.......715, 921
Coins, resolution of instructions concerning the
relative value of.....
Collamer, Jacob, a Senator from Vermont.....1,
21, 160, 303, 344, 357, 398, 433, 480, 634,
664, 676, 950, 994, 1003, 1128, 1129, 1226,
1262, 1316, 1517, 1567, 1581, 1587, 1605,
1616, 1617, 1631, 1676, 1696, 1739, 1798,
1819, 1820, 1826, 1834, 1835, 1887, 1951,
1967, 2078, 2085, 2139, 2225, 2226, 2236
remarks on the affairs of Kansas.....449, 639
remarks relating to the naval retiring board,
344, 345, 398, 755, 1637
remarks on the resolution relating to the Danish
Sound dues.......603, 604, 606, 1154, 1155
remarks on our relations with Great Britain-
see Appendix.

remarks on the deficiency bill............683
remarks on the bill for the admission of Kan-

[blocks in formation]

Collamer, Jacob, a Senator from Vermont-Con-


remarks on the bill for the relief of Obed
.......1665, 1666
remarks on the bill to test the practicability
and usefulness of the atmospheric telegraph,
remarks on the ocean mail transportation bill,
remarks on the congressional compensation
...2079, 2080, 2082
remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill,
2200, 2201, 2203
remarks on the Army appropriation bill, 2211
remarks on the mail steamer bill....... 9999
Collection districts, bill establishing the, of the
United States, and designating the ports of
entry and ports of delivery of the same..465,
502, 560, 578
Collection laws, bill to amend and consolidate
the navigation, revenue, and, of the United
......433, 450
Collection of the customs, bill relating to the ap-
pointment of officers for the.. .....631,
754, 939, 1040
Collier, Eliza S., bill for the relief of......1039,
1284, 2212, 2233, 2235
Colonial History, &c., of the United States, com-
munication respecting the documents relating
to, in the State Paper Office in London..894
Columbus, Kentucky, bill to create, a port of
....1016, 1019
Commerce, the Committee on.....18, 1397, 1398
resolutions of instruction to.........160, 349,
433, 502, 513, 527, 596, 839,
939, 1304, 1332, 1876, 2067
bills reported from....
...388, 465,
480, 513, 514, 577, 616, 631, 640, 641, 680,
736, 754, 797, 837, 903, 962, 1049, 1062,
1069, 1277, 1280, 1386, 1581, 1716, 1739,
1769, 1819, 1900, 1951, 2050, 2077, 2098
discharged from the consideration of subjects,
465, 736, 1386, 1951, 2077
adverse reports from.....
resolutions reported from....1130, 1258, 1819
Commerce, coastwise, joint resolution (No. 13)
for the statistics of the, to be included here-
after in the annual reports of the Secretary
of the Treasury on commerce and naviga-
tion...........1101, 1130, 1158, 1166, 1204
foreign, regulations of, bill to amend the act
requiring the, to be laid annually before Con-
gress.....1012, 1277, 1386, 2212, 2217, 2227
Commercial marine, bill to require the employ-

[blocks in formation]

980, 1316, 1396, 1397, 1398, 1643
election of the..
....17, 18, 19, 20
arrangement of the members of the.. ...22
select......4, 14, 87, 652, 903, 938, 1279, 1280
Committee of conference, on the bill of the House
making appropriations for the support of the
Military Academy for the year ending June
30, 1857...
...938, 967
on the deficiency bill..
...1039, 1040,
1062, 1101, 1129, 1130, 1187, 1200, 1201
on the bill amending the bounty land law,
1101, 1102, 1105, 1126, 1146
on the bill (H. R. No. 152) making appropria-
tions for the consular and diplomatic ex-
penses of the Government for the year ending
June 30, 1857......

on the bill (H. R. No. 189) making appropria-
tions for the naval service for the year end-
ing June 30, 1857..........2079, 2101, 2112
on the bill (H. R. No. 202) making appropria-
tions for the legislative, executive, and judi-
cial expenses of the Government for the year
ending June 30, 1857, and for other pur-
poses.....2127, 2143, 2166, 2204, 2218, 2219


Committee of Conference-Continued.

on the bill (H. R. No. 71) making appropria-
tions for the current and contingent expenses
of the Indian department, and for fulfilling
treaty stipulations with the various Indian
tribes, for the year ending June 30, 1857,
2127, 2143, 2168, 2200
on the bill (H. R. No. 201) making appropria-
tions for certain civil expenses of the Gov-
ernment for the year ending June 30, 1857,
2204, 2222, 2227, 2229
on the bill (H. R. No. 153) making appropria-
tions for the support of the Army for the
year ending June 30, 1857.....

2211, 2218, 2225, 2229, 2232
on the bill (H. R. No. 315) making appropria-
tions for the service of the Post Office De-
partment during the fiscal year ending June
..2217, 2225, 2226
30, 1857....
Committee business, resolution relative to the
continuation of, to the next session....2098
Compensation, of the President of the Senate,
resolution providing for the.............35
of pension agents, bill (S. No. 146) providing
for the, and prescribing the time and manner
of settling their accounts......560,577, 785,
979, 1041, 1263, 1542, 1834, 1980, 2079
bill relating to the,
of officers of the customs,
631, 754, 939, 1040
of members of Congress, bill of the Senate
.......676, 696,
(No. 398) to regulate the
1820, 1834, 2006, 2079, 2097,
2143, 2153, 2168, 2179, 2206
of Senators, resolution directing the usual per
diem to be paid, &c .....
of clerks in the State Department, joint reso-
lution providing for certain clerks in the
State Department the same compensation as
has been paid to clerks of the same grade in
the other Executive Departments, 1463, 1506
of the mail boys, resolution relating to the,
2127, 2166
of the superintendent of the document room
and his assistants, resolution relating to
...2127, 2166
of the clerk of the Committee on Claims, reso-
lution relating to the
of the employés of Congressional Library, 2200
of the employés of the Senate.
of the Chaplain of the Senate, extra, 2233, 2235
of the Government laborers in Washington
city, joint resolution giving increased, to all
laborers in the employment of the executive
and legislative departments of the Govern-
ment in the city of Washington..


2077, 2127, 2166, 2222, 2225
bill to amend the second section of the act of
31st of August, 1852, allowing additional,
in certain cases.

order for extra, to J. F. Dooley
order for extra, to the pages of the Senate, 2098
Congressional Globe, resolution for supplying
members of the Senate with the........1951
Connolly, John, bill for the relief of.......2017,
2098, 2234
Consular and diplomatic expenses of the Gov-
ernment, bill making appropriations for the,
for the year ending the 30th June, 1857, 111,
1254, 1438, 1466, 1475, 1834, 1845
Contingent Expenses of the Senate, the Commit-
tee to Audit and Control the...
resolutions of instruction to.......

reports from......

.210, 644
.388, 2167, 2226
....388, 2142

adverse reports from....
resolutions reported from..........
Contingent fund of the Senate, report of the Sec-
retary of the Senate relative to the......321
order to pay Harriet Ruth from the......2077
order for extra compensation to the pages of
the Senate...

order for compensation to the employés of the
Congressional Library......
Contingent remainders, barring, bill (H. R. No.
215) to authorize the circuit court of the Dis-
trict of Columbia to decree the sale of real
estate in certain cases, 1965, 1979, 2077, 2226
Cook, Issac, and others, bill for the relief of..560,
879, 2212, 2217, 2227
Cook, Lyman N., an act for the relief of...2078
Copyright, bill (S. No. 239) supplemental to an
act entitled "An act to amend the several acts
respecting copyright," approved February 3,

818, 847, 1643, 1647, 2212, 2217, 2227

Correction of the Journal............1398, 2097 ||
Corwine, Amos B., bill for the relief of....2200
Costs, &c., bill (S. No. 80) amendatory of an act
entitled "An act to regulate the fees and
costs to be allowed clerks, marshals, and
attorneys of the circuit and district courts of
the United States...

939, 983, 1041, 1643, 1671, 2143, 2179, 2206
Cotton and tobacco statistics, joint resolution (S.
No. 19) for obtaining information in regard
to the, in the several countries of the
Courts, bill of the Senate to alter and amend an
act entitled "An act to establish a circuit
court of the United States in and for the
State of California," approved March 3,

374, 962, 980, 985, 1049, 1052, 1053, 1069
bill to change the terms of the United States,
for Wisconsin, and to compensate the judge,
bill to regulate the fees of jurors, &c.......392
(See Fees.)

bill to increase the salaries of the judges of the
circuit and criminal courts of the District of
.....414, 513, 1498
Columbia.... . .
bill to regulate the terms of the circuit court of
the District of Columbia...........514, 616
bill to define the jurisdiction of the district and
circuit courts of the United States for the
district of East Tennessee...

638, 641, 680, 714
bill changing the time of holding the district
court of the United States in the western dis-
trict of Virginia, 638, 1338, 1424, 1461, 1485
bill to authorize the circuit court of the United
States for the southern district of Georgia
to entertain appeals, &c., in certain cases,
736, 1012
bill to change the time of holding the United
States courts in the southern district of Illi-
.....821, 837, 939, 983, 1049
bill to alter the place of holding the courts of
the United States in the district of Delaware,
837, 921, 1338, 1383, 1386, 1485
bill (H. R. No. 421) to change the times of
holding the United States courts in Tennes-
...1438, 1463, 1497, 1575
bill (S. No. 419) to alter the time for holding
the district court in South Carolina, and for
.....1846, 2050, 2170
other purposes...
bill (S. No. 402) to provide for holding the
courts of the United States in the State of
California, in case of sickness or disability
of the judges of the district courts.....1716,
2098, 2200


bill to provide for peremptory challenges in
criminal cases in the courts of the United
States within the States admitted into the
Union since September, 1789.....1040, 1103
bill (S. No. 442) defining the jurisdiction of the
United States courts in certain cases....2006
Court of Claims, reference of papers to the...35,
386, 414, 433, 644, 652, 679, 680, 692,
698, 699, 714, 736, 792, 847, 903, 921,
1002, 1019, 1039, 1069, 1103, 1158,
1226, 1257, 1262, 1316, 1332, 1368,
1423, 1581, 1979, 2077, 2098, 2167
withdrawal of papers from the....
1039, 1040, 1299, 1475, 2050
..792, 1186, 1258,
reports from the...
1409, 1498, 1715, 1738, 1769, 1876, 2050
communications from the..
615, 636, 1069, 1304, 1461
resolution assigning rooms in the Capitol for
the use of the....
jurisdiction, &c., of the, resolutions relating to
..6, 8, 14, 35, 58, 74, 136
remarks on, by-
.6, 35, 138
Mr. Bell, of Tennessee
Mr. Brodhead... .....6, 14, 58, 137, 138
Mr. Clayton...
.74, 137
Mr. Fessenden..
Mr. Fitzpatrick......35, 74, 136, 137, 138
Mr. Hunter..........
Mr. Seward.........



Mr. Stuart...............
Mr. Toombs.....


.14, 138
..137, 138

Mr. Thompson, of Kentucky....137, 138
bill to amend An act to establish a court for
the investigation of claims against the Uni-
ted States, 433, 502, 513,647, 1909, 1931, 2018
remarks on, by-

Mr. Bayard...


Court of Claims, bill to amend An act to estab
lish a court for the investigation of claims
against the United States-Continued.
remarks on, by-

Mr. Bell, of Tennessee.

Mr. Brodhead......

Mr. Butler.....

Mr. Fessenden..

Mr. Stuart...

..647, 648, 649, 6.50


.....649, 650
....649, 650
.648, 649, 650

Mr. Toucey
Court-houses-see Public Buildings.
Cozzens, William B., bill for the relief of..1799,
1876, 2234, 2236
Crampton, John F., letters of, concerning the
Central American question..468, 1205, 1306
....1103, 1285
Crandall, Sarah, bill for the relief of the heirs
1104, 1239, 1316, 1438
Crawford, John, bill for the relief of......1102.

4, 6, 16, 21, 302, 131 6
Credentials of Senators presented..
Creek spoliations: bill (S. No. 81) to provide for
the examination and payment of claims of
citizens of Georgia and Alabama for depre-
dations committed by the Creek Indians
392, 338, 1716, 1846, 1876, 1968, 2052

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors]

..1877, 1878, 1881

..1881, 1882, 1883

.1877, 1881, 1883


.1877, 1878, 1881

..1877, 1881, 1883

1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 2055, 2056
..1876, 1881, 2052

Mr. Yulee..
Crimes, bill to provide for the punishment of
certain, therein mentioned...

736, 1049, 1069, 1103
....1, 6, 21, 107,
Crittenden, John J., a Senator from Ken-

136, 247, 270, 322, 348, 450, 481, 497, 515,
559, 577,579, 583, 595, 596, 599, 789, 792,
939, 996, 1003, 1013, 1039, 1104, 1111,
1158, 1196, 1226, 1240, 1277, 1283, 1436,
1485, 1506, 1522, 1581, 1658, 1827, 1846,
1856, 1876, 1931, 1942, 1943, 2210, 2232
resolutions submitted by...
515, 1381, 1475, 1476, 1658
remarks on the action of the naval retiring
.50, 346, 347,

351, 404, 405, 422, 526, 786, 1004, 1005,
1006, 1053, 1131, 1132, 1226, 1227, 1240,
1267, 1593, 1617, 1624, 1626, 1634, 1637
(See Appendix.)
remarks on Kansas affairs....

654, 655, 656,1381, 1382, 1387,
1389, 1391, 1392, 1393, 1522

(See Appendix.)
remarks on the eligibility of Lyman Trumbull
.466, 547, 567
to the Senate...
remarks on the Clayton-Bulwer treaty....468,
469, 1205, 1206, 1227, 1228
remarks on British enlistment question, 493,494
remarks on the resolution relating to the Danish
Sound dues...

605, 606, 1156, 1157, 1202
remarks on the three million bill..
remarks on the affairs of Kansas, 654, 655, 656
remarks on the St. Mary's flats appropriation
remarks on the Southwest Pass appropriation
remarks on the deficiency bill..

720, 721, 727, 740, 742, 743
remarks on request of the British Government
to present a token to Dr. Kane....792, 793
remarks personal and explanatory...
remarks on the memorial of the Kansas To-
peka Assembly......847, 854, 858, 859, 864
remarks on the bill amending the bounty land
...945, 946, 988, 995, 996
remarks on Marquette harbor bill..1115, 1116
remarks on the Iowa land bill....
1170, 1172, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1220


Crittenden, John J., a Senator from Kentucky-

remarks on the Mississippi river bill, vetoed by
the President...
...1308, 1309, 1547
remarks on the St. Louis and Iron Mountain
railroad bill...
.....1319, 1320
remarks on the power of the Vice President to
appoint to the chair..................1368
remarks on the resolution proposing the em-
ployment of Lieutenant General Scott in the
pacification of Kansas....

1382, 1387, 1389, 1391, 1392, 1393
remarks on the resolution relating to the per-
sons to act as President and Vice President
of the United States in certain contingen-
remarks on the amendment of the rules, 1478,
1483, 1484
remarks on the bill for an additional issue of
arms to California...............1499, 1500
remarks on the bill for the relief of the heirs of
Colonel John Hardin, 1659, 1660, 2050, 2051
remarks on the bill for the relief of Obed Hus-
remarks on the Ohio river improvement bill,
1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940
remarks on the civil appropriation bill....2135
2136, 2136, 2138, 2139, 2140
remarks on the petition relative to the natural-
ization laws.....
remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill,
2167, 2177
remarks on the supplementary Army bill, 2207,
2208, 2219
Crown, Thomas, bill for the relief of.......1901
Cumberland road in the State of Illinois, bill to
surrender the......837, 939, 961, 1072, 1131
Cunningham, F. A., Paymaster of the United
States Army, bill for the relief of.......834,
967, 2212, 2217, 2227

Customs, bill relating to the appointment of offi-
cers for the collection of the, and to provide
for their compensation...631, 754, 939, 1040
(See Collection Districts.)
Custom-houses-see Public Buildings.

[blocks in formation]

602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 1146, 1148,
1155, 1158, 1173, 1202, 1203, 1700
Mr. Seward........601, 1149, 1203, 1700
Mr. Stuart..606, 607,1147, 1148, 1149, 1158
Mr. Sumner...
.599, 601,
606, 607, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1151
Mr. Toombs.
1148, 1153
Mr. Toucey..602, 603, 604, 605, 607, 1203
Mr. Wade.......
Mr. Weller..
...605, 1203
Dart, Anson, bill for the relief of...374, 388, 482
Davidson, James, bill for the relief of.....1012,
1240, 2217, 2227
Davis, Margaret, bill granting a pension to..1930
Debates of the Senate, resolution directing pay-
ment to the proprietors of the Union, Intelli-
gencer, and Sentinel, for the publication of
....2006, 2100, 2232
resolution directing that each member of the
Senate be supplied with the...........1951
Decatur, Mrs. Susan, widow of Commodore
Stephen Decatur, bill for the relief of,

1475, 1517, 1582, 1599, 2212, 2217, 2227



Deficiency bill, joint resolution to supply a defi- | Diplomatic costume, resolution of inquiry relat-
ciency in the appropriations for printing for ing to.
the second session of the Thirty-Third Con- Dismissal of the British Minister, message an-
....450, 489, 502, 528
nouncing the.....
bill to supply the deficiency in the appropria- District armory, joint resolution changing the
tions for the year ending the 30th day of June, location of the, in the city of Washington,
808, 818, 828, 874, 893, 903
638, 663, 681, 699, 715, 736, 739, 1012, bill repealing so much of the act as provides
1039, 1662, 1101, 1129, 1187, 1200, 1220 for the erection of a, in the city of Wash-
remarks on, by—
979, 1109, 1240, 1426, 1565, 1648, 1658
690, 699, 704, 710, 726, 745 District of Columbia, the Committee on the...19
..686 resolutions of instruction to ........519, 1423
bills reported from......
.480, 489,

Mr. Adams...

Mr. Allen.
Mr. Bayard.. .......686, 687, 688, 690,
727, 736, 737, 738, 740, 744, 745
Mr. Bell, of Tennessee.
708, 722, 725, 726, 739, 740, 743
Mr. Benjamin, 683, 684, 717, 718, 720, 746
Mr. Biggs..
Mr. Bigler.

Mr. Butler..
Mr. Cass..

Mr. Clayton...

....710, 721, 722, 724
Mr. Brodhead, 681, 703, 705, 707, 716, 744
Mr. Brown..683, 686, 687, 689, 700, 701,
703, 704, 705, 726, 744, 745, 1129
..702, 704, 725, 726
720, 721, 722, 724, 725, 739, 743
Mr. Collamer....
Mr. Crittenden..
720, 721, 727, 740, 742, 743
Mr. Dodge.
Mr. Douglas..
Mr. Fessenden..
.705, 706, 707,
708, 709, 710, 717, 719, 737, 741, 712
Mr. Fitzpatrick.
706, 707, 708, 709, 716, 727
Mr. Geyer....
...683, 721, 743
Mr. Hale..
684, 703, 704, 705, 739, 740, 743, 744
Mr. Hamlin..685, 707, 708, 720, 745, 746
Mr. Hunter

664, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687,
688, 689, 699, 700, 701, 702, 705, 706,
707, 709, 710, 715, 717, 719, 720,
721, 722, 725, 727, 736, 737, 738, 739,
743, 744, 745, 746, 1039, 1129, 1130
Mr. Johnson.
..715, 716, 717
Mr. Jones, of Iowa...
Mr. Mallory..


685, 686, 723, 726, 745, 746, 1129
Mr. Mason
Mr. Pratt....685, 686, 688, 689, 690, 699,
701, 705, 719, 720, 727, 743, 744, 1129
Mr. Pugh..
..726, 746, 1039, 1130
Mr. Rusk.......
.686, 701, 705, 708, 709,
710, 719, 720, 724, 725, 726, 727, 744
Mr. Seward...
..684, 701
Mr. Stuart...663, 681, 682, 704, 710, 718,
538, 739, 740, 741, 742, 746, 1129, 1130
Mr. Toombs.....
Mr. Toucey...........682, 701, 719, 723
Mr. Trumbull..
...725, 726, 746
Mr. Weller... ...664,683, 685, 686,
687, 688, 705, 707, 708, 709, 710, 715,
716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 722, 725, 726,
738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 746, 1128
Mr. Wilson...
.745, 746, 1130
Delino, Ignacio, bill for the relief of the repre-
sentatives of.........1900, 1966, 2234, 2236
Denman, Charles L., an act for the relief of, 2078
Derrick, Ann P., bill for relief of, 1165, 1285, 1299
Deserters, bill (S. No. 178) respecting the har-


boring of, from the military service, and to
protect the public interest in regard to the
enlistment and discharge of minors, 680, 1498
Dick, John, bill for the relief of...
Dickins, Asbury, bill for the relief of......792,
1239, 1609
Dickson, Abner, bill for the relief of......2017,
2098, 2234
Diplomatic and consular systems of the United
States, bill (H. R. No. 549) to regulate the,
2170, 2204, 2229
joint resolution to amend the act of March 1,
1855, entitled, an act to remodel the...715,
736, 786
bill (S. No. 368) to amend the act entitled
an act to remodel the, approved March 1,
..715, 1297, 1581, 1797
Diplomatic appropriation, bill (H. R. No. 152)
making appropriations for the consular and
diplomatic expenses of the Government for
the year ending the 30th of June, 1857,
111, 1254, 1438, 1466, 1475, 1834, 1845

513, 514, 644, 699, 754, 785, 938, 1039,
1128, 1261, 1397, 1316, 1506, 1643, 1979
reports from....
...921, 1647
adverse reports from....874, 1297, 1506, 2166
discharged from the consideration of subjects,
513, 680, 1979
resolutions reported from.....808, 1101, 1280
bill to incorporate the Wood and Gas Company
of the... .....388,393,489, 962, 979, 1023
joint resolution for the relief of the poor of
.355, 357, 360, 362
bill (S. No. 87) to establish a library for young
men in the......
414, 480, 1965, 1978, 2018
bill to increase the salaries of the judges of the
circuit and criminal courts of, 414, 513, 1498
bill to regulate the terms of the circuit court
of the
........514, 616
bill (S. No. 98) to incorporate the St. Thomas
Literary Society, in the....

513, 979, 1024, 1338, 1383
bill (S. No. 125) defining the rights of vo-
ters, and the duties of the commissioners of
elections, in the City of Washington, and
for other purposes......514, 979, 1024, 1240
bill (S. No. 160) to incorporate an insurance
company in the city of Washington....684,
882, 979, 1025
bill (S. No. 24) for the benefit of public
schools in the city of Washington.....785,
979, 1025
bill (S. No. 251) to authorize the Commis-
sioner of Public Buildings to remove obstruc-
tions from certain streets and avenues in the
city of Washington, and to prevent tres-
passes on the same......
.......926, 979, 1025
joint resolution changing the location of the
District armory from the Mall to Judiciary
Square, in the city of Washington.....808,
818, 828, 874, 893, 903
bill repealing so much of the act of March
3, 1855, as provides for the erection of an
armory in the city of Washington.....921,

979, 1109, 1240, 1426, 1565, 1648, 1658
bill (S. No. 101) to incorporate the Friends'
Aid Society of the....... ....465, 821, 979
bill (S. No. 254) to incorporate the Mer-
chants and Mechanics' Bank of Washing-
....938, 979


an act for the benefit of the Hebrew Congre-
gation in the city of Washington......754,
884, 1338, 1383
bill to incorporate the Columbia Library of
Capitol Hill, in the city of Washington,

1012, 1019, 1039, 1931, 1965, 1978, 2018
bill to incorporate the Apothecaries' Asso-
ciation of the....... ...1040, 1128, 1425
joint resolution (S. No. 18) authorizing the
Commissioner of Public Buildings to con-
tract for watering Pennsylvania avenue, 1101
bill (S. No. 291) to provide for the improve-
ment of the harbor of Georgetown, in the,
1146, 1426, 1865, 1964
bill (S. No. 290) to relieve the Corporation of
Georgetown from the payment of bills for
making roads west of Rock creek, 1146, 1426
bill (S. No. 325) to extend the charter of the
president and directors of the Fireman's
Insurance Company of Washington and
Georgetown, in the..... .1262, 1508
bill for the relief of the Columbian Harmony
Society of the city of Washington....1297,
1855, 1966, 2018
bill (S. No. 341) to provide for the public in-
struction of youth in primary schools,
throughout the county of Washington, in the,
without the limits of the cities of Washing-
ton and Georgetown, 1316, 1426, 1966, 2018
bill (S. No. 353) to amend charter of George-
town, in the....1506, 1615, 1965, 1978, 2018

District of Columbia-Continued.

bill (S. No. 382) to take the sense of the
people living west of Rock creek, in the,
on the question of the retrocession of that
part of said District to the State of Mary-
..1643, 1855
bill (S. No. 383) to incorporate the Washing-
ton Benzole Gas-Light Company.....1581,
1643, 1855, 1965
bill (S. No. 384) to incorporate the guardians
of the poor..
...1575, 1643, 1855
bill (S. No. 385) to incorporate the Washing-
ton Mutual Building Association.....1614,
1643, 1829, 1854
bill (H. R. No. 542) to enlarge the rights and
privileges of the Alexandria Canal Compa-
ny, and to give the assent of the United
States to the provisions of an act of Assem-
bly of Virginia, passed March 18, 1856, en-
titled "An act to amend the charter of the
Alexandria Canal Company."........1591
bill (H. R. No 214) to extend the jurisdiction

of the corporation of the city of Washing-
ton over the lower Eastern Branch, or Navy-
Yard bridge, and to regulate travel upon the
upper Eastern Branch, or Benning's bridge,
and for other purposes..

1979, 2206, 2217
bill (H. R. No. 215) to authorize the circuit
court of the, to decree the sale of real estate
in certain cases. .•••
1979, 2077, 2226, 2233
Dodge, Henry, a Senator from Wisconsin, 1,4,30,
73, 302, 348, 358, 374, 398, 414, 480, 489
640, 676, 679, 818, 835, 838, 874,938, 1062,
1190, 1333, 1549, 1550, 1614, 1630, 1657,
1696, 1769, 1929, 1935, 1966, 1967, 2200
resolutions submitted by...502, 596, 639, 1049
remarks on the bill for the relief of Anson

remarks on the deficiency bill.

remarks on the bill for enlarging the custom-

house at Cleveland, Ohio........1089, 1090
remarks on the Marquette harbor bill....1111
remarks on the report in the case of Richard

W. Thompson..... ...1252, 1846, 1847,
remarks on the Racine harbor bill, 1679, 1678
remarks on the Sheboygan harbor bill...1724,


remarks on the Milwaukee harbor bill....1728
remarks on the Chicago harbor bill.1942, 1943
Dodson, Jacob, bill for the relief of........136,
392, 482, 921, 938, 985
Doland, Daniel, bill for the relief of.. .837,
969, 2050, 2112
Dome of the Capitol, resolution relative to, 1614
Donelson, Heard, and others, bill (S. No. 406)

to revive and extend the provisions of an
act passed on the 24th of May,, 1824, enti-¦
tled an act for the relief of the represent-
atives of.........
Dooley, J F., order for extra compensation to,
Dooley, Michael, resolution for paying to the
widow, salary and funeral expenses of, 136,
388, 481
Douglas, Stephen A., a Senator from Illinois..1,
386, 392, 465, 664, 811, 1369, 1423, 1425,
1475, 1476, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1550,
1635, 1769, 1821, 1827, 1828, 1936,
1943, 1965, 1985, 2019, 2068, 2168, 2223
resolutions submitted by......392, 1128, 1425
remarks on Kansas affairs.

638, 639, 640, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658,
1369, 1370, 1371, 1373, 1375, 1407, 2019
remarks on the eligibility of Lyman Trumbull
to the Senate.....

remarks explanatory.

remarks on the deficiency bill....
remarks on the bills for the admission of Kan-
sas............663, 693, 811, 821, 840, 981,

1099, 1100, 1201, 1202, 1299, 1467, 1506,
1507, 1519, 1521, 1567, 1571, 1572, 1574
remarks on the memorial of the Kansas Topeka
Assembly......827, 849, 850, 851, 852, 863
remarks on the District armory resolution, 907,
911, 1567
remarks on the revolution in Nicaragua, 1071,

remarks on the Iowa land bill...........1168||
remarks on the Mississippi river improvement
bill vetoed by the President.....1253, 1550
remarks in relation to the assault upon Mr.


Douglas, Stephen A., a Senator from Illinois-

remarks on the bill for the relief of Cyrus H.
...1602, 1603
remarks on the Racine harbor bill.......1678
remarks relating to Pacific railroad bill..1721,||
1722, 1723, 2056
remarks on the Grand river harbor bill...1802
remarks on the Newark harbor bill, 1831, 1832
remarks on the claim of Richard W. Thomp-
.......1981, 1982
remarks on the Dubuque harbor bill, 1933, 1934
remarks on the Chicago harbor bill......1941,
1942, 1943
remarks on the Army appropriation bill, 1953,


1969, 2211, 2230
remarks on Illinois river bill..1955, 1956, 1957
remarks on the resolution of inquiry in relation
to Colonel Frémont's accounts...2022, 2023
remarks on the civil appropriation bill...2117,
2139, 2149, 2156


remarks on the mail steamer bill...
Dousman, Talbot C., bill for the relief of..1901,
2018, 2200, 2211
Drinkwater, West, and others, bill for the relief

of..1799, 1876, 1965, 1966, 2006, 2077, 2101
Durkee, Charles, a Senator from Wisconsin..1,
4, 302, 303, 513, 584, 595, 618, 676,
736,837,921, 1062, 1089, 1103, 1371,
1397, 1405, 1463, 1831, 2024, 2098
resolutions submitted by.... .584, 1109
remarks on the bill for the relief of the repre-
sentatives of James Bell.....

remarks on the amendment of the rules..1481
remarks on the Racine harbor bill........1678
remarks on the Kenosha harbor bill......1705,
1706, 1708, 1709
remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill,
2177, 2178, 2179
remarks on the bill for the admission of Kan-
sas-see Appendix.

Duties, bill to remit the, on goods destroyed by
.....350, 834


Easton, Captain Langdon C., bill for the relief
...465, 875, 1304, 1338
Eaton, Amos B., bill for the relief of.......560,
879, 2087, 2101, 2170
Echo, bill authorizing the issue of a register to
the brig...... .....834, 837, 878, 1049
Edwards, Benjamin E., bill for the relief of, 2098
Elections in the city of Washington-see Dis-
trict of Columbia.

Elliott, Jared L., bill granting bounty land to,

Emigrant Aid Society, memorial of the New Eng-


land, presented, praying for indemnification
for losses and injuries sustained by the recent
disturbances in the Territory of Kan-
Empson, Dolly, an act for the relief of......2078
Engraving-see Printing.
Engrossed Bills, the Committee on......20, 980
Enlistment, British, call for the correspondence
relating to the....


of minors, bill to protect the public interest in
regard to the, and their discharge..630, 1498
Enrolled Bills, the Committee on..20, 1316, 1642
Evans, Josiah J., a Senator from South Caro-
...1, 16,

50, 136, 386, 388, 449, 450, 480, 481, 489,
526, 560, 757, 834, 880, 903, 904, 946, 965,||
966, 1103, 1190, 1203, 1284, 1286, 1316,
1405, 1439, 1475, 1498, 1509, 1567, 1599,
1603, 1643, 1648, 1655, 1660, 1663, 1951,
1952, 1953, 1979, 2166, 2167, 2168, 2236
remarks on the bill for the relief of Samuel A.
Morse and others...

remarks on the bill for the relief of the heirs
of Samuel Scott...
remarks on the bill for the relief of the repre-
sertativames Bell...


remarks, of the bill for the relief of Hannah F.
remarks on the bill for the relief of Cyrus H.

remarks relating to the assault on Hon. Charles
Executive Departments, joint resolution author

izing the transfer of certain duties in the,
relating to the statement of accounts...1834
Extension of the session, proposition for an, 2235
Extra compensation-see Compensation.

Faribault, Jean Baptiste, and Pelagie Faribault,
bill for the relief of...
Faulk, Hannibal, and Eliza S. Collier, bill for
the relief of....1039, 1284, 2212, 2233, 2235
Fees, costs, &c., bill (S. No. 381) to amend the
act regulating the, and other judicial ex-
penses of the Government in the States,
Territories, and District of Columbia, and
for other purposes.
......92, 939,
983, 1041, 1643, 1671, 2143, 2179, 2206
remarks on, by-

Mr. Benjamin.....1672, 1673, 1674, 1675
Mr. Brodhead.....

Mr. Cass..
Mr. Geyer.

Mr. Butler.....

Mr. Hamlin...........

Mr. Hunter......

Mr. Pugh.....

..1673, 1674


.1673, 1674

..1674, 1675


..1671, 1672, 1673, 1674

Mr. Toombs, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675
Mr. Weller..
Fenwick, Martin, bill for the relief of..1252, 1611
Ferguson, John, and others, bill for relief of, 1930
Fernandina, in the State of Florida, bill to estab-
lish a port of entry at...
Fessenden, William P., a Senator from Maine,

25, 74, 135, 136, 247, 348, 361, 386, 394,
438, 481, 488, 489, 518, 527, 563, 578, 616,
631, 634, 643, 647, 663, 676, 698, 699, 786,
794,962,965, 1398, 1405, 1541, 1581, 1593,
1594, 1614, 1669, 1716, 1768, 1799, 1800,
1653, 1876, 1888, 1909, 1938, 1939, 1943,
1951, 1954, 1964, 1965, 1966, 2006, 2017
resolutions submitted by
..135, 136
remarks on the jurisdiction of the Court of

remarks on the affairs of Kansas...

.47, 137


639, 647, 653
remarks on the resolution relating to the Dan-
ish sound dues......
....602, 604
remarks on the bill amending an act to establish
a Court of Claims..
..649, 650
remarks on the deficiency bill ......705, 706,
707, 708, 709, 710, 717, 719, 737, 741, 742
remarks on our relations with England-see

remarks on the printing of report on present-

ing a sword to Colonel Roberts.....754, 755
remarks on the bill for the relief of Cyrus H.

McCormick....1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1607
remarks on the District armory bill......1651
remarks on the bill for the relief of Obed Hus-
.......1661, 1662, 1663, 1666
remarks on the resolution authorizing protec-
tion to be given to American discoverers of
guano....1699, 1700, 1739, 1740, 1742, 1743
remarks relating to the Pacific railroad bill,
1722, 1723

remarks on the Grand river harbor bill...1747
remarks on bill for relief of John Bronson, 1774
remarks on the Creek spoliation bill, 1882, 1883
remarks on the Cape Fear river improvement
...1959, 1960, 1961, 1963
remarks on the Army appropriation bill...1969
remarks on the legislative appropriation bill,
2027, 2028
remarks on the naval appropriation bill...2058,
2060, 2061
remarks on the bill for the relief of Isaac
.2999, 2100
Field, William, bill for the relief of....
Finance, the Committee on.... . . .
resolutions of instruction to......16, 105, 160,
349, 375, 1062, 1476, 1643, 1769, 1979
bills reported from.....450,501, 577, 596, 640,
680,715,834, 903, 1254, 1316, 1438, 1475,
1536, 1834, 1876, 1966, 2006, 2050, 2077,
2097, 2127, 2128, 2166, 2168, 2170, 2218
reports from.......
discharged from subjects..


680, 715, 1257, 1819
resolutions reported by. ........31, 349, 450
Fire-wood for the poor of Washington city, res-
olution for providing ...355, 360, 362
Fish, Hamilton, a Senator from New York...1,
21, 25, 31, 49, 88, 136, 199, 270, 302,
322, 343, 350, 365, 372, 388, 392, 397,
413, 414, 432, 433, 449, 481, 489, 501,
528, 559, 598, 599, 676, 692, 753, 786,
792, 961, 1112, 1039, 1101, 1102, 1200,
1207, 1258, 1348, 1386, 1475, 1497, 1567,
1581, 1599, 1600, 1630, 1647, 1669, 1697,
1778, 1779, 1876, 1951, 1964, 2005, 2168

resolutions submitted by.....

Fish, Hamilton, a Senator from New York-
387, 786, 1200, 1338, 2017
remarks on the action of the naval retiring

372, 397, 472, 489, 527, 616, 634, 1620
remarks on the fortification bill..515, 516, 528
remarks explanatory..
remarks on the bill for the relief of the widows
and orphans of the officers, &c., of the sloop
of war Albany.....
remarks relating to the assault upon Charles
remarks on the bill granting a pension to Mrs.
Susan Decatur.....
remarks on the bill for the relief of Obed Hus-
remarks on the civil appropriation bill...2130,
2132, 2140
remarks on the Post Office appropriation
..2172, 2173
remarks on the legislative appropriation
...2209, 2210
Fishing schooners Wanderer, Mary, Olive Branch,
Two Brothers, and Brothers, bill (S. No. 126)
for the relief of the owners and sharesmen of
the............... 514, 577, 878, 1799, 1849
Fitzgerald, Thomas, bill for the relief of, 1879,
Fitzpatrick, Benjamin, a Senator from Alabama,1,
16, 35, 74, 293, 302, 303, 322, 323, 348,
387, 392, 398, 413, 440, 736, 786, 808,834,
932, 940, 966, 980, 981, 1029, 1040, 1069,
1103, 1128, 1132, 1332, 1333, 1341, 1347,
1398, 1423, 1498, 1499, 1518, 1608, 1609,
1615, 1660, 1796, 1827, 1829, 1846, 1900,
1964, 1966, 1968, 1979, 2051, 2127, 2232
resolutions submitted by....
remarks on the jurisdiction of the Court of
.35, 74, 136, 137, 138

remarks on the deficiency bill..

706, 707, 708, 709, 716, 727
remarks on the printing of report on presenting
a sword to Colonel Roberts........754, 755
remarks on the resolution relating to the diplo-
matic system....
remarks on the District armory resolution, 906,
1109, 1426, 1427, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1649,
1650, 1651, 1652, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1658
remarks on the bill for the relief of Samuel A.
Morse and others...
.963, 964
remarks on the bill amending the bounty land
..948, 949, 980, 987
remarks on printing the report of Marcy's ex-
ploring expedition....

remarks on the bill for enlarging the custom-
house, &c., at Cleveland, Ohio........1076
remarks on printing Lieutenant Warren's re-

remarks on the St. Louis and Iron Mountain
railroad bill....1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1518
remarks on the bill for the admission of Kan-


remarks on the Creek spoliation bill......1876,
1878, 1878, 1880, 1881,
1882, 1883, 2052, 2055
remarks on the bill for compensating pension
agents, &c.....
. 1980
remarks on the civil appropriation bill....2131
Florida, map of, directed to be prepared....388,
1386, 1581
resolutions of the Legislature of, presented,
relative to the location of a military reserva-
tion, &c.......
Foot, Solomon, a Senator from Vermont...1, 6,
20, 21, 50, 107, 160, 247, 302, 322, 323, 349,
350, 357, 374, 392, 395, 396, 515, 563, 597,
644, 666, 692, 754, 784, 808, 818, 821, 827,
828, 836, 839, 880, 901, 921, 931, 946, 950,
951, 979, 980, 986, 987, 994, 1003, 1019,
1022, 1023, 1128, 1129, 1173, 1190, 1240,
1262, 1297, 1369, 1380, 1438, 1615, 1616,
1797, 1852, 1900, 1979, 2018, 2077, 2098
resolutions submitted by.........50, 105, 644
remarks on the action of the naval retiring
board.......... ..30, 465, 473, 840, 1375
remarks on the memorial of Captain John H.
remarks on the Clayton-Bulwer treaty-see


remarks on the resolution for presenting a
sword to Colonel Benjamin S. Roberts..105,
106, 163, 164

Foot, Solomon, a Senator from Vermont-Con-

remarks on the bill to compensate George P.
Marsh for judicial services..... ....374,
375, 818, 963, 1021
remarks on the eligibility of Lyman Trumbull
to a seat in the Senate....
remarks on the Savannah river improvement
remarks on the bill for the admission of Kan-
sas..............757, 811, 1100, 1254, 1258
remarks on the bounty land bill... ..827,
835, 940, 945, 995, 1101

remarks on the Iowa land bill...

1168, 1189, 1190, 1201, 1202, 1208, 1209
1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1216, 1217, 1218
remarks on the bill granting bounty land to
Jared L. Elliott.....

remarks on presenting the petition of Nathan
M. Lounsbury....
.....1436, 1437
remarks on amendment of the rules, 1484, 1485
remarks on the Burlington breakwater bill,
1851, 1852
remarks on the Army appropriation bill, 1969
remarks on the resolution calling for informa-
tion relative to the conquest of California,
2016, 2017,
remarks on the civil appropriation bill,
2134, 2139
remarks on the bill to reimburse the State of
Vermont, her militia expenses of 1838 and

remarks on the Brunswick navy depot bill,

2228, 2229

Forgery of land warrants, bill (S. No. 272) to

provide for the punishment of certain crimes

therein mentioned, 644, 736, 1049, 1069, 1103
Foreign Relations, the Committee on, 18, 465, 495
resolutions of instructions to.......528, 1297,
bills reported from......577, 1001, 1002, 1204,
1257, 1280, 1304, 1316, 1581, 1819, 2050
discharged from the consideration of subjects,
1012, 1019, 1739
adverse reports from.......
resolutions reported from....
786, 826, 792, 826, 1463
Forrest, Samuel, purser, bill for the relief of, 698,
882, 2078, 2101, 2170
Fortifications, bill making an appropriation for
new, for the defense of Galveston harbor,
in the State of Texas.............561, 597
bill (S. No. 102) making appropriations for
certain, in Florida, Texas, and California, 10
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Cass..

Mr. Fish..

Mr. Hamlin...

Mr. Hunter.
Mr. Mallory.
Mr. Rusk..
Mr. Weller...
Mr. Yulee....

.......515, 516
..515, 516, 517, 518
..516, 517, 518
....516, 517
....516, 518
.515, 516, 517, 518

bill (No. 130) making appropriations for, and
other works of defense, and for repairs of
barracks and quarters, for the year ending
June 30, 1857..
..577, 597,
1051, 1901, 1966, 2067, 2079, 2204, 2217
Foster, Lafayette S., a Senator from Connec-
.1, 21, 58, 73, 290,
303, 433, 489, 676, 808, 1049,
1103, 1128, 1225, 1239, 1303,
1369, 1436, 1567, 1585, 1638,
1658, 1669, 1797, 1951, 2098
resolutions submitted by..
502, 692, 1039, 1380
remarks on the memorial of Hannah F. Niles,
73, 1022
remarks on petition of Edward Stanton...414
remarks on the affairs Kansas-see Ap-
lyn Mr.
rema on the joint resolution purchase
and restoration of the British shies
remarks on the bill for the admission of Kan-
.....1463, 1467
remarks on the civil appropriation bill...2107
Frauds on the revenue, bill to prevent..692, 699
Freeman, Rebecca, bill for the relief of.....247,
350, 754, 884


remarks on prin
exploring expedit
remarks in relation to the

[blocks in formation]

amend the charter of.........
1615, 1965, 1978, 2018
bill to relieve the corporation of, from the pay-
ment of bills for making roads west of Rock
.1146, 1426
bill to provide for public instruction in...1316,
1426, 1966, 2018
Geyer, Henry S., a Senator from Missouri, 1, 21,


....876, 877

30, 88, 303, 343, 348, 357, 358, 361, 362,
374, 433, 449, 450, 526, 528, 560, 561, 640,
645, 652, 736, 753, 808, 1040, 1103, 1334,
1380, 1423, 1436, 1506, 1581, 1615, 1658,
1669, 1799, 1820, 1834, 1835, 1852, 1876,
1951, 1979, 1980, 1023, 2084, 2138, 2200,
2211, 2226, 2232
resolutions submitted by..... ....1278, 1416
remarks on the affairs of Kansas....415, 1462
remarks on the deficiency bill....683, 721, 743
remarks on the bill for the admission of Kan-
.......758, 821, 828, 829, 836
remarks on the bill for the relief of Langdon
C. Easton....
remarks on the Iowa land bill..
remarks on the occasion of the death of Hon.
John G. Miller....
remarks on the St. Louis and Iron Mountain
railroad bill.....
1318, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1518, 1538
remarks on the District armory bill.......1654
remarks on the bill regulating fees, costs, &c.,
1673, 1674
remarks on the Racine harbor bill.......4678
remarks on the Missouri river improvement
.......1852, 1853, 1854
remarks on the Mississippi river improvement
remarks on the Army appropriation bill, 2170,
Gibbons & Kelly, bill for the relief of.....1769,
2217, 2227
Giddings, George H., bill for the relief of, 1931,

Gill, Napoleon B., bill for the relief of.....1901
Gilliss's report of the expedition to Chili, re-
marks on the expenditures for the publica-
tion of......
.....705, 721, 723, 726
Ginn, Charles-see John Morrison.
Goggin, James M., bill to construe the act enti-
tled an act for the relief of...........1102,
1104, 1630, 2005, 2017
Goodwin, Amaziah, bill to increase the pension
.....784, 885, 2078, 2101, 2170
Gordon, David, bill directing the settlement of
the account of.......1799, 1845, 1855, 1873
Gordon, Thomas, an act for the relief of the legal
representatives of..........2078, 2098, 2235
Graham, Joseph, bill for the relief of, 1280, 1779
Grand river, in Michigan, bill (No. 39) making an
appropriation for the construction of a harbor
at the mouth of.....22, 358, 514, 1744, 1799
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Bell, of Tennessee..1746, 1748, 1749
Mr. Benjamin....
Mr. Brown.



Mr. Butler..............1746, 1747, 1803
Mr. Cass.....
..1744, 1745, 1746,
1747, 1748, 1749, 1799, 1802
Mr. Clay.........1746, 1748, 1749, 1800

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